Monday, December 23, 2024

How Israel's Mossad tricked Hezbollah into buying explosive pagers | 60 Minutes - "From The Liver To The Knee" --- Who Needs An Army Or A Spy Agency When You Have 65,000 Full-Time Bench Kvetchers With 25,000 "Retirees" Who Do Nothing But Collect Government Checks?


  1. If only Mossad would use their vast powers to trick Chareidim into abandoning their cult religion and take up something more spiritually useful like dog walking or filleting fish.

    1. No...the 25,000 or so batlanim should drive ambulances, become medics, work in the kitchen....

    2. Here's an idea I saw floated over 20 years ago and I still think it's good - it's a mitzvah to build Eretz Yisrael. It's a mitzvah to build up the infrastructure, homes and the like. So let's change the black hats into black construction helmets and use these guys instead of Arab labour.
