Cancel Everything!

In an email to my children dated Monday February 24 - 5:24 PM
Daily Jewish Community Novel CoronaVirus Updates as They Happen: CLICK:
first fact is that, at least in the initial stages, documented cases of
COVID-19 seem to increase in exponential fashion. On the 23rd of
January, China’s Hubei province, which contains the city of Wuhan, had
444 confirmed COVID-19 cases. A week later, by the 30th of January, it
had 4,903 cases. Another week later, by the 6th of February, it had
The same story is now playing out in other countries around the world. Italy had 62 identified cases of COVID-19 on the 22nd of February. It had 888 cases by the 29th of February, and 4,636 by the 6th of March.
Because the United States has been extremely sluggish in testing patients for the coronavirus, the official tally of 604 likely represents a fraction of the real caseload. But even if we take this number at face value, it suggests that we should prepare to have up to 10 times as many cases a week from today, and up to 100 times as many cases two weeks from today.
My suggestion is that everyone should have at home a 2-4 week supply
of non-perishable food. Matzo, water, all canned foods...keep it in the
garage or basement. There are over 200 cases in EY, and known 36 cases
in the US. There's a run on food in the Asian countries and starting in
Europe. Costco/Amazon...Stuff that you would eat anyway. It will come
We don’t yet know
the full ramifications of the novel coronavirus. But three crucial
facts have become clear in the first months of this extraordinary global
event. And what they add up to is not an invocation to stay calm, as so
many politicians around the globe are incessantly suggesting; it is, on
the contrary, the case for changing our behavior in radical ways—right
The same story is now playing out in other countries around the world. Italy had 62 identified cases of COVID-19 on the 22nd of February. It had 888 cases by the 29th of February, and 4,636 by the 6th of March.
Because the United States has been extremely sluggish in testing patients for the coronavirus, the official tally of 604 likely represents a fraction of the real caseload. But even if we take this number at face value, it suggests that we should prepare to have up to 10 times as many cases a week from today, and up to 100 times as many cases two weeks from today.
But there is reason to fear that the fatality rate could be much higher. According to the World Health Organization, the current case fatality rate—a common measure of what portion of confirmed patients die from a particular disease—stands at 3.4 percent. This figure could be an overstatement, because mild cases of the disease are less likely to be diagnosed. Or it could be an understatement, because many patients have already been diagnosed with the virus but have not yet recovered (and may still die).
Meanwhile, the news from Italy, another country with a highly developed medical system, has so far been shockingly bad. In the affluent region of Lombardy, for example, there have been 7,375 confirmed cases of the virus as of Sunday. Of these patients, 622 had recovered, 366 had died, and the majority were still sick. Even under the highly implausible assumption that all of the still-sick make a full recovery, this would suggest a case fatality rate of 5 percent—significantly higher, not lower, than in China.
The third fact is that so far only one measure has been effective against the coronavirus: extreme social distancing.
Before China canceled all public gatherings, asked most citizens to self-quarantine, and sealed off the most heavily affected region, the virus was spreading in exponential fashion. Once the government imposed social distancing, the number of new cases leveled off; now, at least according to official statistics, every day brings more news of existing patients who are healed than of patients who are newly infected.
These three facts
imply a simple conclusion. The coronavirus could spread with
frightening rapidity, overburdening our health-care system and claiming
lives, until we adopt serious forms of social distancing.
Given that most forms of social distancing will be useless if sick people cannot get treated—or afford to stay away from work when they are sick—the federal government should also take some additional steps to improve public health. It should take on the costs of medical treatment for the coronavirus, grant paid sick leave to stricken workers, promise not to deport undocumented immigrants who seek medical help, and invest in a rapid expansion of ICU facilities.
The past days suggest that this administration is unlikely to do these things well or quickly (although the administration signaled on Monday that it will seek relief for hourly workers, among other measures). Hence, the responsibility for social distancing now falls on decision makers at every level of society.
Do you head a sports team? Play your games in front of an empty stadium.
Are you organizing a conference? Postpone it until the fall.
Do you run a business? Tell your employees to work from home.
Are you the principal of a school or the president of a university? Move classes online before your students get sick and infect their frail relatives.
All of these decisions have real costs. Shutting down public schools in New York City, for example, would deprive tens of thousands of kids of urgently needed school meals. But the job of institutions and authorities is to mitigate those costs as much as humanly possible, not to use them as an excuse to put the public at risk of a deadly communicable disease.
Finally, the most important responsibility falls on each of us. It’s hard to change our own behavior while the administration and the leaders of other important institutions send the social cue that we should go on as normal. But we must change our behavior anyway. If you feel even a little sick, for the love of your neighbor and everyone’s grandpa, do not go to work.
When the influenza epidemic
of 1918 infected a quarter of the U.S. population, killing hundreds of
thousands nationally and millions across the globe, seemingly small
choices made the difference between life and death.
Ignoring the objections of influential businessmen, he closed the city’s schools, bars, cinemas, and sporting events. Thanks to his bold and unpopular actions, the per capita fatality rate in St. Louis was half that of Philadelphia. (In total, roughly 1,700 people died from influenza in St Louis.)
In the coming days, thousands of people across the country will face the choice between becoming a Wilmer Krusen or a Max Starkloff.
In the moment, it will seem easier to follow Krusen’s example. For a few days, while none of your peers are taking the same steps, moving classes online or canceling campaign events will seem profoundly odd. People are going to get angry. You will be ridiculed as an extremist or an alarmist. But it is still the right thing to do.
Synagogues to be closed, Rabbis will pray at home
The Rabbinical Council of Bergen County of Teaneck NJ published the following letter with unprecedented rulings in wake of coronavirus
Vegas 2020
Paul Mendlowitz
March 10, 2020
To my fellow Jews and Republicans,
I urge you to reconsider your decision to go forward with this event. Not only are you putting the members at risk, you must consider the fact that the chances are that many hotel workers and staff will perhaps have already contracted the virus and may be presently asymptomatic furthering the risk to them and the RJC members.
I would hate to see the Media headlines if a number of people fall ill because of this "Jewish Republican" event by a "Stiff-Necked" people.
Paul Mendlowitz
Republican Jewish Coalition conference that was to have featured Trump postponed because of virus concerns
By Ron Kampeas March 11, 2020 11:15 pm
The virus spread to multiple cities from the AIPAC Conference.
Did the OU's Menachem Genack get some huggy-kissy action with Hillary Clinton again like he infamously did at a previous AIPAC? The video was linked in the UOJ comments section that year.
Maybe Genack was applying Belsky's "logic" from DA surgery cows (which ALL gedolei poskim dispute as impossible) that the cows are treif but not the milk that comes from them. So Hillary is treif, but not her saliva.
Brazil's President Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus
Chris Irvine
By Chris Irvine | Fox News
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for coronavirus, Fox News can confirm.
The positive diagnosis comes just days after the right-wing Bolsonaro met with President Trump in Mar-A-Lago.
Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo told Fox News that they are doing further testing to confirm the diagnosis, adding that they expect the second set of testing results later Friday.
Bolsonaro had been tested after one of his deputies, who was also in attendance at the Florida resort, was diagnosed with COVID-19.
Fabio Wajngarten, the communications secretary for the 64-year-old Brazilian leader who had traveled to Miami for the meeting as well, showed flu symptoms and tested positive for the virus early Wednesday.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
Chris Irvine is Senior News Editor at Fox News. His Twitter can be found @chrisirvine86
Stimulus packages. Promises of more cash and more cash. Advice to “Buy now!”
These are the “solutions” that we’re hearing from all too many current and former government officials, business analysts and others.
Unfortunately, it’s increasingly clear that these stale talking points; comparisons to previous downturns; and useless solutions; aren’t helping. Two weeks ago, I expressed my fear that the market will lose 30% of its value – when it seemed far-fetched to most. Today, unfortunately, the market had its worst fall in over 30 years, closing nearly 30% lower than it did a month ago.
We can no longer afford to misread what’s happening.
If we want to effectively respond to an economic collapse, we need to properly understand its dynamics. We are facing a unique and monumental crisis that doesn’t abide by the conventional rules of economic downturns and market volatility. Just as dollar bills cannot put out a fire, they cannot rectify the current underlying threats to economic stability. Coronavirus is not a matter of spreadsheets and dollars-and-cents. To every person on earth, it is a matter of health and well-being, even life and death.
In previous economic downturns, factors such as bad loans and expensive oil were primarily to blame. Now, the economy is collapsing because people’s actual life routines are grinding to a halt. They aren’t traveling. They aren’t shopping. They aren’t going to events. Their kids aren’t going to school. They aren’t spending. Many suddenly find themselves with little to no income as well.
There is a real fear and uncertainty. Coronavirus testing is not properly accessible. There is no cure or vaccine. Our healthcare system is unprepared. Manufacturing and importing are disrupted. Human resources are disrupted. You cannot get toilet paper, adequate water or bleach in many neighborhoods. Our very lives and survival are at stake. Cheap airline or cruise tickets; cheap stock prices; stimulus grants; and all; won’t get anyone to go about their business at the expense of their personal or family safety.
Of course, the solution is not panic. On the contrary, we must be optimistic and motivated to make things better. And if we properly understand the threat, we can do so effectively.
Hopefully, the world’s governments, healthcare professionals and corporate powerhouses can effectively work together to effectively limit the spread of Coronavirus and provide proper resources to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. It is particularly crucial for governments and the business world to make long term adjustments based on the fast changing realities on the ground, such as reduced reliance on imports from China and other parts of the world.
I pray along with the rest of the world that we will see brighter days ahead.
Duvi Honig is the Founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, a Wall Street based global business and community service network.
IMHO the chances that Trump contracts the Virus is better than 50/50.
Unbelievable how Rabbi FINK from Young Israel New Rochelle KNEW he was intimately exposed to patient zero but still went to bloviate & spread his infection in Passaic's Fresser shul across the street from the main cheder with a thousand kids.
Then FINK pulls a stunt even worse than Ezra Friedlander type BS, portraying himself as some kind of hero & getting his BS reverse psych propaganda published in Hamodia & on frum websites.
FINK's son is in de Blasio's inner circle and who was deeply involved in the bribery scandal.
Now that Telz is indirectly in the news with Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine closing all public & private schools, does UOJ know what the final straw was that Zvi Belsky is no longer employed by Telz? Sheesh! Did he do something so egregious that even Rechnitz's millions couldn't keep him anchored?
He currently shnors for the French cheder fund which only the Fressers & Satmar could have awarded that patronage shteller. And for Be'er Hagolah which is a Fresser side show.
On March 12, Maryland’s Governor Larry Hogan announced three more confirmed cases of coronavirus including one in Baltimore County where Ner Israel yeshiva is located: a resident in his sixties who worked at the recent American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington, D.C. On the very same day, Ner Israel bosses put out the following public letter to the community:
March 12, 2020
Dear Parents and Talmidim,
As Limud HaTorah is central to our lives and our protection, The Hanhollas HaYeshiva has decided to keep the Yeshiva open at this time, and our Rabbeim will continue to say their Shiurim.
In compliance with the Governor of Maryland’s recommendation and in recognition of the escalating concerns regarding the rapid spread of the Covid19 virus, all Bochurim who wish to leave the Yeshiva and return home may do so with our Bracha.
Under the guidance of health professionals, the Yeshiva has implemented a number of changes in sanitary procedures and food service operations.
We Daven to Hashem that our limiting of Bittul Torah will protect the Bnei HaYeshiva and the rest of Klal Yisroel during these trying times.
BiVirchas HaTorah
Rabbi Beryl Weisbord
Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger
Huhh, some “limiting of Bittul Torah will protect” you? Do not you remember, the rabbis who keep endangering others, that חמירא סכנתא מאיסורא (Chulin 10a)? Even the basic yet respected קיצור שולחן ערוך (chapter 33) rules against your decision! You have allowed pedophiles and other perverts to run your community, you have silenced every virtuous voice within it, you have used the Crown of Torah to justify your wicked deeds!
When the Crown of Torah is gone, another crown (“corona”) combined with a real malady (“virus”) has appeared. The Almighty sends you all His powerful message! Listen. It is loud enough to heed.
Rabbi Aharon Feldman (Rosh Hayeshiva) 410-484-7200 extension 6050 --
Rabbi Beryl Weisbord (Mashgiach Ruchani) 410-484-7200 extension 6077 --
Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger (Menahel) 410-484-7200 extension 6059 --
Ner Israel criminals are not alone! Baltimore is a corrupt hellish place!! Even the mayor has to plead with mobsters to stop shooting folks because they do not have enough hospital beds, crazy!!!
Mayor says recent violence is unacceptable. He says we need hospital beds for #coronavirus ... urged people to put down the guns. 7 people were shot in one instance last night. @wjz
We still know too little about this particular coronavirus that now led to the current pandemic. Some people develop only mild symptoms, others rapidly expire. Its real danger has not been fully assessed, although no doubt that presidents, dictators, politicians and criminals worldwide will use the current situation for their own agenda while exploiting and abusing the idea of "safety" to the fullest.
As a religious Jew, I have some observations to share. We believe everything comes from the Lord. Why then did He send this disease? Some, as the self-proclaimed "award-winning Bible expert" rabbi and cabbalist Levi Sudri, claim that coronavirus demands Vatican to return Temple vessels to Jews. Others, like Natan Sharansky, toss aside any Divine plans and just counterattack those who blame Jews, as in the Middle Ages, for the spread of the disease.
Both positions are wrong. Our society does not truly believe in God, and He proves that: He closed our synagogues and study halls, chasing away multitudes of "frum" Jews. You think you pray, you learn the Torah, you do "good deeds"? No, you are doing that for yourself, and for yourself only! "Orthodox" Jews are the biggest hypocrites! They pray but deep inside doubt God's existence, they learn holy books to show off bogus scholarship and to endlessly argue about the Law, they perform charitable acts to make themselves popular and reinforce their societal statue.
In most of yeshivot students never study the Prophets (Scriptures are learned from Talmud). Yet the very first chapter of Isaiah says: "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats" (verse 11). Now the great and famous Lakewood yeshiva "Beth Medrash Govoa" closed its doors, the "Shomrei Shabbos" synagogue in New York that was open even during the Holocaust era stopped prayer services, Lubavitch chasidim locked their legendary headquarters.
That's not because everyone got scared (which is nevertheless true too):
He is full of our hypocrisy!
Doctors now relentlessly say everyone should wash their hands. (The second you touch that door handle when leaving a bathroom with your "clean hands" or reach for your pocket smartphone — the hands are contaminated again.) But Isaiah already spoke about that: "And when ye spread forth YOUR HANDS, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. WASH YOU, MAKE YOU CLEAN; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil" (verses 15,16).
I trust that sooner or later round-the-clock working scientists will come up with a vaccine for COVID-19. (A side question: We pay so much for healthcare but suddenly have shortage of everything medical; isn't that because insurance and pharmaceutical companies simply steal our money?) But if we do not change, God has something else in store for us! Here is Isaiah again: "But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it" (verse 20).
Did you see the Agudah / Torah Umesorah press releases pathetically covering up for the Wizard of WIZO who wears many Hamburgs as the Maestro of Mamzerus and the Vakkser of anti-Vaxx?
After he fought hard to make sure mosdos stay open as infection breeding grounds, he had his feeselach stuck in his mouth when authorities forced closure for pikuach nefesh. So the weirdly worded press releases were an attempt to extricate zein fesselach in the hope that the oylam was too clueless to realize what actually happened.
Even after all the completely unToradik values that have been promoted from Philly, the "Dean" at Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Yudi Frankel, likes to project himself as a chossid of RSK.
Ergo, he let the YSV oylam with all the 1000s of kids & family members stay aboard the sinking Coronavirus ship until it was no longer possible - unless he wanted to be arrested by the Rockland County Sheriff on the first day authorities could start arresting reckless yeshiva administrators - Wednesday.
Here is the sickening letter that Frankel had his gofer boy Stern issue to all the mishpochos, in a shameless attempt to cover up for RSK & himself - pretending they made the 'decision' to close instead of being forced by dual legal orders from the County Executive & Gov. Cuomo. This pathetic agmus nefesh ACT is not from any 'decision' making but because goyim were forced to step in to be matzil Yiddishe neshomos in opposition to their crazed death wish:
Dear Parents,
Consistent with the ongoing guidance of the Yeshiva’s Daas Torah, medical professionals and public health officials regarding COVID-19, the Yeshiva will temporarily suspend in-person operations
There will be no in-person sessions for the Boy’s School beginning and including Wednesday, March 18th
We temporarily close the physical doors of the Yeshiva only out of necessity and with the heaviest of hearts.
May we all stay well both in Ruchniyus and Gashmiyus.
Rabbi Yehuda Frankel Rabbi Eliezer Stern
Dean CEO
(845) 356-1400 ext. 118
Dr. Zev Zelenko is a Chabadnik whom most of his patients are from KJ
Credit has to go to Zalmi Teitelbaum who shut down Willy without much delay in contrast to his brother in KJ who tried to pull a Shmuel Kaminetzky, refusing to stop the spread of infection until he was absolutely forced under threat of arrest. He was thumbing his nose for days at the Orange County Sheriff who didn't have the guts to arrest him. But then the State Police stepped in & he knew they were serious so he retreated at that point.
News 12 was told quarantine zones are now being considered, as well as temporary field hospitals
News 12 did not want to say it outright so they link the press conference of Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus who says here (move the playback button to 27 minutes) that he has asked Gov. Cuomo to seal off KJ with the National Guard.
There are many angry goyim right now who because of this are demanding that "selfish" heimishe Yidden stay in their own neighborhoods instead of shopping chutz lemachaneh like they are doing.
I hope no one gets violent.
Yossel Burstzyn, rosh yeshiva of Lakewood Mesivta, who was last seen rolling around in the dirt on the ground resisting a police officer because he doesn't get it that we are in Golus, has been playing a game of chicken with police.
Good thing the angry victim at Regency did think of this idea - and not just because a tzelem can be infected with virus!
coronavirus: no more sex for orthodox jewish folks!!!
[ ווען לייַטיש אידן ווילן צו פאַק ]
👉👌💦 ༼ つ ✿◕‿◕✿༽つ╰⋃╯
Has the Regency guy been seen in this Fresser vicinity - a former summer home of Yudi Kolko & Belsky?
This so called outing for the upcoming Chol Hamoed is being advertised today on a heimishe website. It just screams virus transmission. And amusement parks have been closed by order of the Governors. So is someone just trying to take money? Or why is this ad still running?
Should we be worried about food shortages or will the President keep the supply lines open for national security?
Should we be gettin' us a gun for self-defense?
Dear Mr.Zogt:
2-4 week supply is a good idea, being a gun owner with a registered firearm and plenty of ammunition is important, now, and was always.
Ich hub alemul gezugt az UOJ hut a Moishe Rabbeinee Complex.
Guns. Guns. Guns.
Etlicher villen zein Napoleon.
Ober UOJ vilt zein NRA President vee Charlton Heston.
Paul Mendlowitz: "Being a gun owner with a registered firearm and plenty of ammunition is important, now, and was always."
I always thought of you as an Orthodox Clint Eastwood. The man, the leader!
Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller has been hit with this new coronavirus!
How would Margo even know that? He was always telling me he was oisek in Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim biz shpet, but now I wonder if he was in actuality cutting the Seder short to watch "The Ten Commandments" starring Charlton Heston as Moses on TV. It always airs the first night of Pesach and a lot of freya takka bail from the Seder to watch it.
Does Harvey Weinstein takka have the zchus to be the first molester known to be stricken with the virus?
I assume UOJ posted the question without answering because the answer is poshut, explicit in Chazal.
Anything that happens in the wider world is a message to us. That's why the Chofetz Chaim cried when he heard of a massive flood that killed 100,000 Chinese.
If we take the message to heart & improve ourselves, the calamity stays where it is, does not come any closer.
Right! We are guilty!
Prominent NY Rosh Yeshiva Cites Lavish Weddings, Pilgrimages to Kivrei Tzadikim and Other Materialistic Excesses as Lessons of Coronavirus Pandemic.
I think that it is you, Paul Mendlowitz aka UOJ, who is at fault! You are the only Gadol Hador of this generation -- But you stopped active blogging! And you know what happened then? The COVID-19 appeared in our world! I saw the timetables! That is the real reason, and I am not jocking around at all!
2:06 PM, March 24, 2020 ----- Give me a gematria to back up your claim:-)
...Give me a gematria...
סיבה למחלת נגיף קורונה בשנה זו היא איש גדול זה [THE REASON FOR CORONOVIRUS DISEASE HAPPENING NOW IS THIS GREAT MAN] = שרגא פייבל מנדלוביץ (יהודי לא שגרתי) [SHRAGA FEIVEL MENDLOWITZ (AKA UOJ)] = 1847; 1847 is the Hebrew year תר"ח which is 608; נגיף קורונה לבניו [CORONOVIRUS DISEASE TO HIS CHILDREN] = 608; 6+0+8=14; 14=בזה [FOR THIS REASON]!
Moreover: 1+8+4+7=20; 20=האביב [THIS SPRING (when we are suffering from COVID-19)]!
שרגא פייבל מנדלוביץ [SHRAGA FEIVEL MENDLOWITZ] = וכתבתם [THOU SHALT BLOG] = 868.
HASHEM WANTS UOJ BACK!!! Amazing stuff:-))) Now a letter from R'Chaim Kanievsky in form of a Kol Koreh (You Can Fake it) that I can show to my family and kids:-)
Made me smile chaver:-)
"...You Can Fake it..."
The letter cited @ 2:17 PM, March 23, 2020 above is certainly genuine: מרן שר התורה הורה: "להתענות בער"ח ניסן חצי יום ולהתפלל תפילת יו"כ קטן"
Also, take a look at these pages:
מהי השמירה הגדולה ביותר מנגיף הקורונה, ובמה להתחזק? תשובותיו של הרב קנייבסקי
MESSAGE FROM THE GADOL HADOR: Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Instructions on How to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones
New Corona Health letter From Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Gershon Edelstein
Finally: Despite Police Visit to Harav Chaim Kanievsky, the Rav Says That Yeshivas & Chadarim Cannot Be Closed
[And then: Harav Chaim Says To Close Chadarim, Men Should Avoid Mikvaos, Health Ministry Closes All Yeshivos, Even Small Groups Banned]
I have no words: Some are charging $$$ for kaddish during COVID-19 pandemic. They have no ♡ they depict below. This advertisement is all over the Jewternet (
Kaddish recited in Israel where there are still Minyanim. Note: Despite the new 7 day lockdown; it is still permitted to go to Minyan. Have the Jewish Memorial Kaddish Prayer recited in merit of your Loved Ones by a Torah Scholar living in Israel,in all 3 daily prayers. Yahrzeit Kaddashim must be ordered at least 2 days in advance.
Select Option:
Kaddish on Day of Yahrzeit = $70.00
Shared Kaddish (0.47 Per Tefilah) 1 Month = $45.00
Shared Kaddish (0.44 Per Tefilah) 11 Months = $450.00
Exclusive Kaddish - 1 Month = $300.00
Exclusive Kaddish - 11 Months = $3,000.00
From $45.00
Add to Cart | ♡ Add to Wish List
It's a shocking thing for believers in Daas Torah to accept. It's not just that Torah turns out not to protect against coronavirus. It's that the mouthpieces of Torah, the living embodiments of Torah, the guiding lights of the community, gave utterly disastrous guidance, with fatal consequences. As I pointed out in my post "The Death Of Daas Torah," what is "Daas Torah" worth, when the average non-charedi, non ben-Torah, was correct, and Daas Torah was wrong, in a life-and-death matter?!
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