Thursday, October 08, 2020

Remember too, that there are lives at stake. We went through hell in March and April — I remember the horrors of that period all too well — and we will not go back. We are prepared to take all necessary steps to stop the spread and save lives.

Today, 4:23 PM

 To: Paul Mendlowitz

October 7, 2020.
Dear Paul,
We've seen time and time again throughout this pandemic that mass gatherings can spread this virus and result in clusters which can in turn become community outbreaks. While New York's numbers remain low across the most of the state, the positivity rate in "hot spot" ZIP codes was 5.1 percent yesterday — five times the rate in the rest of the state. We are moving quickly to stop further spread. Yesterday, we announced restrictions that will be enforced in these hot spot ZIP codes for a minimum of 14-days.
We know that some of these restrictions will be unpopular and difficult for many people. Still, these actions are far less restrictive than implementing a full shutdown, as some foreign countries and states have had to do following a resurgence of the virus. 
Remember too, that there are lives at stake. We went through hell in March and April — I remember the horrors of that period all too well — and we will not go back. We are prepared to take all necessary steps to stop the spread and save lives. 
Photo of the Day: I Love NY's Fall Foliage Report shows that leaves are starting to change in New York City and Long Island, while the most of the rest of the state is near, at, or past peak.
Here's what else you need to know tonight:
1. See the Cluster Action Initiative maps. Yesterday, we announced the implementation of Red, Orange and/or Yellow Zones in and around clusters in Broome County, Brooklyn, Orange County, Queens/Far Rockaway, Upper Queens and Rockland County. Click each county name to see the map for that cluster.  
In Red Zones, mass gatherings are prohibited, only essential businesses are open, schools are remote-only and houses of worship are limited to 25 percent capacity (up to 10 people maximum). In Orange Zones, mass gatherings are limited to ten people (indoor and outdoor), high-risk non-essential businesses are closed, schools are remote-only and houses of worship are at 33 percent capacity (up to 25 people maximum). In Yellow Zones, mass gatherings are limited to 25 people (indoor and outdoor), schools are open with increased testing, businesses are open and houses of worship are limited to 50 percent capacity. Read more here
2. We are carefully watching New York's total COVID hospitalizations. Yesterday, there were 748 total hospitalizations. Of the 108,246 tests reported yesterday, 1,360, or 1.25 percent, were positive. Sadly, we lost eight New Yorkers to the virus. 
Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo


  1. Interessant that the corner of New City (Clarkstown) in Cuomo's map of Rockland (near Skver), is where a bunch of Philly talmidim have transplanted to.

    I would love to know if one of the Gov's advisors tipped him off to the effect of, hey that buffer for the Skverrorists has to loop around even where there's no Village egress, because the old crackpot in Philly has got a bunch of his cult members over there.


  2. Honest reporting would indicate that there are other hot spots in the city that are conveniently being ignored.
    Mask up everybody!

  3. Aren’t we turning a bit Christian — rabbi (priest) Asher Weiss “forgives” a nurse for killing a Jewish patient: “I say to this righteous woman ‘Go, eat your bread joyfully and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already accepted your deeds.’

  4. 66th Precinct - Fort Surrender3:09 PM, October 08, 2020

    Heshy Tischler strolls 13th Ave Boro Park 9 pm Wed, hoarse from screaming. 100s of Haredim chant his name

    “We're at war!” Tischler shouts to protesters. “You're my soldiers!”

    Tischler orders angry Hasidim attack Jacob Kornbluh, reporter for Jewish Insider. As Tischler urges, they hiss & spit on Kornbluh, label him Nazi & “moser” — a Jew who informs on their own

    NYPD try to extract Kornbluh from the ugliness, but he's pinned to a wall, lunged & kicked at

    “They ambushed, attacked me because I’m a reporter.” He plans to file charges vs Tischler, who's running for City Council, for the brutal assault

    Night 2 of rage & violence overseen by Tischler, a heavyset agitator who did time in prison for fraud. During his act Tues, protesters beat a brother of a Hasidic whistleblower, swarm a journalist documenting the scene & set fires

    There were no arrests either night. Despite efforts to disperse the mob Wed, cops eventually retreat, allowing 1000s to take the roadways

    “No way we break it up,” a Community Affairs officer was overheard

    The chaos is escalation vs Gov Cuomo’s virus restrictions. Hasidic lawmakers came out vs the Gov singling out Jews by limiting worship to 10 people

    Agudath Israel calls the shutdown “appalling” & hints at suing

    Tischler goes further, vows use of force, peddles conspiracies Democrats mislead the public on the virus, the lockdown's a ploy to interfere in the election

    “de Blasio & Cuomo try to destroy Trump,” said Heshy Friedman, 57, of Boro Park. “They use COVID to close pro-Trump neighborhoods”

    According to latest data, 8+% tested in Boro Park are virus positive, highest in NYC

    A woman Bracha told Gothamist she's sure the numbers are fake & she's grateful Tischler alerts them. “Cuomo lies. Heshy’s honest, he wakes people up”

    This morning, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein implored "to end the violence" Eichenstein previously boosted Tischler & attended his events to cut bolts off playgrounds

    Tischler harasses Test & Trace agents — primarily people of color. “Why's he not arrested?” asks a City Hall source

    The mob echoes Tischler's anger at “fake news” media. After Kornbluh, they threaten a ABC News crew. Later, as they take over larger swaths of 13th Ave, a desperate scream occasionally pierces sirens & music

    “You kicked him so well,” a young boy's overheard at midnight, as dozens hurriedly walk away from another group beating

    NYPD avoided confrontation. Dpty Chief Scholl, highest ranking officer on scene, assured them earlier they'd be left alone. “These are my friends, they listen to me,” he told Gothamist. “Have a good time!”

    Offers of respect went 2 ways. “I thank police who helped us so much tonight. Blue Lives Matter,” Tischler told supporters to loud cheers

    Cuomo repeatedly faults the mayor & NYPD enforcement failure. The Mayor reveals not 1 summons issued for masks

    Others contrast NYPD's Boro Park approach to the far more violent dispersing Black Lives Matter who block streets. Police sources told the Post it's understood City Hall wants “hands off” on Hasidim, for fear to offend a powerful vote bloc

    Blima Marcus, a Haredi NP in Boro Park who worked a COVID ward during the peak, said State guidance isn’t anti-Semitic, rather “exasperation” (I think she's Open Orthodox despite where she lives)

    “When leaders don't step up, it's a vacuum for the fringe to step in. Hello, Tischler," she said

    Marcus notes Simchas Torah crowds dancing & singing, set this week, as unclear if leaders will restrict or allow it uninterrupted. “It’s apocalypse. I don’t see how it ends well. It can be cataclysmic”

  5. Kornbluh, can you make that a class action lawsuit? This Tischler ferd ripped off my trademark line!

    Did you forget attack dog James Carville’s threat, “This is waaaaar!”

  6. James Gargoyle & Heshy Pisher would make quite a pair

    Toyvim ha'shnayim min ha'echad!


    "The 'perception' of our community's laxity" - in other words, the sick akshonim refuse to admit one iota of misbehaving!

    Except for the dues paying Convention Fressers, who is so deluded to fall for this horse dreck propaganda?

    They're also lying to cover up how many hospitals are stretched to the limit in the ICUs. This is all part of their scheme to keep the yeshivos & shuls full with clueless warm bodies for further infection spread. Vizhnitz & Belz already officially admit what Philly is trying to keep quiet. They want you & your kids to get sick. If you die? Nu, nu, you'll just be added to the list of korbanos. And if you live? Who cares if your organs are damaged and your males become serissim excluded from pirya varivya? Your sacrifice financially enhanced the Fresser bottom line, which is the REAL ikker!
