Tuesday, August 24, 2021

A Bunch Of Murderous Ignorant Rabbis Get Together And In The Name Of DAAS TORAH Tell Thousands DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE! Not even the Humane Suggestion To Speak With Your Doctor! On The List Of Potential Murderers is Malkiel Kotler And Eli Ber Wachtfogel!



  1. Taliban? Nein, Teitelbaum12:38 PM, August 24, 2021

    This is a forgery from anti-vaxx liars as there is no way that some of these rabbonim signed it. Some of these rabbonim are in fact vaccinated. The anti-vaxx are panicking because the last nail they had to hang their hat was pulled by the FDA yesterday who switched Pfizer from temporary emergency approval to permanent safety approval.

    The scoundrels behind this ziyuf are obviously Satmar because Rav Zorger, the Satmar Yerusholayim Dayan is at the top of the list & they called him the "Posek Hador"

    This is not the first forgery from anti-vaxx liars, nor will it be the last.

  2. Wachtfogel and Kotler are vicious anti-vaxxers, I do not know the others.

  3. You know, I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years, but on the subject of these death shots it is patently obvious that you have been paralysed by fear, just like all the scared sheep that ran to partake in an "experimental gene therapy" trial. You can probably still find a clip of M-oderna's former Chief Medical Officer, Tal Zacks on a 2017 TED talks presentation, exuberantly claiming that, their mRNA shots were "hacking the software of life." I don't know about you Sir, but I have no desire to have some deranged schmuck hacking my software. Except for some proprietary ingriedients, SM-102, etc, both p-fizer and M-odernas shots are similar. Have you not seen the VAERS numbers for deaths and serious adverse reactions in the US alone? The swine flu v-accines were pulled after 53 deaths. Did you not know that this fraud was based on a computer generated, fill-in-the-blanks gene sequence, as there is, and never was a SARS-Cov2 v-irus isolated and identified. The inflated numbers of infections was further enabled by the fraudulent use of the rt_PCR test which was never designed to detect any v-irus, nor is it a diagnostic tool, as stated by it's inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis.
    You can remain in your state of blissful ignorance, or you can start to research what some of the world's most pre-eminent doctors, researchers, and virologists are warning about. Here are just a few names to start from the tens of thousands around the world: Dr. David E. Martin, Dr. Peter McCullogh, Dr. Delores Cahill, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Luc Montagnier. Also international lawyer Rheiner Fullmich. Please switch off Communist News Network at al, before they scare you into taking an infinite number of boosters for an infinite number of variants until you eventually upload your expiration date.

  4. Philly, even after all the incalculable damage they've done with their Agudah-TU tool with yeshivos & shuls as virus incubators, haven't been able to maintain total control over their proxies.

    R' Malkiel couldn't find any gedolim to back the crackpot Kaminetzky shitos. His final stab at it was when he reached out to Rav Sternbuch shlita, thinking if anyone would be anti-vaxx, maybe it's the Edah. But did that ever blow up in his face! Rav Sternbuch dumped all over Philly going against the Torah and cited the daas of the Brisker Rov, which the Rov told him personally, that something like measles & covid that even 2 years later harm an organ, even in a minute segment of the population, is pikuach nefesh d'Oraysah. So R' Malkiel is mechayev BMG talmidim to vaccinated while using the herd to quietly not vaccinate his own kids. Never mind I guess that Rav Elyashev poskened after a nudnik was doing it, that using the herd like that is also assur min Hatorah.

    R' Elya Ber, together with the Satmar Aronis, are also no longer in total lockstep with Philly. They announced they are not being mechayev anyone to vaxx, but if anti-vaxx is their choice, let them get together with own shnit to form new mosdos because they are no longer welcome in KJ & Fallsburg mosdos. It's true however that they're still not following any other covid protocols.

  5. Ezra the modern day Kapo Friedlander3:15 PM, August 24, 2021

    Looks like the Sassover signed on. He is brother of UOJ's 'favorite' lager graduate, the Kirhoizer.

  6. Deep State Fressers9:08 PM, August 24, 2021

    "I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years, but ..."

    So has UOJ fallen for our anti-vaxx agitprop emailed to all the pro-vaxx influencers? Bungalow Putz Neuhoff thought of it & R' Shmuel K loved the idea.

  7. Gedolei Eretz Yisroel imitate UOJ9:11 PM, August 24, 2021

    Rav Zilberstein has gone a step further than the Brisker Rov.

    Because he argues covid is a new machala that we don't know everything about, the fact that the Delta variant is attacking children in relatively high numbers, is already enough to make it pikuach nefesh min HaTayreh, without knowing for sure if it's going to eventually damage organs.

  8. Bungalow Putz Tracker9:32 PM, August 24, 2021

    I hope Neuhoff wasn't conducting any of his infamous surveys this summer. Talk about super spreader events!

    What's the other 'genius', his co-conspirator Gilligan Student been up to? Vaccines are "assur but necessary"?

  9. https://www.thelakewoodscoop.com/news/2021/08/hagaon-rav-gershon-edelstein-chiyuv-gamur-to-heed-all-covid-warnings-video.html
