Monday, March 12, 2007



Saturday, January 14, 2006
Agudath Israel Permits "Dialogue" With Catholics Only To Protect Sexual Predators, All Other Interfaith Dialogue Is Prohibited!

Religious Groups Stall Reform Law
The New York Post - August 1, 2001, Wednesday

A strongly backed bill that would make it a crime if educators
fail to report an accusation of school sex abuse to the police
is being stymied by two of the city's most powerful
religious organizations, City Hall sources told The Post.

Bill No. 933, inspired by several mishandled complaints in public
schools, would require cops to investigate allegations of sex abuse
involving private schools run by churches and temples as well as public

The law could set the stage for a battle between church and state
because both Catholic and Jewish schools deal with sex-abuse
allegations against clerics internally, experts said.

City Hall sources admit they were surprised by
the religious groups' 11th-hour request to postpone
the vote in the City Council's Education Committee on June 4.

"They [religious schools] claim they were unaware
that the provisions of the law applied to both public
and private schools," one source said.

Council staffers are quietly negotiating with a coalition
of religious groups hoping to tailor the bill to fit
everyone's demands - a delicate process during an election season.

When told the law covers "co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities" such as prayer groups or kids helping out in religious ceremonies,
New York Archdiocese spokesman Joe Zwilling seemed surprised.

"I'm not sure the law covers that," Zwilling said,
who refused to say if the church supported the bill.

Zwilling insisted the bill applies to clerics working
only in schools, but a second City Hall source said
it reaches into "all of the properties on school grounds."

Zwilling referred questions to Rabbi David Zwiebel,
of the Agudath Israel of America, a Jewish advocacy
network that's spearheading talks with council.

Zwiebel argues the bill is too broad
in its definition of abuse
and thinks it will strip school principals of their
"professional discretion"
to resolve disciplinary problems internally.

The failure to let principals "exercise professional
judgment and discretion in dealing with actual or
threatened criminal conduct is a serious flaw,"
he wrote in a five-page June 28 letter
to Council Speaker Peter Vallone and committee members.

Zwilling and Zwiebel deny allegations they want
to kill the bill to protect accused clerics.

Zwiebel said the law could create "tensions" between
church and state.

The committee is scheduled to have a hearing on the matter in the fall.

"The new legal mandate is not embraced by everyone
because it is designed to change the usual way of doing business for the protection of children," a mayoral administration source said.

"Because of the delay, the window for getting this in place by
September is closed - and that's a terrible shame."

All Rabbis Back Law To Report Child Abuse Except Ultra-Urthodox Agudath Israel

By Rachel Donadio
The Forward (NY)
March 29,2002

With the exception of a major ultra-Orthodox organization,
rabbinical groups of all denominations say they support
proposed legislation in New York State that would require
clergy to report allegations of child abuse.

The proposal, which would broaden the state's Social Services Law to
make clergy of all religions criminally liable if they do not report
instances of child abuse, was advanced last week by Manhattan District
Attorney Robert Morgenthau in the wake of growing allegations of
molestation within the Catholic Church. This week, the Democrat-controlled
State Assembly proposed similar legislation, and a version passed in the
Republican-controlled State Senate.

Most rabbinical groups said they were not concerned
that the legislation would violate confidentiality
between clergy and congregants.

"I think that full disclosure to the authorities would be not only
acceptable, I think it's imperative," said Rabbi Paul Menitoff, executive
vice president of the Reform movement's Central Council of American
Rabbis. "Ethical violations, whether they're violations of the criminal
code or not, need to be dealt with very openly, fairly and directly by
each denomination. Anything short of that is not keeping faith with our

The ultra-Orthodox group Agudath Israel of America, however, said it
was wary of the legislation, which would require clergy to "report to
authorities whenever they have reasonable cause to believe a child has
been abused," according to a March 19 statement by Morgenthau

David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Aguda,
said he feared that the proposal could infringe on "religious freedom.
"There ought to be some exemption for situations involving
confidentiality," Zwiebel said. "To protect the Catholic confessional-type
situation, and more specifically in our community, to protect those situations
where a member of the community does want to confide in his rabbi and
get guidance and counseling without fear of having the whole fury of the
secular legal system descend on him."

Last summer, Aguda and the Catholic Archdiocese of New York joined
forces to oppose a proposed bill in the City Council that would have required all schools, including parochial schools, to file a police report
about any criminal act committed by students or staff. Zwiebel said he was concerned that secular law would "not necessarily" respect religious concerns, such as the concept of mesira, a category of rabbinic canon law concerning when a Jew may inform on another to the secular government. He said that rabbis should evaluate issues "on a case-by-case" basis.

However, Zwiebel said, "if a person is perceived as an imminent danger
to children or others, rabbis would say, `let's not handle this
internally, let's bring it to outside authorities.'"

Looking more favorably on the legislation was the Orthodox Union,
representing Modern Orthodox synagogues. "In principal we'd be supportive,"
said Harvey Blitz, president of O.U. "We believe that clergy have a
responsibility to protect the safety of people from being victims."

"We were told by our Halachic authorities that we should without any
type of delay report these instances to the police," said Steven Dworkin,
the head of the Rabbinical Council of America, a Modern Orthodox
rabbinical body, referring to religious law.

Two years ago O.U. faced its own abuse scandal when several top
officials stepped down following claims that they ignored 30 years of abuse
complaints against the director of its national youth group, Rabbi Baruch

Blitz was unfazed by the thought that under the proposed legislation,
O.U. clergy would have been criminally liable for ignoring allegations
of abuse. "Maybe they would have reported it," Blitz said.

"We've tried very hard to change the culture at the O.U. in light of
what happened" and make children feel "more comfortable" reporting abuse
and leaders "more sensitive" to allegations, Blitz said.

Rabbi Joel Myers, president of Conservative Movement's Rabbinical
Assembly, also said he supported the proposal.

Myers said clergy confidentiality was not as "cut and dry" as some
would make it out to be. "Every rabbi knows not everything is confidential
or ought to be," he said. "Many clergy will say, `I'll be glad to
listen but I won't be able to tell you if it's confidential until you tell
me what the issue is.'"

The church scandal "may have nothing to do with confidentiality," Myers
said. "Confidentiality becomes a nice sounding word, but that's not the
issue. The issue is how bishops supervise priests."

"It is clear that social pressures on the clergy are such that
transferring the obligation to enforce justice onto the legal system is a
helpful step," said Rabbi David Teutsch, president of the Reconstructionist
Rabbinical College.

The New York Post
March 26, 2002, Tuesday
By Douglas Montero

THE panic has begun.

Religious organizations went into a frenzy yesterday after learning
state legislators introduced two bills that would require them to call
authorities whenever one their clerics is accused of molesting a kid.

But, it's far from just a Catholic problem.

"Sex abuse suppression in the Orthodox Jewish clergy is much worse than
the Catholics because it's such an insular community and they can get
away with it," according to Amy Neustein, who says she was ostracized by
her community after she began advocating for Jewish women and kids.
She called the problem of child molestation by the clergy and the
invariable coverup in her community a "cancer."

An official at the Agudath Israel of America - an Orthodox Jewish
advocacy group that helped exorcise a similar City Council bill last year -
seemed skeptical the bills would do much good.

"There may be a situation where there might be a conflict between the
law and what a rabbi feels is religiously appropriate," said David
Zwiebel, its vice president for government affairs.

"Rabbis might react differently. Some will comply with the law and
others will choose not to comply with the law."

Bishop Steven Bouman, who heads the city's Lutheran Church, insisted he
"absolutely" supports the bills. "I believe the primary responsibility
of church officials and the church is to the people we serve -
especially the most vulnerable," he said.

But when asked to describe his church's sex-abuse policy, he said he
had to check his facts. He called back an hour later and referred
questions to the church's lawyers.

Religious leaders are nervous.

The days of conducting their own internal, and possibly biased,
investigations before calling cops may be over soon.

It's appropriate that the sex-reporting bills were introduced during
the start of Holy Week.

"It's Lent, and Christ is giving the Church a big cross to bear - one
that it has earned," said Bill Donohue, the president of the Catholic

But he said his church has plenty of company.

"I've always felt the Catholic Church doesn't have a monopoly on this
issue," he said.


The protection of the criminal predators by the Agudah has been ongoing and covert for years.

They are the ONLY Jewish organization actively blocking any legislative agenda that would protect our children in yeshivas. Their natural ally is of course the Catholics
who have paid out billions of dollars in claims to their victims. Perhaps civil litigation can be brought against the organizations and their extensive real estate holdings? If Lipa Margulies was in danger of losing his entire block of real estate on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, perhaps he would feel differently about protecting Yudi Kolko.

Various different catholic organizations were forced into bankruptcy because of the many civil judgements that were obtained against them.

This requires the victims and their families to come forward and assist us in our efforts to nail these criminals.

They obviously could not give a hoot about their reputations; let's hit them in their pockets and anywhere else that it hurts.


  1. Maybe he can get a job with Torah Umesorah

    Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found bound, drunk and nude, according to Israeli media reports confirmed Monday by a government spokeswoman.

    The longtime diplomat, Tsuriel Raphael, has been removed from his post and the Foreign Ministry has begun searching for a replacement, said ministry spokeswoman Zehavit Ben-Hillel.

    Two weeks ago, El Salvador police found Raphael naked outside his residence, tied up, gagged and drunk, Israeli media reported. He was wearing several sex toys at the time, the media said. After he was untied, Raphael told police he was the ambassador of Israel, the reports said.

  2. I addressed this post to Elliot Pasik, Esq. on Gil's blog. I think it's time we call their bluff:

    Elliot, why don't you draw up a legal document for the leaders of Agudah, Torah Umesorah and a few of the major yeshivot in the U.S. to sign. This binding document would establish a sex offender registry, require background checks of all present and potential employees and mandate the reporting of all abuse allegations to the authorities. If they agree to sign it, this will be a major victory. If they refuse, then it will be evident that our educational leaders refuse to protect our children from sexual predators. The negative publicity form this refusal will be so great, that they will eventually succumb to the pressure. I know that you have been advocating all of the above for quite a while now. It makes a difference when it is all in writing and ready for them to sign.

  3. what the story with schinerman trashing r"Halberstams mikva?

  4. Here he is again giving an official statement that amounts to nothing in commenting on the Kashau zona scandal

    BEDFORD HILLS - Police yesterday said they do not expect to make more arrests or add charges after the arrest of a woman accused of running a sex business next door to a Jewish school of Scripture study.

    Although the investigation of Sandra L. Chemero's business at 235 Haines Road and her computer records is ongoing and may turn up names of men who visited the suspect, police have no plans to prosecute them, Bedford police Lt. Robert Mazurak said.

    Rabbi Avi Shafran, spokesman for Manhattan-based Agudath Israel, which represents many Hasidic and other Orthodox Jewish groups, said yesterday that the house would likely need a thorough cleaning, but of the standard variety for "unsavory activities." There are no ritual cleansing ceremonies for the property, he explained.

    "We don't have exorcisms," he said, with a laugh.

  5. Except I wonder who will stonewall Pasik now that Shea Fishman was forced to retire.

  6. Scheinerman pulled a typical Scheinerman. He got up to make a tumult from the amud and spoke out of his tachas. He was motzee shem ra on a mikva which caused tremendous tzaar to untold women who used it and their husbands.

  7. Where is Scheinerman's crowd davening while the shul is reconstructed?

  8. Does anyone know how to make a Wikipedia entry for UOJ?

    Gilligan Student has one and he's not nearly as popular and widely read as UOJ.

  9. To wear a UOJ outfit, is there any kind of deputizing that we have to undergo?

  10. We've got just the cure for what ails Scheinerman. Click on the link.

  11. This is bad. First UOJ announced he was the new sheriff in town. Now he's got a whole posse.

  12. Rabbi Avi Shafran, spokesman for Manhattan-based Agudath Israel, which represents many Hasidic and other Orthodox Jewish groups, said yesterday that the house would likely need a thorough cleaning, but of the standard variety for "unsavory activities." There are no ritual cleansing ceremonies for the property, he explained.

    "Thorough cleaning"? Chemero is a dominatrix, so perhaps they'll be looking for gartlach that some of her customers left behind. It'd be interesting to see her little black book.

  13. Enlisted man, at ease.

    No deputization is necessary. Just fight corruption wherever you see it, which includes kicking Margo's fat butt when he's hunched over his shtender and punching out Kolko if you see him at a bris mila.

  14. Ronnie,

    I sent you an e-mail regarding my order.

    Anyone else order yet?


    "When Joe Aguda turned on his television last night in his FEMA trailer in the front yard of the house where he used live in"

    I don't even know if FEMA can save all the Joe Aguda's when their office space at 42 Broadway gets confiscated for covering up sex abuse. They should share a tent with Margo.

  16. Boog should be appointed training Sargeant for new UOJ recruits.

  17. In case the NYC or UOJ Marshall's Service padlocks 42 Broadway, the next meeting on abuse in yeshivos will be convened in the construction tent at Ground Zero, site of the former World Trade Center.

  18. The rapist is from the "dark" section of Far Rockaway. He went to a busy intersection in the middle of a frum neighborhood and plucked a girl to rape while posing as a police officer. I hope the victim in Kew Gardens Hills is not a bas Yisroel.

    The Far Rockaway man who posed as a law enforcement officer to lure two women to a Queens motel last month has pleaded guilty to raping them.

    Eric McCoy, 37, of 147 Beach 26th Street in Far Rockaway, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree rape. He now faces up to 15 years in prison.

    McCoy also admitted that, on January 2, 2007, he approached a 17-year-old girl at the corner of Main Street and Union Turnpike and, once again, displayed an I.D. card and identified himself as an investigator. Stating that he had a gun, he told the teenager that she needed to accompany him for questioning. McCoy then took his latest victim to the Kew Motor Inn, located at 139-01 Grand Central Parkway in Jamaica, where he proceeded to question her. As part of his ruse, he again spoke into a walkie-talkie, wrote notes during his questioning of her, searched her backpack and temporarily took her I.D. and cell phone.

    As before, McCoy informed her that she was in serious trouble and that if she did not cooperate with him she would be arrested and be unable to make bail, she would not see her parents anymore, and that he could shoot her at any time. As in the earlier motel incident, the defendant forced the victim to have sex with him under the threat of being arrested.

  19. Ronnie,

    I sent you an e-mail regarding my order.

    Found it and replied. In the future, if you need to contact me, use address. I check that more frequently and since it's not on my web site I don't get as much spam there.

    Anyone else order yet?

    Yeah, one online order so far. I just checked it - it's from Lakewood. ROTFLMFTO

    Right now I'm digitizing a Yamaha R-1 to put on a motorcycle vest along with a Kawasaki Ninja that I finished yesterday. I do work for the 313 Riders, a motorcycle club. That's 313 as in Deetroit. The brothers in the club like me. In case some froomie gangsters want to give me hard time for supporting UOJ, I suppose I can always give Big Al, Little Al, Mo' Money, Twist and Agent a call for backup.

  20. I have not found anyone coming forward with any positive proof about Eiseman. It seems to be just one person, according to R Kaminetsky, spreading malicious rumours.

  21. The Kew Motor Inn is a known hotbed of zonas. It is only 1 block and within sight of that intersection. It is a major bus transfer point.

  22. Anon 12:43,

    Kaminetzky is a rasha and a liar.

    He's known about Eisemann for 30 plus years. And you my friend are a pathetic individual, paying insult to the tens of Eisemann victims that have come forward to me since his days in Philadelphia.


  23. boog said...

    How many of your mesifta friends were also molested by leizer? Dates? Number of incidents?

    Will they come forward and testify to
    Lawyers Jeff Herman. Elliot Pasik

    All of you contact UOJ for guidance and instructions.

    Trashing Olewski's office is a short-term steam blow-off but won't give you peace over the long-term.

    Get your chevra together, contact UOJ, and come forward.

    In the meantime, I motion that the name:

    "Ichud Mosdos Gur" be changed to:

    "Ichud 'Molestas' Gur.

    both for the Sins of Commission and the Sins of Omission.

    Shame on the Gurista Cover-Uppers.

    7:14 PM, March 12, 2007
    Thanks boog for the inspiring words, but to do as you said im waiting to grow a pair of balls,(leizerowitz still has mine),as for getting the chevra together,i dont think its going to happen,either their scared or they will say forget it he is out of here, and gone, let it be.
    my only hope is that some bochrim that were thrown out recently and were still in mesivta in leizerowitz's times will come forward, but i tell you this, if the lawyer on leizerowitz's case needs help with the case he can contact me through R'UOJ i will definitly help in any way i can.
    thanks once again boog.

  24. one more thing R'BOOG..
    "Ichud 'Molestas' Gur.


    Ronnie might want to incorporate the UOJ attire business in another state.

  26. UOJ, I understand your frustration but I think you were a little harsh on the guy who spoke to R' Shmuel Kamenetzky. I don't remember you ever mentioning that "tens" of Eisemann victims have stepped forward. I would also be duped if I didn't know there were many victims and a major rosh yeshiva tricked me into thinking there's nothing to it.

  27. "Scheinerman pulled a typical Scheinerman"

    It's hilarious when he tries using sophisticated English which ends up in the wrong context or awkward. He once spoke of something heilig but the random example place he blurted out was a real hoot. He picked Corpus Christi (Texas), which in Latin means the body of Yoshka.

  28. Friend,

    For clarity on Shmuel Kaminetzky.

    He told me clearly that teshuva must be assumed if there were no "recent" complaints gains Kolko.

    I am in contact with victims from Eisemann's days in Philadelphia, who would testify in court to them informing Kaminetzky and Svei about Eisemann's sexual abuse of boys in the Philadelphia yeshiva.

    Kaminetzky KNOWINGLY sent Eisemann to Ner Israel rather than reporting him to the police or even urging him to seek help.

    Kaminetzky agrees with Salomon that they are capable of assisting molesters rehabilitate themselves as well as Perlow.

    Tzvi Berkowitz from Baltimore is Kaminetzky's son in-law and knew Eisemann was molesting children some 20 years ago and did NOTHING!

    Yaakov Hopfer RULED Ner Israel must Terminate Eisemann!


  29. Thief hits New Square Mikvah
    By Steve Lieberman - The Journal News - March 10, 2007

    NEW SQUARE - A village man told Ramapo police someone stole $5,000 from his pants pocket while he was in a ritual bath yesterday.
    The incident occurred at Congregation New Square's Mikvah at 4:15 a.m., Ramapo police said.
    Witnesses told investigating officers that they saw a man whom they didn't recognize in the mikvah area, Detective Sgt. John Lynch said.
    "The guy claimed he was in the Mikvah and left his pants out and someone took a couple of grand from his pocket," Lynch said.
    The residents describe the stranger as Hasidic, 5 feet 8 inches tall, heavyset and about 30 years old, wearing gold-framed eyeglasses, black jacket, white shirt and black pants, Lynch said.
    The witnesses told police that the man got into a gray Chrysler Pacifcia with New York license plates. There is only one exit and entrance to New Square by car - Washington Avenue.
    Police issued an alert for the car.
    "They felt there was a suspicious party in the area that they were not familiar with," Lynch said. "This is an assumption being made on their part that this guy had anything to do with it."
    Lynch said he was awaiting more information from the man who reported the theft and others from the community before deciding how to handle the case.

  30. UOJ- I wouldn't buy a new car either

  31. I never use the Skverrer mikva and I don't drive a Chrysler. I swear!

  32. I'm told that Rabbi Sobel was responsible for incidents at more than one Israeli yeshiva, but some roshei yeshiva thought they could cure him and let him stay in chinuch until the Nevei scandal. Does anyone know who those roshei yeshiva are?

  33. How long ago did R' Hopfer rule that NIRC must terminate Eisemann? Does he go on record to say so? Is NIRC ovair on siruv beis din?

  34. Re: Kew Motor Inn

    There is only one new building in Kew Gardens Hills, The Opal. Most of the frumme Yidden there take up the 20% low income slots that buildings provide to get a city tax break. The management treats the Yidden like 4th class citizens and the Yidden are afraid to complain because they think being low income deprives them of that right. The Opal was built on the well known swamp land that was owned by Touro. It keeps sinking into the ground, causing water pipes to burst which destroy the apts. When it happened recently to a kollel family, the building offered to put them up in the Kew Motor Inn, that hotbed of drugs & zonos. The building takes terrible advantage of tenants. The Kew Motor Inn story is only one example.

  35. An avrech learning mikvaos looked around Rav Halberstam's mikvah and thought he saw a problem with it. He told Scheinerman who paseled the mikvah in public without looking at it based on what this avrech told him. He had people e-mail around not to use the mikvah and had his shul send around recorded messages to the community. The problem is that the mikvah was built by Halberstam's shver, the av beis din of the Iggud Harabanim Rav Yitzchak Eizik Leibes. Someone told Rav Dovid Feinstein and he said not to use the mikvah but then Rav Halberstam told Rav Dovid to mind his own business which he then did and refused to answer questions on the mikvah. Rav Bic and another rav who's name I can't remember put out letters declaring the mikvah to be kosher. Rav Yisroel Reisman got involved for some reason and wasn't comfortable with the mikvah but wouldn't pasil it. Instead he gathered rabonim for a meeting where they agreed to raise money to expand the mikvah and include any chumros anyone wants. At the gathering they gave tremendous kovod to Rav Halberstam to make up for Scheinerman's shenanigans. Rumor has it that our friend Gilligan Student threatened to blog in defense of the mikvah which is why they quickly resolved the matter.

  36. Baltimoron,

    The ruling by Rabbi Hopfer was at the end of last summer after he met with Eisemann victims!

  37. R'Eisemann is no longet teaching at Ner Yosroel and rumor has it that they are kicking him off campus.

  38. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman gives a lot of deference to Scheinerman for reasons people cannot comprehend. He was the only rov among the fourty at the meeting who was afraid to offend or step on Scheinerman's toes in any way. Maybe he's the only rov who hasn't yet figured out that Scheinerman is just a buffoon in an up-hat and long rekkel.

  39. My wife went to Kaminetzki's forum for victims and educators and said she felt he was little talk and far less action. She was so disgusted she had me hear the tape which is readily available for all to get.

  40. Rav Liebes was an adam gadol meod, the mechaber of the teshuvos Bais Avi. It's a disgrace of his kovod that a bunch of hoodlums have turned his organization into the Iggud Haganovim.

  41. Years ago, I was at a simcha sitting at a table with Mir talmidim. I was very angry that they kept ripping Scheinerman (who received a kibud) as an am haoretz and clown. I thought they were stam saying motze shem ro. Until that is that I spoke to him in learning. I still thought the Mirrers were speaking loshon hora & kept my opinions to myself. After these stories with the Ave J treif and the mikva which I have confirmed with rabbonim, it's obvious that there is a chiyuv to be mefarsem that Scheinerman is a danger to the oylam Hatoyrah.

  42. A respected rov in Brooklyn abhors Scheinerman. He says it's one thing if he has limited mental kochos, but he's a complete phony for only screaming from the amud when he thinks it will build him political gain.

  43. He must be having a field day with all this Scheinerman bashing!

    "Scheinerman, you SHTINK from gaava!"

  44. Gilligan probably wouldn't mind bashing Scheinerman on his blog now that his rov, Yisroel Hirsch, is no longer co-rosh yeshiva with Scheinerman. I suspect things would be different otherwise.

  45. Leizerowitz victims should not be hard for the lawyers to find as they are so numerous. Try the 3 boys at the yeshiva gevoha on old new utrecht. They speak openly to thier friends about it and 1 claims to have a recording of the putz in action.

    There is a now single guy who is said to have given or taken some BJs to/from Leizerowitz. Then u have the boys thrown out of the mesivta over the past year time and the 20 boys now being considered for expulsion as I type this. Of course to prove willfull negligence and coverup of known issues even after the staff and vaad took testimony years ago from victims u can get the info from the half dozen guys in town who have been waging war on Leizerowitz for years because of this (if u can convince them to give up the goods). Then u can nose around in Ashdod for many others victimized years ago when they learnt by him here. Then u have the poor fellow now somewhere in Israel who was beaten up in the mesivta by Leizerowitz's goons (some who flew to the wedding recently of Leizerowitz,s son) upon Leiz's orders for alegedly fooling around with yeshiva mates. In truth Leiz had it in for him because the boy had been told by his father not to allow Leiz to engage him in private and if Leiz tried to he was to tell him "my father said to stay away from u cause your a pervert".

    If the lawyers can't come up with supporting evidence they obviously havent tried much. They should follow the info I describe above which I was able to gather single handedly. and contact our known web based advocates (3 come to mind) who have good info but can only give general info because of confidentiality issues.

    Again, I cannot believe that competent lawyers cant dredge up enough to slam dunk this through the courts and either drag his arse back here or sock the system with millions in lawsuits or settlements. Once u start cracking this case wide open and prove your competence other victims will agree to join at least anonymously. With victims u have to work very hard to gain trust and prove your in it for better or worse like in Iraq where the citizens were let down by the US before. I thought Herman & Green would've had this case wrapped and ready to ship by now.

    And given what I'm reading here in comments on the previous post Olewski may be ripe to cutting a deal with investigators to save his thick hide regardless of the cost to ger. I'm still shocked that the whole bunch of them can be implicated in short order on this. If I were involved I would have this case as solid as possible in no time. Parents and victims are eager to talk when shown they could make a real difference. Besides, isn't what they have on last springs scandal enough? I wonder why Herman wont show his cards now to intimidate the defense and encourage others to contact him.

  46. LVF seems to have enuff info to put Leiserovits away for a long time...........

  47. Can someone please elaborate
    about Ave. J treif and the Mikva
    for all us outsiders?

  48. Someone asked how Scheinerman "gets away with it."

    He used to darshan in lomdus but his mispalelim would rip him to shreds. He then switched to talking about minhagim, which doesn't leave much room for the crowd to shlog him up. Still, this crowd should have R' Elya Ber darshaning to them. Maybe they just like Scheinerman's silly style of politics as a form of entertainment.

  49. I'm the moderne Stichiner Chussid who lives across the street from Ger on Old New Utrecht. I was wondering what all those strange noises were coming out of there.

  50. what is the nevie scandal with sobel?

  51. why does schinermans have a crowd?

  52. Was Ave. J treif the case when the store mistakenly received a shipment of treif and wouldn't even let it in but insisted it be left outside until it was picked up. Then someone walked by and saw the box of treif and spread the rumor that the store was selling treif. Was that Sheinerman also?

  53. Steve -

    Aguda and TU don't have a sense of shame. That's the flaw in your plan. They don't believe that the same rules that apply to you and me apply to them. This is true, to a large extent, for many yeshivas.

    Read Pasik's article available on, page 5. They don't have an archive, and today will be the last day that its up. He wants New York State to legally require a registry, just as the public schools have one. He's obviously given up hope that Aguda/TU can ever be reached. He wants mandatory fingerprinting, mandatory reporting, mandatory abuse prevention and safety plans,
    mandatory employee registration and discipline, and last but not least, mandatory defibrillators.

  54. Steve;

    Noble sentiments but doomed to abject failure.

    Agudah, et al; are just like our Arab kissing cousins; they'll sign anything but keep nothing unless you back it up with teeth and action that strikes fear and compliance into them.

    The only way you're going to get these low-life Mother F--KER FAKERS to comply is hitting them where it hurts...their wallets.

    Pasik has to push this stuff through the NYS Legislature, make SEX REGISTRYS, Background checks, etc. mandatory and get it enacted with stiff penalties for non-compliance; e.g; Loss of state financial aid, loss of Regents and Middle States Charter Accreditation, Fines and penalties for non-enactment and compliance, and even Jail Time for the Prinicpals and Yeshiva Board of Directors. Only the best for these "Court mandated reporters"!

    Anyhting less than this and you're just pissing upsteam against the wind. When you're dealing with known and documented Tinaf, strong measures are called for or else you'll get covered with their dreck.

    Uphill battle in the NYS Legislature to be sure with His Honorable Disgrace Shelly (I Don't Go To Cop Funerals) Silver and Boo-Boo Bruno at the controls, but it's the only way to reverse this very sad state of affairs.


    Is here

  56. Why not go after the ARTS board of accreditaion. This phoney chareidi front for accrediting yeshivos as colleges should be exposed for the enablers they are. ARTS (or farts) is a unholy union of satmar and company with the aguda, chabad, OU? and the likes. When it comes to ripping off the goldine medina this MFs r all in it together playing nice nice with each other. Whqat money can do even kovod hatoire cant.

  57. Duvid Wulff,

    Are you still running to the Tosher Rebbe in Montreal once a month as part of your little tzaddik act?


    Ronnie might want to incorporate the UOJ attire business in another state.

    I read the column when it was first published.

    Despite as much bad economic news as there is in Michigan, I'm a bit of a contrarian. Detroit is more the global center of the auto industry than ever. Mercedes Benz stockholders might want to divest of Chrysler, but there's no shortage of potential customers, including other auto mfgs, suppliers and private investment/equity firms. Ford may yet survive - I think the new Edge will be a big hit (my younger twentysomething friends think it's sharp) and Mullaly knows how to turn around a company (too bad Mitt Romney's in politics now, he's one of the best turnaround specialists in the world). As for GM, I think GM is poised for great success. They have done a good job on their new cars (the Saturn Aura is being favorably compared to the Toyota Camry), and they are very well positioned in China, India and Latin America, the three fastest growing car markets. GM is planning to expand the Chevy nameplate into a global brand.

    What Michigan has to do is implement some radical moves to make it a haven for business. My solution is to eliminate all taxes on business including corporate income taxes, the terrible Single Business Tax and property taxes. The idea would be that increased income tax revenue from employment growth would offset the eliminated business taxes.

    Simply put, Gov. Granholm's primary focus should be on making Michigan the most attractive state for business.

    And yes, unions have made our problems worse but unions are also the only way non-key employees can have economic leverage.

  59. neveh threw out r'sobel the second they heard about his actions.
