Thursday, January 06, 2022

Silence! Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again.....




"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.....


Can You Hear Me Now? - Part 2 - What I Would Say at The Agudah Convention!


 "And in all these years, parents trusted their kids to people that used their kids as "objects" - either making money off of them in their schools, summer camps, seminaries etc., and as we now know, that in every yeshiva and girls school, many kids were sexually, physically and emotionally abused by staff members, principals, teachers --- and these crimes were covered up by criminal circus midgets with long beards, like the ones sitting at your dais here tonight...."




  1. No comment!


    Bloom, we're trying to reach your Ta, Boom Boom.

    Although he usually exercises a loophole when we maintain radio silence by letting a rumbly one rip, in this situation even being anally vocal is inappropriate. It's one thing to disregard the peons in the public. But now that UOJ keeps harping to demand a statement, there must be total, absolute silence!

  3. I don't know about Porush & the gang in Israel, but at least the States side Fressers are entitled to plead the Fifth.

  4. Shmuel Kaminetzky1:50 PM, January 03, 2022

    Schnall, richtig!

    And I will have to be mevatel daas to R' Dovid Feinstein who would avadda view any flatulent outbursts as nisht bakovoddik.

    (Or at least this is the position I am maintaining to the oylam haTayreh. My son Sholom is running a secret hotline with prerecorded farts for the Modern Orthodox to use in the milchomo to 'free' Tamar Epstein)

  5. Yes, not one word about Walder.

    But Sol Werdiger is loudly whining & tugging at Prime Minister Bennett's sleeve to let in whoever wants to Fress at the Gerrorist chasunna, or else the Agudah Fressers will huff & puff & blow the Medina's door down.

  6. Shmuel Boom Boom Bloom1:58 PM, January 03, 2022

    Shhh! (Wallowing in silent but deadly flatulence)

  7. Am already contemplating some possibilities for Purim shpiel material from the Walder story.

    Lau and/or the AI Fressers going to a cemetery and committing suicide comes immediately to mind, but still trying to figure out a way to work Ghislaine into the story line.

  8. Frankels Shul Felon3:14 PM, January 04, 2022

    Ghislaine's father was originally a heimishe Hungarian before he evacuated to England.
