Thursday, February 20, 2025

No Words!


  1. Yes, there are words: Destroy these people. Beat them down until they beg to surrender. Drive them out into the desert and let them suffer there. Those are the words.

  2. Trump screwed Israel by sending Witkoff to force Netanyahu to stop the war prematurely. Trump is now screwing Ukraine as well.

  3. Spotlight on the Queens Vaad1:56 AM, February 21, 2025

    Here's an 'upstanding' member of Young Israel of Holliswood, Queens - who has a long history of criminal & underhanded activity - dealing in goods without the permission of the people they belong to, namely goyish wine that is assur b'hanoah!

    The rabbi of the Holliswood shul is not only touting his criminal member as a swell guy, but also a letz who went in gantzen off to technically become a Meshumod. Rabbi Moshe Taub, who also hocks at Ami, should know better than to totally gloss over Jackie Mason fully leaving the fold to instead tout Mason as a member of the rabbonus & as a nunter of R' Moshe Feinstein. If it wasn't bad enough that both pulpits Mason held were Conservative by the time he was running around with his MTJ teudah in 1954, Mason was no malach in Even Haezer either. After a long sordid history of cheating on his wife with other women which was recorded attentively by the media, he was openly living with a goya!
