Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Recent Read - Out of Character

"...The process of correcting mistakes can be more liberating than the mistakes themselves are crushing, even though at the time we often feel the reverse is true.

The ability to adapt to the reality requires a sense of security with one self, an inner confidence that the cost of failure is a cost we are able to bear. It takes real people, real courage, no self-delusion --- without it - we fail again."

And I say, again, (y)our leaders are spineless, gutless, deluded and despicable charlatans, that have destroyed the very essence of the meaning of who and what is a Jew!



  1. UOJ

    The process of correcting mistakes can be more liberating than the mistakes themselves are crushing, even though at the time we often feel the reverse is true.

    first you must admit mistakes and your not infallable

    the joke is the square rebbe will never admit mistakes

    schmeltczer in montreal will never admit mistakes or his serial groping or his other perversions ( just ask his former students)

    tropper will never admit his perversions

    kolko will fight tooth and nail against any admission

  2. One Year Since Troppers Fall 4212:17 AM, June 20, 2011

    The Jewish

    "Sex tapes rock the Orthodox

    By Paul Berger, December 23, 2009

    Recordings of sexually explicit conversations, apparently between a strictly Orthodox rabbi and a woman he was helping convert to Judaism, are rocking the entire Orthodox world.

    New York Rabbi Leib Tropper resigned earlier this month from the organisation he founded, Eternal Jewish Family (EJF), after posters appeared in Orthodox neighbourhoods of Jerusalem insinuating that he had committed sexual indiscretions.

    Within days, recordings of salacious phone conversations between a man and a woman were disseminated on the internet. The man — reported to be Rabbi Tropper, 59 — discusses the woman having sex with him and having sex and phone sex with other men. He also discusses cash payments.

    The woman, Shannon Orand, a 32-year-old conversion candidate in Texas, admitted to the New York Post that she recorded the calls but said they were never meant to be made public. Ms Orand did not respond to attempts to contact her via email.

    Rabbi Dovid Jacobs, executive director of EJF, said he would not comment on the recordings. But he did say that EJF’s affiliated beth dins and its chairmen, including Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu, the former head of the London Beth Din and head of EJF’s European halachic committee, remain committed to the group.

    Calls to Dayan Ehrentreu were not returned.

    Two weeks ago, the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) passed a unanimous resolution at a meeting of its Standing Committee, in Moscow, objecting to EJF’s attempts to establish itself in Europe.

    It had “strong reservations” about the EJF’s attempts to organise local conferences and activities by a new EJF office in Amsterdam were “not welcome”.

    Dayan Ehrentreu, who presides over CER’s beth din, was not present at the Moscow meeting. However, last month he spoke at an EJF conference in New Jersey at which — according to the Etrog news website — he called for EJF to strengthen its activities in Europe.

    “Would it only be that Eternal Jewish Family will expand its activities among European Batei Din... This matter would be a great rectification for conversion across Europe,” he was quoted as saying."

  3. One Year Since Troppers Fall 4312:17 AM, June 20, 2011

    "Sex tapes rock the Orthodox

    EJF, founded by Rabbi Tropper in 2005, aims “to protect the Jewish people and sincerely committed converts from fraudulent or unacceptable conversions”.

    It promotes a hardline approach to conversions, in which converts must adhere to “the highest standards of halachah”. It has provoked controversy on a number of issues, including its refusal to recognise many members of the largest Orthodox rabbinical organisation in the world, the Rabbinical Council of America.

    In 2006, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, under pressure from Charedi groups like EJF, stated that it would no longer automatically accept conversions performed by RCA rabbis.

    This was the catalyst for the RCA to create a more centralised system of regional conversion courts in America, which limited the number of rabbis able to perform conversions to a short list approved by the Israeli rabbinate.

    The RCA this week issued a terse statement saying it was “deeply appalled, saddened and pained” by the reports of Rabbi Tropper’s “inappropriate behaviour” and calling on anyone who had been victimised to “seek appropriate counselling.

    “What we have heard, if true, violates the fundamental elements of all that Judaism holds sacred,” the statement said.

    Marc Angel, of the International Rabbinic Fellowship and a former president of the RCA, said in light of the scandal the Orthodox rabbinate in the diaspora, as well as in Israel, needs to re-think its conversion policy.

    “When power is concentrated in the hands of a few self-righteous rabbis, the result is inevitably corruption, injustice, immorality,” Rabbi Angel said in an email.

    He called the scandal “a siren call to all decent Orthodox rabbis to stand up against the existing ‘rabbinic establishment’”, and to insist that conversions be placed back in the hands of local rabbis — not in the hands of “self-righteous rabbis who betray Torah.”

    Calls to Rabbi Tropper, at the Kol Yaakov Yeshivah he founded in Monsey, NY, were not returned."

  4. Circus Tent Blog/theantitzemach:

    "Why Lipa gains fans and Rebbes lose them

    By Hirschel Tzig
    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    [Photo: Schmelczer visiting burn victim Aron Rottenberg in WCMC (Credit:Lipa's Twitter): "My heart goes out and I cried when I saw him. Daven for Chyim Ahron ben Chaya Sarah."]

    Say what you want, say that he's doing it for PR, or that he's settling a score with Skver, but the fact remains that he's doing the right thing here - and that none of us even thought about doing what he did.

    We were content with being upset and talking about in shul. And it's not just Lipa per se' either.

    It's people like him - not necessarily entertainers - that help those in need and show as if they care that get "fans."

    Yes, I know, Rebbes also help people in need. But many of us never get to see that side of them, and often times that side of them only comes much later in life, when there are money issues.

    I also realize that Lipa may only speak to-for those who fall by the wayside, the kids at risk, if you will, but he's also only a risk to them in the first place - if at all! So why do we condemn him so?

    I don't necessarily care for his music, but that's mostly by choice. My taste in music differs from his radically. But I can tolerate his obsession with glasses and colorful Bekishes.

    Many of the Rebbes, unfortunately, don't seem to speak for those who are troubled or in despair.

    Those people see the Rebbes and their extended families as unproductive and selfish, like the nobleman of old, which is why they lose respect for them.

    Lipa works hard for his money and makes people smile. Those who oppose him are seen as trying to perpetuate misery and gloom."

  5. Relocation consultant3:04 PM, June 20, 2011

    UOJ once said that "5 Towns Weinberger has a serious problem with the truth".

    Is that Moishe Weinberger from Woodmere who has become a cult personality in the mold of R' Elya Svei with a bunch of chassidim worshipping him or is that Dovid Weinberger from Lawrence?

    And what truths is he trying to obfuscate?

    Someone who is looking to move to 5 Towns would like to know.

  6. Woodmere Weinberger - his costume and cult following says it all!

  7. Fresser real estate agent3:56 PM, June 20, 2011

    Who do you bums in the 5 Towns think you are? You started that Yahoo group called 5 Towns shuls that is full of listings to cut the agents out of the picture. What gives you a right to deal direct just because agents are slimy greedy liars? Oops, did I just say that?

  8. is the woodmere wienberger the relative of the North miami beach wienberger who was taped with women other than his wife

  9. Is it true that the first time someone davens by Woodmere Weinberger the followers are watching and if the newbie says one word they make him sign a contract that he will never talk again or he is barred from the shul?

  10. What about paying back any baalei chov?

    The Julius Kuhl Family Foundation is a private foundation located in Toronto, ON. It supports selected organizations across Ontario, in the areas of education and programs for the Jewish community.

    The foundation has been registered as a charity since 1985 and currently has assets of $397,469. Its current operating budget is $1,309,985.

    Previous Grant Recipients

    Gates of Mercy ON local 2007 $250,452
    C Chevra Oseh Chesed Financial Assistance Organization ON local 2007 $72,000
    C Canadian Foundation for the Education and Welfare of Jews Ofthe C I S ON 2007 $64,028
    C Canadian Friends of Mosoos Chasidei Belz QC 2007 $55,833
    Lomdei Torah Programs 2007 $45,000
    F United Jewish Appeal of Metropolitan Toronto ON local 2007 $41,000
    C Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine Research Fund ON local 2007 $39,999
    C Yeshiva B'nei Zion of Toronto ON local 2007 $34,999
    CK Fund 2007 $28,342
    C Mesorah Heritage Foundation of Canada QC 2007 $23,778
    C Agudath Israel of Montreal QC provincial 2006 $6,000
    C Bnos Bais Yaakov High School ON local 2006 $5,000
    C Bais Brucha ON local 2006 $3,750
    C Bikur Cholim ON local 2006 $1,980
    C Bais Yaakov Elementary School ON local 2006 $1,100
    C Yeshiva B'nei Zion of Toronto ON local 2006 $1,086
    Bnei Zion 2006 $514
    Ahavas Chesed 2006 $180
    C Congregation Bnai Torah ON local 2006 $180
    C Adas Israel Congregation of Hamilton, ON local 2006 $125
    C Beth Jacob High School for Girls ON local 2005 $50,000
    C Bais Yaakov Elementary School ON local 2005 $6,500
    C Canadian Friends of Yeshivat Aish Hatorah ON local 2005 $5,833
    C Beth Jacob High School for Girls ON local 2005 $5,000
    C Bais Brucha ON local 2005 $3,750
    C Agudath Israel of Montreal QC provincial 2005 $1,000
    C Bais Yaakov Elementary School ON local 2005 $516
    Ahavas Chesed 2005 $208
    C Adas Israel Congregation of Hamilton, ON local 2005 $200
    N/A 2005 $180

  11. the wienberger from nmb may have relocated himself to las vegas were he is employed as a card dealer

    the other man involved recieved a teshuva program from the noviminsker and from schmeltczer the former rosh kolel in NMB who relocated to montreal when his past started coming out

    so just wondering

    how many men can sign up for the noviminsker and shmeltzers heter for adultery and what is the cost

  12. a song for the squarer rebbe
    sung to jingle bells

    jingle bells
    squarer smells
    he's rotton to the core
    if you dont daven here , and you daven there
    we'll burn you to your core

    jingle bells
    the town smells
    molesters all around
    grope you here ,
    grope you there
    complain and we'll burn you out of town

    jingle bells
    twersky smells
    crooked all around
    medicaid ,and section eight
    investigations may seal our fate

    jingle bells
    no wedding bells
    government programs galore
    have your kids
    molested here
    complain and well show you the door

  13. The sign in Woodmere Weinberger's mikva seems a little creepy. There are warnings that if you don't leave the fee you are stealing from the whole kehillah and no one is allowed to talk in the mikva etc etc. It's a whole manifesto.

  14. Baltimore, the City that breeds9:18 AM, June 21, 2011

    The Wall St Journal says he was charged with theft. Another NJ newspaper says he might not be able to testify in any more cases.

    Solomon Dwek, the star undercover witness at the center of several cases in the wide-ranging corruption probe has been charged with failure to return a rental car and was not in court today to testify in the trial of former Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell.
    Court records show a warrant was issued for Dwek's arrest in Maryland on May 31.

    In the aftermath of the arrests and guilty pleas and jury trials, Dwek’s five children were no longer welcome in their religious schools. As the authors explain, the children reappeared some time later in Pikesville, an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood just outside Baltimore, far from the Syrian community. Their reemergence into public view led to public controversy after Dwek was seen in a kosher pizzeria and the owner captured a picture of him with a cell phone camera. Then he posted it online. There was an angry outcry from many that Dwek was living among them, and some in the neighborhood criticized the local rabbinical council for giving safe passage to an enemy of the Jews.


    Why doesn't Jewish Week leave us alone. They brought in legal experts who determined we violated the Federal HIPAA law and committed fraud by leaking confidential files in an attempt to cover up a cover up of not reporting the abuse of a 4 year old to police.

    Then they bring in Rav Yosef Blau to say that JBAC's Elliot Pasik has been compromised as he wanted to clear Ohel's name AFTER I told him he would get Ohel funding.



    Scandal mogul Shimmie Horn, who lives in this posh Teaneck pad, has hidden ties to a city homeless plan.

  18. Neuhoff graduated Fairleigh Dickinson

    A longtime New Jersey professor who dabbled in scuba diving and harbored dreams of working in the theater had another hobby, New Mexico police say: operating a prostitution website that may have catered to as many as 200 prostitutes and 1,200 clients.

    David Flory was arrested Sunday at a Starbucks in Albuquerque, N.M., and charged with 40 counts of promoting prostitution.

    The 68-year-old Flory has taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University since 1969 and also has served as director of FDU’s School of Natural Sciences.

    Flory and his wife, Sharon, a psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders, live in an apartment on New York’s Upper West Side, about 10 miles from the FDU campus.

    The alleged prostitution site apparently didn’t make a lot of money.

    “He said he was not in this for the money,” Roseman told the AP. “He flat-out told us his thing was he wanted to create a safe place for prostitutes and johns to get together. He called it a hobby.”

    Roseman said Flory also is believed to have enjoyed the services of some of the prostitutes when he traveled to New Mexico.

    A Fairleigh Dickinson University spokeswoman said the school was saddened by the arrest, but did not say if Flory had been suspended from his job.

  19. Teaneck, you are a menuval. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that Shimmie Horn was pesonally involved or knew of any illegal acts perpetrated by a publicly-traded firm of which he was a member. The Shimmie Horn I know is a shrewd businessman who plays by the rules and is a big baal tzedakah to boot. If you're looking for scandal try to figure out what your parents did wrong to be "zocheh" to a baal loshon horah for a child.


    Shimmie Horn's partner seems to be a Lubavitcher guy named Yossi Katz.

    Belsky put Katz in "cherem" for not appearing at his phony beis din, the same one he used to intimidate Eli Greenwald on behalf of Kolko and Margo.

    Who are these two characters sitting on Belsky's "beis din", Moishe Dovid Bergman and Yosef Chaim Perlman?

    1. Being that the two parties could not agree on a bais din Rabbi Belsky ordered Katz to follow the protocol of shulchan aruch and choose a borer [not his own bais din there is a PAPER TRAIL of all this. Katz insisted on only using the bais din of his choice which is against Halacha

  21. I see a conspiracy here. You despicable orthodox Jews are driving out Blacks which accomplishes two things as it also isolates Shmarya.

    The movement is not limited to New York. The percentage of blacks leaving big cities in the East and in the Midwest and heading to the South is now at the highest levels in decades, demographers say.

    The movement marks an inversion of the so-called Great Migration, which lasted roughly from World War I to the 1970s and saw African-Americans moving to the industrializing North to escape prejudice and find work.

  22. "butler embezzlled 10 million dollars from his company"

    Which company?

  23. Shea Fishman resign!12:00 PM, June 22, 2011

    WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore harshly criticizes President Obama for lack of leadership on climate change in a magazine essay published online Wednesday, saying that he had barely moved American policy on global warming since assuming the presidency from George W. Bush.

    In the 7,000-word article in Rolling Stone, Mr. Gore says that Mr. Obama clearly understands the threat to the planet posed by global warming and that he has appointed a number of qualified and committed advocates to key positions.

    But Mr. Gore charges that Mr. Obama has failed to act decisively to alter the nation’s policies on climate change

  24. Hey Noodleneck or Noodle brain,

    Take up your beef with the NY Post and prosecutors.

    Shimmie Horn inherited his father's company in 1994 and was accused of improprieties in 2002, with two politicians convicted of taking bribes from his company.

  25. Does Pro-fresser Flory provide zoynos at my favorite hotel the Mayflower?


    Greenpoint's Community Board 1 is riled over a new plan to turn a $4 million loft building at 400 McGuinness Boulevard into a halfway house for convicted felons, according to the Brooklyn Paper. The building, which was originally slated to become a homeless shelter, was bought by hotelier Shimmie Horn, who owns Midtown's Iroquois New York and Washington Jefferson Hotel. Horn, who also operates a Florida-based post-prison facilities company, bought out the Greenpoint building's remaining tenants for $600,000 and just announced plans to use the property to house recently-released prison inmates. But the local community board, which recently toppled another company's bid to use the building to house a men's homeless shelter, said it intends to fight the proposal tooth and nail. "People who would live there are coming out of federal prison with offenses for murder, drugs -- the big stuff," said Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Chairman Mieszko Kalita. "They didn't just steal hubcaps from some car on the street." Horn could not be reached for comment.

  27. Does Shimmie Horn daven together with Moshe Butler as they both excel at manipulating the internet.

    Agents for Horn are out in full force all over the blogs and comment sections of newspapers to blast the publication of anything that makes Horn look bad. They make it sound like he is only an outside director of his company which is a lie and even criticize the picture of Horn sourced by the NY Post because they claim he is thin and that picture "makes him look fat".

  28. Hey remember me? I'm the putz who owns 5W PR and was hired by Rubashkin to smear his critics on the internet. This included a Vice President of my company, Judah Engelmayer, who impersonated some of those critics until he was caught red handed by a reporter for JTA.

    I also did some work for Shimmie Horn. He got the idea of using the internet to manipulate from me before Butler thought of it.

    Let's give some credit where credit is due.

  29. LOS ANGELES -- "Spider-Man" star Tobey Maguire is among over a dozen Hollywood celebrities being sued in connection with a illegal gambling ring that ran high-stakes underground poker games in Beverley Hills, according to a bombshell report.

    The actor won more than $300,000 from a Beverly Hills hedge fund manager who had allegedly embezzled funds and orchestrated a Ponzi scheme in a desperate effort to repay his debt to the actor and others, and Star magazine reported today.

    An FBI investigation into Brad Ruderman, the former CEO of Ruderman Capital Partners, uncovered how he lost a staggering $25 million in illegal poker games held twice-a-week in suites at the posh Beverly Hills hotel, Four Seasons and the Viper Room on Sunset Boulevard.

    A-listers such as Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and his buddy Matt Damon also played in the Texas Hold 'em tournaments, RadarOnline reported.

    The actors paid $100,000 to get into the underground poker games.
    Other bold face names that took part included billionaire businessman Alex Gores, "The Notebook" director Nick Cassavetes, "Welcome Back, Kotter" star Gabe Kaplan, Paris Hilton's infamous sex tape partner, Rick Salomon, record label owner Cody Leibel and Las Vegas nightlife entrepreneur Andrew Sasson, RadarOnline reported.

    Ruderman, 46, is currently in a Texas prison until 2018 after he was convicted last year on two counts of wire fraud and two counts of investment adviser fraud. The SEC claimed Ruderman bilked investors out of $44 million.
    The poker games were "exclusive events, by invitation only, and that there was a regular roster of players consisting of wealthy celebrities, entrepreneurs, attorneys and businessmen," according to the lawsuit filed against Maguire in US Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles.

    Ruderman lost $311,300 to Maguire, including one losing hand of $110,000, on July 30, 2007, according to court papers.
    "As part of the scheme, funds invested in Ruderman were transferred to persons such as Maguire, who received the funds on account of Ruderman's gambling losses and on account of Defendant's gambling winnings," according to the lawsuit.

    In their attempt to win back Ruderman's losses, the trustee claims Maguire is "not entitled to receive the transfers from Ruderman, which transfers were compromised of improperly-diverted investor funds."

    Under California law, it is against the law for money to be won at underground poker clubs. None of the participants are under criminal investigation.

  30. Teaneck Tipish:

    Explain to the ribbono shel olam that your source of emes is a Post article which mentions ten-year old accusations. BTW, at least one of those politicians pled guilty to accepting rides from Albany to Brooklyn. Quite the scandal!!

  31. Noodle brain,

    November 17, 2003
    ALBANY District Attorney Paul Clyne told The Post he's still waiting to receive potentially critical documents from Florida-based Correctional Services Corp., the prison-services firm that provided free, roundtrip limo trips to and from the Capitol for lawmakers able to help the company win state contracts. The probe was triggered by former Bronx Democratic Assemblywoman Gloria Davis' guilty plea in January to taking bribes. She also admitted accepting free CSC-provided transportation in exchange for helping the company obtain contracts. He said he would be able to reach a decision on indictments within 30 days. Clyne and the state Board of Elections, meanwhile, are also seeking to determine if several lawmakers, including Green, received illegal "in-kind" campaign contributions from CSC. CSC Vice President Jack Brown told the State Lobbying Commission earlier this year that his company regularly provided undisclosed campaign workers and transportation to Green and Brooklyn Assemblyman Daryl Towns during the 2000 campaign season.

  32. Ok, the question is if Horn knew that Franklin Jackson was giving free meals to all the fresser politicians. It's funny that H. Carl McCall is one of them because Engelmayer used to be his chief of staff.

    Note that Jackson was arrested & imprisoned in 2000 by Dominican Republic authorities for SEXUALLY ABUSING CHILDREN. He was released in 2003 under suspicious circumstances and has since disappeared. How convenient!

    Jackson and all these other company officials worked at the company in the old days with Shimmie's father.

    NY Times
    February 27, 2003
    The state's Lobbying Commission fined a private prison company a record $300,000 today for failing to report free transportation, meals and other gifts it had given to legislators in an effort to keep millions of dollars in state contracts. Reams of documents and depositions released by the commission as it announced the fine today painted a picture of a company, Correctional Services Corporation, that did everything it could to curry favor with more than a dozen elected officials in Brooklyn and the Bronx as it won contracts to provide services to recently released prisoners. The $300,000 fine is the largest that the state has ever imposed on a single company for breaking its lobbying laws. David M. Grandeau, the executive director of the lobbying commission, said the size of the fine was intended to send a strong message. "This isn't a game," he said. "If you are going to lobby in this state, you have an obligation to follow the law." The company, Correction Services Corporation, based in Sarasota , Fla. , gained more than $22 million worth of state contracts in the 1990's, but no longer does any business with the state. The company's president, James F. Slattery, a former New Yorker, denied any wrongdoing, however. In a prepared statement, he said he took issue with the commission's conclusions but had agreed to the fine only to "avoid further expense and distraction." In depositions before the commission, Mr. Slattery and another company official, Jack A. Brown III, tried to cast blame for the unreported lobbying activities on a former company vice president, Franklin Chris Jackson, who left the company in 2000. Company expense reports made public today suggest that Mr. Jackson not only provided free transportation to some lawmakers but also wined and dined many others, especially in early 2000. None of these gifts were reported to the lobbying commission as required by law. At least six of the unreported gifts were worth more than the $75 limit that state law sets on perquisites lobbyists may give lawmakers, the commission found. For instance, Roberto Ramirez, a former Bronx assemblyman and county Democratic chairman, received a $113 fruit basket from the company in March 2000. In the same month, Larry B. Seabrook, a former Bronx assemblyman now in the City Council, got a $202 plane ticket from Washington to New York. Two other lawmakers, who were not named in the documents, received boxes of chocolates on Valentine's Day that year from the company worth more than $75. The lobbying activities of the company are under investigation by the district attorneys in Albany and Manhattan , who are looking at the possibility of bringing criminal charges against company officials and legislators.

  33. part 2

    The lobbying commission has turned over the records it has collected to those investigators. The State Legislative Ethics Committee and the Board of Elections have also opened inquiries. In depositions, Mr. Slattery and Mr. Brown said the company rented minivans during the 2000 election and gave them to Assemblyman Roger Green of Brooklyn and other candidates for use in campaigns. The company's undisclosed influence peddling came to light after Assemblywoman Gloria Davis, a Bronx Democrat, pleaded guilty to bribery charges in connection with helping a construction company win a lucrative contract in her district. As part of a plea bargain, Ms. Davis admitted that she had accepted free rides to and from Albany in vans provided by Correction Services Corporation. She said she had in return helped the company continue to get state contracts. Former employees of the company say Mr. Green, an influential legislator who heads the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus in the Assembly, was also given free transportation in a minivan with tinted windows, as well as workers for his political campaigns, free meals and a cellular telephone. The depositions and documents released today, however, establish only that the company provided a rented van for Mr. Green sometime in December 2000. The two company officials maintained that the van was only provided on one day for election purposes. One of the company's records, however, refers to one of the rented vans as "Roger minivan" in Mr. Slattery's handwriting. Another expense report, from August 2000, lists a $30 expense that says: "Roger Green needed van." Gerald L. Shargel, a lawyer for Mr. Green, said the assemblyman denied the documents released today proved any wrongdoing. The man at the center of the case, Mr. Jackson, was not deposed because he is gravely ill, according to his lawyer, Gail E. Laser. Mr. Jackson's expense reports, however, suggest he spent a good deal of time dining with politicians. On Jan. 18, for instance, he reported having a $170 dinner with State Senator Ada Smith at a Queens restaurant. On Jan. 27, he spent $223 on dinner at a Bronx restaurant with Mr. Ramirez, the county Democratic leader. Mr. Jackson's tab also included a lunch at Sylvia's in Harlem with H. Carl McCall, the former state comptroller, for $50. Many of these meals were not necessarily illegal gifts under the state's $75 rule, but failure to report them violated the law.
