Wednesday, October 07, 2020

"Jewish Lives Matter" --- Except when they Don't! -----In a particularly violent episode, one man — the brother of Mordy Getz, a well-known Orthodox businessman who was outspoken about the need for masks and social distancing earlier in the pandemic — was beaten so severely by protesters after he took a video of the scene that he was taken to the hospital.

Orthodox residents of Borough Park burned masks and blocked city buses Tuesday night to protest Gov. Andrew Cuomo's announcement that he would impose new restrictions on areas with upticks in COVID

Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn burn masks during massive protest against New York’s new COVID rules

(JTA) – Protests by Orthodox Jews against New York’s crackdown on gatherings in their neighborhoods turned tense and at times violent Tuesday night as throngs of young men demonstrated in the streets of Borough Park.

The late-night protest in a heavily Orthodox area of Brooklyn took aim at new restrictions that would close schools, limit attendance at synagogues services and close nonessential businesses in areas with upticks in COVID-19. 

The protestors set fire to a pile of masks, at one point surrounded a city bus that was moving through the area and at another ran a reporter out of the area.

In a particularly violent episode, one man — the brother of Mordy Getz, a well-known Orthodox businessman who was outspoken about the need for masks and social distancing earlier in the pandemic — was beaten so severely by protesters after he took a video of the scene that he was taken to the hospital. Onlookers could be heard calling him a “moser,” one who informs on fellow Jews to the authorities and who some Jewish legal authorities say can be killed as a result, an insult applied to his brother back in April, as he was placed on a stretcher to be taken to the hospital.

The protests laid bare the frustration felt by local Orthodox Jews who are now at the center of the first widespread resurgence of COVID in New York since the spring. Many in the community believe that city and state officials are unfairly targeting Orthodox Jews, who are already vulnerable to anti-Semitism, in their pandemic response. Local elected officials and community leaders on Tuesday vowed to resist the latest rules, through litigation and civil disobedience.

“We will not close,” radio host and local celebrity Heshy Tischler proclaimed to cheers from the assembled crowds. Later, he told protestors, “You are my soldiers. We are at war.”

Dov Hikind, the former state Assemblyman who is a leader in the community, said the form the protests took were regrettable.

“I’m ashamed of what happened,” Hikind said. “To raise your hand and touch another person, Jew or non-Jew, to injure someone and have them end up in the hospital, what a tragedy.”

He added, “If there would have been a protest last night organized by community leaders and elected officials where everyone was wearing a mask, then of course there’s no problem. … There’s nothing wrong with expressing yourself.”

The protests came in response to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s announcement Tuesday afternoon of new restrictions on a large swath of Brooklyn that is experiencing an uptick in COVID cases. His announcement followed a similar one by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who on Sunday, during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot when Orthodox Jews do not use cell phones or computers, said he would move to close schools on Wednesday, pending the governor’s approval. The governor then announced Monday that he would close the schools Tuesday. (Most Orthodox schools are in fact closed this week for Sukkot.)

In a statement Tuesday evening, local Orthodox lawmakers accused New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of “a duplicitous bait-and-switch.”

“The governor informed Jewish community leaders in a conference call that synagogues in ‘red zones’ would be permitted to operate at 50%, and he requested community cooperation (which he was assured would happen,” they wrote, referencing a call Cuomo held with Orthodox leaders Tuesday before he announced the new restrictions. 

“Outrageously, just hours later, Governor Cuomo announced a draconian return to restrictions that would shutter thousands of New York businesses and limit houses of worship to a maximum capacity of 10 (no matter the maximum capacity of the building).”

A statement from Agudath Israel, an organization representing haredi Orthodox communities, also expressed frustration with the lack of notice given about the restrictions in a call earlier in the day and suggested the new rules might be unconstitutional.

“Governor Cuomo’s surprise mass closure announcement today, and limit of 10 individuals per house of worship in ‘red zones,’ is appalling to all people of religion and good faith,” they said.

They seemed to be considering the possibility of challenging the governor’s new restrictions in court. “Agudath Israel intends to explore all appropriate measures to undo this deeply offensive action,” they said. A federal judge issued an injunction blocking New York State from imposing stricter standards on indoor gatherings at religious services than those imposed on other gathering places, citing religious liberty concerns. Agudath Israel filed an amicus brief in that case.

The protesters in Borough Park were joined Tuesday night by Tischler and their City Council representative, Kalman Yeger, who encouraged the crowd to stand up for religious freedom.

“We are not going to be deprived of the right that we have in America, like everybody else in America, the right to observe our religion,” he said in a video posted to Twitter by local news outlet BoroPark24. “I don’t care who in government thinks that they can stop us, they’re wrong. Let them try.”

Tischler also appeared later Tuesday night in Crown Heights, another heavily Orthodox Brooklyn neighborhood where there are no new restrictions but where de Blasio has identified a slight uptick in COVID test positivity rates. Tischler appeared at a Simchat Beit Hashoevah, a gathering on the holiday of Sukkot that is marked by singing and dancing, and addressed the crowd.

“We have a court order, we won, our schools and shuls are open, we will not close,” he said, seemingly referring to a court injunction over the summer issued by a federal judge that blocked New York State from imposing stricter rules on religious gatherings than in other indoor venues.

“And here’s the deal, I’m filing a new court order, I’m holding Cuomo and the idiot de Blasio in contempt,” he said. “We will civil disobedience…our amendments, our first amendments, our rights, we will not close our shuls Simchas Torah!”

Other videos circulated of protesters chanting, “Jewish lives matter.”

At one point, protesters set fire to a pile of masks in the middle of a street.


  1. Planet of the Apes10:55 AM, October 07, 2020

    These dumb reporters need to get a clue that Tischler is a nobody. He is NOT a radio host. He blabbers on the internet which even primates can do.

    Tischler IS a convicted felon who did time in the Otisville Federal lockup for fraud.


    One of the real Manhigim: the Amshinover Rebbe davening b'yechidus

  3. That funny remark yesterday of R' Shmuel in the Yated centerfold is not so off mark.

    He & R' Elya did throw out a 9th grade bochur who bought another sort publication with a centerfold..

    And R' Elya later put the bochur's father in cherem for an unrelated item. R' Moshe, R' Nosson & the Debriciner pressured R' Elya to remove it after they got the father to behave.

    Come on

    Do measles walk? Do vaccines talk?
    Does covid herd immunity come complete?
    Pay for Play Mamzerus always pulled me from my seat

    Hazoyna Tamar kasheleg yalbina
    No one saw by her vest kavua
    The memory of "angel" Eisemann dumped on Yeshiva Lane
    Could never cause R' Shmuel pain

    Years ago, a 9th grade bochur lookin' through a girly magazine
    R' Elya & Golombeck yanked him from the pages in between

    My blood runs cold
    My memory has just been sold
    Kaminetzky's the Yated centerfold

    My blood runs cold (wooh)
    My memory has just been sold
    Kaminetzky's the Yated centerfold

  4. With Cuomo and Blaz, rioting works! The hoisheks have known that for years. So why shouldn't the Yidden riot?

  5. Prof... the Am Hanivchar should not act like chayas in the gass!


    Berish Getz was pummeled until losing consciousness & 2 police officers trying to rescue him were beaten by Tischler's Agudah-inspired savages.


    Otisville Graduate Leads Brooklyn Protests :-)


    Boro Park riot erupts for the purpose of the Agudantifa mob to throw a non-Jewish news reporter to the ground so that dozens of chayos can easily batter him

  9. Coronavirus Murder in the First2:32 PM, October 07, 2020

    Where did the Agudah Fressers go Judge-shopping today to attempt an injunction against Cuomo?


    This shochen of Margo is a YU rabbi but the Fressers have him listed as the Daf Yomi magid shiur in West Hempstead where he lives in the voch.

  11. Seriously, how did Crown Hts & Willy get away with no lockdown?

    And I can't believe everything's fine with Nitra in Mt Kisco, Kasho in Bedford Hills & Pupa in Ossining, when the measles was rampant back then.


  13. Heshy Pishler groupie5:20 PM, October 07, 2020

    Police enforcing virus lockdown met fierce resistance in Haredi Modiin Illit & Jerusalem Tues & Wed, in the latest violence between the community & authorities.

    24 were arrested in the 2 cities & several were injured, including 4 officers.

    In Modiin Illit, a settlement of 75,000 also called Kiryat Sefer, a mob hurled stones & shot fireworks at officers attempting to shut down illegal mass prayer by the hardline anti-Zionist Jerusalem Peleg Faction, extremists that often clash with police.

    As police attempted to convince worshipers to disperse, 100s of locals, including children, surrounded police.

    They blocked cops by sitting in the road to hurl rocks & objects at officers, ie bottles & dirty diapers.

    Additional forces were called in to rescue police.

    An 11-year-old boy was hospitalized with a head injury.

    Footage showed a local telling police: “Run, you abomination. Animals.”

    In Mea Shearim, police were attacked by angry Haredim who blocked roads with burning garbage cans and threw stones & metal objects.

    A passerby was wounded by protesters.

    Police struggle to quell riots in several towns as hardliners resist prayers massively curtailed.

    While various Haredi groups comply with lockdown & masks, most clashes with police recently are attributed to anti-Zionist fringes.

    Director of the police emergency division, Morris Chen, told Kan “there's a minority that blatantly violates rules. Officers come to defend the public & end up attacked.”

    Protesters refuse to ID themselves & block roads, Chen charged. “Children throw rocks at police. How low will we stoop?”

    The government late Tues approved a week extension of lockdown.

    Criticism of Haredim grows as videos proliferate showing continued refusal to comply with lockdown while the rest of the country sees freedom heavily curtailed by the emergency.

    Critics also accuse police of reluctance to crack down on Haredim, while others allege excessive force vs Haredim & anti-government activists.

    Footage showing 1000s at a funeral of an Ashdod rabbi elicited widespread anger, especially as police were initially seen doing little to prevent crowds massing.


    Bunch of OU honcho idiots falsely being matzdik & trying to paint themselves as still capable of being tzaddikim while they personally voted for Obama, Hillary & soon to be Biden.

  15. Wow, Andy's really getting his nekomo in on the "fathead punk" Fressers!

    I hadn't realized he's also shutting down the many 100s of day cares! In the 9 Brooklyn-Queens zip codes alone there are 100 of them that are known from legally registering.

    UOJ had said months ago that when this comes it will be mit a tekifus! He knew even better than I did!

  16. That circus on Kingston Ave last night was thanks to the Meshichist after 770 assered congregating this Sukkos. Heshy Pisher showed up to address the rag tag mob. He should stay in Boro Park as there are enough nuts in Crown Heights without need to import any new ones!

    770 apologized to the City & to the public today, explaining they had nothing to do with it and tried even harder than the NYPD to stop the Meshichist chilul Hashem.



    After this mayhem, the Fressers trashed Tischler & declared him a pariah, indirectly through Eckstein.

    The shunning act on their useful idiot did not last very long.

    But now that Tischler issuing a Fatwa on Kornbluh & instigating the makkos retzach on Berish Getz, brought threats from authorities & blew up into an international news item, the Fressers started crawling out of their holes this afternoon for another round of lip service "condemnations". Bunch of blowhard idiots on Twitter like Chaskel Bennett.

  19. Cuomo's Order:

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    אריה שאג מי לא יירא


    A City Council candidate called NYC’s First Lady a “retard woman” and "whore" Tues night as protests erupted in Boro Park over Gov. Cuomo’s order to shut schools, synagogues & businesses.

    The candidate, Harold “Heshy” Tischler, 56, was caught on tape making the remarks about Mayor de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray, who’s considering a run for Brooklyn Borough President.

    “If you think, Mrs. de Blasio, a retard woman, kurva, you think you’re going to get elected to borough president — you will not be elected," a maskless Tischler is captured on tape saying to a packed crowd of Orthodox Jews. "Heshy’s going to all your little things, and I’m going to scream.”

    Observers initially mistook the Yiddish word kurva, which means whore, for “coon," which Tischler denied saying.

    “I don’t like her. I call her husband Nazi — why don’t you scream about that? I hate them all.”

    Tischler’s remarks quickly sparked backlash on social media.

    “This is disgusting,” wrote congressional candidate Lindsey Boylan, Democrat running to unseat Jerrold Nadler.

    “What is there to say?” said de Blasio spokesman Bill Neidhardt. “He’s despicable. He’s disgusting. And he’s a threat to public health.”

    “It’s crazy he used that language,” said Benjamin Kanter, spokesman for Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein (D-Brooklyn).

    Tischler did not respond to a request for comment.

    The offensive remarks are not Tischler’s first outburst.

    A week ago, he crashed a press conference by top officials attempting to alert Brooklyn residents of alarming COVID spikes sweeping neighborhoods.

    There, Tischler was screaming at one official & caused the conference to be cut short.

    Tues night, he led 100s of Orthodox Jews in the streets to protest a state order shutting down businesses, yeshivas & religious services.

    Orthodox lawmakers who represent the COVID hot spots slammed Cuomo, saying the Gov failed to include them in his decision process.

    State Sen. Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), Assemblyman Eichenstein and City Council members Kalman Yeger & Chaim Deutsch, both Brooklyn Dems, accuse the state of “utter lack of communication.”

    “The Gov informed community leaders in a conference call that synagogues in ‘red zones’ would operate at 50% & he requested cooperation,” they said in a statement. “Hours later, Gov Cuomo announced a draconian return to restrictions that shutter 1000s of businesses & limit worship to maximum capacity 10.”

    Eichenstein spokesman Kanter said later that despite people “justified in their anger,” Tischler’s remarks were “completely inappropriate.”

    “He lives in a unique reality where he is king & everyone else is his helper,” Kanter said.

  21. Agudah Fresser affiliated Rebbes of Vizhnitz & Belz parrott the Philly-Satmar death wish

    Deeming 'spiritual death' a bigger threat than COVID, Hassidic Rebbes go rogue

    While many Haredim are careful to follow health regs to stem the pandemic, Hasidic leaders have opted "herd immunity" strategy in desperate attempt to save community life

    Yehuda Shlezinger
    10 02 2020

    A video clip making rounds motzaei Yom Kippur shows police at the main shul of Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak breaking up a mass gathering. In the clip, the Rebbe, Yisroel Hager, comes out in white, flanked by Hasidim

    Vizhnitz is one of the 3 largest sects in Israel

    In clip #2, Vizhnitzers wait for buses, packed close without masks

    Incredible! 6 months into a pandemic a senior leader violates the rules. I look into it. I spoke with Vizhnitz & close associates of other Hasidic leaders. We demand Hasidim follow our rules, while they adopt completely different policy. They want herd immunity – get everyone sick & be done with it

    They see no disregard. They understand instruction: masks, no gatherings & wash hands. A number of Hasidic leaders decided on policy which elderly & high risk are careful, but sects as wholes go on as usual

    In the 1st wave Belz held a huge wedding & small sects ie Toldot Aharon, continued to pray as always. These Hasidim think everyone's infected, COVID's "behind" them

    The 2nd wave, more sects follow, including ones that until now followed health regs

    The reasons Hasidim gave up fighting COVID? Lives revolve round community. The most important thing is to be close to leaders, at prayers, Shabbat & tish. If you ask a Hasid if he prefers distance from his Rebbe or contract COVID? COVID. You can't tell a Hasid stay away. No go

    Hasidim decide they can't beat COVID. Large families & crowded neighborhoods won't allow COVID to skip anyone. They see a matter of time before everyone catches it

    Rebbes see the price of health regs as too heavy. COVID wreaks havoc. Fear 1000s of yeshiva students will be lost as sitting home with nothing to do will push them "out," a "spiritual death." Men & women stuck home for months - rabbis busier than ever with marital problems & break ups

    What about the elderly? There's belief anyone destined to pass to a better world will do so COVID or not. True, young people died, but the Rebbes aren't willing to let a handful of tragedies lead to lost spirits

    The nail in the coffin of Rebbes giving in is politics. Hasidim saw contradictions, preference for lockdown during Holidays rather than August & complain of protests vs Bibi: "They can, why can't we?"

    Hasidic herd immunity is fait accompli. Anyone who thinks it can be reversed is wrong. The only question's how long it affects the rest of the country

  22. We're saving some of the best giluyim for last!

    Now as long as you bequeath everything you own to Philly yeshiva, I don't really give a rat's behind about your doros. I have a talmid by the way whose law specialty is composing wills.

    COVID is harming sperm of patients, even weeks after recovery, Israeli doctors conclude, raising concerns the disease could reduce fertility.

    “Men who had a mild episode had normal sperm,” Prof. Dan Aderka of Sheba Medical Center, told The Times of Israel. “But those who had the disease in moderate or serious form often didn’t, even after recovery.

    “These men had reduction of 50% on average of sperm per milliliter, total volume & motility of sperm,” he said. This figure reflects testing a month after diagnosis.

    Aderka, a Tel Aviv University professor, is concerned men who had COVID could face fertility problems or even “permanent sterility.” But said doctors need to monitor recovered patients for months to find out more — which is what he's planning.

    He drew conclusions after conducting what's believed to be the most extensive analysis of research conducted around the world looking at sperm & COVID, to assess what's currently known. His analysis hasn’t yet been peer reviewed, but 40+ studies he referenced, covering 100s of men, have been.

    Aderka's started ongoing monitoring for Sheba patients, to assess long-term impact on male fertility.

    He said: “We don’t know yet if the effects are reversible, but we do know that other diseases in the coronavirus family, such as mumps & SARS, left long term effect on male fertility. For 20% of adult male mumps patients, there's sterility, total loss of fertility, so we know viruses can have such impact.”

    His concerns are based not only on samples but on reports on the state of deceased COVID patients. “A Chinese study examined COVID patients who died & found damage to the testes,” adding the damage was concentrated on cells directly responsible for sperm production.”

    He comments: “There's probably physical harm to the testes in some cases.”

    He notes the virus is found in sperm of some patients during & after infection, but said this doesn’t davka mean it transmits sexually. Evidence currently suggests it can’t.

    He said existing literature suggests the virus is found in sperm of 13% of males with the disease & 8.6% of those recovering 2 weeks after active disease. A month later, there are no traces of corona RNA.

    Asked if there are steps men can take to protect fertility, he said masks help, even if one becomes infected.

    That's because viral load that enters the body tends to be smaller if protected by a mask. The smaller the viral load, the better the immune system chance of beating the virus while still in the mild stage, having minimal impact on sperm.

    Aderka said: “If you have a small viral load at the start, your immune system has a better chance of catching up with the virus, so a mask can reduce severity, reduce mortality — and possibly also — reduce infertility.”

  23. Agudah Fresser Derangement Syndrome3:07 AM, October 08, 2020

    A prominent Haredi journalist was assaulted Wed while covering his community’s protests against NY virus shutdowns in Orthodox neighborhoods.

    Jacob Kornbluh, reporter for Jewish Insider, was chased & repeatedly hit by a large group who blamed him for highlighting infractions of virus restrictions.

    Videos from the protests showed a large crowd surround Kornbluh, chanting “moser” (informer). As he tried to leave they pushed, shoved, hit & cursed him.

    The incident was instigated by Heshy Tischler, an Orthodox activist leading the protests.

    “I was brutally assaulted in the head & kicked by an angry crowd of 100s — while yelling at me “Nazi” & “Hitler” — after Tischler recognized me & ordered the crowd to chase me,” Kornbluh tweets, adding he's filing charges against Tischler.

    Congressman Jerry Nadler condemned the incident: “While this may be a small minority within a small community, it's disgusting & those responsible must be held to account.”

    ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt also condemned the attack: “Violence & incitement are inexcusable. Differences should be settled by civility & dialogue.”

    Kornbluh is the 3rd (not 2nd) Jewish journalist attacked while covering the protests.

    (They missed the vicious beating of Gothamist fotog Bruce Schaff)

    Tues night, crowds set masks on fire & blocked a city bus. One Berish Getz taking video of the protest was beaten unconscious & taken to hospital.

    It’s not the first time Kornbluh's raised ire, after reporting on a shul operating despite the lockdown.

    Kornbluh & others were targets in fliers declaring them “mosrim,” who betray fellow Jews. Some tweeting the flyer quoted Maimonides, who wrote it’s permissible to kill a moser.

    The insular community frequently intimidates Haredim who speak out about internal problems.

    Mesirah – handing over in Hebrew – is considered a serious infraction in Haredi communities, who prefer to handle issues internally. (One guilty of mesirah is a moser) Whistleblowers who draw attention to sex abuse in the community, have been branded mosrim – & at least socially banished.

    Rabbi David Zwiebel, EVP of Agudath Israel, said the group's contemplating a court fight if the state won’t change a 10-person limit for worship where virus cases are concentrated.

    The restriction comes amid Sukkot. Many large events have already been canceled, Zwiebel said, but the 10-person cap “basically wipes out the spirit of the holiday. We're on the precipice of enormous despair.”

    Cuomo insists the restrictions are based solely on virus clusters in areas that flout existing rules.

    In one Brooklyn ZIP code, 18% of everyone tested since Oct. 1 is positive, compared to 3.9% citywide.

    The Gov said wider spread is inevitable if clusters don’t get under control.

    “There’s always opposition. We move forward anyways. And we’ll continue that,” he said.

    In hot spots, schools can’t teach in person & businesses will close.
