Monday, October 26, 2020

In Brooklyn’s Borough Park, home to a diverse Orthodox Jewish community, one Yiddish robocall told residents that “even if they force you, even if they beat you like the Jews in Israel, and especially not voluntarily, and one must also not go get tested because this raises the statistics in our neighborhoods.”


In the course of about a month, the Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel, N.Y., managed to drop its rate of positive tests for coronavirus infection by a dramatic 30 points — from 34.2% in the last week of September, to 4.2% this week, according to state data released Wednesday.

Town leaders and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo chalked the change up to the effect of coronavirus restrictions in Kiryas Joel, after Cuomo designated it a “red” zone on October 6, requiring schools and nonessential businesses to close, and for worship services to be capped at 10 people.

But Dr. Irina Gelman, the health commissioner for Orange County, which includes Kiryas Joel, a dense town of 26,000, has a different explanation: Village residents with coronavirus symptoms are refusing to get tested.

She said in emails to the Forward that doctors from hospitals, primary care providers and urgent cares have told her, as well as the state’s task force to stem the spread of coronavirus, that people showing coronavirus symptoms are foregoing tests altogether, including for flu and strep throat.

“This is not a typical declination in percent positive rate, which would be more gradual and over a longer period of time,” Gelman wrote in response to emailed questions. “I suspect there is some degree of correlation between the physician reported patient refusal to test and the dramatic decline in the currently reported test positive percent.”

Gelman says further investigation is needed before she can determine what exactly caused what she called the “drastic” drop in Kiryas Joel’s positive rate.

But she said that the village has seen a decline in the overall number of coronavirus tests administered to residents, even as hospitalizations have increased — two signs that the actual rate of coronavirus infection in the village has either not decreased at the rate suggested by the reported percentage of positive tests, or is in fact increasing.

Gelman’s office did not provide recent data on hospitalizations, total test volume or percent positive test rate from Kiryas Joel or its ZIP code, which includes the largely non-Hasidic town of Monroe.

Publicly available data for all of Orange County shows that overall tests have dropped somewhat over the past two weeks. The county’s rate of hospitalizations related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has also ticked up since the middle of September.

A representative for the New York Department of Health did not respond to emailed questions about Kiryas Joel’s data or Gelman’s assertions.

Gedalye Szegedin, the town administrator for Kiryas Joel, did not comment after being contacted by the Forward.

Two major health providers serving Kiryas Joel did not respond to requests for comment.

Joel Petlin, the head of Kiryas Joel’s public school, which serves children with special needs, said that even if some residents are refusing coronavirus tests, discomfort with the tests is widespread.

“I don’t know that that problem is a uniquely KJ issue,” he said, using a common abbreviation for Kiryas Joel. “It’s probably a problem throughout the state and the country, for people who don’t want to be tested because of the intrusion, or don’t feel they’re overly sick.”

When asked why a Kiryas Joel resident might refuse a coronavirus test, Petlin said, “Because they’re human.”

Kiryas Joel is one of several designated red zones throughout the New York City region with high rates of positive coronavirus tests, all of which center around areas with large Orthdoox communities. Red zones face the harshest restrictions, with “orange” and “yellow” zones facing somewhat relaxed restrictions.

Orthodox Jews have repeatedly expressed frustration and anger at the restrictions, saying that the community felt unfairly singled out by Cuomo, and that the restrictions were unnecessary and overly burdensome.

On Wednesday, Cuomo relaxed restrictions on two once-red zones, in the borough of Queens. The red zones in Kiryas Joel, as well as the ones centered on the upstate Hasidic community of Monsey and in South Brooklyn, will remain intact, Cuomo said, because they did not fall below the state’s designated 3% threshold for positive coronavirus tests. Orange zones around those red zones have been downgraded to yellow, allowing schools and nonessential businesses to open.

“We have it managed,” Cuomo said. “We know how to do this.”

Despite Kiryas Joel’s reported drop in positive coronavirus cases, its positive test rate suggests that the village is still in a precarious place, and requires continued restrictions, said David Abramson, a professor of public health at New York University.

“The 34 number is an extremely high number. In fact it’s a set-your-hair-on-fire number,” Abramson. “The four is still much higher than we’d be comfortable with.”

Abramson said that in this second wave of the virus in the New York City region, younger people are expected to be infected at a higher rate than older people. In an overwhelmingly young, densely populated village like Kiryas Joel — about 61% of the village is under 18, according to Census data from 2019 — that could mean wide infections with few hospitalizations.

But, Abramson said, “If the number of hospitalizations is not going down, but the test rate is dropping, they’re probably trying to limit the number of tests that they take.”

Orthodox neighborhoods in New York City have seen less testing than others, despite having high rates of positive coronavirus tests, which health experts worry could mean that these hotspots are hotter than the data suggest.

Orthodox residents have received robocalls and text messages urging them to avoid testing so as to game the health data, according to audio and text messages obtained by the Forward.

In Brooklyn’s Borough Park, home to a diverse Orthodox Jewish community, one Yiddish robocall told residents that “even if they force you, even if they beat you like the Jews in Israel, and especially not voluntarily, and one must also not go get tested because this raises the statistics in our neighborhoods.”

Gelman said that doctors have told her that their patients are refusing tests for many reasons. Some believe their community either has or should achieve herd immunity, the point at which enough people in Kiryas Joel have contracted the coronavirus and developed antibodies to prevent its spread.

Others may have heard misinformation that one cannot be infected twice with the disease, or are simply experiencing “pandemic-related fatigue” over medical intrusions, Gelman said.

Health experts have said that herd immunity from the coronavirus is likely impossible, since antibodies developed by those who have it often wear off after several months. Abramson said that trying to achieve herd immunity is akin to playing “Russian roulette.”

Petlin suggested that Gelman’s statements might stoke antisemitism, pointing to early spikes in the virus in upstate Hasidic communities in the spring that led to instances of antisemitism in the area and an anti-Orthodox backlash on social media, even though he said he did not believe that was her intention.

In an emailed response to the question of whether she is concerned that her statements could stoke antisemitism in the county, Gelman said that the county’s health department “takes the health and safety of all of our residents very seriously, even more so during the worst public health crisis in a century.”

“These are not anecdotal accounts, and there is an inherent, serious population-wide health risk that impacts all residents of our county,” Gelman added.

Ari Feldman is a staff writer at the Forward. Contact him at or follow him on Twitter @aefeldman


  1. Yated joins Hysterical Attacks on Cuomo10:33 AM, October 26, 2020

    Reign of Inspection & Terror Descends on Boro Park
    By Yochonon Donn - Oct 21, 2020

    Inspectors swarm thru dozens of Boro Park yeshivos, filming as students scream in terror. Armed sheriffs threaten to bust open yeshivos’ front doors. Inspectors sneak in schools thru backyards, or stop children in the street & ask where they’re going. Members of the media fly drones or hide to catch Jews without masks or an open yeshiva.

    Jew hunt is in full swing, egged on by a stream of false allegations by Gov Cuomo that already led to anti-Semitic acts. FedEx & UPS drivers don't want to deliver in zones marked red-orange. Visibly Orthodox Jews ordered out of stores or slurs directed at them.

    A man videotapes himself drive thru Boro Park, yell at a bochur on a deserted street to don a mask, uploads it online with 5 laugh emojis. Frightened, the youth hurries to oblige. The taunter IDs himself Sonny Luciano.

    A war of words between the Gov & askonim, once close allies, rises to the harshest in his 10 year term.

    “Let’s be frank,” Cuomo told reporters on Shabbos, “the community is politically powerful. You know it & I know it. I understand they don’t want to incur wrath & political downside.”

    “Some complexity in the enforcement,” Cuomo said Thurs, “especially the ultra-Orthodox never complied with the rules.”

    You read here in the Yated how frum lifestyle shut down Mar-Apr-May; shuls closed, yeshivos bolted shut, businesses offline, chasunos with bare minyan & levayos by Zoom / phone. So people scratch their heads at Cuomo’s rhetoric.

    “This is outrageous & divisive language,” Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein said to the media Thurs. “He shamelessly stokes anti-Semitism. No other way to put it. To be honest, if President Trump said it, Cuomo would be 1st one out of the gate condemning him. Governor, maybe it’s time to take a real long look in the mirror.”

    Eichenstein adds the community's caught in a battle of wills between Cuomo & de Blasio.

    “For years, our city suffers from an ego contest between 2 executives who control it,” Eichenstein, former senior aide to de Blasio. “Cuomo & de Blasio have been at each other’s throats as long as they've been in office. There's so much they could learn from how nicely my 2 year old gets along with my 6 year old.”

    State Dept anti-Semitism czar Elan Carr criticized Cuomo to JNS “there has to be balance between 1st Amendment & public health. Singling out a community is deeply troubling.”

    An incident that caused yeshiva administrators to break off negotiations with Cuomo came Thurs, when an armed undercover state trooper accompanied a Health inspector to a school by climbing a gate from a neighbor’s yard. They enter a class of frightened preschool girls in a legal childcare & film them. The teacher, horrified, screams. The administrator arrives & is served with a violation, despite legality of the childcare.

    On Mon, a full-blown crackdown with 100s of inspectors crowded Boro Park, peering in buildings & even threatening a school to break down its front door.

    Warrantless entry, Sovietesque as it sounds, is legal under Cuomo’s emergency order, a Monsey yeshiva admin confirms to the Yated:

    “I spoke to my lawyer. Cuomo put red zones under State health law. Inspector don't need warrants to get in places people are suspected in, because it falls under health emergency. If you block access, you obstruct govt action & can be charged criminally.”

    Nearly every yeshiva reports inspectors come daily & stick around hours. Six received a $15,000 fine as the inspector said he heard kids via windows or saw men crowded outside.

    “They ask if we're closed. Yes. ‘Can we see?’ Sure. They go in 2 rooms & take pictures, say they have enough material.” a Boro Park yeshiva admin says.

    Seeking to stanch growing feeling of siege, 8 askonim held a frank 2.5 hour meeting with de Blasio Mon night.

  2. How shallow have the "frumma" become? The ICU is full in Boro Park, people are dying all over their community from COVID, in hospitals and at home ---- Is the virus just another tool by the anti-Semites? Some clown in Lakewood from the Agudah said yesterday - "THE NOTZRIM ARE ROTZCHIM"...all because they spit in the face of sound medical advice. Wear masks, avoid large gatherings anywhere....I am besides myself how crazy they have become!

  3. Very poorly written article that I would have thought to be below the Forward's standards.

    Of course they are gaming the rates. But no mention that it's compounded by & further diluting the percentages with Agudah-Satmar-Bobov 45 ordering anyone who is vadai negative to get tested & to keep getting tested. There are testing sites in yeshivos & shuls where some are being tested at least once a day.

    And no mention that Joel Petlin is out of a job if he doesn't cover up & run interference for KJ by attacking the Health Commissioner.


    This website co-owned by Yated's Pinny Lipschutz & BMG CEO Aaron Kotler (who they will deny it when confronted) keeps posting crackpot anti-vaxx-like conspiracies in favor of the virus that are written by Meshichist kooks. Today is Yehoishofot Oliver from the Baltimore Meshichistim. A little while ago was the Passaic Meshichist guy.

  5. Hackers have been trying to take the site down!

  6. Son of Young Israel molester advocate & THUG, Steve Mostofsky? The THUG has a 39 year old son whose legal name is Neil and he lives in Marine Park.

    “Hey Cuomo, you probably wouldn’t have allowed this [gathering]… Come get me!” said the rally’s emcee Nachman Mostofsky, the executive director of the right-wing, pro-Israel policy group Chovevei Zion.

    “I know Cuomo and de Blasio don’t want us living in New York anymore. Hey King Andy [Cuomo], sorry to break it to you, but we’re all New Yorkers,” said Mostofsky.

  7. Tell the Putz to take a hike4:46 PM, October 26, 2020

    Re Hacker: Maybe some Bungalow Putz type is angry over the Kolko-Kaufman hespedim.

    Willy Wiesner was also niftar in the last week or two, which the usual pathetic butt kissers, Matzav / Eckstein, were fawning all over him, completely ignoring that he's just another Kolko-Margo enabler.

  8. Agudah Fresser Derangement Syndrome6:49 PM, October 26, 2020

    Let's blame Cuomo!:

    After 8 months of pandemic, Israel is unprepared for winter, is quarantining the wrong people & frustrates businesses & schoolkids, according to a new state comptroller report

    It presents Shin Bet tracking, intended to quarantine the infected, as a bumbling operation forcing many with no encounter to isolate. And contact tracing doesn't function, according to the report

    “There are significant shortcomings,” State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman said

    Analysts say the findings are devastating

    “The comptroller shows many of 500,000 ordered quarantined received the order erroneously,” said Tehilla Altshuler at Israel Democracy Institute. “Social consequences & loss of income, aren't appreciated by authorities”

    The report, while harsh, doesn’t level criticism at health services, or the death toll. It does however, spotlight high fatalities in nursing homes

    Retirement residents are just 1% of Israel but 6% of virus deaths to Oct. The figure's 6x higher than for elderly Israelis at home

    The comptroller urged better protocols isolating the elderly & is concerned staff entering homes aren’t tested. He also worries of flu spread in elder homes while covid's still common, noting Israel has low flu vaccination, half the rate in many countries

    Englman's concerned "flu vaccine preparedness is incomplete." To ensure the largest possible population be vaccinated vs flu, he recommends a systematic plan. Last week, a leading doctor expressed worry it still hadn’t happened

    Englman raised another worry: twindemic, simultaneous flu & covid

    The report points to a gap between plans & capacity. It begs the Ministry to “improve efficiency, shorten test process, analyze incorrect results & act to reduce them”

    Shin Bet tracking is so plagued with problems, the report recommends epidemiology. Too few patients are investigated & when traced, precious time when the infected should be quarantined is lost. In a sample of investigations, 64% began 4+ days from diagnosis, “even though effective time to investigate is 24-48 hours after positive test”

    Englman also assessed impact of the pandemic beyond health

    74% of businesses experienced significant loss March-April. Those navigating grants have it hard, with computer malfunctions & waiting hours for operators

    Criteria to receive govt support “hampers ability of the self-employed to receive the grants. There's also confusion how allocations work + failure to pay

    Many kids can't access remote learning from lack of computer / internet. The state should “act urgently”, the comptroller said

    44% Haredi elementary kids lack computers & 74% no internet, while 38% Arab elementary kids lack computers + internet access. Compare to 6% of Jewish, non-Haredi elementary kids without computers & 9% without internet

    Englman released his interim report ahead of a full investigation, hoping urgent fixes be put in place

  9. Does Aryeh Deri have Margi doing his dirty work now so that he's not the face of every childish squabble?

    Also Monday, the deputy director-general of the Health Ministry departed in a fit of rage from a meeting of the Knesset’s Economic Affairs Committee that he addressed virtually after getting into a shouting match with Yesh Atid MK Mickey Levy.

    Asked by lawmakers when guesthouses could reopen, Itamar Grotto said only during the 3rd stage of the multi-phase plan for lifting lockdown. He was then pressed by Levy on why they could not reopen now & Shas MK Yakov Margi, the committee chairman, pressed Grotto that lawmakers are waiting for an answer.

    “If you have a problem, turn to the cabinet,” Grotto fumed.

    “Stop behaving like this,” Levy fired back, as Grotto angrily hung up the Zoom call. “You’re insolent!”

    Margi protested Grotto’s behavior as “unacceptable.”

    “If he’s stressed out, he should take a vacation,” he quipped.

    Grotto has previously had heated exchanges with MKs during committee meetings.

  10. Did YTV pick the wrong Lichtenstein to fill Belsky's shoes?

    Sheesh! As if Democrats are paradigms of morality ...

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein, head of Yeshivat Har Etzion in in the West Bank, questioned Trump’s mental & moral fitness, in an interview with Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon.

    “This is a mentally disturbed person without any inhibition or judgement who controls the button of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world & here people applaud him for opening an embassy in Jerusalem,” Lichtenstein said.

    “They don’t stop for a moment to think about the moral damage that he inflicts on the United States & on the world. They don’t ask how it’s possible to abandon the fate of humanity to such an unbalanced man, who doesn’t recognize the concepts of truth & falsehood,” he said.

    “All of this will harm us, even if there’s an embassy in Jerusalem,” he added.

    Lichstenstein is somewhat influential among religious Zionists in Israel & has a large following of American alumni in the US. He is also grandson of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who led New York’s Yeshiva University for decades as leading spiritual authority of American Modern Orthodoxy in the last century.

    In the interview, Lichstenstein also spoke out against Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has widespread support among religious Israelis, saying he had focused too much on foreign policy & security at the expense of domestic issues, suggesting he may have been improperly influenced by Trump.

    “Partly it's connected to what’s happening in the US, where norms are trampled,” Lichtenstein said. “It’s possible Netanyahu feels Trump legitimizes behaviors, like screaming at representatives of the media.”

  11. Agudah lav davka

    Agudah “revolt” vs lockdown, which continues today, is most clear in their defiant opening of yeshivas.

    This contempt of rules brings to light 2 phenomena: unmistakable priority to abide by communal values over all else & just as strong: fear. Agudah behavior, as some of their leaders candidly admit, is of fear if they leave the flock, even briefly, the whole system can implode. This sad insight reveals Agudism is in need of soul searching.

    Agudah conduct from the pandemic onset, left many in disbelief. Besides anger at irresponsibility & flagrant lack of solidarity, many outside Agudah simply can't understand why its rabbis, who certainly don't want to die, are knowingly endangering. Agudah mortality has skyrocketed.

    A dubious explanation is Torah values oblige public Torah study & prayer, whatever the risk. One need not be a great talmudist to understand Torah's supreme value is sanctity of life.

    More convincing is fear. There are 2 ways to enforce Agudah asceticism with personal sacrifice. One is ardent belief yours is the right path; the other is high walls to enforce draconian regime. The pandemic makes clear their rabbis believe Agudism is grounded in uncompromising regimentation, as well as fear.

    Agudist life revolves round close-knit eating, from the cradle to the grave. Prayers, group study, rabbis gatherings & Fresser Conventions for followers, guarantee they'll be under constant, close supervision. The rabbi, the man in the next pew, the neighbor — always watch, keep eyes on everyone else, making sure they toe the line. Any failure to show for services, is a concern. Any behavior could be grounds for harsh community sanctions, ranging from exclusion to condemnation & ostracism of the “criminal” & his family. For those born into this reality, it's punishment too cruel to bear.

    Then came the pandemic. To comply with govt rules, Agudists have to stay home without key elements of their community. You can pray with a minyan of only 10 men in a huge courtyard & study Talmud at home. But when men of all ages are at a distance from the circle, its watchful eye no longer has them in constant view. Confined at home, without the rabbi or neighbor to keep tabs on them, they are liable to discover that there are other ways to live, besides primarily Fressing.

    This truth, which most at 42 Broadway keep under wraps, was revealed from among them who admit their followers are too stuffed to keep Fressing without close supervision. Their calculation is simple. There is no doubt pandemics endanger life; but the threat of dropout & damage to appetite is far greater & terrifying. Such a threat shakes the foundation of the regime. Agudah assigns higher priority to “customer retention” than the entire Torah.

    This fear, which lies behind willingness of Agudah rabbis to sacrifice followers’ lives — certainly of others — is clear evidence of their doubt as to follower commitment to the Fresser path & sense that without close supervision, everything could fall apart.

  12. Upgelernt fun Margo2:02 AM, October 27, 2020

    Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit again clashes with a Likud minister who attacked in a Knesset speech, hissing the AG had a woman detained & interrogated for making a critical comment to him

    Mandelblit says any claim he's involved is "sheker vechazav" & a campaign to blacken his name

    Per Channel 13, a Mandelblit neighbor was detained & interrogated after she snaps “shame” at him while passing him on the street

    The woman's husband prays in Mandelblit's shul, told Channel 13 it was on Shabbat. 3 hours later police demanded she accompany them to the station for harassing a public servant. She cried to not go on Shabbat, but they threatened to use force if she didn't go willingly

    Police told 13 the AG security detail filed a complaint, noting many threats vs Mandelblit

    The Justice Ministry states Mandelblit was not involved in the matter

    Likud Communication Minister David Amsalem lambasted Mandelblit in a Knesset speech:

    “I’m without a security guard, but he? His wife has one, maybe his kids, his brother, his butler. It magnifies a sense the poor guy's in huge danger. On Shabbat you get a mother of children arrested? People break the law by 1000s, health-wise, law-wise, it’s allowed. But one comment? Suddenly freedom of speech disappears”

    The AG stated "it's unfortunate Minister Amsalem uses the Knesset to spread pernicious, blatant lies vs the AG,” denying his family members have guards

    “Only the AG has security in face of threats, according to decisions of the police. It's obvious the timing of lies vs the AG is no coincidence. The AG isn't involved in police decisions when personal. Attempts to present or hint otherwise is lies”

    Mandelblit's routinely under fire by supporters of the PM for indictments, which Bibi decries as an “attempted coup” by the media, opposition, police & prosecution hierarchy, led by Mandelblit

    Netanyahu’s trial on charges of accepting bribes, fraud & breach of trust is expected to move in high gear in January

    The PM’s defenders harshly criticize Mandelblit & others who they say is lynching Netanyahu for political reasons

    In May, Mandelblit, who indicted Netanyahu, filed a police complaint after getting death threats & harassing messages. In 2018 his father’s grave was defaced

    Mandelblit repeatedly clashes with Likud leaders, especially public security minister Amir Ohana

  13. Dershbag tries to imitate UOJ2:58 AM, October 27, 2020

    I grew up in Williamsburg & Boro Park. At Eitz Chaim, I studied Torah. Our rabbis, many of whom learned in the great yeshivas of Europe, always focused on the primary role as choosing life, called Pikuach Nefesh

    The commandment is derived from Deuteronomy 3:19-20

    The Torah & Talmud are full of rules placing life over nearly every value, including prayer, weddings & funerals. I understand how important they are to vibrancy of religious life, but preventing spread of a deadly virus with long term health implications is more important

    It's therefore shocking to me to see many of my fellow Jews in my old neighborhoods choosing illness & death over life — not only their own but their family & neighbors — by not taking precautions against the virus & rejecting doctors

    The rate of illness in Williamsburg-Boro Park is significantly higher than New York in general. Respectfully, it's the responsibility of Jewish leaders to advise followers to choose life over communal gatherings

    I understand & am sympathetic that Orthodox communities are discriminated against by rules allowing restaurants, protests & other gatherings, while severely restricting people who can attend synagogue. There's far too much finger pointing at Jews by civic leaders who should know better. I’m on your side of these arguments

    But the appropriate response is to tighten rules on dangerous secular events, not loosen them for large Jewish gatherings to be dangerous super spreader events. One standard not discriminating against Jews & based on objective factors is required, but the standard must prioritize community health

    Tragically, Jews have a long history of crises from pogroms, to plagues, to the Holocaust, to attacks on Israel where Jewish law always adapted to the overriding need to choose life

    Why is COVID different? Why do so many Jewish leaders refuse to recognize the contagion, need for masks, social distancing & limit on who attends gatherings? Why do I get many emails & calls from Williamsburg-Boro Park falsely stating more people die of flu than COVID?

    I'm embarrassed, as a loyal son of Boro Park, by burning of masks & assaults on journalists on the very 13th Ave I attended yeshiva & shopped for Shabbos food. I realize bad acts of a few shouldn't be attributed to an entire neighborhood, but these acts should've been widely condemned by all

    I know it's not my Boro Park or that of my very religious parents & grandparents. But I'm sad it's not the Boro Park of halacha, which also demands compliance with valid laws of the state in which Jews are citizens, as well as proper behavior to outsiders

    So with utmost respect, I urge those Jewish leaders not satisfying responsibility to protect life, to prioritize religious sources commanding us. These life-affirming sources have served us well over millennia of crises

    Please emphasize those parts of the Torah that deal with mandatory isolation of contagion. Please recall Talmudic wisdom that he who saves one life, it's as if he saved an entire world & its corollary he who takes a life, it's as if he destroyed an entire world

    Please do not politicize the worst health crisis in the last 100 years. Instead, choose life. It's the Jewish way & the right choice for all people during a worsening pandemic

  14. SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett3:01 AM, October 27, 2020

    UOJ gets results!

  15. McNamara was trained as an accountant. Beancounters in charge of the military cause all kinds of problems (as I experienced firsthand during my career with the Department of Defense).
