Monday, June 17, 2019

A Pathetic Group of Crackpot Anti-Vaxxers Storm Albany In Hopes Of Saving Religious Exemptions For Vaccines...One Commenter Says" Not Only Do Orthodox Jews Smell, They Are Dumb & Sick"

ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – Despite the worst outbreak of the measles in a generation, hundreds of parents and so-called anti-vaxxers rallied in Albany Tuesday.

They are urging lawmakers to stop a bill that would end religious exemptions for vaccinations.
Robert Kennedy Jr. was among the protesters questioning the safety of vaccines. Health authorities blame misinformation for the recent outbreak; predominately centered in the Tri-state area.
There have been more than 770 cases in New York State alone.

The CDC says the measles vaccine is safe and effective. Dr. Jon LaPook of CBS News asked demonstrators about their objections to the widely accepted science of vaccines.

”How many people in this room do not believe the information coming from the Centers for Disease Control,” LaPook asked a room of anti-vaxxing parents who all raised their hands.

“The rabbis tell us that there’s nothing in Judaism that prohibits vaccinations,” LaPook told a parent at the protest.

“It doesn’t matter,” she replied.

Most of New York’s measles cases have been traced to Orthodox Jewish communities in the state.


  1. Rabbi Yisroel Salanter will forever be
    remembered as founder of the Mussar movement.

    Now for one famous short story
    about Rabbi Yisroel Salanter:

    There was one doctor in Europe who was
    the doctor of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.

    That doctor once said that in his entire life,
    he only had one patient who always followed
    all of his instructions exactly:
    Rabbi Yisroel Salanter!

    Considering that Rabbi Yisroel Salanter
    always followed the instructions of
    his doctor exactly, what would he
    say about Jewish parents who violate
    the instructions of their doctors,
    by refusing to vaccinate their children?

    Winston Churchill said [in year 1955 CE]:

    “You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem;
    it is they who made it famous.”

    SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
    (chapter 26, page 292) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

    Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
    from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

    In 1958, former director of UNRWA Ralph Galloway
    declared angrily while in Jordan:

    “The Arab states do NOT want to solve
    the [Palestinian] refugee problem.

    They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront
    to the United Nations, and as a weapon against Israel.

    Arab leaders do not give a damn whether Arab refugees live or die.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 23) by Joan Peters, year 1984, JKAP Publications

    Excellent must-see pro-Israel video by
    Stephen Harper, 22nd Prime Minister of Canada
    and Prager University:

    Why Don't You Support Israel?


    Measles spreads to Postville, Iowa.

  3. The irony of all this.

    The Agudah Fressers had a secret deal for years with Cuomo that we won't fight you on toyeva so let us protect pedophiles that your Catholic priests also want very badly.

    So then who in the NY Legislature made the big push to end vaccine exemptions that has the FRESSERS so upset? The open toyevanik Brad Hoylman because he's very worried for his immunocompromised faygelach buddies with 'yener' machla are at risk.

  4. Rockland Clerk

    Beis Medrash Elyon sued Louis Septimus, July 30, 1975


    Septimus was Torah Vodaas President who personally guaranteed this YTV mortgage in 1970 Monsey for $200k

    Maybe UOJ can fill in the blanks


    1965: Rabbi Harvey Waxman takes out a mortgage tzuzamen mit Rabbi Bernard Greenbaum & Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchek. Is that R' Yitzchok's father or did Rabbi J.B. ever live in Monsey?

    The property is on Old Nyack Tpke. They sold it 4 years later to Sheffer from 55th St, Boro Park.

    I can't make out the exact address. How long has Bais Rochel been off of Old Nyack?

  6. Maybe UOJ can fill in the blanks


    If my memory serves me right, the Yeshiva never received the money, and the deed of trust was questionable as to its legitimacy, and who authorized the loan? Rabbi Schorr allegedly was a co-defendant.

  7. A snarky but tzum zach comment over at Yudelstake.

    R' Malkiel is rather frightened by both the measles & (thanks to the old man in Philly's propaganda) also the vaccine.

    So if Postville has a measles outbreak, why would he continue to get strong armed by Hershey Friedman to keep taking his Agri Star chazirei accounted for as "donations", and bifrat when many bnei yeshiva are upset that it's kashrus is not up to par with Friedman's offbeat hashgochos & Rubashkin's family still running the plant?
