Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Kanievsky added that the general public should make every effort to protect themselves from COVID-19, including adhering to Health Ministry regulations, and urged people to get the vaccine because it will prevent the cancellation of Torah studies and prevent illness.


Top ultra-Orthodox rabbi (and Yanky): Unvaccinated teachers should not come to work


Rabbi Haim Kanievsky says teachers have an obligation to get vaccinated and should be suspended from work if they don’t do so. 

 Coronavirus Commisioner Dr. Salman Zarka meets with Rabbi Haim Kanievsky on Tuesday (photo credit: HEALTH MINISTRY)
Coronavirus Commisioner Dr. Salman Zarka meets with Rabbi Haim Kanievsky on Tuesday

Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, the leading Ashkenazi non-hassidic ultra-Orthodox rabbi, has told school principals in the sector that if school teachers are not vaccinated against COVID-19 they should not teach. 
Kanievsky’s comments were made amid an increasing rate of coronavirus infection in the ultra-Orthodox community resulting largely from the reopening of haredi educational institutions at the start of the Jewish month of Elul on August 8. 
The rabbi made his remarks in a meeting with coronavirus commissioner Dr. Salman Zarka on Tuesday. He and other leading ultra-Orthodox rabbis have repeatedly called on the haredi public to get the vaccine and booster shot. 
Zarka raised the issue of unvaccinated teachers in the haredi sector, drawing particular attention to institutions for children below age 12 who cannot be vaccinated, and are therefore likely to infect unvaccinated children. 
According to a statement from the Health Ministry, Kanievsky said that it was "forbidden" for teachers to go to work unvaccinated and that men and women involved in education had an obligation to get the vaccine. 
The rabbi added that principals should suspend any unvaccinated staff.  
 Coronavirus Commisioner Dr. Salman Zarka meets with Rabbi Haim Kanievsky on Tuesday (credit: HEALTH MINISTRY)
 Coronavirus Commisioner Dr. Salman Zarka meets with Rabbi Haim Kanievsky (and Yanky) on Tuesday. (Yanky whispers in zeide's ear "Don't fall asleep now")
Kanievsky added that the general public should make every effort to protect themselves from COVID-19, including adhering to Health Ministry regulations, and urged people to get the vaccine because it will prevent the cancellation of Torah studies and prevent illness.
According to the Health Ministry, Zarka called on adults to get the third shot of the vaccine and also asked for Kanievsky’s blessing for the success of the current vaccination campaign at educational institutions. 


  1. "Kanievsky added that the general public should make every effort to protect themselves from COVID-19, including adhering to Health Ministry regulations..."

    Look at the photo. Dr. Zarka is wearing a mask, and one other person in the room is wearing a mask.

  2. How interesting. Self-interest playing out for the positive. Sure we'll mass vaccinate so we don't have to cancel yeshiva.


  3. "Yanky's rule: All white yarmulke people have to wear masks."

    Dr. Zarka is a Druse, but he is wearing a white yarmulke. Which one of the Rabbi's palace guards gave it to him?

    [N.B. I personally met Dr. Zarka when my wife was in discussions for possibly joining the staff at Ziv.].
