Rabbi’s NYT op-ed misleadingly claims that Jews recognized six genders
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Here we have another example of what I call the "reverse appeal to nature", except that it's a "reverse appeal to Judaism". The former trope goes like this, "What my ideology says is good is what I must find in nature." That is, if you're a gender activist, you must argue that since there is no sexual binary in humans (a false assertion, of course), then there is no sexual binary in animals in general (another false assertion).
Here we have a subspecies of that bias evinced by a Jewish rabbi and gender activist, who claims that Judaism has long recognized a whole range of genders—six, to be exact. This is also false, for the "genders" adduced by rabbi Elliot Kulka, a transgender man, are not socially enacted sex roles but what doctors call "disorders of sex development"( DSDs): very rare conditions when the development of sexual characteristics goes wrong (DSDs, despite Anne Fausto-Sterling's claim, are not "new sexes"). These ancient Jewish categories do not correspond to the kind of genders people recognize today—and Rabbi Kukla admits it. The fallacy here is imposing onto one's historical religion what what sees as good today: the recognition and approbation of different genders. (Unlike biological sex, which comes in only two forms in humans, genders can be multifarious, as they are social roles or identities assumed by biological males or females.) Somehow the Rabbi thinks it gives succor to the social justice movement to show that Jews recognized people who were victims of sex-trait development gone awry.
The article identifies Kukla as "a rabbi who provides spiritual care to those who are grieving, dying, ill or disabled. He is working on a book about grief in a time of planetary crisis." Wikipedia also notes that he's "the first openly transgender person to be ordained by the Reform Jewish seminary Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles."
Read his op-ed by clicking on the screenshot below, or you can find an archived copy here for free.
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