Their Time Is Up
The murder of the Bibas children caps off an 18-month catalog of horrors that has told us exactly who our Palestinian neighbors are. Backed by a friend in the White House, Israel must secure its future through strong unilateral action.
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Palestinians cheer at the site where Hamas handed over the bodies of four Israeli hostages to the Red Cross in Khan Younis, 20 February, 2025. The transfer, which included the remains of members of the Bibas family, took place as part of a ceasefire agreement between the two sides. |
Grief means little. Rage matters even less. All that we have now are the cold, unfeeling facts: Kfir Bibas, the baby smiling sweetly at us in the photograph, holding his pink elephant, was taken violently from his home, together with his mother Shiri and his four-year-old brother, Ariel. They were held in Gaza and eventually murdered. We may never know the details of their ordeal, but we know plenty about their tormentors. For nearly eighteen months, we’ve been collecting forensic evidence about the specimens who live in Gaza. What do we know about them? The question matters. A lot. In fact, no other does, particularly as Israel and the United States are trying to ascertain how to proceed now that the first round of the ceasefire agreement with Hamas is nearing its end.
What do we know, then?
We know the numbers: A large-scale survey of Gazans, conducted by researchers from Oxford University and published in Foreign Affairs just last week, showed that whereas only 36% of Gazans supported Hamas prior to October 7, 2023, the number spiked to well over a half in March 2024, and began to decline only when Israel successfully eliminated Yahya Sinwar in October of last year. Which should come as no surprise considering the fact that 98% of those surveyed described themselves as religious, and nearly as many said they saw the conflict with Israel in religious, not political terms: The Jews were usurpers who must be banished. How? When asked, 47% said they wanted to see Israel destroyed and replaced with a strict Islamic state governed by Sharia law, and 20% said they would settle merely for the forced removal of all Jews and their transfer to wherever it was their ancestors had lived prior to immigrating to Israel. The moderates, 17% of them, said they would be alright merely with embracing the Palestinian right of return, a kinder, gentler way to end the Jewish state.
Justice meant not only reversing Haman’s evil decree but forcing all those who were only too eager to partake in the slaughter to face the consequences of their actions.
And we know the stories: Many of the Israeli hostages who return tell variations of the same tale, of being held captive by ordinary families, abused and tormented not by bearded zealots with guns but by mothers and fathers and daughters and sons. Liri Albag, for example, the brave IDF soldier who was released in January, was enslaved by one such family, which did not allow her to shower for 37 days and, witnessing her growing faint with hunger, ridiculed her and refused to let her eat any of the food she was forced to cook for her captors.
Such gleeful cruelty has no parallel in the civilized world. Sure, war is hell, and combat rarely concludes without a handful of shocking aberrations. A soldier may crack and do the unthinkable. A rocket might miss its mark, snuffing out innocent lives. That is all too regrettable, and all but unavoidable. But that is not what is happening in Gaza. The footage of a dead Jewish baby returning home to Israel for burial compels us to tell the truth: The assertion that most, or even many, Gazans are innocents hijacked by their tyrannical leaders is a polite fiction. There are certainly some somewhere in the strip, the very young and the very frail included, who neither partook in nor condone the atrocities of the past 18 months, but they should no more redeem Gaza’s genocidal enterprise than the hypothetical ten good men of Sodom and Gomorrah could the cities of the plain.
Like Abraham, our shared Patriarch, we, too, struggled to find the righteous among the wicked. We hoped that the Palestinians of Gaza will show something of the courage we had seen in Syria, Tunisia, or Libya and stand up to their maniacal overlords. No protest materialized, and support for the tyrants grew the more adept they proved at slaughtering the Jews. We hoped for a Palestinian Oskar Schindler, one righteous man or woman who would stand up to Hamas as righteous men and women stood up to the far mightier Nazis and say that no cause or ideology justified the brutal murder of an infant. None came forth. We offered large monetary rewards and safe passage to anyone delivering any information about our hostages; hatred spoke louder than self-interest and cash. Israel’s neighbors to the south had all the opportunities anyone could reasonably ask for to resist, repent, recalculate course. And at every turn, they returned to the singular idea that gives them life and meaning: Kill the Jews, all of them, gleefully.
If we didn’t understand all of this before, we ought to now that we are burying two dead children. And the lesson we must learn is simple. It comes down to one word: enough.
Enough with the sophistry about international laws and human rights. The crucibles in which these ideas were forged, raging with the fires of century-old conflicts, have now cooled down and crumbled. To pretend as if we must now take seriously a torrent of treaties long after the framework guaranteeing their efficacy—if such a framework ever existed in earnest—is sheer lunacy. We’ve seen the United Nations. We’ve seen the International Court of Justice. We’ve seen the Red Cross. To take any of these decrepit and callous concubines of evildoers seriously is not an option any morally or intellectually serious person should ever entertain.
Enough also with the insufferable ululations about Jewish morality and its arc which somehow always bends towards having mercy on the monsters who devour our children. As my dear friend and teacher Rabbi Meir Soloveichik noted in a celebrated article more than two decades ago, hate, too, is a Jewish virtue. The very next holiday on the Jewish calendar, in fact, Purim, is a celebration of the time, long ago, when Jews arose and dispensed with 75,000 of their pursuers, realizing that justice meant not only reversing Haman’s evil decree but forcing all those who were only too eager to partake in the slaughter to face the consequences of their actions. Like them, we, too, are fighting millions of little Hamans, murderous marauders who will grow emboldened the more we offer them mercy.
Which brings us back to earth, to the realm of the real, the practical, and the political. President Trump’s proposal to empty Gaza of its inhabitants is, if we’re honest, more merciful than any Gazan deserves, offering the savages who heard Kfir Bibas sob without showing a shred of basic human decency the one thing that precious baby will never have—a chance of a good and peaceful life elsewhere. Nevertheless, we must embrace this proposal, because at its heart is the one true and inescapable sentiment: Israelis can no longer be expected to live in proximity to those who desire nothing more than their death.
Negotiating with some other Palestinian group won’t do: The PLO, the PFLP, et al are merely a different shade of murderous. Nor is there much value to the fantasy that the same patient reeducation that cleansed so many Germans of the Nazi inflammation might work in Gaza, too. Gazans aren’t, as some Pollyannish accounts would have us believe, long-suffering innocents who had the misfortune of living through decades of Hamas indoctrination; they’re faithful adherents of a stern interpretation of a still-young religion who believe there is glory in putting the enemies of God to the sword. We can, and should, respect their fierce heart. We can, and must, insist that their hands be nowhere near our necks.
Sadly, Israel is showing a growing lack of resolve which is no longer possible to ignore or explain away as some clever bit of tactical genius. Is it possible that Bibi Netanyahu is playing a very long game of five-dimensional chess with the world, holding out on the real prize, which is smiting the regime in Iran? Maybe! But meanwhile, closer to home, nothing is done. A few days ago, a very wise friend wrote to share this startling thought: for the past 18 months, we’ve all listened to Israel’s best and brightest, including Netanyahu himself, go on the sort of podcasts beloved by the self-appointed best and brightest of the American Jewish community, saying that if only they had the proper American support, they would’ve waged a very different war against Hamas.
Now, American support is manifest. Now, an American president possessing uncommon moral clarity and candor is advocating for the opening of the gates of hell. And rather than live up to a year of tough talk, Israel equivocates, looking weak, wounded, and confused. Those exploding beepers were a marvel. The killing of Nasrallah was a thing of beauty. But you don’t win wars and secure the peace with a sprinkling of daring commando acts or a dash of excellent air raids. You win wars and secure the peace by making your enemy realize that they had lost, and in the Middle East, as anyone who has ever consulted a history book could tell you, that means only one thing: seizing land.
Israel, then, must annex Judea and Samaria right now, if only to appear as certain of its right to its ancestral homeland as, say, Senator Tom Cotton. It must enthusiastically advocate for Trump’s plan, or some other arrangement that leaves Gaza empty of Gazans. It must take one long look at Kfir Bibas’ coffin and realize precisely what happens when evil is met with too many clever arguments and not enough swift deeds.
Liel Leibovitz is editor-at-large for Tablet Magazine and the host of its weekly podcast, Rootless, and its daily Talmud podcast Take One.
Basically Bibi has to address the state: We've had enough. Hamas has until Sunday to release all hostages, living or dead. It has until Tuesday to evacuate from Gaza. We don't care where they go. And if these conditions are not met then on Wednesday morning I will declare the hostages effectively dead and unretreivable and we will level Gaza.