Thursday, August 24, 2023

Australian Court Sentences Malka Leifer to 15 Years in Jail for Child Sexual Abuse


Australian Court Sentences Malka Leifer to 15 Years in Jail for Child Sexual Abuse

But why not arrest the suspect in Israel?

" Gerrer hassid Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman allegedly is protecting pedophiles in his 100,000-member hassidic sect in Israel, and the broader community of the ultra-Orthodox who constitute more than 1,000,000 of Israel’s 9 million people. Litzman has helped at least 10 serious sex offenders obtain improved conditions, including home visits and other benefits, by pressuring state psychiatrists and prisons service officials, according to The Times of Israel. Some of the cases are reportedly being examined by police.

Most notorious of those whom the Gerrer sage-turned politician and head of the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party has been accused of using his influence to protect is Malka Leifer, who for more than a decade has been fighting extradition to Australia for allegedly abusing students at the Gerrer-affiliated school Downunder."



The sentencing of the ultra-Orthodox school principal marks the end of a prolonged legal battle that tested Israeli-Australian relations

An Australian court has sentenced Malka Leifer, a former principal of an Australian Jewish school, to 15 years behind bars for the sexual abuse of two young high school students.

Leifer’s sentencing is potentially the final chapter of an extended battle that tested Israeli-Australian relations to bring the 56-year-old Israeli citizen to justice.

Leifer cried as her sentence was handed down. She was convicted by a jury earlier this year of 18 charges of sexual abuse, including rape and indecent assault. She was acquitted of nine other charges, including five against the siblings' older sister Nicole Meyer.

Leifer abused sisters Dassi Erlick and Elly Sapper between 2003 and 2007 while she was principal of Melbourne’s ultra-Orthodox Adass Israel School for girls.

Erlick was 14 and Sapper 12 when Leifer arrived at the school from Israel in 2000 first as a head of religion. The sisters told the court in victim impact statements last month that being sexually abused by Leifer broke their ability to trust and was painful to remember.

Leifer returned to Israel in 2008 as the allegations surfaced and fought Australia’s application to extradite her through Jerusalem courts from 2014 until January 2021 when she was flown from Israel with her wrists and ankles shackled.

In May, the Addass Israel School reached a settlement with a former student who claimed to have been molested by Leifer, heading off a high-profile civil trial only a month after she was convicted, and mere hours before the trial was set to begin.

The Tel Aviv-born mother of eight has been in custody since she returned to Australia and has denied all charges. She was convicted of six charges of rape, each carrying up to 25 years in prison. In addition, she was convicted of three charges of sexual penetration of a child, each carrying a potential 10-year sentence, and six charges of indecent assault, which also carries a 10-year sentence.



Together, we can stop the silence.

Stop the Silence® is a Department of the Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (IVAT), and has a mission to prevent, expose, and stop child sexual abuse (CSA) and help survivors worldwide. Thanks to the efforts of experts, healers, and survivors and their supporters around the globe, we’re preventing CSA and promoting healing of victims and survivors, celebrating the lives of those healed, and underscoring CSA as social justice and civil rights issues. This brave collaboration brings together real stories and powerful tools from practitioners and survivors who have been on the front lines of the fight for justice and healing. Together, we’re normalizing the conversations around CSA; bringing awareness, training, and education to communities; changing norms; and empowering victims, survivors, and their families and other supporters.,stripbooks,172&sr=1-1

Let's listen closely to these amazing women from 40 - 80 tell their stories of courage and truth. At the time of abuse many were children. What do they have to tell you?


1 comment:

  1. Tribalism. We must protect our own, no matter what.
