Tuesday, May 19, 2020

On "Stupid People"



  1. Moral Retard Watch2:01 PM, May 20, 2020

    The Yated from a week & a half ago had a letter to the editor from a majorly sick guy, Lakewood’s “Rabbi” Moshe Garfinkel. I remember him growing up in Monsey, he was already so maddening then that people sometimes felt like punching him in the face. Lately, on top of all his other nauseating behavior, he walks around with mannerisms that if you weren’t bakant with some of the more extreme robots that Philly produces, you would think he’s a flaming open chomo. He actually is always writing letters to Yated in what’s obviously a pathetic bid that maybe Lipschutz will hire him as a regular writer. Halevye that he should spare everyone from his farfrumte psycho babble. Like get a clue already that Lipschutz isn’t firing off job offers to you, so genug shoin. This new Garfinkel letter attacks the opponents of the Philly Kaminetzky anti-vaxx scheme in spreading virus through illegal minyanim - the critics are the bad guys - they’re the ones creating pirudim / machlokes in Klal Yisroel. No disclosure that the virus spread binge comes from Philly & their posek talmidim and that he is himself a Philly boy.

  2. The Agudah Fressers in cahoots with the GREEDY camp owners who only give a damn about profit, not the kids, have already been badgering the parents to write letters begging both Cuomo & Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf to open all the Catskills & Poconos camps. Some of the greedy bastards are micromanaging by telling parents to submit the letters for the camp owner to present to the Govs. They are throwing around Shmuel Kaminetzky talking points that better virus in the camps than possible spiritual sakona from “kids in the streets”. And never underestimate always evolving Kaminetzky propaganda because they are now adding that kids now in mid-May are already having their ruchniyus destroyed by running around in public. Gee, there is a stay at home order being enforced so unless they ran to the Nitra yeshiva that was raided by the NYPD, where exactly have they been? In the official letter to Cuomo the Fressers agav hilariously criticized Nitra (who never joined the too Tzioni Agudah) & lied that no yeshivos are affiliated with them while conveniently omitting that other roshei yeshiva arrested for opening up had a Philly-Agudah connection. There are also signs the Agudah is gearing up to bombard Ontario Provincial Premier Ford.

  3. https://vosizneias.com/2020/05/18/camp-infirmary-nurse-voices-concerns-over-camps-opening-this-summer/

  4. Dinkins the Pinkins1:46 AM, May 21, 2020

    Cuomo made the gay & jolly announcement around Noon that he's letting shuls open again. This was a direct result of the Agudah akshonim sitting on his head & relentlessly pestering him for weeks. Why do these psychopathic shmucks have all the clout? Why couldn't Cuomo hear from someone playing with a full deck who is not trying to sacrifice lives, like Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt?

    And who got to Shmeckelstein at Yeshiva World who suddenly went from bashing organization of minyanim to cheerleading every rumor that another virus transmission quorum is getting together?

  5. Planted comment12:12 PM, May 21, 2020

    One of Garfinkel's friends wrote a letter to the Yated this past year that was so ridiculous I can't believe Pinny actually published it. He was going on & on how Garfinkel is the best cheder melamed of all time. Still, no cigar and no columnist gig for Garfinkel.

    Please! If my kids would've chalila faced the prospect of being #forced# into Garfinkel's shiur, we would have left town.

    Retard is a good word in Garfinkel's case. And he has extended mishpocho who are so dense that they too are morally warped in various ways.

  6. Paul, I need your accurate guidance: What are those “falsehoodsFeinstein, Kamenetzky, and Feldman (about Zwiebel?) are talking about now? Also: what’s your position on Russian Zelenko (who is leaving Kiryas Joel and is blasting its political leadership)?

  7. Paul do not keep silent!” (Psalm 83:1)

  8. Midvar Agudah Sheker Tirchak1:38 PM, May 21, 2020

    Purim 2020 was March 10th


    Avi Schnall, the New Jersey director of Agudath Israel of America, a haredi Orthodox organization, lives in Lakewood and celebrated Purim at his synagogue and his rabbi’s house. Had state officials advised against doing so, Schnall said, he would have listened.


    February 26, 2020

    CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez spoke to Carlo Marna from Wayne, New Jersey, while he was out for a rare errand run. He just had open heart surgery last month and the potential threat of coronavirus makes him nervous.

    “If I was going to the restaurant to eat, right now, I would not go,” he said.

    On Wednesday, Gov. Phil Murphy validated Marna’s concerns


    March 9th, 2020

    With virus deaths tripling in the last 2 days, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy declares STATE OF EMERGENCY & PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY (2 days after NY declared a State of Emergency on March 7th - NY is where Agudah officials much more important than schlumpy Schnall are LYING about the timeline of events)


    Also on March 9th, 2020

    Several NJ schools announce closures

    Law enforcement would only start arresting school administrators on March 19th for not closing. The Agudah which is the proxy of anti-vaxx Shmuel Kaminetzky pressured the yeshivos & shuls to stay open to keep spreading death. Most mosdos were open until the last minute that they could evade arrest. Some kept going further until the roshei yeshiva were actually arrested.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    “Paul do not keep silent!” (Psalm 83:1)


    I am not up on the latest, this is what I will say: Anything coming out of Kamenetsky's mouth or pen is suspect. As far as Zelenko, I choose the CDC, and the NIH over this one guy in Kiryat Yoel.

  10. …this is what I will say…
    Amos 3:8: “Rav Shraga Feivel has roared! Who will not fear? Rav Shraga Feivel has spoken! Who can but prophesy?”
    Thank you, the world’s true leader!

  11. The CDC is not perfect.

    They strongly urged the public to NOT wear N95 masks.

    There is no question that whoever wears an N95 is much safer. But the CDC wanted to make sure that the public would not cut into the supply they were gathering for first responders. I'm not saying the CDC did something corrupt here, just that by default it was not the best advice for rank & file citizens.

    And does anyone know by the way if there are any Obama holdovers running the CDC that have a say in anything? Personally, I might be more inclined to trust the Lubav KJ doctor over them. Obama's medical policy advisors have traditionally been a bunch of immoral cretins.

    One more thought is that although the President may have good intentions when micromanaging many functions of the CDC, he is fort putting fear of economic ruin in front of hatzolas nefoshos. This may not conflict with that one doctor's medical plan but it is problematic on other levels.

    On the lighter side of things, it will be difficult for Rabbi Mendlowitz to get all the readers to agree with him in medical matters even when successful on other topics, because when have you ever met a Jew who is not the patient of a BIG Doctor?

  12. The problem with Zelenko is his pedigree. I do not trust Russian Russians; I do not trust Russian Jews either. Because after Stalin they lost the mesorah! The Judaism they have reinvented is always fake. But what if they claim to have a refuah for coronavirus? UOJ has taught us that Zelenko cannot be trusted! We have our own mumchin in America, not Russian doctors!

  13. Mr. Alexei Navalny, a Russian lawyer and political activist, has recently debunked Putin’s State TV doctor Elena Malysheva (whose dad is actually Jewish). She has been dismissing the threat of coronavirus (Russia has been hiding thousands of COVID-19 cases to make us think they have the best healthcare in the world), and she constantly says how much she loves Putin, but she and her sons have grand luxury palaces right outside Manhattan! I watched Navalny’s video about it (youtube.com/watch?v=7krHon1ykx0), and, folks, that mansion is gorgeous! (I do not know any Russian, but the video has closed captions.) Gosh, it has been already viewed over 9 million times! Perhaps Vladimir Zelenko is like Elena Malysheva!

  14. “Whether or not our local order gets either reinstated, or reissued in a form that is approved by the NYS DOH, the Town of Fallsburg will continue to prohibit the use and occupancy of [camps] within the Town of Fallsburg during the pendency of this crisis,” the statement reads.


  15. How did UOJ dig up that article from an obscure newspaper with circulation about 2000?

    I've really got my foot in my mouth right now big time, even more than all the other times in the last 40 years that I've been on the wrong side of every issue.

    But cut me some slack, man! I didn't really want to issue the letter to all the Darkei parents that my Camp Oraysa got a permit from Fallsburg to open. Old Sam Kaminetzky twisted my arm & huffed if I don't do it I'm a rotten egg!
