Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Call Speaker Heastie now! He is the only one in control of bill now to give it a hearing. 4 days left and New York will kill the bill for the 8th year. Speaker Heastie 518-455-3791 speaker@nyassembly.gov


Assembly Bill A2577B

2019-2020 Legislative Session
Requires the commissioner of education to make recommendations to the board of regents relating to instruction on preventing child sexual exploitation and abuse in grades K - 8
download bill text pdf

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Current Bill Status - In Assembly Committee


  1. Leopold Margulies12:56 PM, June 18, 2019

    Feh! Everrry mishpuche is having theirrr own shvarrrtz shepsela rrreject. In derrr Marrrgulies mishpuche loi uleinee tziz nebich Juliana.

    In derrr frrrierrrdik shtikel vegen shmelly, dumb & sick, Ich tayna zeyerrr shtarrrk az tze geit oif UOJ

  2. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tech-company-says-it-can-break-into-all-iphones-ever-made-some-androids/
