Sunday, January 09, 2011

Remembering R' Kamyan a"h

Those of us from old Williamsburgh , Torah Vodaath of South Third St., Bais Medrash Elyon probably would remember Kamyan. To most he was a vagabond, a survivor of the Camps that found his way to Torah Vodaath, a person who lost his mind - nebach, who always needed a shower and whose last meal was always on his beard.

Not to me.

When my family moved from Williamsburgh to the new neighborhood, they thought it would be a great idea for me to spend many Shabbosim at the home of Rav Yitzchak Karp zt"l and Rav Alexander Linchner zt"l. They shared a Brownstone right around the corner from the Mesifta. Of course we davened in the yeshiva on South Third St.

Rabbi Linchner sat in the absolute rear-est chair in the bais medrash and Rav Karp a few rows before him. So when I came for Shabbos, sometimes I would sit next to Rav Linchner and sometimes next to Rav Karp. By kriat haTorah, I would stand in close proximity to the bimah, watching with fascination the process that would go into deciding who would get an aliyah.

If my memory serves me right, R' Shmuel Dishon was gabbai for at least part of the years of my visits to Williamsburgh, beginning when I was about 8 years old, up until my bar-mitzvah.

I was 8 or 9 years of age when this distinguished looking visiting rav was given shishi. Years later, I learned his name was Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth, who eventually became the Chief Rabbi of Belgium and a nephew of Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky ztvk"l, the Rosh Hayeshiva.

And the reason I even remember the incident, was because one hour before Mincha, he was going to address the bais medrash with his brilliance in Torah, "unsurpassed by anyone in America" with his ability to recite any blatt in the entire gemora with his photographic memory (Shas - or the entire Talmud Bavli) by the page number and within a few words of getting it right by the line.

The Rosh Yeshiva would almost always get the third aliyah, shlishi, and the sixth aliyah, shishi, for the most part, was reserved for visiting dignitaries.

Of course I went with my hosts to the highly anticipated drasha from this visiting "rare" talmud chochom, "one in the world"!

I used to stare at R' Kamyan when I visited, he would walk around the bais medrash mumbling to himself, totally disheveled, once I even remember he had no shoes. He would scour the trash cans for food, look underneath the tables for any signs of left over food, although the bais medrash was cleaned immaculately before Shabbos. Tears always welled up in my eyes, especially once I was told that RSFM ztvk"l, had obtained a student visa for him from Poland - after he literally saw his entire family shot to death in front of him as he was left for dead. Somehow he survived and lived in the YTV dormitory until he passed.

I was told he rarely had any lucid moments, but on that very rare occasion that he was lucid, he cited and recited Torah from all over Shas flawlessly.

So when the "distinguished" talmud chochom took the shtender from the omud to give his drasha, the bais medrash was - standing room only - you could hear a pin drop!

Now I was about 8 years old so please cut me some slack on the tiniest of details, but some 20 minutes into the drasha, Kamyan strolls into the bais medrash. He was mumbling to himself and looked like he was crying, but he was absolutely not disturbing anyone. This "distinguished" visitor looked over at him. Now Kamyan was never seen in public without a black hat and dark suit and a flowing beard, so it was not like some Puerto Rican walked in or something. Rabbi Kreiswirth seemed very agitated by this "intruder", but he continued as Kamyan walked the aisles.

Kamyan stops; he shouts "DAF YUD DALED AMUD ALEPH"! AGAIN AND AGAIN!

There was a commotion, people running over to Kamyan, trying to silence him as he keeps repeating himself! Now, I'm at the bimah, and this "distingushed" rav is now angry and shouts repeatedly "VER IS DER MISHUGENER?"

By now, Kamyan is silenced and escorted out of the bais medrash, and some minutes later Rabbi Kreiswirth continues until Mincha.

After we arrived home for Havdalah, the two rabbonim were explaining to their rebbetzins, my Shabbos hosts, the incident that had transpired at the yeshiva as I stood bewildered in the corner of the small kitchen.

R' Kamyan was right, Rabbi Kreiswirth was wrong when he had quoted a blatt by its page number in mesechta Zvachim.




  1. Tropper is Troubled4:49 AM, January 09, 2011


    Good question actually because it was none other than Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth who hired and appointed R' Nochum Stormin' Norman Eisenstein from Chicago to head up the "Bais Din LeInyanei Giur" in Israel who in turn teamed up with none other than Leib Tropper early on and they coordinated their strategy of dirty tricks against any rabbi or group who stood in their way until Tropper was brought down by the now notorious sex-for-conversions scandal when he was taped on video and voice blackmailing while having sex with his mistress Shannon Orand, and during that time, Nochum Eisenstein was shut up and warned that there was also incriminating evidence of him in a hotel room with an overweight gal not his wife.

    So one must really question the judgment of Chaim Kreiswirth if the best he could do was to hand over the management of his cherished "geirus controls" to the likes of Norman Nochem Eisenstein and his ally and partner in crime Leib Tropper.

  2. Hersh appeals dismissal of case - next step might be a countersuit involving Yeshiva Chaim Berlin!4:51 AM, January 09, 2011

    "Recipients and Publicity said...

    Very sad indeed.

    In all probability right now Hersh is getting help from shadow attorneys, meaning there are people who are lawyers with legal and court experience who are still guiding and helping Hersh every step of the way, but they are not willing to let their names be used up front. He can still be getting help "bro bono" which means for free, many lawyers in the USA include that as part of the over-all work. In this case, for obvious reasons, they would not want their names muddied by the circumstances surrounding the Hersh case but would be willing to help him out with his basic needs to keep this case rolling.

    Legal cases and appeals are very technical matters that basically only experienced lawyers can guide and handle. Hersh is a cocky bright guy, but he is not a lawyer and never trained as one. There are so many statutes and laws and details, minutia and arcane legalities, pitfalls and details that can make or break a case, especially one like this that targets so many people and reaches out to force huge Internet companies like Google and Yahoo to reveal information that involves constitutional issues such respect of privacy, privacy and anonymity laws, freedom of speech issues, some of these things have no precedents and are still as new as the information age, technical jargon (that Hersh knows something about due to his computer background), not to mention some Halachic factors that Hersh and his rabbinical backers are still cognizant of.

    Chaim Berlin yeshiva has a good number of active alumni who are high powered practicing experienced attorneys who would do Rav Aron Schechter's bidding unconditionally.

    So bottom line, the thing to realize is that if Hersh is being obstinate and "filing appeals" and carrying on in court one can assume with near certainty that he is NOT doing it on his own but is almost certainly being helped by a team of shadow and shadowy legal advisers who are helping him strategize, formulate and write responses.

    Even so-called "self-representation" in order to stand any chance of success, needs to be handled and guided by real lawyers and legal experts. Any counter-actions against Hersh should include efforts to unmask, publicize and stop the foolish efforts of all his enablers, allies and abettors."

  3. UOJ,

    You asked a great question.

    "Ver is der behaima?"

    In fact I think virtually everyone is meshugah. All we can do is make it our business to align with the folks who are at least not behaimas. Not easy to tell in some cases.

  4. Dear Reb UOJ,
    Your Zaide was a true tzaddik. Very few people/talmiday chachamim would do such a chesed for a person (even though his life was completely devastated by the Nazis as your Zaide.)
    Ashrecha that you continue the Gimulas Chasadim and Yashrus of your Zaide in your own way.

  5. ***This post is off topic ****

    Yesterday a psychopathic irritant shot at and either killed or wounded six people in Arizona. This miscreant has forever shattered these families lives. He is not a hero or a dissenting voice. However, the inflammatory, disgrace and hopefully soon to be terminated editor of the NY Daily News who declared that the attempted assination was the direct cause of a web posted on Sarah Palin's web site should be as equally vocal, provided still employed, if something happens at Fox News. Would this vaunted stalwart of journalism point his gnarled little finger at Obama for causing violence.
    Maybe this is on topic. Who is the crazy person; who is the animal? Our prayers today should be with the Congresswoman and her family. Her hearts should be shrouded for her aide and for an innocent child who were killed by this savage.

  6. The Chicago Rabbinate was and still is full of Behaimas! With the exception of a handful of Rabbis.

  7. Who did Moshe Green, Simcha Schorr and the Shotzer go visit? Weingarten who raped his own daughter

  8. No one cares about Kranczer's crimes. They feel bad for Kranczer. He should come back here and maybe Moshe Green will come visit him.

  9. Actually R' Moshe Abba Kamyan lived in the BMG dorm until his passing, and spent many summers in Camp Agudah in Ferndale

  10. the chicago rabbinate has been a disgrace for 50 years

    not since the death of rabbi shlomo zalman hecht has there been a real rabbi in chicago

    those who are there sell their souls to the highest bidders while protecting molesters and fraudsters as is well documented

  11. I believe R. Kamyan's first name was R. Abba.

    Maybe some of the other old timers will remember better.

  12. Gabrielle Giffords is nebich a Reform Jew married to the goyishe commander of Space Shuttle Crew. Mistam a tinokes shenishba.

  13. R' Nochum Stormin' Norman Eisenstein from Chicago is not and never was a part of the Chicago Rabbinate - so of whom are you referring?

  14. Rabbi Kreiswirth Z"L was also known as the Krukeverr (Crakow Poland) iluie due to his lomdus.He was actually a very fine gentleman and was a close acquaintance of my father Z"L. I still have the sefer he gave me for my bar mitzvoh.
    Before he went to Belgium he served as Rosh Hayisheva at Bais Medrish Litorah in Chicogo.

  15. Chicago Historian8:29 PM, January 09, 2011

    BTW, if Anonymous is referring to the way the Agudahnicks/Telshers and the Mizrachinicks in Chicago attacked relentlessly and attempted to isolate Rav Ahron Soloveichik while he stood up for the halacha as well as for and the many unfortunate umlallim in Chicago that many askanim merrily trappled upon, you do have a point.

  16. Ferdy The Ferd said...
    Actually R' Moshe Abba Kamyan lived in the BMG dorm until his passing, and spent many summers in Camp Agudah in Ferndale

    3:42 PM, January 09, 2011

    Old Timer said...
    I believe R. Kamyan's first name was R. Abba.

    Maybe some of the other old timers will remember better.

    4:57 PM, January 09, 2011

    Correct he lived in a closet in BMG & in his last years in a bedroom, he tried to move back to the closet, because he didn't want to take up bedroom space in the Yeshiva badly neede for bochurim. I caught someone cleaning out the closet, [or case room,] so that he could move back in. I stopped the guy from doing it, because it wasn't healthy enough, B"H the guy had seichel.
    He died half an hour after a chess game, & with in hours Motti Hellman collected more than enough money for his flight & kevurah in E"Y.
    His name was R" Moshe Abba.
    He wasn't in the camps he told me a story of when the Nazis YM"SH came to his town he was walking with a freind, & the asked Jews, his freind answered yes he said no, but they were loaded onto the pick-up truck. They were brought to the town center stripped naked sent home naked & told to retrurn for work the next day erev Sukos. He didn't return even though his mother told him to. He had already built a Suckah & stayed there until after Yomtov. He eascaped to Cobay Japan & later to Shanghi, with the Mir & Chaachmei Lublin & Amshinove. The escape cost him his sanity unfortunatly, & it never returned. However his midos tovos were in tact even with all his tzoros. I am sure R" C"K asked him mechila.

  17. UOJ may have been out of the NY area by the time R' Abba Moishe ztl went to Lakewood.

    Does anyone know who this story happened with? One of the gedolim who knew R' Abba Moishe in the heim reissed kriah when they saw him come to America a broken and disheveled man. He said that R' Abba Moishe has the kedusha of shivrei luchos that are still munochim ba'aron as if they were still unbroken. I had heard it was R' Moishe Feinstein but I cannot figure out how they would have known each other as R' Moishe was already in the rabbonus in White Russia.


    A fascinating (and remarkably detailed) account of the Stuxnet attack was published Dec. 22 by the Institute for Science and International Security.

    The study described how the virus was targeted to attack a key electronic control in the centrifuges, known as a “frequency converter,” so that the spin of the rotors was increased and slowed in a way that would cause a malfunction.

    According to the ISIS report, the virus may have been introduced in early or mid 2009. By late 2009 or early 2010, the study said, Iran decommissioned and replaced about 1,000 centrifuges - far more than normal breakage. The virus hid its electronic tracks, but an analysis by the security firm Symantec showed that the code included the term “DEADFOO7,” which could refer to the aviation term for a dead engine and also be a play on James Bond’s fictional code name.

    Stuxnet was just one of what appeared to have been a series of efforts to disrupt the supply chain of the Iranian nuclear program. “Such overt and covert disruption activities have had significant effect in slowing Iran’s centrifuge program,” concluded the ISIS.

  19. UOJ may want to reconsider lampooning the son of Rav Ovadya Yosef on the sidebar. The source of that story about women driving is Iranian State TV and the only website to pick it up was VIN. This story doesn't seem to be corroborated by any legitimate source.

  20. Jonathan Turley had sent me the piece on Yosef.

  21. I'm surmising that R' Abba Moshe Kamyan moved to Lakewood after Torah Vodaath moved to Flatbush. I never saw him after the move again. What year was he niftar?

  22. Wasn't Rav Kamian the talmid chochom who cracked up when the Nazis yms murdered his new kallah in front of him?

    He was before my time but another iluy that lost his mind was living in the basement of BMG's dorm for years. R' Chaim Kaplan was once the 9th grade rebbe in Chaim Berlin. Towards the end his behavior became increasingly erratic. R' Yeruchim Olshan pleaded with him to stop being mechalel Shabbos.

  23. A blogger attorney on the Upper East Side wrote he could not find any legitimate source for the Rav Yosef story. An email from Turley is by no means conclusive unless he investigated it to the standard required as a contributor to USA Today or cited it on his own blog.

  24. Hersh appeals dismissal of case - next step might be a countersuit involving Yeshiva Chaim Berlin!9:49 PM, January 09, 2011

    "Recipients and Publicity said...

    "mekubal said...Is there indeed a firm link between Hersh and Yeshivat Chaim Berlin in this regard? Is there documented proof that Rav Shecther is indeed encouraging him?"

    RaP: It was reported and written up that according to some of the people Hersh is "suing" (the so called "defendants") that a judge had asked him why he was doing this in secular court when he should be taking it to Jewish religious court and Hersh's reply was that he had the approval and hence blessings of his rabbi Rav Aron Schechter to go to secular court. That is more than a "link" it is a proven and provable direct line.

    Then there is the fact, not just a mere "link" that Hersh is a devout Haredi Jew who is known to follow the guidance of the "da'as Torah" of Rav Aron Schechter every step of the way and is a member of its congregation where he prays headed by Rav Schechter, meaning the yeshiva where he has other children as students, all the time.

    In addition, Rav Schechter was given as a character witness by Hersh and had been supposed to go to court to vouch for him and instead sent his son in law Eliya Yorkmark who apologized that his father in law was not well enough to come to court to testify on behalf of Hersh.

    So Rav Schechter has openly and proudly gotten himself involved as can be seen that he has already sent in his own closest family members such as Yorkmark who also serves as a paid, full lecturer and faculty member in the yeshiva while he (Yorkmark) continues to be the point man and Chaim Berlin's direct liason with Hersh and is in league with Hersh every step of the way.

    So therefore, yes indeed, it is very realistic that if and when the parties being persecuted by Hersh, Schechter and Yorkmark seek to launch their own legal counter-strike they will target Hersh and his primary rabbinical allies because they act and work as one. Hersh could never go so far on his own.

    By the way, when this case started, it was reported and proven that Hersh had received the blessings of Rav Schechter to send his kid Isaac to Tranquility Bay on Jamaica and there was a huge fight in the Agudah with Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky opposing Rav Schechter who was forced to relent only when the rescuers were on Jamaica at the door of Tranquility Bay. They could all easily be subpoenas and brought in for questioning about their role in all this as Hersh is doing it to others. Many people from Chaim Berlin could face the trial by fire of being questioned under oath during subpoenas and they will get a taste of their own medicine."


  26. "Anti MO": Please stop giving the behaima and mazer yerachmiel Lopin any publicity or opportunity to post on your site. Just because he is anti chareidi, this does not make him kosher.

    He supports the YU and BDA thugs Schlechter, Willig, Broyde and Schwartz yemach shemom ve'zichrom who issue fake seiruvim against men whose despicable wives are in arko'oys and mosrim who are yordim le'gehoinom le'dorei doros ve'ainom oylim. Lopin is a modernishe bastard who needs a massive hiding and should go to hell already. I don't know if he knows anything, but if he does he a real apikores.

  27. Hersh appeals dismissal of case - next step might be a countersuit involving Yeshiva Chaim Berlin!9:59 PM, January 09, 2011

    "Recipients and Publicity said...

    "mekubal said...All I have heard seems to be a lot of conjecture in that regard,"

    RaP: It's not "conjecture" the fact is that Rav Aron Schechter has instructed his own son in law, Eliyahu Yorkmark to go to lawyers and court and defend Hersh, give excuses why he (Rav Aron) is unable to come and vouch for Hersh. Yorkmark does not make a move without his father in law's okay on anything.

    "and considering his stature as one of the Gedolei Yisrael"

    RaP: Is he "infallible"? Was he not summoned to dinei Torah by Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Agudas Harabbonimn, the CRC of Satmar in Williamssburg, and refused to show up (for the original documents and some background, see: Gedolei HaWhat?! December 13, 2007 and Hazmonoh Milsoh Hi December 12, 2007) and was not his case (see: Torah Never Forgets Tuesday, December 11, 2007) against the next door Veretsky Yeshiva rejected on the grounds that Chaim Berlin Yeshiva were mesarvim ledin and he was a lo tzayis dino and until such time as Rav Schechter and his yeshivas president Avrohom Fruchthandler come to settle the summonses of batei din still out there then they or the yeshiva they run have no standing in any bais din? So this gadol comes with caveats, a unique history and lots of baggage!

    "you may want to think about pointing the finger at the Rav or the Yeshiva without something fairly substantial to back it up."

    RaP: It's all pretty clear. Not sure what your point is. Funny how you interject now when it come to defending the wrong parties, as you did when the Tropper case was in high gear, and yet you do not say anything about the obvious faults of what Hersh is doing, especially dragging so many respectable yidden to court and wasting their time and money for the simple "sin" that they helped his boys when he was openly and recklessly abusing them."

  28. Hersh case: Hersh refused the offer to go to beis din10:06 PM, January 09, 2011


    [AFIDAVIT 27 June 2010]

    [Rabbi Dr. Daniel Eidensohn:]

    Hersh case: Hersh refused the offer to go to beis din Sunday, January 9, 2011

    Attached are two important documents.

    1) The first is an arbitration agreement authored by Rabbi Dovid
    Greenblatt which attempted to resolve the dispute with Hersh in the traditional Jewish way of using beis din.

    2) The second is the bizzare affidavit of Rav Ahron's Shechter's son in law acknowledging that they were approached by Rabbi Greenblatt - but deliberately mischaracterizing both the content and intent of the
    arbitration agreement as being a belligerent threat to Yeshiva Chaim
    Berlin and Rav Ahron Shechter. In fact he doesn't even acknowledge that the agreement was simply a request to fulfill the elementary Jewish requirement of going to beis din - but slanders the Cohens as only being concerned with trying to drag the Hershes, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin and Rav Aaron Shechter through the mud in the media.

    More documents to follow which clearly show that Hersh and his allies are not concerned with yoshrus and resolving this issue in a menshlich manner but rather their focus is victory and destroying their opponents."

  29. R' Nachum "Normie" Eisenstein got his first break as the Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Eichenstein's on Devon. The place that is honoring molester Yossi Meystel at this year's dinner.

  30. I'm disappointed with Turley. His source is a website in the Muslim country Malaysia which is owned by a media company in the Shia Muslim island nation Bahrain which has considerable ties to Iran, it's neighbor with which it shares a maritime border.

  31. I have seen Lopin write very troubling comments on other people's blogs. I cannot reference them now but he went beyond his standard devotion to the modern ortho Leftists to being kofer in some dayos and mitzvos because his pea brain couldn't comprehend.

  32. Is there anything on the web about Meystel being honored by Eichenstein, the Novominsker's brother in law?

    It appears that alleged sex offender Yosef Meystel has enough funds to donate to the Jewish United Fund (between $100,000 - $999,999), yet has never offered to pay the young man he allgedly sexually victimized for the pain and suffering. Meystel allegedly molested at the Rabbi Naftoli Riff Yeshiva in South Bend, IN.

    Instead of allowing this alleged sexual predator to do "damage control", tell the Jewish United Fund (JUF) to do the right thing and give the money donated by Meystel to his survivor!

    According to The Awareness Center's web page:

    Yosef Meystel has been accused of child molestation during the time he was the adminstrator of the Rabbi Naftoli Riff Yeshiva in South Bend, IN.

    He is currently employed by Morris Esformes who was at one time married to the wife of Mordecai Tendler nee Jofen's sister..

    Esformes has a history with nursing home "deficiencies" including numerous heat related deaths at his homes.Yosef Meystel was the admistrator of the nursing home at the time. There was also allegations of an alleged sexual assault of a female resident in one of the nursing homes. Four days after asweep, another resident was found to be a sex offender and was arrested at a park where staff had taken him with other residents. As a result of that incident, home administrator Yosef Meystel was charged with reckless conduct, a misdemeanor.
    Contact the Chicago Jewish United Fund and suggest the cleanse themselves of this dirty money. Tell them to forward the funds to the survivor!
    Planned Giving and Endowments
    30 S. Wells St.
    Chicago, IL 60606

    • phone: 312-357-4853
    • fax: 312-855-2477
    • email:


    Several Mossad operatives who have attended meetings in Dagan’s office describe a ritual that he goes through when preparing a team for a dangerous mission. During the meeting, Dagan points to a large photograph hanging on his office wall of a bearded Jew wrapped in a prayer shawl, kneeling on the ground with his arms in the air. The man’s fists are clenched, and his piercing eyes look straight ahead. Next to him stand two German SS officers, one holding a club and the other a pistol. “This man,” Dagan says, “was my grandfather, Dov Ehrlich.” He then explains that shortly after the photo was taken, on October 5, 1942, his grandfather was murdered by the Nazis along with his family and thousands of other Jews in the small Polish town of Lukow.

    “Look at this photograph,” Dagan tells the Caesarea fighters. “This is what must guide us and lead us to act on behalf of the State of Israel. I look at the picture and vow that I will do everything I can to ensure that something like this will never happen again.”


    Several UOJ operatives who have attended meetings in UOJ’s office describe a ritual that he goes through when preparing a team for a dangerous mission. During the meeting, UOJ points to a large photograph hanging on his office wall of a little Jewish boy wrapped in a pair of tzitzis, kneeling on the ground with his hands shielding his face. Margo’s fists are clenched, after having slapped the boy. Next to him stand two YTT officers, one named Yudi Kolko holding his private parts. “This boy,” UOJ says, “could be any innocent Jewish boy.” He then explains that shortly after the photo was taken, the boy was expelled by YTT as part of the cover up along with his family and thousands of other Jews being threatened by agents for Margo.

    “Look at this photograph,” UOJ says. “This is what must guide us and lead us to act on behalf of Klal Yisroel. I look at the picture and vow that I will do everything I can to ensure that something like this will never happen again.”

  34. Not so far off R' Both Versions.


  35. Hersh case: Everything was done under Rav Aaron Schechter, shlita's supervision11:13 PM, January 09, 2011

    "Sunday, January 9, 2011 Hersh case: Everything was done under Rav Aaron Schechter, shlita's supervision

    This is part of the testimony of Isaac Stern a member of the board of Hatzola

    Transcript Stern (00037888).TXT

    20 we were in contact with a Rabbi in the

    21 community who told us that whatever Michael Hersh did was under his auspices, so to speak. He knew

    23 everything that was going on, which is when this story started. we had gotten the first phone call, and I

    25 believe the Rabbi, it was saturday night, and we met,


    2 the board met. Most of us, it was the Rabbi that was

    3 involved, and it was under his auspices, it was not

    4 our business to make any determination what he did or

    5 did not do.

    6 what Rabbi was that?

    7 Rabbi schechter (phonetic).

    8 Q can you clarify for me, I don't

    9 understand when you said that it was "under his

    10 auspices"; what did you mean by that?

    11 A originally they told us that the

    12 problem was that he was abusing the children. and he

    13 sent the child to reform school in Jamaica, that it

    14 was a terrible place, and it was obviously what a

    15 bad person he was. We met with Mr. Hersh, and he told

    16 us a lot of the stories why it was not such a bad

    17 place, and why he sent them there. ultimately, it was

    18 not our business. Again, it was not our business what

    19 he does.

    2 We went to Rabbi schechter on saturday

    21 night and asked him, and he said he knew this was

    22 going on. He said that he know that he has been

    23 involved with this case ten ten years, fifteen years.

    page 28

    24 I don't remember how many years he was involved with

    25 this case. He said that it was true, everything that o


    2 was going on in the case, he believed under his right

    3 to judge, sort of like a Hebrew Judge, I guess he

    4 would be a Judge of a higher order, that everything

    5 was up and fine and it was not a concern.


    page 29

    Posted by Daas Torah at 10:05 PM"

  36. they say that rav yaakov used to make choizek of r' moshe abba kamyan and use him as an example of a shoteh. he once quipped "r' gedalya schorr gebt a shiur vi r' moshe abba kamyan." at r' moshe's levaya, r' yaakov was being mspid and cried "who is left?" r' moshe abba cried back "r' gedalya schorr!" some thugs then led him away.

  37. Rav Aron Soloveichik ztz"l was a powerhouse and taught his children well to fight for those who are being abused and crushed. His only son still in Chicago, Rav Moshe is cut from the same cloth. Lo Saguru Mipnei Ish!

    The bulk of the Chicago Rabbinate are gangsters masquerading as rabbis. There are still a handful of (as of yet) untainted ones.

  38. i meant to write at r 'aharon's levaya

  39. One look at Kreisworth and you can tell he's a Neanderthal.

    Once went out with a girl from Belgium who realized her choson to be was a fruitcake (on heavy meds). As they were engaged, she approached Kreisworth re what to do. The fool actually ruled that the poor girl had to get married to him and them IMMEDIATELY divorced.

  40. Cut it out! R' Yaakov would never make fun of a Yid like that! The Chazon Ish would even stand up when in the presence of a shoyteh. He said they are all gilgulim of gedolei Torah.

  41. Chicago Agudah Fresser9:23 AM, January 10, 2011

    With Illinois’s budget crisis reaching dizzying, desperate levels, lawmakers here over the weekend were seriously pondering something that would have been unimaginable even a few months ago: a 75 percent increase in the state’s income tax.

  42. Dovy,

    Chassidishe seforim warn there is a klala to break an engagement. It is common practice among chassidim to go ahead with a wedding they know will break apart immediately. The only time Lakewood ever made an exception to allow a divorced guy to move back in the dorm was in such a case.

    I agree that it's crazy. They even go through the motions of subjecting themselves to more torture by completing the sheva brachos.

  43. To go through with a wedding knowing that there will be an imminent Get and all its implications, has effectively been eliminated according to Halacha, by not signing T'naaim until the wedding.

    While a Vort is a serious matter, it is preferable, if both sides agree, to break the "engagement" than to cause great harm to both parties by getting married.


  45. Plenty of CHassidishe still sign the tenoyim at the vort.

  46. There are also plenty of mishugoyim in the mishugoyim hoiz!

  47. UOJ is on to something about the mishugoyim hoiz. There are plenty of chassidishe who get treated at centers for kooks on the outskirts of Willy-B and elsewhere. They are not marriage material but their families (mostly Hungarians) cover it up and pull a mekach taus on some poor unsuspecting victim. They know it will immediately end in divorce but this way they can protect their reputation for other shidduchim. They no longer need to say one of their kids is mentally ill or was never married. It's like you know how it is, there are nebich so many divorces in heintigge tzeiten. This was probably one of Margo's lines of thinking to protect the reputation of YTT, that tayere neshomos are expendable to protect his bank account.

  48. When the second big Machlokes took place in YTV, 1966 there wass a quote from RYK that he said RGS has as much right to to say a shiur in yeshivah like Reb Moshe Abba. ( who had gotten one of the RABBINIC VISAS from the Yeshivah.The Story about R. G. Schorr Z'tl and Reb Yakov took place after the Six Day war, Reb Yackov said at the Agudah Convention we have nobody to explain to us these nisim. To which Reb Moshe Abba stoog up and proclaimed VOSS HEIST MIR HUBBEN REB GEDALIA SCHORR


    NY Times food critic Sam Sifton, a goy, responds here to a letter from a stupid reshanta ocheles treifos who has a kosher boyfriend. She convinced her boyfriend to agree to eat maacholos assuros with her for one meal only and wants Sifton to recommend which restaurants have the most geshmak pork and shellfish that he will be hooked and never keep kosher again. Sifton is appalled by the question and tries to convince her to not go through with her evil scheme, mentioning that Klal Yisroel are am kedoshim.

    It turns out that Sifton is the grandson of the galach Reinhold Niebuhr who was the first galach known to demand that missionaries stop targeting Yidden for shmad. He publicly criticized Hitler in 1933 for persecuting Jews, this when the Reform Jews running the NY Times refused to talk about it in the 1940s after they learned of the Final Solution. He also called for the Palestinians to leave Eretz Yisroel to settle in Arab countries.

    Tehei zichronam shel Niebuhr veSifton boruch.

  50. Yaakov Yosef Moskowitz from Monsey who went to be mechabed child rapist Weingarten in jail is not the Shotzer rov as JJJ said. He is the son of the Shotzer rov and calls himself the Borover rov.

    It is very disturbing that Dayan Weiss from the Eidah Charedis is involved here. He has always been the leader of the fanatical faction within the Eidah and supports all these lowlives like Valis who killed his infant son. He is behind the hafganos against multi-national corporations that give jobs to kollel wives in Israel because he doesn't want them working at all. Rav Elyashev has reportedly threatened him to stop acting up, making chilul Hashem and endangering people's parnossah.

    When a Valis fundraiser was held in Lakewood with R' Dovid Schustal's participation people called the yeshiva to complain. The yeshiva farentefered that Dayan Weiss was behind it. The yeshiva said they had not heard that Rav Elyashev came out against Dayan Weiss and that Dayan Weiss's 2 most powerful underlings were kicked out of the Eidah.

  51. Anonymous said...

    When the second big Machlokes took place in YTV, 1966 there wass a quote from RYK that he said RGS has as much right to to say a shiur in yeshivah like Reb Moshe Abba. ( who had gotten one of the RABBINIC VISAS from the Yeshivah.The Story about R. G. Schorr Z'tl and Reb Yakov took place after the Six Day war, Reb Yackov said at the Agudah Convention we have nobody to explain to us these nisim. To which Reb Moshe Abba stoog up and proclaimed VOSS HEIST MIR HUBBEN REB GEDALIA SCHORR

    I heard that as well !!

    Froom The MalachHamovies !!

  52. Is it possible to keep track of all the Shotzer Rebbes?
    the kids don't wait till the old man kicks the bucket and they throw a dart at the Polish map and pick a name. The Yampoler in Monsey is also a Shotzer and his old man is the Melitzer-Ashdod.

  53. I appreciate your posting against Lopin. We Honest yidden are very few and far between. Just because someone is anti-chareidi, so what.

    The MO world is equally corrupt in a different way. All its institutions are money making businesses cf YU and the OU and the BDA are hell of a corrupt.

    Lopin is a humungous apologisdt for these despicable institutions. Just because the Moetzes is totally corrupt, does not make the MO world any better.

    We need to come down equally hard on the corruption of the modernishes, they are despicable bastards. And far more sophistcated than the old fahsioned chareidim. Try post on any modernishe sight aginst them and they will threaten you and remove your post quicker than it takes to say JB.

    Lopin you rosho, we are after you and your ilk. Stop hiding behind the corruption of the chareidim justify other rishus.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Rav Aron Soloveichik ztz"l was a powerhouse and taught his children well to fight for those who are being abused and crushed. His only son still in Chicago, Rav Moshe is cut from the same cloth. Lo Saguru Mipnei Ish!

    The bulk of the Chicago Rabbinate are gangsters masquerading as rabbis. There are still a handful of (as of yet) untainted ones.

    12:01 AM, January 10, 2011

    Why was Moshe S involved with Leib Tropper?

  55. Actually Harav Moshe Soloveichik never worked for Leib Tropper. While it is true that he Spoke at some of the conventions, the topics were his view of the conversion process, the fact that he is listed on the EJF website as a trustworthy source for doing geruis does not mean that he is involved with anyone in particular. It just means that trop per felt he is more trustworthy then the Chicago rabbanit. Not a difficult conclusion to come to. Unlike many of the organizations that were involved with trop per, Rav Moshe shul, shiurim, yeshiva, received no money from Tropper. If you mare have credibility for your condemnation of rabbis who you feel are acting inappropriately then you should judge them by their actions, and not simply because you have an ax to grind.

  56. It should also be noted that there has been no rabbi in the states that has suffered more for defending the weak. rave Moshe came out against the coverup at NCSY. Coincadently Momrdichi willig (one of the conspirators ) wrote a letter saying that he is untrustworthy. The Agudah community in Chicagmo tried to out him in charm for speaking out against the communities coverup for child molesters. He came out against the YU beisdins protection against lanner and thenYU kollel, as well as their boss Matenky has made insulting comments against him. As far as I know until recently (and may still be the case) Rav Soloveichik is the only rave that takes no personal payment for doing conversions, yet the agudah as well as the CRC says that he works for Tropper. The same charaidim who said they found problems with his matzah gave no evidence and even demanded bribes from the company in order to buy their cooperation. Despite being recognized as a world class Talmud chacham he is despised for his non hatred of zionists (I believe that either his son or a close nephew served in the IDF). In fact their is a rule in Teshe that it is forbidden to go to his lectures or talk to him in learning because of his lack of adherence to dais Torah and his Zionism. The MO for their part despise him because of his unbending zeal for halcha and his non compromising approach to it's adherence.
    It pains me as a chicago resident to see ignorance from both sides say such bad things about a man as compassionate for the truth and good deeds as Rav Moshe. Also perhaps the UOJ should consider promoting what is good in the community instead of only what is bad, then maybe those who do good will actually build support to advance that goal.

  57. does this rav moshe go out againt the thugs of the BDA ys?

  58. Also perhaps the UOJ should consider promoting what is good in the community instead of only what is bad, then maybe those who do good will actually build support to advance that goal.


    I'm going to put in a few words here on my own behalf! I DO NOT know any member of Klal Yisroel that has MORE ahavat Yisroel than yours truly! ALL my work is focused on bettering the matzav of the Klal! Someone has to do the dirty work, was there anyone before me that was willing to do it?

    You can not build a skyscraper on a swamp!

  59. I never said you should not do the dirty work. Adarabbah, keep on keepin on, just don't let it consume you and be aware that to some you are their window into the community and therefore are responsible for panting a broader picture. Also what is the BDA (beis din of america)
    and who are the thugs

  60. check out and for more info on how the rabbis are promoting mamzeirim in klal yisroel!!!

  61. I never said you should not do the dirty work. Adarabbah, keep on keepin on, just don't let it consume you and be aware that to some you are their window into the community ....


    I am very focused on every project I undertake. "Consumed" is actually a compliment.


  62. what was the machlokes between moshe s and his brother, the one who moved to new york, about?

  63. I am not aware of any.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Actually Harav Moshe Soloveichik never worked for Leib Tropper. While it is true that he Spoke at some of the conventions, the topics were his view of the conversion process, the fact that he is listed on the EJF website as a trustworthy source for doing geruis does not mean that he is involved with anyone in particular. It just means that trop per felt he is more trustworthy then the Chicago rabbanit. Not a difficult conclusion to come to. Unlike many of the organizations that were involved with trop per, Rav Moshe shul, shiurim, yeshiva, received no money from Tropper. If you mare have credibility for your condemnation of rabbis who you feel are acting inappropriately then you should judge them by their actions, and not simply because you have an ax to grind

    First of all; Who gave a behiema like Tropper the authority to decide who is reliable for geirus and who isn't? while you can say in MS's defense that he never took money etc. if he is such an honest and forthright person why didn't he do any investigating? Tropper never had the best reputation before his who sweetie pie tapes!

    As the saying goes "when you lie with dogs you get flees

  65. Chaim Kreiswirth started this Gerus business with his Vaad L'inyaine Gerus - He knew there was big money to be made, especially from the gur freier who married shiksas and their kids!

    He was the ultimate rodef kesef - Reichmann used to send a chauffered driven limo for him every time he came to Toronto - once he sent a van to the airport for him, he refused to get into it, claiming Reichmann would NEVER do that to him.

    Told over to me by the family member driving the van.

  66. R moshe Abba Ztzl would come to our house in Cleveland twice a year
    I must disagree on one point
    He was an exceptionally clean man
    No crumbs left on his beard
