Wednesday, February 05, 2025




  1. If there is only one thing that Trump understands, it is real estate, including the development of real estate.

    [In real estate development, names and labels are important; thus, he has renamed that marginal sea basin of the Atlantic Ocean, framed by North and South America, as the "Gulf of America."

    Similarly, accessibility to transportation is very vital to the value of real estate. The United States has a strong interest in transportation through the Panama Canal, and there are reasons to believe that the Republic of Panama has not upheld its obligations under Jimmy Carter's give-away-the-entire-store treaty; there are compelling reasons for Trump to review the United States's handling of its interests in the Panama Canal Zone.

    China and Russia, who are adversaries of the United States, are definitely interested in a piece of real estate known as Greenland, on which the United States already has military installations. Trump has expressed interest in purchasing Greenland from Denmark; he is getting some pushback on the idea, just as there were naysayers to Jefferson's successful plans to purchase from France the territory that now constitutes seven states and portions of six more, and naysayer's to Seward's successful plan to purchase Alaska from Russia.

    Similarly, Florida was purchased from Spain, and the southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico were purchased from Mexico.

    The United States has grown and benefitted tremendously from its purchases of real estate. Now, there is a real estate mavin, perhaps the world's leading one, sitting in the Oval Office.

    [Oh, I neglected to mention that the Virgin Islands were also purchased from Denmark!].

  2. He is highlighting the hypocrisy of the Jew haters.
    If Gaza is home, then people living there aren't refugees because they're in their own home. If they are refugees, then they should be interested in resettling wherever they can, especially given the disasterous state of Gaza right now.
