Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rottenberg.verified Complaint against Skver Rebbe and Shaul Spitzer


  1. just wondering when will aguda start lobbying the government for more funds for square fire education

    wondering also if the government will check for medicaid foodstamps and section eight fraud

    none of the couples are married civilly so they can claim unwed mother benefits

  2. One things for sure: One day, the Skver Rebbe will show up at hell, and he will be sentenced to a long term. He will ask, Where's My Chassiddim? They will go for me! Then, maybe hillary will come and let them out (not that he gave a shit; he sat on his ass in his golden chair the whole time)! Gd will turn and say, not your chassidim, not Clinton, YOU!!!
    And he will burn for a long time.


    Moshe Gerstein — a 35-year-old associate in the New York office of Gibson Dunn, who also once worked at Skadden — has been charged by the Manhattan DA’s office with child porn possession. And we’re not talking about garden-variety kiddie porn, but images of a particularly disturbing nature.

    Let’s have a look at Moshe’s mug, and hear from some tipsters who know him.

    For those of you studying for the bar exam, here are the specific charges Gerstein faces, according to the New York Law Journal:

    The indictment included 2 counts of Promoting Sexual Performance by a Child, §263.15, a Class D felony, which carries a prison term of up to 7 years, and 5 counts of Possessing a Sexual Performance of a Child, §263.16, a Class E felony that carries up to 4 years.
    Gibson Dunn is a superb law firm, turning out work that is thorough & comprehensive. And the DA alleges that Moshe Gerstein was similarly thorough & comprehensive:

    On May 10, 2011, Manhattan DA investigators & Homeland Security agents executed a search warrant on the home of MOSHE GERSTEIN, 35, a corporate attorney. Three computers & an external hard drive containing approximately 5,000 images of child sexual assault were seized in GERSTEIN’s home. GERSTEIN is charged with Promoting Sexual Performance by a Child & Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child.

    First, note that the images aren’t just ordinary child porn, but “images of child sexual assault.” I don’t want to sound overly judgmental, but that is pretty sick stuff. According to DA Cyrus Vance Jr., the 26 defendants “stockpiled images of brutal rapes & sexual assaults of tens of 1000s of real children,” and “traded images of child sexual assault the way others trade baseball cards.”

    I’m not sure if a normal person, to say nothing of a busy New York lawyer, could view 5,000 images in a lifetime.

    Gerstein pleaded not guilty & is next scheduled to appear in court on June 22.

    His bio has been pulled from the Gibson Dunn website, but you can learn about him over at Martindale (bio posted below, in case it gets yanked from there too).

    Moshe Gerstein graduated from Yale in 1998, magna cum laude, with a B.S. in math & computer science. He then headed to Harvard Law School, from which he graduated in 2001, again magna cum laude (no small feat — in many years, there are no summa graduates from HLS, so magna is as good as it gets). While at Law School, he served as editor of the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology.

    Gerstein’s undergraduate major in C.S. & service on the Law & Technology journal are not great for someone in his shoes. Computer knowledge will make it harder for him to claim that the images were accidentally downloaded, a popular defense for child pornography defendants.

    On a personal level, Moshe Gerstein recently married Jennifer Jackson, in April. Check out their registry (mostly bought out, except for five $25 Amazon gift cards — can they be redeemed at a criminal-defense firm?).

    Is Moshe Gerstein still working at Gibson Dunn? We don’t know; the firm did not respond to inquiries. Law firm PR guru Rich Klein thinks GDC’s “no comment” approach is a mistake: Gibson “missed a golden opportunity to say SOMETHING about how horrible it is to find out one of your attorneys was involved in one of the most despicable crimes imaginable.”

    What do lawyers who know Gerstein think? One former Gibson Dunn colleague, who was not a fan of Gerstein or his work product, opined to ATL that Gerstein was “a huge weirdo.”

    “I’d been wondering about him for years, and why it took them so long to fire him,” said this tipster. “Hope this finally does it.”

    If you have additional information about Moshe Gerstein that you’d be willing to share, please email us (subject line: Moshe Gerstein), or text us (646-820-8477). Thanks.

  4. Judicial Watch:

    "Judicial Watch Uncovers New Photos from Clinton Presidential Linking Hillary Clinton to Clinton Presidential Pardons

    Grand Rabbi Lobbied Clintons during White House Meeting to Commute Sentences for Four Criminals

    (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that its researchers obtained 34 photos from the Clinton Presidential Library of Hillary Rodham Clinton, then-President Bill Clinton and Grand Rabbi David Twersky at a White House meeting during which the Grand Rabbi and other community leaders allegedly lobbied the Clintons to commute the jail sentences of four Hasidic men convicted of stealing $30 million in government education aid. The meeting took place in December 2000, just after the New York based Hasidim sect delivered 1,400 votes to Hillary Clinton's Senate 2000 campaign and only 12 to her opponent Rick Lazio.

    This was the second meeting between Hillary Clinton and representatives of the Hasidic men. Prior to the election, in August 2000, Hillary Clinton visited New Square, the Hasidic community just outside of New York City.

    According to the New York Times when the Clinton pardons were announced: "The four [Hasidic men] were among roughly a dozen New Yorkers prosecuted by the United States attorney's office in Manhattan who received either pardons or reduced sentences from Mr. Clinton. The New York decisions stirred a backlash from prosecutors involved in the cases because in several instances their views were overruled or barely solicited. In the last days of his presidency, Bill Clinton granted 140 pardons and commuted 36 sentences (a scandal that became known as Pardongate), many of them to convicted felons who had paid large fees to Clinton associates, including Hillary Clinton's brothers. The pardons and commuted sentences were subjects of a criminal investigation that failed to produce charges.

    A picture is worth a thousand words. These new photos undermine Hillary Clinton's claim that she played no role in the commuted sentences granted these criminals. If that is true, then why attend a White House meeting evidently set up to discuss the pardons? How did these community leaders get an invitation to the Clinton White House? The situation screams quid pro quo said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "These new photos show the importance of releasing Hillary Clinton's other White House records"

    Judicial Watch is now pursuing a lawsuit against the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration to obtain Hillary Clinton's White House official calendar, schedule, and day planner, and related documents."

  5. Fox News:

    "Do the Clintons Now Support Jail Time for Perjurers?

    (Dick Morris & Eileen McGann)

    Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton are absolutely outraged that President Bush granted executive clemency to Scooter Libby, recently convicted of making false statements under oath. They obviously believe that Libby should serve his thirty month sentence.

    Does that mean that they now think that perjurers should go to jail? Or have they simply forgotten about Bill Clinton’s own plea agreement in the last hours of his presidency — for making false statements under oath? Some people would call that perjury...

    After all, Bill Clinton has a well-earned reputation as the king of pardons — granting 140 of them during his last minutes in office — with many going to terrorists, people who had paid Hillary’s brothers to arrange for pardons, contributed money or key support to Hillary’s Senate campaign, given the Clintons expensive personal gifts, and/or made large contributions to Bill Clinton’s Presidential Library. One of the pardons went to Bill’s own brother, Roger, while another went to Susan MacDougal, who kept quiet about Clinton during the Whitewater trial.

    That’s really cronyism, Hillary.

    Given the disgraceful Clinton record on pardons, most reasonable people would have kept quiet — especially when Libby’s offense was so similar to Bill’s own criminal conviction...

    Hey, Hillary, do you understand what cronyism really means?

    Cronyism is favoritism shown to friends and supporters without regard to their qualifications. And that’s what Bill Clinton’s pardons were all about. Except, as usual, the Clintons went way over the top. So, in addition to granting pardons to undeserving friends, Bill Clinton also pardoned undeserving strangers who paid his family, friends, campaign coffers, and presidential library...

    And Hillary actually has the audacity to accuse President Bush of cronyism! This woman has no shame.

    Then, of course, there was also Marc Rich, the fugitive oil broker who renounced his American citizenship. Rich was illegally buying oil from Iran during the American trade embargo and hid the $200 million in trading (and over $100 million in profits) with Iraq using dummy transactions in off-shore corporations.

    Ironically, Scooter Libby was one of Rich’s lawyers, while Rudy Giuliani was the U.S. Attorney who brought the indictment. Amazingly, the U.S. Attorney’s Office was never contacted by the White House for input into the pardon decision. Here’s what the prosecuting attorney had to say about the pardon:

    “I cannot imagine two people that were less suited for a presidential pardon than Marc Rich and Pincus Green[the co-defendant]. It is inconceivable that President Clinton chose to pardon the two biggest tax cheats in the history of the United States who had renounced their citizenship, been fugitives for seventeen years, and who had traded with the Iranians during the hostage crisis. While I do not know what motivated President Clinton to pardon Rich and Green, I can state that it is implausible that those pardons were based on his evaluation of the merits of the case...” []

    Interestingly, Rich’s wife bought furniture for the Clinton’s Chappaqua home and contributed at least $450,000 to the Clinton Library.

    That’s cronyism, Hillary.

    Finally, there were the four New Square pardons. There, the Hasidic defendants were convicted of pocketing $40 million of federal scholarship money. Hillary visited the community, and on Election Day the community supported Hillary 1400 to 12. Weeks later, on December 22, 2000, President Clinton met with the New Square leaders to discuss a pardon. Hillary attended the meeting, but claims that she did not speak.

    Apparently, she didn’t have to — the pardons were granted.

    That’s cronyism, Hillary!

  6. VIN/AP/The Journal News/Mid Hudson News:

    May 28, 2011 10:26 PM

    "Rockland County, NY -

    Congressman Engel Condemns New Square Attack, As Feds Might Get Involved Police Say

    [In this hand out photo, Hasidic music superstar Lipa Schmeltzer from Monsey NY (in gloves) visits burn Victim Aron Rottenberg at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, May 25 2011, the man standing next to Schmeltzer is the victims son in law Moshe Elbaum Photo: Worldwide ImagesIn this hand out photo, Hasidic music superstar Lipa Schmeltzer from Monsey NY (in gloves) visits burn Victim Aron Rottenberg at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, May 25 2011, the man standing next to Schmeltzer is the victims son in law Moshe Elbaum]

    Rockland County, NY - A lawyer for a man who was badly burned at his home in a Hasidic Jewish village is seeking a federal investigation into what he calls “hate crimes” by the community’s religious leadership.

    He said the attack evoked “the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi Germany.”

    Sussman’s letter dated this past Thursday to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said intolerance has long infected New Square.

    Police said they would investigate thoroughly, but Sussman said local authorities do little because of the congregation’s political influence. New Square often delivers a bloc vote. For example, in the 2000 U.S. Senate race, Democratic contender Hillary Rodham Clinton took 1,400 of New Square’s 1,412 votes.

    Detective Lt. Mark Emma of the Ramapo police said that “there may be federal crimes involved” and that his department would not rule out assistance from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI.

    Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnick said the organization would await the results of the Ramapo police investigation before commenting.

    The state Attorney General’s Office does not have original jurisdiction and can only get involved if it receives a referral from the Governor’s Office, according to state executive law.

    The Rockland District Attorney’s Office would have to make the referral to the governor. District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said his office is working with Ramapo police in their investigation.

    Meanwhile, According to the Journal News, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer declined comment, spokesman Matt House said,

    But Congressman Eliot Engel issued a statement According to Mid Hudson News, calling for justice in the attack on Rottenberg.

    “Justice must be vigorously pursued in this case”, said Engel (D-17), whose district includes New Square. “The alleged assailant has been arrested and charged. Now it is time for us to step back and let justice pursue its course. It is essential that this crime be thoroughly investigated to determine the extent of culpability. I am confident in our system of justice, but I will be monitoring these events very closely, and if at any time I believe it is going off course, I will not hesitate to speak out and call for further action”."

  7. One Year Since Troppers Fall 402:57 AM, June 16, 2011 York's Lower Hudson Valley:

    Blogging Religiously from a New York Point of View


    "Influential ultra-Orthodox rabbi from Monsey caught in sex scandal

    The ultra-Orthodox Jewish community likes to keep to itself, but you may hear a very loud sigh coming from Monsey and NYC these days.

    An ugly scandal is unfolding regarding one Rabbi Leib Tropper, a Monsey-based fellow who has headed a prominent group called the Eternal Jewish Family. The EJF’s mission has been to oversee the conversion of non-Jews married to Jewish spouses—according to the most strict standards for Jewish conversion.

    But Tropper has resigned in recent days over a Tigger Woods-ish scandal.

    Apparently, he was taped speaking to a woman seeking conversion about highly un-rabbinic things.

    The blog, which chronicles the failings of the Orthodox Jewish community, spoke to the woman and reported this:


    The woman told Tropper was “holding things over me.” Tropper can be heard on one of the tapes asking the woman to have sex or phone sex with other men. She said Tropper would tell her, “If you fulfill my needs, I’ll fulfill yours – and you need a conversion.”

    Tropper can be heard on the tapes saying, “I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to…you own your body, I don’t own your body.”

    The woman says Tropper asked her to role play certain sexual scenarios with these men, either capturing the encounter on tape or describing the encounter in detail to him afterward, but she refused. “He likes to see women raped,” the woman said. While sometimes Tropper suggested men for her to have encounters with, he encouraged her to find men on her own and then report back to him. “He wanted someone who would be very rough.”

    She says other women were also recruited by Tropper to fulfill these fantasies.



  8. One Year Since Troppers Fall 412:58 AM, June 16, 2011

    "Influential ultra-Orthodox rabbi from Monsey caught in sex scandal

    Tropper is no minor figure in the Orthodox world. One Orthodox blogger writes that he gained the support of many ultra-Orthodox rabbis in the U.S. and Israel by focusing on an issue they care about: conversion standards.

    He writes:


    One of the biggest problems with EJF’s founder long before this sex scandal broke is that he somehow managed to commandeer and virtually control one of the most important aspects of Judaism: The ability of any sincere human being to convert and join the people of Israel.

    Leib Tropper is not a stupid man. He managed to connive and cajole leading rabbinic figures both here and in Israel to come on board and endorse what he was doing. International meetings were held and attended by very prominent rabbinic figures or their representatives – traveling from all over the world to attend – as the above list from their website shows.

    The names of those involved with EJF is mind boggling in its depth and Hashkafic scope. The above photo of some of them sitting on an EJF dais was taken from their website and is but a small sampling of those who attended and who supported Tropper and his EJF.


    Even before this sex scandal broke, Tropper and the EJF were criticized—by some—for bring ultra-Orthodox conversion standards to the wider Jewish world and for using their clout to hurt people. wrote last year:


    Times have changed. That’s because haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews like Leib Tropper, founder and director of Eternal Jewish Family—an organization dedicated to converting non-Jewish spouses of intermarried Jews—represent the most rapidly growing demographic in Judaism. Tropper also founded and runs a yeshiva in Monsey, New York, and travels regularly to Israel, where he frequents the halls of haredi power and hobnobs with its leaders. People like him are the Jewish future. They’re at the center of a seemingly irrevocable schism between Orthodoxy and every other denomination of Judaism. They’re determined to restrict and to monitor all Orthodox conversions as part of their spiritual war against non-haredi Judaism, and they want nothing less than ultimately to define who is a Jew.


    Now the Rabbinical Council of America, which represents “modern” Orthodox rabbis but has increasingly tightened its conversion standards to comply with ultra-Orthodox dictates, has issued a statement on the scandal:


    Dec 22, 2009 —We are deeply appalled, saddened and pained by reports that have reached us concerning alleged inappropriate behavior on the part of the chairman of the rabbinic committee of the Eternal Jewish Family, Rabbi Leib Tropper. We need to wait for more complete information before we can react fully.

    Nonetheless, at this time, we would make the following points clear:

    1. What we have heard, if true, violates the fundamental elements of all that Judaism holds sacred.

    2. We urge anyone who might have been victimized to seek appropriate counseling and we, at the Rabbinical Council of America, remain ready to refer anyone who needs such assistance to the appropriate professionals.

    3. Anyone who may have any questions of Jewish Law regarding conversions should feel free to contact our Geirut administrator, Rabbi Michoel Zylberman, at 212-807-9000 ext. 3."

  9. Weiner waits IN VAIN for Huma his Muslim rebbetzin who waits for Hillary who got Bill and the Skverer rebbe off the hook3:24 AM, June 16, 2011

    Ex congressman Anthony Weiner is obviously counting on a "political miracle" to save him from his self-created Twittering hell (tweet tweet see his putz the yutz).

    Or maybe Weiner is counting on a "miracle blessing" from David Twersky the Skver Ferd who sends goons in the middle of the night to burn people who want to daven in another shull.

    Or perhaps Weiner is waiting for a "blessing" from chief Agudah honcho Aron Schechter who sends goons to kidnap kids in the middle of the night because they don't want to be as yeshivish as he is.

    It's time for Weiner to get Leib Tropper's advice how to come out of a sex scandal and still have the nerve to write "seforim" on "kedusha" and get in good with his crooked rabbonim buddies.

    And if Weiner gets convicted for acts of indecency and violation of the public trust and of his oath of office, he is probably counting on Hillary getting him a pardon just as she did for the Skver gangsters.

    Dream on Tony, Obama has already thrown you under the bus.

    If you are lucky, maybe some cheap radio station can use your loud mouth as a midnight announcer of dirty lines you can Tweet and Twitter as much as you like.

    Or maybe your Muslim wife Huma Abedin can get you a job in some Muslim country where you can lick the tucheses of the Arab sheiks as you did all the years licking the tucheses of the rabbinical mafias of New York you serviced oh so well.

    Have a nice life and enjoy your Muslim "Huma's Baby"!

  10. can someone please explain how the OU managed to pull all criminal records of the internet regarding moshe marcus butler the son of rabbi butler from the boruch lanner case

    it makes no sense to me how a convicted embezzler/ and other things is now raising funds for drug therapy for others and the OU is reccommending his facility

    so he and his father can make more money from the charity and facility

  11. The NY Daily News uncovered something about Anthony Weiner that is even bigger than prusta emails. He is using phony license plates on one of his vehicles which is something that criminals do when they don't want their movements documented by municipal traffic cameras. What kind of activity has Weiner been involved in besides shaking Chaim Schwartz's hand at the Queens Vaad?

  12. Spotlight on the Queens Vaad12:06 PM, June 16, 2011

    Can you please tell us more about Butler jr? His father is connected to a place that will blow your socks off when that story gets out.

  13. queens vaad spotlight

    here is the scoop
    moshe marcus butler pleaded guilty to embezzlement of large sums of money and asked for a delayed sentence

    he was found with 400k cask in his car when pulled over
    his father arranged and funded a drug rehab place in west palm beach where he acts as the owner even though by law he is officially not associated with the place to get probation.

    the only thing i can think of is that he is acting as an informer for the government or how else can they make his case dissapear like that

    hisfather has spent millions of charity money to help keep his kid out of jail

    he lives in teaneck and travels home for shabbos from west palm beach

    just wondering who let this thief of the hook

  14. Moetzes Resign!3:19 PM, June 16, 2011

    WASHINGTON — Representative Anthony D. Weiner, an influential Democrat who had been considered a leading candidate to be the next mayor of New York City, said Thursday that he was resigning from Congress following revelations of lewd online exchanges with several women.

    The news came as Democratic leaders prepared to hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss whether to strip the 46-year-old congressman of his committee assignments, a blow that would severely damage his effectiveness.

    At the same time, the House ethics committee had formally opened an inquiry into Mr. Weiner’s conduct, including trading private messages with an underage teen girl in Delaware. The investigation raised the prospect that he would face formal charges and sanctions, including expulsion.

  15. What jurisdiction was Butler arrested in?

  16. he was arrested by the fbi in new jersey but i dont know if he was tried in nyc or newark and his lawyer was from ephriam savitts firm

  17. so what does butlers father hide from us

    it is amazing how in the jewish community butler could protect lanner for years and years resign and run a charity with millions of dollars

  18. Rabbi Butler has a bunch of groupies who get together on Shabbos for Butler to give a shiur. His shul has a bunch of people who are mechalel Shabbos befarhesya. There are orthodox shuls like that in Eastern Queens. They do gardening, water plants etc and in limited extreme cases even drive cars. Others are mechalel Shabbos in their homes betzinah. Complaints were made to the shul that non-kosher food drinks are served at some of the shiurim. The shul trotted out the phony excuse that its off premesis, even though it is an official shul event. They once had a meal on Sukkos in a passul sukkah that was under a large tree. Butler would have to have been blind to not realize.

  19. like father like son

    butler needs to be removed from having any entree into the people thta beit tikva helps

    in addition
    does ronny greenwald and abraham twersky aware of his criminal past and thir associations with him

  20. Chometz for Pesach Lerner7:10 PM, June 16, 2011

    You guys are probably wondering that since Rafi Butler's Foundation shares the same address as National Council of Young Israel, if I'm giving him free office space.

  21. rca bigshots defend butler enabling baruch lanner that butler asked an adam gadol what to do. isn't that like the nuremburg defense

  22. Jewish geography9:33 PM, June 16, 2011

    Moshe Gerstein married Jennifer Jackson? There is a Jackson mishpocho that davens in a small shul in Central NJ. Maybe the bungalow yenta knows who it is


    We all enjoy a good laugh over Agudah fresser jokes but there are also a lot of serious people in Albany trying to stop the gay "marriage" travesty

  24. I've heard that outrageous "defense" of Butler at the RCA. It goes to the top. What a bunch of hypocrites as it contradicts their very own written policies on child abuse.

  25. Political insider10:13 PM, June 16, 2011

    I was wondering why the NY Times lead editorial to be printed in tomorrow's paper is attacking Democratic reaction to Anthony Weiner as self-serving without elaborating (they of course never elaborate when it benefits Republicans).

    I asked around and the rumors in Washington are that someone leaked pictures of Weiner in transvestite drag and that he may have been using taxpayer resources to secretly have sex with women at a swinger's club. That's the reason why Nancy Pelosi was in a big hurry to strip Weiner of his powers when she let Charlie Rangel hang on for so long.

  26. Who did Butler embezzle the money from?

  27. That putz Anthony Weiner, pun intended, had to make his resignation speech at a place named the Jewish Center. Nice way to drag down the name of the tribe. Did he think a place full of senior citizens was appropriate for what was bound to happen, hecklers asking him sick questions about his private parts?

  28. The NY Times editorial is already online. Looks like Sulzberger is really upset about the Weiner heckler who he calls "exceedingly creepy". That's because it is an associate of Howard Stern, fellow Liberals, when the NY Times would much prefer ammo against Republicans. The Times doesn't tell you but I read elsewhere the heckler was removed by the cops after he asked Weiner if he was fully erect.

  29. By JTA

    NEW YORK - Rabbi Saul Kassin, a spiritual leader of the Syrian Jewish community in America, was sentenced to two years of probation for illegally sending money to Israel through a charity he operated.

    Kassin's sentencing Wednesday culminated a legal saga that dates back to the summer of 2009, when more than 46 individuals -- including Kassin, the chief rabbi of Congregation Shaare Zion in Brooklyn; two rabbis from the Syrian Jewish enclave of Deal, N.J.; and a string of high-ranking elected officials and civil servants -- were brought down in a federal sting.

    Citing the rabbi's age, US District Judge Joel Pisano did not give jail time to Kassin, 89, though he fined him $36,750. The sum is in addition to the nearly $370,000 Kassin agreed to give up when he was nabbed in the sting, New Jersey's largest-ever corruption bust.

    When Kassin began to profess his innocence, Pisano reminded him that such a display could jeopardize his lenient sentence, The Associated Press reported. Kassin could have received 18 to 24 months in prison.

    The AP reported that Kassin appeared frail and confused at the sentencing, requesting that his lawyers clarify the proceedings and lambasting the FBI and the court in a long statement he read aloud.

    "You did all this to me under almighty God," Kassin said. "Aggravation, sorrow, many nights I could not sleep."

    Kassin pleaded guilty in March to one count of unauthorized money transmitting.

    According to the AP, he had used the Magen Israel Society, a charity he controlled, to deposit checks from Solomon Dwek, the son of a prominent Deal rabbi. Kassin then issued checks to other organizations Dwek requested, taking a 10 percent commission.

    Dwek cooperated with the FBI after pleading guilty to $50 million in bank fraud, wearing a wire as he presented the illegal deal to Kassin.

    Though he had pleaded guilty and came clean about his role in the money laundering, Kassin tried to backtrack at his sentencing, even demanding that the $367,500 he forfeited be returned to him, the AP reported.

    "I want that money back, to donate it," Kassin said. "They kept it for two years almost -- it's enough."

    Pisano denied the request, telling the rabbi he ultimately bore responsibility for any economic woe that came his charity's way.



    A federal judge delivered a tough warning to corrupt politicians & those who enable them as he sentenced Broward power broker Dr. Alan Mendelsohn to 4 years in federal prison Wednesday.

    The Hollywood eye doctor had asked for compassion & a light sentence of house arrest & community service for his role in a lobbying & political fundraising fraud.

    U.S. District Judge William Zloch expressed distaste for Mendelsohn's crime & criticized the pay-to-play culture of Florida politics that Mendelsohn detailed when he pleaded guilty to wire fraud, filing false tax returns & lying to FBI agents.

    Zloch said Wednesday that the gravity of Mendelsohn's crimes demanded a tough sentence that would punish the offender & deter others. Elected officials who cross the line must be held accountable as well as those who offer & pass along bribes, he said.

    "Corruption in society is like a cancer — it spreads its tentacles," Zloch said. "Corruption has become so common that its gravity is lost to many."

    Mendelsohn, 53, kept his composure in a courtroom that was packed with family & friends. A rabbi murmured prayers under his breath in the back row & the crowd spilled out into the lobby, craning their necks through the open door.

    After the judge announced the stiff prison term, Mendelsohn imperceptibly shook his head.

    "Oh, my God," his wife, Caryl, exclaimed while his 2 daughters & 2 sons, all young adults, wept.

    Mendelsohn must surrender to prison authorities on Jan. 6. He must pay a $100,000 fine & make good on his income taxes.

    Mendelsohn admitted he paid $82,000 to then-state Sen. Mandy Dawson through an intermediary, so the Fort Lauderdale Democrat wouldn't vote against legislation he supported. He also admitted siphoning $330,000 from political action committees he controlled & failing to report $600,000 in taxable income from his lobbyist & medical work.

    The money was used to pay for private school fees for his children, credit card bills, a home theater system, and a house purchase & payments for his mistress.

    Mendelsohn served on Gov. Crist's gubernatorial transition team in 2006 & was chief fundraiser for the Florida Medical Association.

    Only Mendelsohn & his daughter, Rebecca, 19, spoke on his behalf to the judge.

    Rebecca Mendelsohn said she expects to undergo a kidney transplant — with her big sister as the donor — in the next months. About half of the audience cried when she asked for compassion so her father could care for her during her recovery. "He means the world to me" she said.

    Mendelsohn told the judge the consequences of his crime were "life-shattering." He said he spent the last 6 months cooperating with investigators to try "to greatly reduce" the culture of corruption.

    He portrayed himself as naïve.

    Prosecutor Mary Butler, of the U.S. Department of Justice's Public Integrity section, discredited many of Mendelsohn's explanations, noting his crimes began more than a year before the death of his father, which he had said derailed him. She also said he only began cooperating more than a year after he learned his daughter needed the transplant.

    Butler told the judge that the other people involved in the scheme "will have their day."

    Mendelsohn lied for a day & a half when first questioned about his crimes in 2007. His belated cooperation made it difficult for prosecutors to charge others because the statute of limitations has run out for much of the wrongdoing he revealed.

    His attorney, Alvin Entin, said, "We don't agree with the judge's decision & we're going to appeal."

  31. we are talking about moshe marcus butler who embezzled millions from a company thta sold products that he never delivered

    in addition everyone ion teaneck knows what a crook he is but there all scared he is an informant
    he pled guilty but hasnt been sentenced and it has been 2 or three years from when he pled

    his father paid millions and paid some company hundreds of thousands to remove him from the internet

    just call ephriam savitt and ask about his clients status



    Moshe Butler was involved in the Spongetech scandal with Moskowitz from Kew Gardens Hills. Moskowitz was being honored by all kinds of yeshivos for giving them stolen money.

    Here is one webpage that Butler agents didn't manage to scrub. Save the text before they find it.

    We are getting reports that Rafael Butler and an associate rabbi in Queens are turning a blind eye to just about anything their financial supporters do. Some of the stories are sickening and shocking even to hardened readers of the UOJ blog.

  34. can you share with us some of the stories

    it also appears that marcus butler is shaking down the people who go to the drug center by forcing them to sign over assets and orsend them new clients

    in addition herecently threw out someone who told him he knew all about his conviction and asked him why he wasnt in jail

    something is very fishy butler and his lawyers are not talking about why hes out of jail

  35. When Rabbi Butler is not performing his rabbinical duties at Young Israel of Jamaica Estates he davens at a Chassidishe shteebel of some no name Rebbe who has a close relationship with the Skverer. This place is covering up for the guy who leins there.

    There is a lot to read here in these 3 files. They call the leiner Doctor even though NY STate stripped his license and calls him morally unfit for disgusting stuff like scamming insurance by doing unneeded procedures on little girls that ruins their health for life. He was caught because any fool knows you don't do colonoscopies on little kids. When he was caught he stole stationary from a Queens hospital to forge phony pathology reports to try to cover his tracks. The shul sent an enforcer to someone who left the shul and complained about it, threatening him to shut up and stop talking. They also tried to force him to come down to the Queens Vaad office for a meeting where he would be further threatened because they accused him of get this: leaking information to Yudel Shain as if that is a capital crime. He told them to jump in the lake and moved out of Queens. They still warned him to not tell anyone anything where he is moving. They let this fake doctor Yanky Neuman act like a doctor in the shul giving medical advice which is illegal while the Rebbe and his followers keep intervening with the State to give the dirtbag his medical license back.

    Yanky Neuman is brother in law of the billionaire Kest from Los Angeles.

  36. UOJ, here's a question for you:

    You talk a lot about corruption in the rabbinate due to the fact that they demand absolute jurisdiction over the minutia of everyones lives. I agree one thousand percent.

    But wouldn't you say that this has a tinge of Lifne Iver on our part, because we stand there, with our necks out, letting them do what they want? It's as if we put them in that position.

    What would you say?

  37. Dear Q:

    Lifne Iver, a deliberate sales attempt to deceive someone by representing goods as better or worse than they are so that the buyer under or over pays (context made to be understandable for the concept, not a pure definitioni). Who's selling here? Who's buying here?

    We have seen the enemy and it is us. Not because of Lifne Iver but because of persistent brainwashing that tells us only Daas Torah is of any worth. Leave aside the fact that Daas Torah doesn't show up in any Gemara or Rishon and ask yourself if you stood too at Sinai, why aren't you as required to know Hashem's will as anyone else? We have abdicated the keter Torah, why? We're too busy, too lazy, too involved in chesed, to learn and to do? No, we have caught ourselves up in the greatest entitlement program created by mankind - self delusion. We've got 100's of thousands of learning programs and we know nothing. We've got seforim up the kazoo and out our ears (sort of like the meat) but no common sense. We atttend but we don't mekabul. Hashem's Torah is tough, so we'll get the Rabbi to tell us what to do. Shaul of Tarshis (OBM) had the same idea preaching to the masses of pagans. Water the Torah down here and there, create a Daas that they can live with and invite in a few authentic chassidim of Yeshivas and Botei Midrashim - presto changeo, you've got religion. What we got ain't what Judaism is supposed to be. We vacuously murmur the words every morning in the second bracha before Krias Shma and it slips out and over the head.
    We've seen the enemy and it is us, saith Pogo (great sage that he was). What more do we need to understand that the refuah was already created before this machlah. Jews did it before, teshuvah, and we can do it again. Cut off the inheritors of Shaul Tarshis' mantle - get back to Hashem's authenticity. It's there. It's all there.

  38. So then Schwartz is an even bigger putz that I thought. He looks like a kiddie day camp counsellor instead of the head of a vaad harabbonim

  39. Baruch:

    I agree one thousand percent. But let me refine my question.

    As brought down by the Gemara, a father who hits his son who is older has been over on Lifnei Iver, because the son will have too great an urge to hit him back. My question is, why isn't the same reasoning applied here? With so many stupidly handing over theyre freedom to rabbanim within the pretense of Da'as Torah, why shouldn't they have some fault, because they are handing their freedom to a Basar Vodom, who is inherently corrupt (Odom Muad Leolam)?

    Of course, its a scam of the delusion of the masses. I agree with you on all that.

  40. Yes, the Vaad has been threatening people for many years for the great sin of passing information to outside rabbonim whether it is an unknown personality or Rav Elyashev shlita. Since Chaim Schwartz arrived as Executive Dreck-tor it has been taken to an absurdly immature level of threatening anyone even suspected with the weakest of circumstantial detail.

    Dr. Paul Brody is also a big shot at Queens Vaad shuls who too was convicted of crimes similar to Neuman. You probably would recognize the publicity hound Brody from all the media pictures at Zionist events that he goes running over to stick his snout in the camera. He most recently tried to control the stage at the Israel Day concert in Central Park.

    One of the shuls that rolls out the red carpet for this shvantz is Butler's


    B&H involved in healthcare fraud


    Watch these two videos one after another.

    The first is billionaire Americare CEO Elly Kleinman, a major bankroller of Agudah projects, who donated the new BMG campus in Lakewood. Kleinman's son divorced after an adultery scandal but is now openly living with the noefes after some rabbonim were paid off.

    The second video concerns the "sexy" Chinese woman Selene Lookfong who sued Elly Kleinman for millions of dollars after an alleged sex assault at work. The case does turn up on the State index. There appears to be an image of the court papers detailing the incident and settlement with the involvement of the State AG.

    Both Rabbi Yudel Shain and the United Healthcare Workers Union put up webpages about the Kleinman sex scandal but they were suddenly removed amid rumors of Kleinman lawsuits.

    Kleinman is also the nitva in a din Torah for erecting the new BMG campus 60 feet over the entrance to the women's mikva.


    Rabbi Rafi Butler he hired Sruly Singer after he was forced out of World Jewish Congress by the Attorney General over missing funds and paid him $150,000 a year, for what I have no idea.

    The next year, Afikim adds Singer's brother in law George Kuhl as a director and pays almost $200,000 to a suspicious company in Atlantic Beach NY called Telzstone Productions to make a video. This company appears nowhere and the address belongs Basil "Pickled" Herring, a top executive at the OU's RCA.

  44. Rabbi Rafi Butler's son Moshe Marcus Butler is also listed as director of business development for BestArt & Mirror, division of Rhino Ventures Inc based in Hackensack NJ with a possible branch in Florida. This company owned by Michael Katz sells art & mirrors to hotels on a national scale. There are at least two Michael Katzes that daven at M. Butler's shul Keter Torah in Teaneck. Does anyone know if one of them is the son of OU President Simcha Stephen Katz who was caught selling treif veal in the 1980s but was covered up for by his friend Menachem Genack who brought him on as an OU executive despite that S. Katz is a mesarev by R' Moshe Feinstein?

  45. It's one thing that a judgement in favor of Kleinman could freeze a union's bank accounts but Yudel Shain is not a wealthy man and shouldn't have anything to be worried about.

  46. It's one thing that a judgement in favor of Kleinman could freeze a union's bank accounts but Yudel Shain is not a wealthy man and shouldn't have anything to be worried about.

  47. As you may have heard, Maran HoRav Yosef Sholom Elyashev, shlita, will be undergoing a procedure this coming Sunday evening (Yerushalayim time) to repair a valve which was operated on some 7 years ago. The doctor from the United States who performed the operation at that time is on his way to Eretz Yisroel to perform the procedure on Sunday.

    At the request of Rabbonim, we are asking all of our shuls, yeshivos, and the broader tzibbur to join in the tefillos that will be said throughout Eretz Yisroel on Sunday evening, 8;30 PM (Yerushalayim time), which is 1:30PM Daylight Saving Time.

    Let us all be mispallel for a refuah sheleimoh b''korov for Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha, and may we hear only besoros tovos.

  48. Katz could also be the son of Rabbi Butler's good friend, Queens resident Dr. Garry Katz who is head of college guidance at Torah Academy of Bergen County.

  49. why does kuhl need to get shmeared by butler when the kuhl family is living off the fat of all the money they never paid back

    kuhl's nephew was also sitting on the dais of the agudah dinner a few weeks ago


    A Jerusalem rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago, Ynet website reported Friday.

    According to Ynet, the large dog made its way into the Monetary Affairs Court in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, frightening judges and plaintiffs.

    Despite attempts to drive the dog out of the court, the hound refused to leave the premises.

    One of the sitting judges then recalled a curse the court had passed down upon a secular lawyer who had insulted the judges two decades previously.

    Their preferred divine retribution was for the lawyer's spirit to move into the body of a dog, an animal considered impure by traditional Judaism.

    Clearly still offended, one of the judges sentenced the animal to death by stoning by local children.

    The canine target, however, managed to escape.

    "Let the Animals Live", an animal-welfare organisation filed a complaint with the police against the head of the court, Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin, who denied that the judges had called for the dog's stoning, Ynet reported.

    One of the court's managers, however, confirmed the report of the lapidation sentence to Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot.

    "It was ordered... as an appropriate way to 'get back at' the spirit which entered the poor dog," the paper reported the manager as saying, according to Ynet.

  51. Paul Brody currently lives in Great Neck. It was reported recently on Yudelstake that the lowlife was at a supermarket that announced all meats are 50% before closing. Some poor kollel guy who probably never gets to eat steaks picked up a pile as soon as he heard the announcement. Brody was standing there laughing at him in front of everyone as if it's funny. I've seen this guy a few times. He always has a smug look on his face that makes you want to slap him.

  52. its hight ime that anyone convicted of any offense regarding stolen money or drugs or maybe shockingly even sexual offenses or coverup remove himself from community work or be removed by again shockingly a true gadol

    instaed we get klienmens we get butler, schmeltczer ( the montreal rosh yeshiva )tropper ,pinter, and whose pesachs krohns brother the molester who does marraige counseling

    yes yes yes proud of the rabbis

  53. Dear Q:

    The reasoning may not be quite the same. The son is a bar daas and knows that striking back at his father is an aveirah. The father is also a bar daas and by striking his son he's inviting the son to do an aveirah, hence lifneh iver. But in our case of Rabbis, the one side has abdicated daas (the people) and the other side is advocating the insidious disease of dependency b'daas. Only one side, is inscrupulous, the other side is bullied, threatened, and cajoled into giving away millions of dollars to perpetuated dyanastic fiefdoms that have been inculcated with a notion that they have the truth. Korach was similar.
    The people bear the responsibility to know what Hashem's will is. The people will answer for their iniquity. People aren't going to like the NO they receive when putting up all the "learning" they did and all the "the Rabbi said". Helem dovor isn't going to exonerate.
    The case is mekek tos, not lifneh iver. The quest is to get out of this bad bargain and to do that is to return to what we were and what Rov's expected. A learned, questioning people. Barefoot and ignorant followers are members of some other religious group - not Judaism. It is a mekek tos to rely on a psak without knowing, yourself, what brings up the question. I'm not talking about "is this chicken kosher?" (And how would we know, today, anyway). I'm talking about "my son told be that he was touched inappropriately by a teacher in the yeshivah. I believe that such a case is a case of rotzeach, I need to report this to the police, what should I tell them?" Not should I go to the police, Rabbi? Is it okay? NOOOOOO. The question of going to the police isn't a question - never was a question - never will be a question. Didn't need Wosner, Elieshav or Eliyahu HaNavi for telling me that it's unquestionable to go to the police. Mekek tos, tells you it's an internal (hide it under the rug) matter.
    We've seen the enemy and it is us. We've abdicated and severed our ties with Hashem and substituted an avodah zorah called dependency. Hashem Yirachem.

  54. What year was the Kuhl rub out? I'd be curious to look up newspapers from that era. The rabbonim in Toronto cover up for them because they get a cut of the proceeds.

  55. Boog's "Sick out there and getting Sicker" file1:19 PM, June 19, 2011

    The woman that Kleinman's son committed adultery with still has a job at a yeshiva day school in Manhattan Beach where she is in charge of setting policy for TZNIUS !!!!

  56. There's a sicko that no one could stand years ago in yeshiva. He was barred from the securities industry after he was found guilty of defrauding a client out of $400,000. He moved to NY to get away from the bad publicity and has been hosting tzedaka events in the 5 Towns to project a favorable image of himself. He still finds high profile employment because his father is powerful and well connected. The lawyer who defended him in the fraud case is Kolko's scumbag lawyer Jeffrey Schwartz. For those of you who know him, you probably feel like vomiting every time you see his picture in 5 Towns Jewish Times as publisher Larry Gordon gets his thrills out of promoting every putz thief with a few bucks to his name, no matter how ill-gotten.

  57. Baruch:

    Great argument. I want to commend you for developing a logical argument thinking critically. Your writing ability is also superior.

    Kol Tuv,


  58. Shmarya groupie8:20 PM, June 19, 2011

    That's not true that Yudel Shain has nothing to be afraid of. Even Shmarya who hasn't had gainful employment in many years is always tzittering that they will come after him with judgements to confiscate his untervesh.

  59. yudel is owner of darkenu and lake charter bus companies. he is also half owner of mordechai schwartz kapparos center. he also gets a nice salary (bribe) from mealmart every year to turn a blind eye to their kashrus hijinks. he is not a poor man.

  60. 8:42 pm,

    you're out of your mind if you think Yudel gets bribed by Meal Mart to not criticize them. In fact he does criticize them over their South American operations which the deli meats are made from. He calls Meal Mart deli selections "chazirei" and tells everyone to not eat it. Yudels gets a lot of flak for not dumping more on Meal Mart's rav hamachshir the Nirbater Rov like he does to many other hashgochos. His answer to that is the Nirbater is fort a mentch and will explain his position to anyone that asks.

  61. manhattan beach9:41 PM, June 19, 2011

    kleinman jr and the saftlas sotah were working in the same day school. when they wanted to fool around they both called in sick and went to a hotel together. they first met up because of the pritzus that sometimes goes on in bungalow colonies. hey, if bungalow putz neuhoff thinks he's got an answer for all of society's ills let him start at home (summer home)

  62. The Vaad to expose the Queens Vaad10:24 PM, June 19, 2011

    Paysach Krohn's brother in law is molester Ephraim Bryks who was a Queens Vaad member until Asher Lipner & JBAC went public about it forcing them to not renew his membership. But they are still promoting his hachnosas kallah gemach on their website. They are also covering up that he controls a Queens Vaad mikvah. According to reliable sources it was Chaim Schwartz who led the Queens Vaad counter attack and smear campaign on the internet against Lipner and JBAC's Rabbi Chaim Wakslak.

    As far as Rabbi Butler, another member of his shul is Rabbi Mayer Waxman who is the right hand man of the Queens Vaad's Elchonon Zohn at NACK, the money making joke known as National Association of Chevrah Kadisha which does not follow halacha but still gets Zohn honored at the Agudah dinner. Zohn runs a crime syndicate with Ohel's David Jacobson at Queens Vaad cemeteries to rip up 1000s of kivrei yesomim going back centuries and dispose of their bones to resell the plots to secular Russians. This scam was exposed by two historians specializing in genealogy and Mirrer yeshiva yungerman R' Moishe Handler who went to Rav Elyashev. There are millions of dollars at stake here which may explain why the murder of one of the historians was never solved. Meanwhile the Queens Vaad spent years trying to destroy Handler's reputation and they threatened his life to his face. Zohn tried to convince Rav Elyashev to retract his letter against Queens Vaad but was thrown out on his head when Rav Elyashev caught him lying. At that point the Queens Vaad said they need not listen to Rav Elyashev as Israeli poskim don't have jurisdiction over America.

  63. Is Larry Gordon's son Dovy the same Dov Gordon who works for Shmeckelstein at Yeshiva World News? And speaking of Boog, where the heck has he been?

  64. That chassidish rebbe has a strange relationship with Butler. He has publicly said it is assur to go to his modern shul in the summer months because the women's breasts are half to three quarters exposed which according to the Torah is the same as completely topless. Yet the Rebbe uses Butler and the Vaad when it suits him, especially financially. He will blast Butler's shul when Butler is not there but he goes running to the simchas of Butler's followers who also happen to throw some money his way. This includes a girl who wore almost nothing by the chuppa marrying a guy who doesn't wear a kippa. The neighborhood knew that her parents would go away for shabbas before she got married and she would sleep alone with her fiancee in the house. People would come banging on the door after 9 am to try to get him up for shul but no such luck. When he would finally roll out of the house around noon he looked like he hadn't slept for a couple days.

  65. yes but what wa sbutlers son convicted or arrested for
    can you please help us here teaneck residents

  66. "he also gets a nice salary (bribe) from mealmart every year to turn a blind eye to their kashrus hijinks"


    You gotta be smokin' crack!

  67. My understanding of reading the court documents is a little fuzzy, either that Moshe Butler was not in cahoots with Moskowitz to defraud Spongetech investors but was gonev min haganav and defrauded Moskowitz himself. Or Butler was possibly in cahoots with Moskowitz to "deliver" goods to Spongetech customers which was never done as part of a premeditated fraud.

    Moskowitz davens in the Kew Gardens Hills shul of Rav Arieli. I was never there but heard that a bunch of slimy Hungarians and Israelis daven there.

  68. One blogger has been bellyaching for years that Teaneck is full of modern orthodox noafim. Has anyone heard from Archie lately? When he quoted that blogger on FM, Shmarya went beserk as he seems to have a double standard about who is allowed to say what.

  69. Jamaica Estates9:19 AM, June 20, 2011

    I wouldn't give a cent to that Chasidisher rabbi. I think he only moved to the neighborhood figuring it is mostly wealthy and he will find supporters to pay for him to sit in a corner all day with his son. When his wife's relatives visit they are very frosty and do a horrible job containing that they have zero respect for the locals who are not nearly as holy roller as them. That criminal baal korai by him Neuman makes dozens of mistakes every week but no one corrects him for the last time he was corrected years ago Neuman screamed profanities at the rabbi with Torah open and ran outside to go home. They still let him read after that. Of course there is something in it for the rabbi. He gets to use the private mikva in Neuman's house on Shabbat morning instead of talking the 90 minute round trip walk to Kew Garden Hills. Neuman's house complete with an elevator has the highest property tax rate in Jamaica Estates which is managed minus his physician's salary by maxing out credit card accounts then not paying the bills according to all the lawsuits against him.

  70. Is R' Yisroel Reisman just gullible or could he also be corrupt? Besides backing up Belsky's heterim he protects David Jacobson's grave robbing and smears Moshe Handler as the "rodef"! David Jacobson might be the #2 wealthy guy in Reisman's Agudah of Madison (after Moish Rosenthal). Many of Reisman's long time mispalelim from Ave P left the shul in disgust saying they were stabbed in the back. Jacobson & his friends used to daven by Rabbi London until the Feds confiscated the building during a fraud investigation so they hijacked the board of Reisman's shul and moved the shul all the way to Ave S which was too far for the original membership. They say that Reisman wouldn't say a peep to defend them from Jacobson.

  71. Dr. Bungalow Putz Neuhoff9:43 AM, June 20, 2011

    "hey, if bungalow putz neuhoff thinks he's got an answer for all of society's ills let him start at home (summer home)"

    I am against adultery of any kind (except for financial supports of the Agudah and Moreinu Harav Belsky).

    And bungalows in the summer are kadma letorah

  72. Jamaica Estates is a sick place. There are a few frum individuals living there and a few frum son in laws visiting for Shabbos and that's it. The so called modern orthodox there are mostly anti-frum, the same shnit as Scarsdale. They hold they are too choshuv for the Catskills so they go with the goyim and seculars to the Hamptons. How sad is that that they get these Queens rabbis during the year and the adulterer Marc Schneier is their rabbinical leader during the summer months? The spineless RCA hasn't even expelled Schneier like they said they would.

    Many Jamaica Estates women are nasty to women who cover their hair and dress tznius. These people support every Zionist organization which is where their Judaism starts and ends. When the shteebel had a hachnosas sefer Torah, one woman came running out of her house screaming like a banshee that they are making too much noise. These people can't stand the sight of black hats and apparently even a sefer Torah. Many of them moved there from haymishe neighborhoods in Brooklyn & Queens to escape. That screaming woman's father wears long. Another one of these women has a bad relationship with her father who is a talmid muvhok of R' Moshe Feinstein. You get the picture.

    Everyone turns a blind eye to the rampant chilul Shabbos in the neighborhood. The teenage boys are encuraged by parents to walk for miles outside the eruv to sporting events on Shabbos carrying tickets and drinks. The rabbis have to know the reason why dozens of tennagers are not by davening. And they call themselves orthodox?

  73. It's the same types that attack UOJ that attack Yudel. They don't like being exposed by the blogs. The attackers can't get their story straight. They say Yudel is a laughing stock and nobody who at the same time they say everyone is paying off because they value his opinion so greatly. They also hack Yudel's website and emails to see who he is communicating with. That is a Federal crime and I hope they get caught.

  74. What about wives of molesters who support their husbands? Some of them like Mrs Bryks work in Bais Yaakov and could have the kids coming over to the house a couple times a year. Or Bryks could come visit her at the school and have an opportunity in a room where no one else is around.

  75. Madison, Brooklyn12:01 PM, June 20, 2011

    Rabbi Reisman's shul is definitely the most modern "Agudah" there is which is why many people call it the Young Israel of Madison. There are a bunch of guys who talk and chew gum through the whole davening and then go home to walk their dog. Rabbi Reisman doesn't complain. Jacobson brought down the level of the shul by forcing it out there. Then he struts around like an arrogant putz as if he owns the place. It's weird that George Weinberger also davens there but doesn't try to run the whole show like he does at Agudath of America.

  76. Ohel CEO David Mandel12:07 PM, June 20, 2011

    Stop bashing the choshuva treasurer and Past President of Ohel, David Jacobson. You're just jealous of his fancy suits!

  77. butler embezzlled 10 million dollars from his company

    he is free pending sentencing but since he opened up beit hatikva he and his family are asking the judge to not impose a sentence and to keep him out

    why couldnt they do that for rubashkin
