Tuesday, November 14, 2023



  1. Agudah Kovod Zucher9:38 AM, November 15, 2023

    How dare some Moetzes members pull an 11th hour issur of the Washington rally! If WE baal habatim along with Philly & Ner Yisroel kept it quiet from them, then it's obviously none of their concern!

    Do you hear that R' Yeruchim, R' Malkiel, Rav Sorotzkin & Vayelepoler rosh yeshiva Rav Horowitz?

    It was fort a tiny consolation that R' Elya Brudny is straddling both sides of the fence. While he had to join the above (after the tzettel was released) so that he's not clobbered by Brisk, BMG and the Chassidussen, he added a marble mouthed cover up for Philly-Ner Yisroel that whoever is already there or even on the way should not turn around because they had good intentions & were listening to Daas Torah. In other words he's protecting Philly but creating the false impression that the rally was kosher until the apikorsim supposedly altered the program. He won't admit that it was treif lechatchila which exposes Philly-Ner Yisroel.

  2. Kovod Zucher, how do you know what Rav Brudny's kavonnos are? Maybe he's shtelling tzu to UOJ who pointed out this week that the Fressers desperately need the exercise. If you can even count that high, meh ken nisht meinen vee feel calories they will be gorging themselves with in 2 weeks at the Agudah Fresser Convention!
