Sunday, December 15, 2024

Agudath Israel Convention - Should You Make Aliyah?


  1. Right, because what Israel needs right now is another 100 000 guys in Black hats who take all the aliyah benefits and refuse to work or serve in the army.

  2. Rav Resiman starts off with a stupid comment - no one should make aliyah because of anti-Semitism. THAT'S EXACTLY WHY ONE SHOULD START PREPPING FOR ALIYAH. The comparison to rain reminds of the fat rebbes of Europe who never missed a meal but did nothing to share their wealth with their impoverished followers.
    It strikes me as ignorant as well. For centuries Jews, religious or not, dreamed of escaping the misery of Golus and if Israel was an option, they would've taken it. Yet Rav Reisman would dismiss their option because it's wasn't for "the right reason".
    The problem is that Rav Reisman and those like him are used to speaking to those who will listen and agree with them without thinking. He never has someone in the audience who says "Hang on, there's major holes in your logic."
    He is right about one thing. It's not 1938 or 1939. It's 1932, just before the worst began to happen. That's not much better, is it.
    I get the feeling as the video goes on, the commentator wants to screw "Why are you being so stupid?"
