Friday, September 25, 2020

This Post is Not an "I Told You So"!

On March 12, 2020, I came out of my self-imposed blog retirement (I'm at my office every work day, except when I'm not), for one reason only! To bring attention to the onslaught of the upcoming pandemic that I believed at the time will bring an untold amount of death to the global population.

 I e-mailed my children in January, that the pandemic that started in Wuhan, China was spreading rapidly and would arrive in the USA shortly. I told them to stock up on non-perishable food and water. I begged them not to attend shul on Purim or attend any Purim festivities.

So this is not hindsight; read my blog posts from March 12 forward.

I'm a student of history, and I researched the Pandemic of 1918, and realized how pandemics start and spread.

I basically pleaded with the Jewish community and anyone else that reads my blog to take this seriously, nah, what did I know?

It was the rabbis that knew EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING - they said go to shul on Purim, stay in yeshivas, and even now, pack the shuls on the yomim tovim as Israel goes into full lockdown. The vast majority of Orthodox rabbis are either ignorant of science or anti-science, until they need a doctor!

It is hard to feel pity for idiots, maybe that is a fault of mine, nevertheless, I don't! I do not wish anyone harm, but you choose your own destiny based on your free will!

So, whether I (or you) like it or not, I'm back for the time-being, and I will continue to call matters of life and death to your attention (spiritually or physically), and anything else that I believe is necessary. If I insulted anyone over the past year, -------- you probably deserved it :-)

Wishing almost all a G'mar Chasima Tova.



  1. G'mar Chasima Tova.

    If you made just one rabbi uncomfortable, you have achieved something, and if you have made just one person question the rabbinical pronunciamentos and thereby avoid infect, then it is as though you have saved the entire world.


    Gevaldig! What lofty role models the kids have at Yeshiva of Spring Valley while they sit there (not distanced) with State mandated masks, the rebbeyim are unmasked.

    Did you know who is the head of YSV's farce Rabbinical Board?

    You guessed it!

    Shmuel Kaminetzky, who it's said is the only rabbi who Yudi Frankel even somewhat listens to.

    The Rabbinical Board is a complete farce because even when it's members are not charlatans like Philly's anti-vaxx 'scientist', Frankel & his puppet master Sruly Orzel don't listen to the rabbonim. They only want the names of the rabbonim on paper so they can wave it at parents & donors to trick them into believing they are running a makom Torah.

  3. He can't fool us, being machmir on himself yosair midye as an anav to not take credit!

    A new COVID mutation appears to be even more contagious, according to a study — and experts say it could be a response by the virus to defeat masks and other social-distancing efforts.

    Scientists in a paper published Wednesday identified a new strain of the virus, which accounted for 99.9% of cases during the second wave in the Houston, Texas, area, the Washington Post reported.

    The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, said people with the strain, known as the D614G mutation, had higher loads of virus — suggesting it is more contagious.

    Though the strain isn’t more deadly, researchers said it appeared to have adapted better to spread among humans.

    David Morens, a virologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the findings suggest that the virus may become more contagious and that this “may have implications for our ability to control it.”

    He said it’s possible that the virus had evolved to resist efforts such as hand-washing & social distancing.

    “Wearing masks, washing our hands, all those things are barriers to transmissibility, or contagion, but as the virus becomes more contagious, it statistically is better at getting around those barriers,” Morens told the newspaper.

  4. AP

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada is in a 2nd wave of COVID & warns the country is on the brink of a fall season much worse than the spring.

    Trudeau noted when Canada went into lockdown March 13 there were 47 new cases of COVID, and that Tuesday alone, Canada had well over 1,000 cases. Many provinces slowly reopened over the summer.

    “We can’t change today’s numbers or even tomorrow’s,” Trudeau said in a rare nationally televised address.

    “But what we can change is where we are in the winter. It’s all too likely we won’t gather Thanksgiving, but we still have a shot at Christmas.”

    Trudeau urged Canadians to wear masks & download the COVID-app that lets a person know if they’ve come in close contact with someone who tested positive.

    “Together, we have the power to get this 2nd wave under control,” he said.

    Trudeau said he'll do “whatever it takes” to support Canadians & the economy during the pandemic as his Liberal government presented the government’s priorities for a new session of Parliament.

    If the 3 main opposition parties vote against the speech, which was delivered by Governor General Julie Payette, an election would be triggered. But at least one is expected to support the speech.

    Two leaders of opposition parties could not attend the speech because they tested positive for COVID. Canada has seen a surge in recent days.

    The governor-general called the pandemic the most serious crisis Canada has ever faced. 9,000+ Canadians died in 6 months & the economic impact is already worse than the 2008 financial crisis.

    The government is extending the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to next summer. In the early days of the pandemic, Trudeau announced businesses would be eligible for 75% wage subsidy for employees in businesses seeing 30% decrease in revenue. The government says now is not the time for austerity.

    “Low interest rates mean we can afford it,” Trudeau said. “Doing less would cost far more and mean slow recovery & bigger deficits in the long run.”

    Trudeau also says the government plans to tax large internet companies operating in the country.

    Trudeau won reelection last year, but his Liberal party doesn't have the majority of seats in Parliament & must rely on at least one opposition party to stay in power.

    Erin O’Toole, the Conservative leader, taped a response to Trudeau’s national address as he isolated at home. O’Toole & his wife tested positive last week.

    “My first big speech as Conservative leader was at 1:30 am. And now my 2nd is from my porch while recovering from COVID. This was not planned,” O’Toole said.

    In reference to Trudeau, O’Toole said Canadians need jobs, not words.

    Bloc Quebecois leader Yves-François Blanchet, also isolating after testing positive, said in a live address he would not vote for the Throne Speech if the government doesn’t give more money to Quebec.

    It might be up to the leftist New Democrat Party to prop up the government after Conservative Deputy leader Candice Bergen said her party won’t support the Throne Speech.

    New Democrat leader Jagmeet Singh said his party is going to take a long time to consider the throne speech.

    “I don’t want an election because I don’t think it'll help,” Singh said.

  5. Philly gets Results1:56 PM, September 25, 2020

    Jerusalem Post:

    Among the newly diagnosed: Some 400 Jerusalem yeshiva students who had attended Rosh Hashanah prayers together. The students - married and single - were transferred to coronavirus hotels.

  6. Sargeant Vayelepoler Schultz2:13 PM, September 25, 2020

    Several Orthodox residents in Boro Park told Gothamist they were unaware of an uptick and that they had seen little sign of an increased public awareness campaign or enforcement. Unmasked congregants were seen crowding into one synagogue.

    The Department of Health said mask wearing in the cluster spots has been "overwhelmingly low compared to other areas of the city." It added that the city's Office of Special Enforcement found customers failing to wear masks in stores.

    While Mayor de Blasio has refrained from singling out a single group, some in the Orthodox community have been urging the city to be clearer with its messaging.

    From Twitter:

    Jake Offenhartz

    For what it’s worth I’ve spoken to people in ultra-Orthodox community who disagree with this. Both said de Blasio is too timid in addressing this because of backlash last time — to everyone’s detriment. One of them, a physician in the communtiy, thinks “the ship already sailed” because of leadership failures. Regardless, identifying connections between upticks & using public health apparatus to bring attention/resources is not Jewbaiting. It’s what many Jews want

    Shulim Leifer

    apologists gonna make excuses & change the subject... it's kinda what they *do*

    Hymie Himmelstein

    Don’t shoot the messenger - whatever his motives. Let’s be real here.

    Mordechai Lightstone

    I agree people need to be careful. It's frustrating and dangerous . . .


    A Columbia University model projects cases in the New York metro area to rise from 500 to 4,000+ a day at the end of October

  8. Blessed be COVID-19 that has brought you, UOJ, back from your self-imposed blog retirement. If you stop blogging I will not live any longer. My life solely depends on you.


    Boro Park is abuzz with rituals of the Jewish Holidays. Families inspect lulav-etrog on the 13th Ave bustling strip & hoist temporary walls for Sukkot. Chickens cluck in cages, to be slaughtered as part of Yom Kippur atonement.

    Men of all ages, almost none wearing masks, hustle in crowded synagogues to pray.

    The previous evening, the Health Dept alerted to an alarming uptick in COVID in Orthodox neighborhoods, warning it would “evolve widespread to other neighborhoods.”

    Mayor de Blasio, who faced criticism for his handling of past COVID outbreaks in Hasidic neighborhoods, promised swift outreach & enforcement. “The Sheriff will be involved. NYPD as well. Immediate action.”

    Boro Parkers we spoke with see no police or public health presence. Few seem aware of the growing transmission.

    “Is that right? Hadn’t heard,” said Zvi Abramovitz, 20, employee of Mostly Music Judaic media. “I think every person had it when the virus was really bad, a lot of people passed away. It’s over.”

    Boro Park, Midwood & Bensonhurst report positivity of 4.71%, far higher than the city average at 1%. Williamsburg, Far Rockaway & Kew Gardens too. The 6 neighborhoods are 20% of new city cases.

    In Shomrei Shabbos 24-hour synagogue, unmasked congregants filter in a narrow hall to pray in a crowded room. “I'm the only one of 20 people wearing a mask,” said Chaim Krieger, 70. “It’s just not central to their concern.”

    Sam Stauber, 57, who caught the virus at Shomrei Shabbos, blames the mayor not informing the community. “Someone talk about it. People not taking it serious, like I didn’t take it serious the 1st pandemic.” (Blame Kaminetzky & Aron Teitelbaum, you putz!)

    Weddings, funerals & large events continue unabated. Several reiterate their belief residents attained herd immunity when the virus devastated NY's Orthodox community, claiming 700 lives.

    “The 1st time was bad because people weren’t cautious,” said a barista at Milk Crate kosher cafe on 49th St. "95% have antibodies".

    Most recently, 44.3% of Boro Parkers have antibodies, the 2nd highest rate in the city. The number's well below the threshold for herd immunity.

    Dr. Denis Nash, CDC epidemiologist & CUNY professor, said it's unwise to embrace herd immunity as protection.

    "Someone needs to communicate: we don't know that antibodies provide protection. Herd immunity doesn't apply to in & out migration." (travel between neighborhoods & the world)

    State issued guidance for Jewish prayers mandates masks & synagogues -33% capacity. They recommend a mask on the end of a Shofar when blowing.

    Houses of worship are hotspots for super-spread events, particularly when congregants sing / chant in close quarters.

    With some exceptions, leadership in Boro Park did little to encourage mandated protections. Concerned community members, who ask anonymity for fear of backlash, point to silence from religious leaders for the lack of concern.

    One Hasidic physician is resigned to a 2nd wave expected to build on the holidays, peaking this winter.

    “I live in the Twilight Zone. The ship's sailed. We head to another super spread event.”

  10. That investigation of the Boors in Booro Park is one of the most embarrassing things I've read.

    It's like one of UOJ's "Putz in the street" interviews multiplied 100,000 times!


    Ver iz dem vus macht choizek fin Booro Park?

  12. The IDF Home Front Command utilized 13 different Yeshivot and schools around the country to quarantine 438 Chassidim and Avreichim from Gur, who suddenly contracted Coronavirus. One of the yeshivot was Yeshiva Chidushei HaRim in northern Tel Aviv. The IDF forgot to alert the municipality and residents called the police. The city said that they were unaware that a corona hotel was being set up in the city.

  13. "If I insulted anyone over the past year, -------- you probably deserved it"


  14. Gedolei Eretz Yisroel imitate UOJ12:21 AM, September 27, 2020

    At least 95% of the Litvisher roshei yeshiva along with the entire Sfardi Moetzes, plus the Sanzer & Stoliner Rebbes have assered davening inside this Yom Kippur. Only allowed are SMALL outdoor minyanim with generous spacing.

    If you thought that was a pretty major broadside against Philly-Satmar-Agudah-Peleg leading the Walking Dead herd into oblivion, get a load of this:

    Horav Hagaon R' Ezriel Auerbach shlita has put out bichsav that those responsible for the virus striking who turns out to be a niftar, at yeshivos, shuls, etc - even via multiple intermediary people who didn't become sick - needs to do the tikkunei teshuva for rotzeach! The only exclusion is when there was zero reason to suspect that the original patient MIGHT have been infected.

    Isn't that 'odd' that we don't hear any sound of selfish Fressers klapping al chait.


    All of a sudden because NYC threatens to shuts down all shuls & yeshivos, the Agudah tells the oylam to mask up


    While Jewish communities are in the middle of celebrating the High Holidays, NYPD officers have begun monitoring large gatherings to break them up if needed, police sources said

  17. this is a glatt kosher hall that rents to goyim when Yidden can't make simchas

    The honeymoon was over before it started.

    City officials on Friday night shut down a Queens wedding where 300 guests partied in Royal Elite Palace — drinking & dancing without face coverings or social distancing, authorities said.

    Sheriffs arrived at the hall in Woodside at 11:50 p.m. after a complaint & saw people slipping in through a parking garage as loud music blared.

    The reception, with dinner & drinks, was immediately shut down & guests sent home as authorities took the Royal Palace owner & manager into custody.

    Outraged neighbors slammed the catering business for being reckless.

    “With the spikes we get?” asked Theresa Riano, 36, referring to virus clusters cropping up around the city.

    “I’m furious ... everybody’s wearing a mask when they walk a dog," she fumed. “And to hear people just come in here, no mask, congregating 100+ people ... it’s frustrating."

    Venue manager Paata Sichinava received 4 desk appearance tickets, while owner Aba Cohen was given 2 summonses. Both face a court hearing & fines.

    A man who lives across the street claimed the venue continued operating illegally after COVID restrictions shut down indoor dining across the city.

    “Always a party & they always come in the back door," said Gennaro Barros, 57, Woodside resident for 28 years. “Since May they’ve been having parties. The majority of the time they’re here until 3 am.”

    Royal Elite, capacity 700 people, made no mention of COVID restrictions on its website.

    “We here at Royal Elite Palace truly believe a personal touch & utmost attention to detail is what turns an ordinary event into an ‘Elite’ event,” read a promotional blurb.

    The bust comes as the city announced an uptick in COVID in neighborhoods in Brooklyn & Queens, where up to 6% of recent tests have come back positive.

    “We're fighting a pandemic, my husband almost died," said resident Patrizia Terrejon, 40. “I don’t understand how you avoid responsibility for everyone else, for money.”

    Terrejon was angered the business received only a few tickets for putting people’s health at risk.

    “How's a man making money daily, able to get away with a summons?” she wondered.


    Hershey Friedman has been heatedly denying that a massive virus outbreak was covered up at Agri with help from the State.

    The gig is up because the Washington Post was given genetic sequencing by a scientist that proves that not only did the virus sweep through Agri & Postville like a raging inferno, but the specific strain that is an Agri-specific mutation has now spread to at least 16 cities in the Midwest & South America!

  19. YSV the Root of All Evil1:47 PM, September 27, 2020

    The corrupt Yeshiva of Spring Valley that thinks it's cool to replace the founding family famous for mesirus nefesh for Torah with the likes of President Moish Finkel, apparently doesn't feel they have killed enough people yet during the pandemic. After Sruly Orzel & his puppet Yudi Frankel kept classes going before Pesach until the last possible second that the Sheriff would make arrests, two dead morahs & Rabbi Wosner in a coma must be too small of a tally for them.

    Because this week even many yeshivos bitten by the Agudah Fresserism bug or Philly Spotted Fever are closing down.

    But YSV just announced bekumah zekufah an hour ago, that they will be open between Yom Kippur & Sukkos despite the virus ravaging through their buildings! They even admit that the number of infections among their student & staff body, as well as Monsey at large, is "troubling". Yes, Shmuel Kaminetzky heads the YSV "Rabbinical" Board. How else could YSV be so arrogant & insane to lecture the parents - in the same letter - that they have a chiyuv over Sukkos of ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם on both an individual & communal level??!!


    The Fressers are now throwing convicted felon Heshy Tischler under the boss after this performance that even crossed the line past "Street Corner Crazy"

    Zweibel leaked a letter today that he wrote to de Blasio - blaming the Mayor - for Tischler's erev Shabbos freak show. Zweibel thinks the Mayor forgot how the Fressers used Tischler as part of their re-open NY acting up sideshow.

    Zweibel goes on to attack the Mayor for sending agents to shut down Yankel Bender's Darchei Torah AFTER Bender secretly ignored a closure order. And Zweibel attacks NY DOH contact tracers as "unprofessional" and therefore he argues, Fressers have every right to not be goress them.

    What's next? Is Philly going to dictate that all Agudah Fressers have to put a tag on their hats that states: "Misgareh b'Umos"?

  21. The Fressers are now throwing convicted felon Heshy Tischler under the boss after this performance that even crossed the line past "Street Corner Crazy"



  22. Never a Dull Moment in Fresserville4:07 PM, September 27, 2020

    Eckstein wrote that when he called around to Fresser machers they told him Tischler is a clown that they want nothing to do with. It's the first time the Fressers have criticized Tischler, much less disavowed him. Although I could see the Fressers still quietly encouraging Tischler to keep acting up as a proxy to mock de Blasio & Cuomo.

  23. Tischler is no match for the original "Street Corner Crazy" :-)

  24. These fraudulent poskim could have said ------ Wear a scarf or a bandana as part of your "levush" over your mouth in the street ---- and the shuls could distribute masks! As far as "sicha" they are crazy --- no different than liquid soap, especially in a shas sakanas nefashos!

  25. Below is a list of the seven most common ingredients in liquid soap, along with their functions.

    Sodium Benzoate and Benzoic Acid. ...
    Sodium Laureth Sulfate. ...
    Methylisothiazolinone and Methylchloroisothiazolinone. ...
    Cocamidopropyl Betaine. ...
    Fragrance. ...
    pH Adjusters. ...

    Purell Hand Sanitizer

    Besides ethyl alcohol, it contains water, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin, carbomer, fragrance, aminomethyl propanol, propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate, and tocopheryl acetate.

  26. These same arrogant and ignorant crackpots are telling the public to use 90% alcohol on their hands!

    Isopropyl alcohol is readily absorbed through the skin, so spilling large amounts of IPA on the skin may cause accidental poisoning. Small amounts of IPA on the skin is generally not dangerous, but repeated skin exposure can cause itching, redness, rash, drying, and cracking. Prolonged skin contact may cause corrosion.

    The Dangers of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) - Flammability ...

  27. Causes of isopropyl alcohol poisoning

    Your body can handle small amounts of IPA. In fact, your kidneys remove approximately 20 to 50 percent of IPA from your body. The rest is broken down into acetone by enzymes known as alcohol dehydrogenases. This acetone is filtered out of your body through your lungs or kidneys.

    However, when you ingest more IPA than your body can manage (which occurs around 200 milliliters for an adult), poisoning can occur.

    The abuses of isopropyl alcohol that may lead to poisoning include ingestion and inhalation:

    IPA can make people feel drunk, so some people buy products containing IPA and drink them on purpose.
    IPA is the main ingredient in many household cleaning products. These products are easily available, so some people may choose to drink them or inhale them when they want to commit suicide.

  28. There have been many instances of people's hands catching fire after applying the alcohol disinfectants.

  29. That guide from the Fresser Synagogue Conference is poorly worded.

    Many people will think Mincha comes before Neilah even when it's too late for Mincha.

    Do you have any idea how incredibly long it takes to get tisha kavin from a conservationist showerhead that's up to code? That's why sifrei poskim say to remove the shower head.

    That mumbling about masks could only be from those who don't take the pandemic seriously. What else is "new"?

    More of Shmuel Kaminetzky's power trip to insist - unlike every posek in history for pandemics to DECREASE parts of the seder hayom - that everything stays the same - no exceptions. But now he is even being mossif. Old Shmuel insists yechidim at home say 10 vidduyim??!! That's odd considering that the Gr"a holds that even at tefillah betzibur, it's only the Shatz who says viduy in the chazorah.

    Old Shmuel even prefers that yechidim at home say every single piyut when they finish each shmoineh esrai! Never mind that every other posek say even the tzibur should eliminate them. But there is also the problem of saying them with Shem Hashem when not said as part of the regular flow of davening.

    Meanwhile here are the Gerrorists & Sol Werdyger playing the same game as old Shmuel. Philly & Gerrorist Litzman are the biggest instigators of all the lawbreaking but now they want to put on a show so that the Govs & Mayors don't shut down all the mosdos. They are also contradicting themselves because they call the show for the government a "kiddush Hashem". They are thereby unwittingly moydeh that their behavior is otherwise a CHILUL Hashem!


    We're like totally past all those grubba old jokes like "I hope no one farts"


    The Forward article on Bais Yaakov Boro Park has been updated to out Yeshiva of Spring Valley & Yeshiva Ketana of Passaic trying to keep infected patients in the classrooms, off govt radar so they can keep infecting everyone else.

    YSV has always been at the destructive beck & call of Philly.

    Philly only recently got their claws on Passaic, jumping at the opportunity when Rav Stern & Heshie Hirth were both knocked out of commission. They've got that Yekkishe maniac Schloss in there just vollowing Philly's orders.

    Ja! Befehl ist Befehl!


    A pandemic judgment day: Yom Kippur marked worldwide in shadow of COVID-19

    The holiest day in the Jewish calendar has the potential to prove a superspreader event, much like Purim was in March

    But indoor services were also taking place – and often kept quiet – while some synagogues were not requiring masks or were making them optional.

    Several synagogues in Orthodox Brooklyn openly sold tickets for the holidays that differentiate between mask and no-mask sections. In one of them, Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Midwood, the rabbi tested positive for the coronavirus just a few days after Rosh Hashanah, sending people who sat near him into quarantine.

    In Chicago, a letter from 13 Orthodox doctors to the community documented at least three Rosh Hashanah services where prayer leaders or shofar blowers who were unmasked and “unknowingly positive for COVID-19” exposed their fellow worshippers, many of whom were also unmasked, to the virus.

  33. Please don't try to find out which Chicago shuls are spreading the virus.

    They're some of my favorite people after Avi Shafran & Shalom Tendler.


    Groups of 200+ people openly stood close together without masks Monday in Brooklyn areas suffering from spiking COVID infections — as police appeared virtually non-existent.

    “We all already had it,’’ said a woman leaving synagogue at 152 Rodney St in Williamsburg when asked by The Post why no one was wearing a mask in the crowd of 200 people outside.

    “We’re all fine,’’ the mother insisted — even though city officials said there's no herd immunity in the Big Apple, nor evidence people who've been infected can’t get reinfected.

    “Our doctors give hydroxy right away,” the woman said, referring to a reputed treatment for the virus. “99% of the people had the virus in Williamsburg.”

    A marked NYPD car slowly drove by the synagogue without stopping as the crowd milled about.

    A counterterrorism cop stood nearby. When asked why authorities don’t warn the crowd to at least socially distance amid the deadly pandemic, the officer said it's not what he's there for.

    3 Orthodox Jewish men die of COVID-19 hours after arriving at NYC hospital

    Boro Park registered a terrifying 17% positive rate Sun — where groups of dozens without masks milled around together during Yom Kippur on Mon.

    The city said the 2 week average for the neighborhood is 4.63% — more than double the latest citywide rate.

    Groups of 50+ people, mostly without masks, huddled together in several places in Boro Park designated a COVID hot zone by the state — close enough to touch each other after services.

    No police in sight.

    When The Post tried taking photos & video of the scene, several men without masks rushed a reporter, chasing him to his car, one spitting on his driver window & screaming after the scribe got inside.

    The men then told 150+ boys to crowd the car, blocking the reporter in.

    Cops responded to a Post call from the scene & urged the crowd on a loudspeaker to disperse. When dozens began pounding the car, cops told them to back off — to no avail. The reporter was eventually able to drive away.


    Heshy Tischler antics are alter nayess so I upped the ante by screaming the N word at City officials

  36. Paul, I got a few important questions for you, but first watch this short video I'll discuss: kanievsky.mp4

    A few times every year rabbi Chaim Kanievsky comes out with some announcement that the Messiah is here and we must give money to an institution rabbi Kanievsky supports if we want to merit the Messiah's revelation. Everyone knows that rabbi Kanievsky's criminal and pedophile-enabling grandson Yanki Kanievsky has been behind all these bamboozlements. But now rabbi Kanievsky's daughter Leah Kolodetsky has stepped forward.

    Rebbetzin Kolodetsky just related to the world what her father told her before this Yom Kippur. She addressed Jewish women: "Lengthen skirts, sleeves, necklines, hair to be gathered, shorten longer wigs as our rabbis have guided us. For every centimeter a Jewish woman or girl strengthens in modesty, she brings more Divine Presence to this world and brings thousands of salvations to the nation of Israel! In the merit of one centimeter, thousands will have children! Thousands will get married! Thousands of sick people will be healed! <...> Pray as if you are standing before a king, get dressed, girls — make your hair!.."

    Is that true that centimeters save lives? Does a woman need to beautify herself before praying? Then what about makeup, perfume and high heels for the Lord?

    Yet the highlight of rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's words is this statement: "All those who passed away because of COVID-19 went straight into Paradise!" His daughter even quoted him as saying that according to the Talmud, "whoever dies from a plague/pandemic goes straight into Paradise," and added: "From now, everyone should be healthy and feel good!"

    Radak on Genesis (5:24) says: השלמים אין להם מגפה בעת מיתתם. And I do not recall from my Daf Yomi studies that everyone who dies in a plague bypasses the Hell. COVID-19 is gathering even more strength and ravaging Israel once again, and rabbi Chaim Kanievsky says there is nothing to fear! And these words come from the mouth of his daughter, not the corrupt grandson! What do we make of this?

  37. Chaim Dovid Zweibel2:03 PM, September 29, 2020

    "For the first time, Israel’s daily coronavirus deaths per capita have surpassed those of the United States, a military task force said in a report"

    (Does anyone know any good shtochs? We've been ordered by Philly to start ramping up the insults again against Cuomo & de Blasio)

  38. Pandemic Center:

    Authentic Yiddishkeit is bereft of superstitions and interventions by fellow humans. You have one go-to-Guy!

  39. Shmutzik vee a Rodney Toilet


  40. (Diabolical Cackling)

    The coronavirus has now killed more than 1 million people and upended the global economy in less than nine months

  41. If you want to keep up with the Fresser Joneses in the Vindik City, it's in vogue for anyone with a few bucks to send your sons to Philly instead of keeping them local in Telz.

    Why else do you think the shuls were falling over each other to see who could infect more victims?

  42. This is too funny.

    Slifkin with his axe to perpetually grind against all Charedim after Energizer Goniv Leib Pinter crafted a dubious cherem against him, recently attacked his former friend Rabbi Doniel Travis, the gabbai of the teshuvos from R' Ezriel Auerbach & lbcl R' Zalman Nechemya Goldberg. Slifkin accused him of distorting the words of these gedolim.

    Travis got even with Slifkin in the Aug. 28th edition of the Yated. He submitted a "shayla" to the gedolim, something that he knows is one of Slifkin's beefs that he uses as a weapon in his anti-Charedi arsenal. And sat back with the Yated readership to watch the gedolim tear Slifkin apart for being a miserable ferd.

    Slifkin thinks that various tzedoka orgs are con artists when taking money to make a zechus for someone else. In typical Slifkin style he name drops all kinds of Rishonim to back up his position. Slifkin admits there is a Rokeach backing the orgs which he claims is unclear.

    Rav Auerbach rips into Dokter Rabbiner Slifkin that the Shulchan Aruch poskens the halacha is like the orgs do so he can bring as many Rishonim as he can pile to the Moon ober zei helfen nisht. Then he tells off Slifkin that just because he can't grasp the Rokeach, he can't build on his own ignorance to posken from it.

    R' Zalman Nechemya also chimed in, in what was the last shayla he answered while still alive. After seconding Rav Auerbach, it was a one liner that completely demolished Slifkin (who one gadol aptly describes as a gass ruach), that there is no room to be mefakpek ki hu zeh on the way the orgs are noheg which is the minhag Yisroel.

    Slifkin was barking for weeks that Travis is a liar, until Travis wrote a little blurb apologizing that Slifkin did not actually aim his shayla at the gedolim.

    It is very funny al kol ponim that Travis used Slifkin's own meshugassen to make him look like the ferd that he is. Slifkin is now trying to paint himself out of this corner too, in vintage Slifkin style, by arrogantly insisting he is still being misrepresented - even theoretically - because the gedolim got the Kadmonim all wrong, being that ANOCHI SLIFKIN elohecha is the only one who can read Kadmonim & understand what they are saying.

  43. For Israel Orthodox Jews:
    The situation is catastrophic!!!

  44. You heard it first from UOJ5:46 PM, September 29, 2020

    "A Health Ministry official told Ynet that the "capsule outline", which saw yeshiva students divided to smaller study groups in an effort to prevent mass coronavirus infections, was a disaster and hundreds of students in various religious institutions ended up contracting the pathogen.

    "The formula simply doesn't work," he said. "We learned the hard way that there is no way to outsmart coronavirus. Even the rabbis are starting to realize that it won't be possible to resume studies in yeshivas after the High Holidays."

  45. UOJ once wisely remarked that a rabbi without students/synagogue is like a baseball player without a bat: totally useless! Of course, they knew what was looming — but they also knew that if nobody paid their salaries, they were doomed. Truly evil people! Modern yeshivas have been producing fascists who care not about anyone! And crazed soothsayers like Kanievsky who give useless ephemeral blessings of health and livelihood in exchange for very material cash!!!

  46. R' Chaim holds his hand out for cash?

    He means well when giving brochos. The problem is the Fressers are using his gangster grandson Yanky Kanievsky to hold him hostage from doctors & gedolim and to get him to repeat the manufactured pronouncements put in his ear.

  47. Unfortunately, his grandson made his grandfather a big part of the problem!

  48. UOJ, you are right! Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky wasn't a hostage when he was younger. True, now he understands little of his surroundings — but he was one of many rabbis who created and endorsed the evil yeshiva system that literally kills people now during the pandemic. He is definitely responsible for Yanky, responsible for his daughter Leah. I'll share a personal experience with you: A friend of mine going through a bitter divorce went to her for a blessing. They got thousands of dollars from him in exchange for some silly blessings that never worked! Rabbi Kanievsky educated his daughter and grandson. We must, therefore, say that instead of engraving lofty Jewish values in them, he let them become what they became: CRIMINALS!

  49. Op-ed co-written by Chaim David Zwiebel and Avi THE FERD Schick who are looking 'pretty good' right now after that preposterous lawsuit that was thrown out after they spent months piling on with publicly insulting Cuomo


  50. Another Fresser Diktat with Nisht-Glatt & Berman standing at their side was to have all the yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs tell parents, HURRY! Don't delay herding your kids back into the classrooms because the virus has mutated to be less dangerous.

    “COVID-19 Patients Are Far More Ill During Current Wave,” Mayanei HaYeshua Director Says

  51. There's a good reason pilots are forced to retire at 65 no matter how great they are or were!


    Pilots: the mandatory retirement age of airline pilots is 65. The Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act (Public Law 110-135) went into effect on 13 December 2007, raising the age to 65 from the previous 60.[19]
    Air traffic controllers: Mandatory retirement age of 56, with exceptions up to age 61.
    Federal law enforcement officers, national park rangers and firefighters: Mandatory retirement age of 57, or later if less than 20 years of service.[20]
    Florida Supreme Court justices: The Florida Constitution establishes mandatory retirement at age 70.
    Michigan Judges of all levels cannot run for election after passing the age of 70.
    Minnesota has statutorily established mandatory retirement for all judges at age 70 (more precisely, at the end of the month a judge reaches that age). The Minnesota Legislature has had the constitutional right to set judicial retirement ages since 1956, but did not do so until 1973, setting the age at 70.[21]
    New Hampshire Constitution - Article 78 sets the retirement of all Judges and sheriffs at age 70.
    New Jersey Supreme Court also established mandatory retirement at age 70.
    Maryland Constitution establishes mandatory retirement age of 70 for Circuit and Appellate Court judges.
    Oregon – mandatory judicial retirement age of 75.
    United Nations - mandatory retirement age of 65.

  52. Would anyone get on a plane that R' Chaim was the pilot, co-pilot and air traffic controller?


    Eckstein playing along with today's Fresser-Tischler propaganda that it's a "LIE" that Yidden haven't been wearing masks.

    Just yesterday a whole line up of Fresser honchos warned to start wearing masks or else the 'reshoyim' shut down all the yeshivos: Aron Schechter, Sol Werdyger & the Gerrer Rebbe. (It also helps that the Gerrorist gabbai & two of the Rebbe's sons fell ill with the virus - not clear if the son who is the child molester is one of them)

  54. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Heinemann's Agudas Fressers of Park Heights has closed.

    Hard to believe Heinemann just volunteered to close. Is anyone aware of any court order / executive order / police action that forced Heinemann's hand?

  55. They aren't really closing. They are just moving into outdoor tents till Simchas Torah. The restrooms of Agudah will be available for all anyhow.


    Seems the worst offenders in both Monsey & Israel are the Vizhnitzers.


    The Vizhnitzer Rebbe in Bnei Brak being personally kicked out of beis medrash by the Mishtara who fined him 5000 NIS.

    R' Nuchem Rosenberg has been warning for many years that this shvantz is a child molester.


    The amateur anarchists Eichenstein, Felder & Yeger were right there with convicted felon Tischler, day after day, breaking off the locks to NYC parks

  59. New York City will begin enforcing mask-wearing with a $1,000 fine in nine zip codes seeing a COVID-19 spike, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.

  60. I have a Torahdik solution to the problem as it now exists:

    Have Litzman and his squad introduce a bill in Knesset to designate Bnei Brak as an Ir Miklat. That way, Kanievsky can stay where he is and continue to sit in the lap of his grandson as the grandson makes Kanievsky's lips move. And all the other people who were complicit in the deadly scheme can remain in their own homes while enjoying the protection of the Ir Miklat.
