Sunday, May 24, 2020

Err on the Side Of Caution - Avoid Tragedy!

After 3 Children Die, a Race to Investigate a Baffling Virus Syndrome

At least 161 children in New York have gotten sick, making the state’s caseload one of the largest publicly reported anywhere.

Another doctor spoke of troubling heart ailments in children afflicted with the illness. A third talked about treating a 14-year-old in the Bronx, who was admitted in good condition but then rapidly deteriorated.

“Twenty-four hours later, he was aggressively delirious and had to be restrained and sedated,” that doctor, H. Michael Ushay, recalled.

The illness was so baffling that Dr. Ushay, the medical director of the pediatric critical care division at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, said he was not sure whether the child’s downturn was caused by the disease or a reaction to the medicine the boy was given at the hospital, which included steroids and ketamine.

The first cases of the new syndrome began to draw doctors’ attention in late April and early May, about a month after the height of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City.

Almost immediately, doctors noticed that in some patients the symptoms bore a striking overlap to a rare childhood illness called Kawasaki disease, which involves inflammation of the blood vessels and whose symptoms can range from redness of the eyes to damaged coronary arteries that can lead to heart attacks and aneurysms.

But with Kawasaki disease, a fraction of children end up in an intensive care unit or requiring life support. Yet a significant number of the patients with the new syndrome

 Much More:

New York State Department of Health Video & Transcript:


  1. Bishvil Bruce nivra haOylam?5:53 PM, May 24, 2020

    ReOpenNY is the rebel movement that launched today that although it is Statewide with many non-Jews participating, the spokesman is Chabad BT Bruce Backman who organizes a Pesach hotel and many of the activists are Chabad and Agudah Fresser types. There are something like 200 heimishe stores illegally open today with the org's sign in their window in Brooklyn, Monsey & the 5 Towns. They have lawyers lined up ready to sue Cuomo wherever police shut them down.

    I think Backman is a selfish & reckless moron because it's one thing when there is curbside pickup and extreme social distancing but ReOpenNY is being quoted that less than that is also acceptable to them.

    Backman is obviously angry that he lost his hoyzen on Pesach this year as Pesach organizers don't have insurance & because his crowd comes from several cities that it's hard to reconfigure as a caterer like Michael Shick did being that most of Shick's hotel crowd is from Metro NY.

  2. Backman IS a moron if you've ever seen how he runs his hotel which is an embarrassment to Lubavitch and to all bnei Torah in the velt arein! With what goes on there while he tries very hard to kiss up to his modern orthodox crowd, like mixed swimming, it's no wonder that his 20% of guests from Crown Heights are not the geggen's more upstanding segment. When he is matzdik the misguided ideas he is guilty of I think he actually believes what he's saying, but it doesn't make it any less krum.

  3. Short memory span7:35 PM, May 24, 2020

    It was just a few days ago that the Agudah hypocrites in trying to get the camps open were being mechanef Cuomo that they respect the rule of his laws and went out of their way to trash Nitra to him for rebelling (Nitra is expendable because they spurn the Tzionishe Agudah).

    Now they've joined forces with this rag tag mob that is spitting on the Governor, sticking a needle in his eye, challenging him with disobedience backed up by big mouth lawyers. Their lead lawyer is actually Agudah dinner honoree Ron Coleman who has defended the likes of menuvol Mordechai Tendler & thieving shyster Yahoo Mintz.

  4. Ronald Coleman is mamash a mechutzef. When Orange County raided the Satmar cheder in KJ this past erev Shabbos & found 100s of yinglach illegally inside, with no face masks nuch dem, Coleman who is representing Satmar put on a straight face to tell authorities & the media that Satmar understood the ban on schools to mean only if there are regular classes, not if boys are learning bechavrusa.

  5. Shmuel Kaminetzky gets results9:54 PM, May 24, 2020

    Throngs of Marmorosher peasants heeding the call of Agudah-front "ReOpenNY" didn't just come out today to shop, they huddled en masse with no distancing, obstructed responding police, shouted Nazi references at them, blocked traffic on 13th Ave & made false accusations that only Yiddishe areas are targeted, not Shvartz ones.

    Chalk up another chilul Hashem instigated by the old anti-vaxxer in Philly yeshiva.

  6. Very cute about Philly with their Marmorosher chassidim, considering that kimat the gantz Philly student body for decades have been Boro Park / Flatbush Hungarians who are Litvisher wannabes.

  7. I saw Rav Jaeger's full letter. Sadly, he is terrified to take a real stand & possibly get harassed by the Philly mafia so he said it's only for his talmidim while others should follow other rabbonim (on Philly's anti-vaxx death march). The Philly mafia once ganged up (beshutfus with Chabad & the OU) on the all the 5 Towns rabbonim who didn't agree with their position on the Rubashkin shnorrfests. They really savaged the opposing rabbonim, even smearing them on the front page of Larry Gordon's tush wipe newspaper.

    Rav Jaeger added for his chevra something politically incorrect but it needed to be said, that shnorrers should be denied entry to minyanim when they restart. I mean it's poshut as they are in contact with too many people even if they have a mussag of hygiene.
