Thursday, March 15, 2007

D.A. Charles Hynes had an "EMERGENCY" when his top aide informed him that he was featured on UOJ!

Right from in the D.A.'s Office; Charlie, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!


  1. Zee Frrrench people are usually weasels but on Sept 11 we were all American and today we are all UOJ agents. UOJ is rright dat Charlie Hynes can run but he cannot hide. Dziss iz because justice is justice and Frrance iz Frrance!

  2. What's the emergency at the Brooklyn DA's office?

  3. Hynes passed out when he heard he was featured on UOJ....I ran right over to give him mouth to mouth...
    He loves that!

  4. Is UOJ being a silly boy again? He's probably got Eli Greenwald placing crank calls to get the fire trucks down to the DA's office as we speak.

  5. Hynes may need some psych counseling after this traumatic event that he just experienced. Does the DA's office have an in-house shrink? It probably beats the meager pay at SAFE.

  6. UOJ,

    Just to clarify. Are you saying that Hynes begged off from the Lehrer show when his aide informed him that he was likely to get calls about Mondrowitz and other cases you've featured here?

  7. Ronnie,

    That's exactly what my sources tell me!

  8. Yudi Kolko just pressed his Onstar button. He's looking for directions to 350 Jay St. He wants to resuscitate Charlie Hynes before Twerski gets there.

  9. Yudi is oiss mentch. He actually has a court appearance today (check the IAPPS website), so he can't make it over to Jay St without having a bench warrant issued for his failing to appear.

    He'll be fine though when he gets home for Shabbos (as long as there's a Shalom Zachor in the neighborhood where he can pig out)

  10. The Belsky files can be downloaded here:
    (copy & paste)

  11. That's odd that Tort Putz Twerski has enough wind in him to share with Charlie. I thought he had to "quit" Hofstra because it was too much of a strain after bypass surgery.

  12. He said the Aguda position, as expressed at their Thanksgiving night convention, resembles the Catholic Church position in England from the 2nd through 16th centuries. They think they're governed by religious laws, and they can do whatever they want. The church believed in doctrines called sanctuary (twisting of ir miklat) - if you commit a crime, you run into the church; benefit of the clergy - this means separate church tribunals, apart from the English common law courts (comparable to Aguda beis dins); and charitable immunity - religious institutions are liable for their torts.

    This ended in the 16th century, because of so much clergy corruption, with the Protestant Reformation, and the colonization of America, with the ideals of We the People, and Equal Protection of the Laws. No exceptions for clergy.

    The Aguda mindset is to be exempt from American law, and courts.

    He praised the RCA for their positions in being in favor of background checks, registry, and for sponsoring the evening.

    He said this old Church, Aguda mindset still exists, and that's why the nonpublic schools in New York are exempt from even health and safety laws governing the public schools. This obviously has to change.

  13. Defense Putz Tulman just told the judge on behalf of Yudi that since the entire world reads UOJ, there can never be a pool of impartial jurors to pick from.

  14. Ronnie,

    People are e-mailing and asking for children size caps.

  15. I drive the MTA's 75 bus line down Jay St. Everyone is cracking up today that Hynes passed out when he found out he's being targeted by UOJ. Some of my passengers almost passed out themselves.

  16. oh lipa geldwirth - the stories to be told....

  17. Re comment at 12:24 p.m. - obvious typo, end of first paragraph: charitable immmunity means religious institutions are NOT liable for their torts.

  18. Having a goy broil the livers isn't the only bad thing I did at Negev. I was also catering events without a mashgiach.

    But it's ok because as the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. We employed all the effective Hungarian smear tactics like badmouthing Rabbi Goldberg.

  19. People are e-mailing and asking for children size caps.

    The caps are adjustable (with a fabric strap and buckle, not one of those cheap plastic snap thingies) and will fit children. I've made hatd for the elementary division of Yeshivas Darchei Torah and there were no complaints that they were too large.

  20. LVF said...
    dont even try next election,its a lost the way why dont you resign right now, with all the corruption going on in your office?
    actually i dont blame them, i know were they got it from, you got it charlie, from thrir boss.

  21. I was wondering what all those emergency vehicles and national news reporters were doing at 350 Jay. As soon as I heard that UOJ was involved, that explained it.

    Is there any chance that Ronnie can spare a UOJ cap for someone in need?

  22. Does anyone know if Scheinerman is still acting like a stubborn, reckless jerk and standing by his shkorim about Rabbi Halberstam's mikve?

  23. Right now, 11:24 EDT, Gerald Schroeder is talking on the Dennis Prager show about how light beams became you and me, and life after death.

  24. Yo, Charlie H!

    Ya gotta stay away from those super greasy Overnight Kugels. Will cause an "Emergency" every time.

    Now dats What I'm talkin' about, Bro!

  25. Why is it that Shafran jumps on certain issues and plays dumb when it comes to others?

  26. Is this the same Simon Jacobson?

    Major fraud in the 90s

    Fast forward to 2007

  27. Shafran just told me that despite his efforts to cover up for me, UOJ leaked the story to the Maariv newspaper.

    UOJ, you shvantz!

  28. ronnie..
    how long does it take for standerd shipping on the uoj caps i ordered?
    and you still never answered me on the uoj welcome home mats i want to send some rabonim.

  29. Twerski had bypass, Hynes bypassed his radio appearance and Duvid Olevski wished he had a lobatomy.

    Story going around now is saying 1 guy (read gay) that flew to Leizerowitz wedding was having an affair with Leizerowitz that goes back for 20 odd years. If its true someone aught to look into this guy's life if he has devious contact with boys as well. Might wanna alert his wife.

  30. As I read this website and the comments a Passuk starts forming in my mind. Koheles 1:18, For with much wisdom comes much grief/anger, and he that increases knowledge increases pain. Sometimes it is easier to remain ignorant. But at what cost?

  31. Breaking News!!

    Sruly Singer fired by Bronfman and from the WJC!!

    Story is here:

    UOJ, you have anything to do with this?

  32. LVF said...

    how long does it take for standerd shipping on the uoj caps i ordered?

    I'm doing them to order so I have to get the blanks in, stitch them, and ship them. I figure about two weeks from receipt of payment.

  33. Can anyone explain what happened today with kolko:

    KINGS Supreme Court
    Docket 09538-2006
    Defendant KOLKO, JOEL

    Appearance Information: Appearance
    Part & Date Judge Calendar
    Section Court
    Reporter Release
    Status Arraignment
    Type Hearing
    Type Docket
    10, March 15, 2007 WALSH,JOHN P TRIALS AM No Type

  34. Why doesn't the Agudah move to restrict and/or prohibit these Toanim who have corrupted and made a mockery of
    the Bais Din system ?
