Friday, May 20, 2016

Decades late and thousands of dead and damaged kids later....

Videos taken at the Amudim Awareness Event

Sunday night, May 15th, 2016 in Queens. These are really powerful and important for all to see.
Amudim Community Resources, 11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004


  1. Fake Phony Fraud Watch10:37 AM, May 20, 2016

    Amudim is not a true partner in the fight against molesters.

    The venue is the seat of the Queens Vaad aka Joel Schonfeld who protects all kinds of molesters, most notoriously Bryks.

    Tzvi Gluck knows this but plays along because it is better for business and funding.

    Amudim's posek is R' Elya Brudny who covered up for Meisels as well as the Kaminetzky mamzerus scandal. It's also worth investigating if R' Elya is still running to see the Skverrer Rebbe in the years since the Rebbe has become a worse enabler than Margulies.

    This event was sponsored by Seasons whose co-owner is Yated publisher Pinny Lipschutz. No need to waste typing where Pinny stands on all these inyanim.

  2. There are some rabbonim out there who work with the corrupt modus operandi to protect any molester with protekzia but will throw a bone to the victims once in a while if the molester is a BT or some kind of total loser who no one will go to bat for.

    Heck, even Belsky said on the record with a straight face that he is against molesters.

    And that line was the trademark verbal diarrhea of Belsky's talmid muvhok in that area, Dr. Bungalow Putz Neuhoff.

    Don't get hooked by their tricks

  3. I didn't trust Tzvi even before he started playing savior. He is a kovod zucher like one of his relatives. Let's just hope he also does not end up in handcuffs like his relative. Tzvi is all fluff while he smooths over the Queens Vaad cover ups.

    Beware of the guy if you really care about victims!

  4. 'Colmo the Homo' Colmer1:16 PM, May 20, 2016

    12:17 PM, May 20, 2016

    The part about BTs is certainly true!

    Rabbi Gornish is even reluctant to answer kashrus questions about the Rikers Island kitchen when the caller is a BT from the jail payphone.

    And notice how the corrupt rabbis only pay attention to all of UOJ's detective work tracking down fugitives in Israel when the fugitive is a BT!


    YSV update
