Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Mutating Virus: Understanding Antisemitism | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z'L

He was the Chief Rabbi of  Orthodox synagogues but was not recognized as the religious authority for the Haredi Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations -- His brilliance in so many areas of contemporary modern day life, outshone any living haredi rabbi today. PM


  1. He was a priceless treasure and did more good work for Am Yisrael than most, especially Chareidi leaders, but he was no posek.

  2. 98% of Halacha with yedios in Shulchan Aruch is common sense. The other 2% is more common sense!

  3. 98% of Halacha is common sense?
    Ha! It’s nothing more than mostly a construction of artificial untethered to utilitarian, practical urgency.

    1. I don’t know why a few words of my 1:51 comment vanished. So I’m going to publish it again:

      98% of Halacha is common sense?
      Ha! It’s nothing more than mostly a construction of artificial do’s and don’t’s untethered to utilitarian, practical urgency.

