Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Understand The Vile Scam Targeting The Most Vulnerable Amongst Us! Once Yad L'Achim Gets Your email & Phone# (FREE TEFILLA & BRACHA), they will never let you go until they $queeze the life out of you forever!


At the same time as Klal Yisrael davens, each in their part of the world, there will be a minyan of Talmidei Chachamim in Amuka, davening for all who submit their names for tefillah (it’s free) through Yad L’Achim.

Visit TuBavTogether.com (or call 1-718-690-2944 we are here to help!)   

Tu B’Av Together is a Yad L’Achim initiative founded in 2015. Shidduchim is a topic that truly brings the entire spectrum of Klal Yisroel together. Tu B’Av Together, a day for tefillah—for shidduchim—is recognizing the need to daven for this important aspect of the Jewish people. We have been zoche to have millions of Yidden involved in tefillah, and with every year, one Jewish tefillah at a time, we’ll bring shidduchim closer to those yearning.


  1. Missing: Women!!!!!

  2. Garnel Ironheart9:15 AM, August 20, 2024

    Yeah, you have to wonder how good a shidduch event run exclusively by old men who photoshop women out of every picture they can will be.

  3. “…Tu B’Av Together, a day for tefillah—for shidduchim—is recognizing the need to daven for this important aspect of the Jewish people. We have been zoche to have millions of Yidden involved in tefillah, and with every year, one Jewish tefillah at a time…”

    For the last 20 years these notable Hashem influencers have been trying to wake Him up with their publicized teffilos. Their efforts to sway His preferences to facilitate marriages instead of spreading despair and loneliness to single unshidduched folks haven’t worked out well.
    It’s time to enlist the services of different and more capable Rabbeim that have a superior link to the grand spirit in the heavens. .

  4. https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower
