Thursday, March 15, 2007


Dear UOJ:

I just noticed that Brooklyn D.A. Charles "Joe" Hynes will be on Brian Lehrer's radio show on WNYC (820 AM, 93.9 FM) at 10:00 am on Thursday...212-433-9692 - and will be taking call-in questions. (A notice from WNYC is attached below.)

I thought perhaps some people might want to call in to ask him why his office decided to walk away from the Mondrowitz case in September 1993 and still won't revive efforts to bring him here for trial, though there's no legal bar to doing so (let him cite the case law if he claims there is); why he dropped charges against Shlomo Hafner in 2000 after being asked to by a panel of rabbis to do so, despite strong evidence of guilt from professionals; why Hafner's alleged victim and victim's family were never consulted in the decision to drop charges, as required by New York statute; and how he plans to deal with any pressure he receives from the community in the prosecution of Yehudah Kolko.

I'm trying to get some Mondrowitz victims to call in; I don't know if I'll succeed. I just thought it might help to bring more publicity to these issues if Hynes gets taken to task on the air.

If you would like any information from me to back up the statements above, I'll be happy to provide it.

Michael Lesher, Esq.


  1. "why Hafner's alleged victim and victim's family were never consulted in the decision to drop charges, as required by New York statute"

    Has anyone contacted the State AG, Governor or Inspector General about this?

  2. Tsedrayter asked about Belsky getting money from Schattner to file a false instrument. Schattner does not have mounds of liquid cash laying around so he turned to someone else. I don't know where all the money went, wether to Belsky or the eydim, but it came from the mechutan Fuchs from Ocean Parkway. Fuchs is also supposed to be a big Belsky chossid.


    Here's another corrupt industry that UOJ should put a stop to.

  4. If you can't get through should we call Hynes's office and ask for his assistant and pose our question?

    If thousands of calls come in to his office would that make him move?

  5. There was a yeshiva that was fraudulently filling out loan / grant applications for bochurim who paid full tuition - WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE. Later in life, the former bochurim started getting bills to pay back "loans" they never took out. It was wrong even for bochurim who didn't pay. They were told to stay in learning and the yeshiva will support you because it's against Daas Torah to go to college. This version of "Daas Torah" was to deceive and stick them with huge bills later in life. I also heard accusations that someone connected to Fartsy AARTS was helping to facilitate the fraud.

  6. NYC Councilmen can make a lot of noise. I don't know if Simcha Felder is anyone's pocket. Has anyone tried to get him involved? And the State Senate & Assembly? I don't know that I trust Hikind & Silver. (Drum roll for Boog interjection)

  7. The Ocean Pkwy Fuchs must be a brother of the one from Frankel's shul who is a big YTT & Shloime Feivel supporter. Maybe it's time these guys found new pet projects.

  8. Maybe Noach Dear can commandeer a garbage truck through the DOT to run over Margo, Twerski & Hynes.

  9. How come Belsky never taught me the art of shaking down people for money? Does he think I'm just happy with a dead end job of running some dumbass counter-attack blog? I want a piece of the big money pie.

    By KENNETH LOVETT Post Correspondent
    JUSTICE:Sheldon Silver (2nd left) and Gov. Spitzer listen yesterday to Ted Granata Sr. (far left), whose daughter...
    March 15, 2007 -- ALBANY - Gov. Spitzer yesterday signed into law a bill that allows certain inmates to be held after they've served their terms - but for one dad, it came too late to save his daughter.

    "It's a good law, but it's not going to bring my daughter back," Ted Granata Sr., 84, of Rockland County, told Spitzer after New York became the 20th state to enact a civil-confinement law.

    Granata's daughter, Connie Russo-Carriero, was brutally murdered in 2005 at a White Plains mall by Phillip Grant, who told police he was seeking a white person to kill.

    The homeless ex-con had served 24 years in prison for rape and attempted assault, and was denied parole nine times.

    "They should have passed this a long time ago, but it's going to save a lot of other," Granata said.

    "These sex offenders, these crazy men, they should keep them in prison, never let them go."

    Russo-Carriero's two sons, Jonathan and Michael Russo, attended the bill-signing.

    "Had Phillip Grant been subjected to this legislation, the tragedy that befell our family may have been avoided," Jonathan said.

    The deal signed into law yesterday requires mental-health professionals to evaluate sex-offender inmates to recommend if they are predisposed to commit more sex crimes.

    A jury would have to agree unanimously that there is a mental abnormality. A judge would then have the final say.

    The law requires treatment programs in prison.

  11. This other Ave J kashrus scandal with Negev reminds me of a KIC effort that isn't bearing much fruit. Rabbi Weiner's boys at KIC are trying to get all hashgochos to agree not to scoop up any store thrown out by another hashgocho. This "effort" would even seem to be a farce. Rabbi Gornish is an expert at picking off all the rejects and stray dogs. KIC will tell you not to eat from a hashgocho run by modern rabbis but they refuse to criticize Gornish.


    What a sad story.

  13. It seems the Brian Lehrer show was modified to cover the Sean Bell case. It would seem that Putz Hynes has been re-scheduled for another show. I would hope Mr. Lesher let's us know when Hynes will be back.

  14. what happened to charlie? why is he not on the Brian Lehrer's show?.


    An investigator for the Brooklyn DA’s Office has been forced to resign amid allegations she fell for a jailed mobster - and hatched a plan to bear his love child, The Post has learned.

    The 37-year-old prober had been assigned to protect the “mob associate” while he was being held in secret hotel rooms for interviews about the bombshell corruption case involving ex-FBI agent Lindley DeVecchio, sources said.

    The sources identified her as Maria Biagini, a 15-year veteran of DA Charles Hynes' office who left her job last week.

    A Hynes spokesman confirmed the investigator's resignation, but declined to elaborate.

    Pillow talk between a Brooklyn prosecutor and her defense-attorney beau went too far when she allegedly passed sensitive witness information to him during a trial, The Post has learned.

    The scandal - which resulted in the assistant district attorney's suspension - is the second in as many days to rock the DA's office, which was still reeling yesterday over allegations that a female investigator was forced to resign after falling for a jailed Colombo crime family con man.

    Sources familiar with the latest case say ADA Sandra Fernandez, assigned to DA Charles Hynes' domestic-violence bureau, was escorted from the Downtown Brooklyn headquarters earlier this month and her name wiped from an internal phone directory.

    Fernandez, with the office for seven years, allegedly passed criminal-history information about prosecution witnesses to her fiancé, Douglas Rankin, a defense attorney who is a former Brooklyn prosecutor.

    A spokesman for the DA's office, Jerry Schmetterer, said only that his office would not handle the investigation. "It's gone to a special prosecutor," he said.

    Yet another woman working in the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office has been nailed for an allegedly improper relationship - this time with a man she was guarding in the witness-protection program, sources said yesterday.

    DA investigator Alexis Sivulich is the third employee in the law-enforcement office in as many days to be named in a scandal involving reputed questionable conduct.

    A Brooklyn prosecutor accused of slipping witness information to her defense-attorney fiancé had done the same thing in as many as 10 other cases, officials said yesterday.

    Sandra Fernandez was fired as an assistant district attorney this month after her bosses accused her of giving Douglas Rankin criminal-history information about a witness in a case involving a Bedford-Stuyvesant shootout.

    An internal investigation revealed it was far from the first time she had passed information to Rankin in cases involving defendants he represented, the sources said.

    "They checked everything she ran," a source said. "She ran records that she shouldn't have."


    An ex-cop consultant with the Brooklyn DA's Office who's facing possible manslaughter charges on Staten Island got some high-powered help yesterday.

    Sources told The Post that the Brooklyn DA's chief of detectives, Joseph Ponzi, and Rackets Division chief, Michael Vecchione, appeared before the Staten Island grand jury weighing the fate of former Detective Thomas Dades.

    Dades, known for making cases against "mob cops" Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa and alleged rogue FBI agent Lindley DeVecchio, is under investigation for a deadly confrontation that occurred near his Tottenville home Dec. 19.

    Authorities said Dades was arguing with another ex-cop, Peter Mangano, over Dades' apparent refusal to pull strings with his Brooklyn DA friends to help Mangano's father beat a fraud case.

    During the confrontation, Dades scuffled with James Coletta, 46, who had tried to intervene.

    Coletta wound up on the ground with cracked ribs. He went to a hospital the next day and died there of internal injuries.

    Vecchione, with whom Dades is slated to write a book about the "mob cops," declined to discuss his testimony. Ponzi referred an inquiry to a spokesman for his office, who declined comment, as did a spokesman for the Staten Island DA.


    Brooklyn's D.A. Gets a Warning Over Office's Ethics Procedures
    BY BRADLEY HOPE - Staff Reporter of the Sun
    February 20, 2007

    The fact that the Kings County district attorney is dealing with two cases of possible ethics lapses by his staff is eliciting warnings from specialists that the prosecutor in the city's biggest borough may need to review internal protocols and training.

    In one case that surfaced this week, a detective investigator began a romantic relationship with a potential witness in an organized-crime case and allowed the potential witness to break the conditions of his temporary release. A spokesman for the Brooklyn district attorney's office, Jerry Schmetterer, said the investigator has since retired from her position, but that the FBI is investigating the case.

    In the other case, an assistant district attorney allegedly leaked sensitive documents to her fiancé, a criminal defense attorney. She was suspended last week and the Queens District Attorney, Richard Brown, has been asked to act as a special prosecutor, Mr. Schmetterer said.

    The Brooklyn district attorney, Charles "Joe" Hynes, was first elected in 1989 and is in his fifth four-year term. He has recently attracted attention for winning convictions of a former assemblyman, Clarence Norman, who was the chairman of Brooklyn's Democratic Party. Mr. Hynes won a victory in 2005 in a Democratic primary with 47,998 votes of 115,119 cast. His closest challenger, John Sampson, received 42,337 votes. There was no serious Republican challenge in the general election.

    "Two in a row is something that Hynes should be deeply concerned about," a law professor who specializes in legal ethics at New York University's School of Law, Stephen Gillers, said. "There has to be protocols in place to avoid just this sort of thing."

    The Brooklyn District Attorney's spokesman, Mr. Schmetterer, said he couldn't comment on the case other than to confirm that Ms. Fernandez had been suspended.

    "These are two bizarre cases," he said. "I don't think any conclusion can be drawn yet… If the investigations bring out some problems that we need to address, we'll address them."

    A law professor at Pace Law School who has written about prosecutorial misconduct and legal ethics, Bennett Gershman, said Ms. Fernandez could lose her law license and face criminal charges if she is proven guilty of leaking documents. Other legal experts said Mr. Rankin could also risk losing his law license if it is proved he received documents that he knew were improperly acquired.

    "Leaking documents is as bad as it gets. You could be compromising investigations, the safety of individuals," Mr. Gershman said. "Those kinds of relationships and entanglements — you hope they are screened out before a person gets into the office and that they have the integrity to play it straight."

    "These are two serious incidents and occurring at the same time suggests that there may be a problem in supervision and training in that office," he said.

  18. D.A. Charles Hynes had an "EMERGENCY" when his top aide informed him that he was featured on UOJ!

    Right from the D.A.'s office....Charlie; you can run, but you can't hide!

  19. A rov involved in kashrus tells me that "most" of the hashgochos out there are lucky that UOJ hasn't scrutinized them the way he did to YTT because there is a lot to uncover.

  20. Who says Hynes's office is being investigated by an "independent" prosecutor? Isn't Queens DA Richard Brown a friend of his?

  21. Which top aide follows this blog? Is that Jerry the shmuck Schmetterer or that Chabad lady Henna White?

  22. Mendel Epstein probably told his contacts in the Irish mob who tipped off our homeboy Charles "Joe" Hynes.

  23. Can someone contact Brian Lehrer's people about why Hynes bailed out of the show? Maybe they will run a segement on that and feature Mr. Lesher (and/or UOJ with his face concealed & voice altering sound effects)

  24. UOJ, why did you not post Hynes' connection to the disgraced judge who was jailed and disbarred?

  25. charlie........
    dont even try next election,its a lost the way why dont you resign right now, with all the corruption going on in your office?
    actually i dont blame them, i know were they got it from, you got it charlie, from thrir boss.

  26. I think what Pasik is doing in politics & what UOJ, JWB and the awareness center do underground and what Michael Lesher and Herman/Green do in the courts/legal system and what Kolker did in the press amounts to a terrific line of defense AND offense for those victims of sexual abuse and molestation who have been to long without a voice.

    And kudos to Eric, LVF and last but not least David Framowitz and the other Kolko accusers for keeping up the heat here and elsewhere. Go guys go!

    BTW, any results contacting AARTS?
