Thursday, May 21, 2020

Warning: Never Trust Orthodox Jews Who Believe In Science! (Fake Jews)

Add them to the list: 2 Orthodox camps cancel summer 2020 due to COVID-19

(JTA) — Two Orthodox overnight camps have canceled their 2020 summers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They appear to be the first two of that denomination to do so.

Camp Morasha in Pennsylvania, a Modern Orthodox camp, announced in an email Wednesday that it had come to the decision following “months of deliberation, alternative planning, reviewing all available policies from the CDC, ACA and the State of Pennsylvania, in addition to receiving guidance from medical experts and Rabbinic poskim,” or Jewish legal authorities.

Camp Moshava Ennismore, which is also Modern Orthodox, announced its 2020 closure on Wednesday after the government of Ontario, the Canadian province where it is located, announced that overnight camps would not be allowed to operate in 2020.

“The health and safety of our campers, staff, and families will always be our top priority and we fully understand why Ontario camps cannot run this summer,” the camp said in a message posted on its website. “This, of course, does not make it any easier to process.”

Over the past few weeks, dozens of non-Orthodox camps have announced that they will not be running in 2020. That includes nearly all Conservative and Reform overnight camps.


  1. Wow did all heck break loose today!

    First some jerk named Pinchos Frankel, who is apparently one of the sons of the Fresser Moetzes Vayelepoler Rebbe, got up befarhesya to trash the Agudah because they are not pro-virus spread ENOUGH with not all of them fully backing Philly, and Philly itself talking out both sides of their mouths for PR reasons. P. Frankel may have also resigned from an unspecified org or shul over it.

    The speech was mistakenly posted to Pinny Lipschutz's because he wasn't paying attention but then quickly removed.

    Some other blogs like Lakewood Hefkervelt & the Gissinger chossid provided the conference call access codes to the audio but the Fressers have been frantically pressuring them all to remove it. They came down so hard on the Gissinger chossid that he actually wiped his entire blog clean, except for an added apology for ever having blogged anything lechatchila.

    Some sharfe Briskers downloaded it right away knowing it was just a matter of time before the Philly Politburo would get to it so I will provide you iy"H with a copy soon.

    Mad Scientist Kaminetzky came out bichsav with a veiled attack on the Vayelepoler's son that was co-signed by the only two lemmelach he could convince to go along with him, the roshei yeshiva of MTJ & Ner Yishmoel.

    Then another trio of events all happened within hours of each other that is going to send the heimishe infection rate to the sky again! Because unzerra meatheads go running with every iota of information to completely distort & repurpose what was actually said.

    Gov. Murphy allowed 10 people to daven outside only with restrictions.

    Cuomo the Homo was mattir 25 people even inside if a dozen or so tenoyim are met.

    The first two announcements came after relentless Fresser pressure.

    Then the President came out in gantzen gangbusters today with a vague blanket go ahead for shuls & threatened the Govs he will stop them if try to be more strict. There's no question the Fressers have been non-stop filling his ears with their propaganda too.

    Murphy might be different but Cuomo & Trump have the same objective that the economy comes before pikuach nefesh. They just shtell it avek in different ways.

    The poel yotze from all this combined balagan is that most shuls are opening tonight and without following safety guidelines. Even rabbonim who are strongly against opening because they know it's dangerous are having tremendous pressure applied on them by Philly proxies and/or their own 'entitled' rich guys. Many of these rabbonim are nebich folding like cheap cameras!

    HELP! And may HKBH restore some measure of sanity to all these loser roydfim!

  2. Shor Yoshuv rosh yeshiva Rav Jaeger, mechaven to UOJ, just announced the following less than an hour ago, which makes you wonder how did so many others lose their common sense ...

    To my understanding there is no scientific evidence that the virus itself has subsided (there are less cases, but this is because of restrictions). History has shown that epidemics and pandemics tend to stay around for a while ר"ל ה' ישמרנו. There is no clinical evidence that gives us an excuse to be more lax.

    Experience has shown (even locally) that we have a natural tendency to be lax in these situations. As erliche Yidden, we gravitate towards each other, thereby forgetting the restrictions.

    גאון הדורות רבי עקיבא איגר , in his famous letter to his תלמיד, הגה"ק רבי אליהו גוטמאכר מגריידיץ writes in his עצות for healthy actions during the מגפה of 1831-1832 that took place in Poland & Germany. When רע"א formulated תקנות for תפילות on ראש השנה ויום הכיפורים, he placed soldiers and police officers in each shul. The translation of the original German text is found in פסקים ותקנות רע"א דף ע"ב (you can find it on אוצר החכמה). I can’t imagine the awe and יראת הכבוד they had for רע"א, yet he insisted on police and army supervision! הפלא ופלא!

    To quote רע"א again, שם דף ע"ז (loose translation) “one who transgresses (רע"א’s guidelines) he is liable (ה' ישמור) with his life. Additionally, they are responsible for bringing tragedy (ה' ישמור) by tripping others, and he will ultimately have to answer ליתן את הדין for himself and others .. and be scrupulously careful, for it is equal to שפיכת דמים (ח"ו).

    I give you all a ברכה for Gezunt, מנוחת הנפש, Torah’dike נחת, and פרנסה ברווח.

  3. Agudah having a fit12:07 PM, May 24, 2020

    Summer school in New York will be conducted remotely, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday, citing the risks of returning children to the classroom.

    The governor said it’s too early to make a decision about the fall semester. School buildings in New York have been closed since March.

    “Schools obviously pose risks. They’re places of gathering. They’re on buses. They’re in classrooms, Cuomo said at his daily briefing. “How do you reduce density in a classroom? How do you reduce density in a cafeteria, on a school bus, et cetera? How do you get children to wear masks?

    Cuomo also mentioned increasing awareness and concern about a syndrome affecting children that is thought to be linked to COVID-19. Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) affects blood vessels and organs and has symptoms including prolonged fever, abdominal pain and vomiting.

    New York is investigating 157 cases of the syndrome, which has been reported in more than a dozen countries. Two young boys and an 18-year-old woman diagnosed with the syndrome have died in New York state.


  5. Stop the Philly-Agudah Roydfim12:54 PM, May 24, 2020

    The MIS-C inflammatory syndrome has mutated & is now also attacking those in their early through late 20s

    Philly with the Agudah Fressers at their beck & call have completely lost their minds and are currently scrambing to reopen yeshivos for the next few weeks even before camp starts.

    YWN's Eckstein has become their biggest cheerleader. And chaval just like there's no vaccine for coronavirus, there is also no cure for katnus hamoyach.
