Tuesday, May 07, 2024

The Issue With Saying The Rebbe Is Moshiach... (CAUTION --- VERRRRY PAINFUL!) *An honest Jew would have said: We thought the Rebbe could be Moshiach, but the Rebbe passed away and obviously was not!* PM


  1. I'm not a Lubavitcher and perceive nothing painful at all. It's a rather logical, plausible position and explanation.

  2. Friedman's smoke signals:

    Believe it, just don't say it!

    Ochen vey aza charlatan!

  3. Rabbii Friedman is always a voice of reason.

  4. Garnel Ironheart9:45 PM, May 08, 2024

    I recognize the tone of voice and the hint of condescension. The whole "Moshiach, but not Melech HaMoshiach" is absurd but he says it in a way that implies he expects us to stupidly accept it.

  5. Professor Ryesky6:58 AM, May 09, 2024

    If I wanted a dead moshiach I would join a Christian church.

  6. Frum but normal9:24 PM, May 09, 2024

    Paul! Don't see why you are hot and bothered with what he said,
    it is very simple and reasonable.
    There is a MOSHIACH in each generation, which simply means he is the leader of that generation, and if God decides to bring MOSHIACH he would most probably be the one designated by God, and only then would he be crowned as MELECH HAMOSHIACH.
    The CHABAD chasidim like all the other chasidim, were convinced that their REBBE is the leader of this generation therefore he most probably will be crowned the MELECH HAMOSHIACH if HASHEM decided to bring the GEULAH

  7. An honest Jew would have said: We thought the Rebbe could be Moshiach, but the Rebbe passed away and obviously was not!

  8. We thought the Rebbe was going to be revealed as the True Moshiach. But, because of our Aveirahs, the Rebbe was physically taken from us. After the stroke, we should have done more tshuvah. But, we didn't do enough. And, the end result was that the Rebbe died, and our longing for the True Moshiach has to be redoubled.

  9. But, because of our Aveirahs, the Rebbe was physically taken from us. After the stroke, we should have done more tshuvah. But, we didn't do enough.


    Your hashkafas are sadly wanting!
