Friday, December 13, 2024

The Filthy Hypocrisy From The Overstuffed Tables and Buffets At The Agudah Convention - As They Urge "THEIR JEWS" to evade their responsibilities, break the law, evade the draft, but DO NOT serve Klal Yisroel In Eretz Yisroel!

"You could hear it in the way Rav Elya Brudny’s voice cracked as he said the word “achim”, the love, emotion and heart with which he spoke of the brotherhood that is Agudas Yisroel: he spoke about the bond between all Yidden, crying at the plight of families devastated by war in Eretz Yisroel, fallen soldiers, injured soldiers, newly bereaved parents, wife and children….Hashem yishmor!
 Rav Yosef Frankel, who discussed the fact that every Yid carries the situation in artzeinu hakedoshah on their hearts at all times, you could feel the sense of achrayus and connection.


The Kol Koreis and emails calling for tefillos, signed by the members of the Moetzes Gedolei Torah, have been coming all year, but seeing their anguish and distress up close is a reminder of how personal it is: this year, the convention was one long tefillas rabbim as well."

The Chairman's Take - One Agenda

Shlomo Werdiger

Dear Friends,

As happens so often, it’s the voice of Reb Moshe Sherer z’l that we hear as we reflect on the derhoibbene Shabbos we just experienced. It was just before an Agudah convention and Rabbi Sherer was reviewing the program, looking over the sessions, speakers and topics.


“Too much Agudath Israel,” he declared, “and not enough Klal Yisroel!”

How proud he would have been this Shabbos!


It was just about Klal Yisroel, with its many colors and hues, its changing realities and changing needs.


The air of the Stamford hotel was made holy by hundreds of kallah teachers who came to share insight and experience, hundreds of mental health professionals who are on the front lines of stabilizing and empowering Yiddishe homes, and hundreds of shadchanim, who eat, sleep and breathe concern for others.


These dedicated servants of the Klal gain not just from the shared chizuk, but from the opportunity to engage with great talmidei chachamim and Rabbanim, able to stop them in the hallway for informal sessions too.


As Rav Elya Brudny addressed the therapists, he took questions. One therapist asked about a situation, introducing herself as someone who had called the Rosh Yeshivah eight month ago , quickly recapping the details of that conversation. 


“Yes,” Reb Elya nodded, “I remember,” and he instantly filled in the particulars of the story- from eight months previously, one out of hundreds of calls he takes each week. As one participant told me “Seeing that- the compassion and seriousness with which gedolei Yisroel view the challenges of klal Yisroel- was itself worth being there for!” 


From the opening derashah by Rav Malkiel Kotler, who spoke about the relationship with the Ribbono shel Olam forged specifically in the darkest times, to the words of Rav Yosef Frankel, who discussed the fact that every Yid carries the situation in artzeinu hakedoshah on their hearts at all times, you could feel the sense of achrayus and connection.


You could hear it in the way Rav Elya Brudny’s voice cracked as he said the word “achim”, the love, emotion and heart with which he spoke of the brotherhood that is Agudas Yisroel: he spoke about the bond between all Yidden, crying at the plight of families devastated by war in Eretz Yisroel, fallen soldiers, injured soldiers, newly bereaved parents, wife and children….Hashem yishmor!


The pain was audible as he spoke about the thousands of ameilei Torah, creating immeasurable zechuyos for the world, and how, even if we appreciate them, there are many on holy soil who do not – and from the podium, he davened for the divisiveness to end.


The Kol Koreis and emails calling for tefillos, signed by the members of the Moetzes Gedolei Torah, have been coming all year, but seeing their anguish and distress up close is a reminder of how personal it is: this year, the convention was one long tefillas rabbim as well.


This year’s convention carried a hopeful undertone, the message of every session and speech that we are ma’aminim bnei ma’aminim, a nation of believers who will never let go. That is our pride, that is our glory, and it is this that encourages us to hope that the next convention will take place in Yerushalayim, as a literal agudah achas, serving Hashem with hearts full of joy.





1 comment:

  1. The Agudah's plan for achdus has always been simple - everyone should join the Agudah and do what they say.
