Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yes, there are hundreds of good and decent men being subject to cruel extortion attempts by their evil wives, when the husband decides he wants out of a miserable marriage. I know it's not a politically correct issue to take up; that's exactly why I intend to do just that!

Husbands; contact me with credible information that I can authenticate; pictures, investigator reports, cell phone records, court documents, and I'll put up whatever you want me to if I'm convinced that you're being victimized! Anything that's legal to do you can count on me! If corrupt batei din (rabbinical courts) and rabbis are involved, I'll work extra hard on your cases.

I am working on a few of these type of stories; I'm in the process of gathering the facts.

My e-mail address is:a_unorthodoxjew@yahoo.com

Kol hakavod for attempting to address this issue

We are filled with these cases, and just won one this week in bet din rabbani yerushalayim.

The degree of male aguns, and women refusing to divorce or refusing their get, is astounding. Worse, but related, are the amounts of false claims of aguna. Rav Ben Dahan of the Jerusalem Bet Din estimates officially that some 70% of claims of aguna brought are false claims.

Let us know how we can help.
Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council
POB 117
Tel Aviv 61001
(054) 422-7139


  1. UOJ- I just sent you an email it bounced back. My friend needs your help.

  2. In nearly two decades as Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hynes has created domestic violence bureaus, the Crimes Against Children Bureau, and the Drug Treatment Alternative-to-Prison program. This Thursday, he'll answer your questions about the criminal justice system.

    First question: How much longer are you going to protect Mondrowitz?

    Second question: How much have you been paid the past fifteen years to protect Mondrowitz?

  3. Agreed, very important for you to address. Big issue-big guy.

  4. Anon 10:04,

    Please resend, I just transferred the existing e-mails to a separate folder, it should be OK now.

  5. steve you hit the nail on the head........

  6. Legal Ease
    The Brian Lehrer Show
    Tune in Thursday at 10am on 93.9 and AM 820

    In nearly two decades as Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hynes has created domestic violence bureaus, the Crimes Against Children Bureau, and the Drug Treatment Alternative-to-Prison program. This Thursday, he'll answer your questions about the criminal justice system.



  7. The phone number for The Brian Lehrer Show on Thursday at 10am on 93.9 and AM 820 is 212-433-9692. Ask charlie how much he's getting paid to keep quiet about mondrowitz.

  8. The DA was contacted anonymously years ago about Leizerowitz and did nothing about it. It's a shame the email correspondence was not kept till now. UOJ would have had a field day with it.

  9. CALL FOR ACTION!!!!!!!!!!

    Association Of Advanced Rabbinical & Talmudic Schools
    11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004
    (212) 363-1991

    Broadway bros of agudah.

    Call and tell these scam artist rabbis and professionals that if they don't investigate the molestation in thier accredited schools we will go to the US Dept. of Education and lobby to have the accrediting license revoked.

    Come on guys and gals. This just might work in a huge way. Imagine the roshei yeshivas like Kaminetsky, Feinstien and the Lakewood mobsters with thier laymen cohorts and aguda being forced by threat of losing govt funding to have to get rid of the molesters and enablers and have to report this to the feds.
    For the sake of our children and the future of yehadus hachareidus do it now and again tomorrow and the day after... till they get it.

    UOJ, please help me get this rolling. We did it before with mass mailings and phone calls. We can do it again. Mee lashem eilie! For god and his little lambs, we shall persevere!!!!!!!!!

    (Put a picture of an innocent child between the pics of Kolko and Leizerowitz and Juravel as the header if u start a new post with this.

  10. UOJ,

    Let me tell you this happens a lot more than you think. I know personally of one case. You're doing something that evil rabbonim would not stand up against.

  11. No, don't ask the DA how much he is getting bribed. That's not an effective approach and will only divert the issue.

    IMNSHO, briefly revue the on the record facts about the Mondrowitz case, focusing on the perp's heinous crimes. Then raise the extradition issue, citing legal experts who challenge the DA's office's position that extradition is not legally possible. Hammer him about why his office won't seek extradition so the Mondrowitz can face justice and so that his victims in Hyne's jurisdiction can have closure.

    Accusing him of bribery won't accomplish anything good.

  12. UOJ, a related issue is how many frum women completely avoid litigating a divorce in a beit din and go straight to a secular court. While I'm sure that they rationalize this non-halachic behavior by saying that the batei din are corrupt (and some are), the real reason is that the secular courts favor women in the area of custody and support (that's why NOW and other feminist groups work hard to maintain the legal status quo in custody, visitation and support). Orthodox women are perfectly fine with feminism when it benefits them.

    Disclaimer: As a divorced man I'm not impartial on the subject. I hold nothing against my ex but as far as I know, none of the frumies who urged her to divorce me suggested going to a beit din first. After the civil divorce was final though they did, however, pressure me about giving her a get (which I did grant her), notwithstanding the fact that her lawyer insisted on language in our civil divorce regarding the get that was very problematic according to the rav my lawyer consulted. We asked her lawyer to change the language to something that didn't involve me having to fudge to the beit din that I was not being coerced. The lawyer refused to change the language. The people who pressured me were made aware of this language but didn't seem to care.

  13. Mondrowitz lives in the Wolfson Towers in Jerusalem.

  14. Well actually this is not so secret because it was reported by the NY Times. A scandal was mentioned a couple days ago on this blog. Someone was mentioned as being connected in an agavdik way. Te agavdik guy has his own skeletons. He was arrested by US Customs agents for smuggling antique sfurim into the country to auction through Sotheby's.

  15. There definitely are men being extorted by reshantas, probably even hundreds. In the majority of cases though it's the guy who is the shmuck and many of them extort the women after abusing them for years in either emotional and/or physical ways.

  16. The thing that I find amazing in the orthodox community is that people feel they can't say anything to mondrowitz even though they know he is guilty. I know people who have been at funerals and weddings that mondrowitz was at and he had the audacity to address the crowd, be it a bracha or a hesped, and noone says anything. What gives.

  17. Third Question for Charlie : Why did u not act on the info provided u on Leizerowitz. And why did u not act when a lone victim anonymously contacted u with vivid details MANY YEARS AGO.

    What price did u set to turn a blind eye on the Mondrowitz affair u scumbag?

  18. Kiryat Isaac Wolfson is the owner operator of approximately 10,000s/m of office and retail space in the prestigious Wolfson Towers complex in Jerusalem, which was erected by WCM. The company is also in possesion of a 9,000s/m parking facility that is attached to the commercial complex.

    A complex of modern high-rise luxury apartment buildings

    Rechavia, Jerusalem

    Diskin next to Shaarei Chesed, facing to an open view of the Knesset and the Israel Museum.

    Contact Kiryat Isaac Wolfson about Mondrowitz

    Diskin 9

    Tel. 02-5619229

  19. Which rabbonim are involved in corrupt shakedowns of men so they can profit off the women?

  20. There is one story I'm working on that is right out of a horror movie.

    It will make the headlines everywhere once posted here!

    Yes, there are bad guys, even many, but the damage an evil woman can inflict on a man, is unimaginable.

    The photos, court documents, and other evidence is right out of a Stephen King book.

  21. When you call up to speak to Charlie Hynes, tell the screener you want to speak about something else. Think of a topic that will sound interesting. If you say the real reason why you are calling, they won't let you through. After you are on with Hynes, start giving him the 5th degree.

    Don't post the fake topics here because the Iggud Haganovim is reading this and will tip off Hynes.

  22. That's a good question, Mendel. You guys at the Iggud Haganovim always ask sharfe kashyos. Have you asked Belsky if he knows anyone that fits that profile? Derveil, I will ask around at the Agudas Haganovim.

  23. Does UOJ have any plans to target the corrupt toens who participate in these shakedowns?

  24. Mondrowitz does not live in wolfson anymore. he moved over a year ago to someplace near the shuk/geula.

  25. "The degree of male aguns, and women refusing to divorce or refusing their get, is astounding. Worse, but related, are the amounts of false claims of aguna. Rav Ben Dahan of the Jerusalem Bet Din estimates officially that some 70% of claims of aguna brought are false claims."

    I don't know whether the male agun issue is real; if it is, kudos for publicizing it. But why the need to belittle the aguna issue? This just smacks of a man vs. woman thing. Grow up.

  26. What's the average take of corrupt rabbonim from whichever side in a divorce? Is it a percentage basis? Do they ask for retainers or is it strictly contingency?

  27. Anon 12;35,

    Nobody is belittling the aguna issue; it's just not a one way street. There are evil men and there very evil women.

    The stories that I have authenticated about what women do to men are much worse than any story I ever heard about men.

    I'm no dummy, I can smell BS from a mile away.

    With men, what you see is what you get, with women they got all kinds of mind games they play, and coverup their lies and frauds with makeup, crocodile tears, perfume and provocative stories and clothing.

  28. Brafman, what are you getting at? Are you wondering if you should be charging more in fees from your filthy clients like Leib Pinter?

  29. In case anyone was wondering, the President granted permission to UOJ to use the Bush Doctrine's "either with us or against us (with the terrorists)" motto.

  30. The Queens Examiner newspaper is reporting on a pathetic ceremony that took place on March 5th. Charlie Hynes bestowed some kind of award on Naomi Klass Mauer of the Jewish Fress for supposedly helping abused women. The bozos at the Jewish Fress are either members of, or in bed with, the Iggud Haganovim who make sure (with $$$$) that Hynes doesn't do anything about real abuse cases.

    Naomi is the sister of Yaakov Klass, an Iggud VP and sister in law of Jerry Greenwald who controls the slanted content of that rag which is always promoting both the Iggud and Hynes.

    UOJ, can you get the REAL media to expose this? There are pictures all over of Iggud activist Ben Barber raising money for Charlie boy.

  31. The entire concept of toenim is
    a travesty and a miscarriage of justice. The Jewish court always
    consisted of the two litigants
    alone being probed by the justices
    to evaluate the truthfulness of
    their statements. With toanim this
    never occurs b/c the crafty toanim tell the litigants exactly what to
    and what not to say. What a hoax!
    Some of these toanim make obscene
    sums of money. I knew a very
    bright talmid who studied law
    and dayanus in order to be a toain.
    Ultimately, he abandoned dayanus
    after realizing that toainim are
    a hoax. At least the RCA Bais Din
    disallows toanim. For all the
    others - SHAME ON YOU.
    I know many cases where a toain is
    approached and all aspects of the
    case is discussed and then- lo and
    behold- the toain is a dayan on the
    case thru ZABLA. This is bribery
    and forbidden. God help us from
    toanim and corrupt Batei Dinim!!!

  32. I could let you in on some cases where the men act like bitchy women, mind games and the works. They may not cover up their reptilian innards with femininity, but they have either other charms or devices to get away with it.

  33. I don't know whether the male agun issue is real; if it is, kudos for publicizing it. But why the need to belittle the aguna issue? This just smacks of a man vs. woman thing. Grow up.

    The only one making it a male vs. female issue is you.

    It's impossible today, even in the frum world, for a man to express doubt about the feminist cant that women are perpetual victims and men are perpetrators without getting accused of bashing women.

    With men, what you see is what you get, with women they got all kinds of mind games they play, and coverup their lies and frauds with makeup, crocodile tears, perfume and provocative stories and clothing.

    UOJ, not to mention false accusations of child abuse. Research indicates that at least 2/3 of sexual molestation claims in the context of a divorce are false. As a result of this, many family courts now regard any claim by a woman that her husband molested the children with great skepticism.

    Divorce is the only partnership where one of the partners can unilaterally dissolve the partnership, take most of the mutual assets, and force their former partner into indentured servitude.

  34. Ronnie,

    You got that exactly right! I wanted to blow the lid on this topic for a while now.

    I'll take the side of any underdog, and have all my life. But nobody dares to openly say it like it is.

    Men are getting screwed over by their spouses and rabbis that are in cahoots with the women if it suits their needs!




  35. you think that you have hate mail, you should listen from 3-6 on 770, now thats hate mail.

  36. Broadway.........

    Your comments are read by 60,000-80,000 people a day. There is no better coverage in the world than right here on UOJ!

  37. Some lowlives were harassing a friend of mine. They hired little kid Yoni Epstein as their toen in a case with zero merit. They are actually ganovim who owe the other side money. The whole thing was corrupt and fixed so Yoni could go to his father Mendel Epstein's "beis din". Does Yoni even know the tochen of a single teshuva sefer? What a joke.

  38. Please be mispallel for tikvah bas chaikelah who's husband ran off to Eretz Yisrael and has not given her a Get. It's an inyan of pidyon shivuyim, so please have her in mind in your tefilos.

    Tizku L'mitzvos!

  39. Ben Barber is like Margo in a way. he caters to Hungarians with his custom shirts and "Elegant linens." He doesn't give a rat's behind what anyone else thinks. The Ingrishe don't give a crap so he'll keep raising money for Hynes as long as UOJ doesn't bring the roof down on the Iggud haganuvim.

  40. What are people getting as a response from AARTS?

  41. Can someone get a list of shuls run by members of the Iggud Haganovim? Get the names & addresses and I'm sure UOJ can dig up mountains of dirt on financial shenanigans they are pulling to defraud various govt agencies.

    Find out about:

    Mendel Epstein who has a shul on McDonald Ave in Kensington

    Wether Belsky claims his house is tax exempt

    Gershon "the swindler" Tennenbaum who now lives in Flatbush but has a shul somewhere else

    Rabbi Elbaz from Gravesend

    Peretz Steinberg from Young Israel of Queens Valley

    Hershel Kurzrock from Young Israel on Church Ave, I think.

    Where does former Iggud VP Lipa Brenner live?

  42. Someone should speak to the Hecht family and other influential Lubavitchers about how Mendel Epstein's thugs have hijacked the Iggud's so called beis din. Most Lubobs are pretty out of it when it comes to politics outside of Crown Hts. They probably have no idea what kind of monsters are using them. Unless Epstein has got something on Hecht, there's no reason he should hold on to Epstein.

  43. Why does Belsky maintain a second beis din when he's already a member of Mendel Epstein's and which one is slimier?

  44. Fan...

    Belsky always sends his clients over to Epstein if the putz that ever goes to Belsky wants a "second opinion"...Some racket huh?

  45. I wanted you to know that "On the Rabbi's Knee," New York Magazine's feature story from last spring about allegations of molestation against Rabbi Yehuda Kolko of Yeshiva Torah Temimah, has been nominated for a 2006 National Magazine Award under the category of "public service" journalism.

    All of us at the magazine are very proud of this story. But most of all we are grateful to David Framowitz, who was so brave in coming forward and speaking on the record about his experiences. Our hope is that this nomination will bring greater visibility to the issues raised in the story.

    Many thanks to David -- as well as the many others who were so helpful in publishing this story.

    Below is a link to all of this year's nominees for the National Magazine Awards, which are produced by the American Society of Magazine Editors.


    Many thanks again and all the best,

    Bob Kolker

    Contributing Editor
    New York Magazine

  46. Sounds like UOJ and R' Menashe Klein are joining forces to form the dream team.
