Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kucinich: I Saw UOJ !

From an anonymous UOJ Groupie...Gotta luv it! Thanks!

Kucinich: I Saw UOJ!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:51 AM

By: Jim Meyers

In one of the lighter moments of Tuesday night's Democratic presidential debate, candidate Dennis Kucinich claimed that he had seen UOJ “ and was moving his campaign office to an alleged UOJ landing site - Roswell, New Mexico.

Moderator Tim Russert of NBC News, prefacing his query by saying, This is a serious question, said to Kucinich: The godmother of your daughter, Shirley MacLaine, writes in her new book that you've sighted UOJ over her home in Washington state, that you found the encounter extremely moving, that it was a silent and hovering, that you felt a connection to your heart.

Now, did you see UOJ?

Amid laughter from the audience, Kucinich replied: I did. It was [an] unidentified big-mouthed flying object, okay. It's like “ it's identified. I saw something.

Now, to answer your question, I'm going to move my campaign office to Roswell, New Mexico and another one, an extra, to New Hampshire.

And also, you have to keep in mind that Jimmy Carter saw UOJ, and also that more people in this country have seen UOJ than, I think, approve of George Bush's presidency.

It might have struck some observers as ironic that Kucinich made his UOJ claim on the same day that he questioned President Bush's mental health in light of comments he made about a nuclear Iran precipitating World War III.

Russert continued his questioning by addressing Barack Obama:

The three astronauts of Apollo 11 who went to the moon back in 1969 all said that they believe there is life beyond earth. Do you agree?

Obama did not take the bait, instead responding: I don't know, and I don't presume to know. What I know is there is life here on earth and that UOJ says we're not attending to life here on earth.

2007 Newsmax.

Let's Take A Break...With A Jamaican Jewish Wedding! Mazel Tov!

I'm experiencing Blogger fatigue. Enjoy the music...listen to that clarinet!

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Tatty, I miss you too. You have hurt me terribly and I can't fully comprehend what you did to me."

From The UOJ Archives, published twice, the first time was October 2005! The Rabbis Mocked Her...Called Her Names...Figuratively Tossed Her In The Wastebasket....THE BALTIMORE RABBIS MUST APOLOGIZE.... AND GET RID OF ELIEZER EISGRAU!

I was asked by Ms. Eisgrau to post her story for the world to see.
In fact, there are parts of this story I was indeed able to verify, and as to the entire letter, I have independent sources that I trust, that are able to vouch for her credibility.

Republished with permission and authorization of The Awareness Ctr.

A Story of Survival - Surviving Incest
By Survivor of Rabbi Eliezer Eisgrau

Dear Family,

You have all turned your backs and walked away from me. My father, my mother, and eleven siblings. All gone.

This reality is very sad. It is disturbing, and incomprehensible all at the same time.

What is the terrible crime I committed that warranted the loss of my entire family? What could cause parents to abandon a child? Siblings to abandon a sister? And a community to collectively turn its back in silence?

I committed a terrible crime.

My unforgivable crime is that I spoke the truth about my childhood.

I could no longer keep secret the years of fear and pain. The molestation by my father, and the emotional abuse and neglect of both my parents. ..

I did try hard to keep it in the family as I had been taught to. I tried so hard to be the daughter and sister you wanted me to be. To be "good" To let it go, and just forget, and somehow be OK... But I was in too much pain. I knew I couldn't continue without help.

I came to you first, remember? But you made it clear that you did not believe that I was really hurt. You made it clear that you would not, and could not, believe me that Tatty molested me nor could you support me. You denied that I had a reason to be in so much pain. I had to go elsewhere for help.

Going outside the family for help is a major sin. The louder you shouted that it just wasn't true, that Tatty could never do such a thing, that nothing really happened to me, the louder I had to shout to hear myself over the clamor of your thirteen desperate voices.

Unfortunately It is true that I was sexually molested and abused in our family. If I am real than this did happen. I am a product of OUR family.

...Thankfully, there were others who heard and I got the help I needed. I survived and I am doing well!

Oh, if only It were true, as you say, that a therapist somehow convinced me that the memories are true!!! I would sue the therapist and have my family back!

If only it were true, as you say, that the books I read on the subject of abuse are what put these horrible ideas into my head!! I would burn the books and have my family back!!

If only I were truly sick, or truly mental!! I would then pose no threat and I could have my family back!! Oh, if only I were truly evil and out to "get" my father! But I still love my father in spite of myself. I don't believe that my father is an evil monster. He has caused a lot of pain and refuses to take any responsibility for his actions. He is a human being who has done much good and also much bad. He has a serious problem and I wish he would get help.

To my siblings, and to my fathers supporters, I say I am none of the things you accuse me of. I am just a women. I have my strengths and limitations just like you. I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a friend, and neighbor just like you. I play with my children, hug them, kiss them and love them, just like you do. I laugh and cry and feel as deeply as you do. I have a life that is rich and joyful and completely separate from my past, as I hope that you do too. And I have many close friends who truly know and appreciate me for who I am...and know nothing of my past.

But there is no substitute for my family. I miss you. In spite of your denial of my experiences. In spite of your blame and accusations. In spite of you saying that your childhood was idyllic and wonderful...and therefore mine was too. I am truly happy for you that this was your experience and I can not take it away from you. I can only envy you. My childhood also had wonderful moments and happy memories, yet the good memories are overshadowed by pain, sadness, and fear. I wish there was a way you could accept our different experiences, and reconcile.

Perhaps there are those of you who would like to be in touch with me and believe that you can't because Rabbi Hopfer advised you to cut me out of the family. It would be going against "Daas Torah" to speak with me. I am so sorry for your pain. I am so sorry for us that you have chosen a rav who apparently has more to gain by breaking up our family than by encouraging its healing.

Any thinking, intelligent person can see that Rabbi Hopfer's cruel advice, which hides behind the guise of "Daas Torah," sadly, has nothing to do with either.

Tatty, I miss you too.

You have hurt me terribly and I can't fully comprehend what you did to me. I understand why the people who have trusted you do not want to believe me. It is just too overwhelming. I also do not want to believe...I still want to believe that I am wrong. I still want to believe that I have a father who is safe. You loved me and hurt me. You gave me life, and you almost killed me. You will always be the only father I have. I will always need you.

Mommy, I think I do understand why you walked away... You made it clear from the time I was young that Tatty was much more important to you than I was. I believe that on some level you know that my memories of him are true. I believe that you needed him, and still need him more than you ever needed me. You have not been able to let yourself truly see me from the time I was very little. And that hurts. Because I needed you desperately. You are my mother and I needed your protection and love. I will always need you.

I am a woman who was terribly abused as a child. I deal with this reality every day of my life. And because I did not keep the secret, I am a woman without parents or siblings.

With tears and always... hope for the future,

Eisgrau's Daughter ****

The reason I am telling my story is because I want people, especially rabbis, to realize that when allegations of child abuse are made by a child against a parent, (regardless of whether the allegations are true or not) it is an indication of a serious problem in the family. When abuse is covered up and denied it is usually handed down to the next generation. Cutting off the family member who dares to expose the family's pain and shame does not make the problem go away. My family and I needed help and the rabbi's failed us. My family and I still need help and the rabbi's are still failing us. If I had a child who said I had sexually abused them, whether I thought I had or not, I would realize that there was a serious problem in my relationship with that child. I would do all I could to help my child understand what had happened. I would get my whole family help.

When most people in the orthodox community look at my family they see a normal family. Everyone is religious, married with kids, seems happy, and appears not only to be functioning well but also contributing to their community.

I come from a very large orthodox family. Most of my early childhood was spent in a small town on the east coast. My father met and married my mother there while he was a student at her father's yeshiva. My grandfather's yeshiva was in a remote area jewishly and otherwise, and we were very isolated. We did not go to school and had no contact with children outside of the family.

My father was physically abusive and sexually molested me repeatedly while we were living near my grandfather's yeshiva. I was also molested by some of the students in the yeshiva. I don't remember their names. My father stopped abusing me when we moved to Baltimore and he started teaching.

My grandfather was also inappropriate with me. He exposed himself to me once when I was three. When I was seven he had a serious discussion with me. He told me how lonely he was and ask me if I thought he should get remarried. At that age he told my sister and I that he loved one of us more than the other. I was sure it was she who he loved more than me.

I know that my grandfather physically abused my mother, (although she will insist that her experience was not abuse). She would get hit, for example, if she couldn't keep the baby from crying. My mother is the oldest of ten children. Her mother died of an illness when she was fifteen. She said that my grandfather always hit his children too much, but after her mother died it got worse. She told me that her brothers would try to protect her. My mother's brothers are the only safe men who I remember having close contact with in my childhood.

My father was physically abused by his mother. She would hold his nose to force him to swallow foods that he d. She would beat him with a broomstick. He was a troubled teen and was kicked out of more than one yeshiva. He told me that my grandfather rescued him, "pulled him from the garbage can." He shared with me his first encounter with my grandfather. He said that when my grandfather was speaking to him he raised his hand to make a point, and my father instinctively ducked under the table. He thought he was going to be hit.

My grandfather also rescued Aaron Goldberger. He had been expelled from a yeshiva for "homosexual behavior." Knowing his background, and despite many warnings, my grandfather allowed Goldberger to marry his daughter. Years later Goldberger was convicted of molesting his own children and lost custody of them as a result.

I was a troubled child and an angry teen for obvious reasons. I was also extremely depressed. My mother would tell me repeatedly that I had nothing to be sad or angry about and that I should put a smile on my face.

When I was in the fourth grade I discovered by that I needed glasses. A classmate had a pair and I tried them on just for fun. When the room jumped into focus I realized that I needed glasses. I told my mother who said, "No you don't need glasses, you see well enough." Her response was typical.

When my fifth grade teacher sent a note home asking my parents to get my eyes checked they finally took me to an eye doctor. The doctor assured my mother that he could see by the shape of my pupil that I was nearsighted but she was still unconvinced. She told me that I was getting glasses not because I needed them but to get the teacher off her back. My sister taunted me "you don't really need glasses you just want attention."

As a child I often wondered what I could possibly do to become real in my parent's eyes. I remember watching other children in school and wondering what it was about them that I was missing that allowed them to exist, and have real needs and feelings. I thought there was something inherently wrong with me.

When I was sixteen I left home to go to school in Israel. When the Gulf War broke out my parents forced me to come back home and refused to let me return to Israel. When I was eighteen I ran away from home and went back to Israel. My father came after me. He told me that the only reason he could think of that I could possibly have run away was that I had lesbian relationship with a friend whom I had met and become close to while in school there.

My father said that he wanted to help me and would take me to see a psychologist if I came home with him. He took me to his friend, Dr. Aviva Weisbord, who agreed to see me as a favor to him. (Apparently he had helped her with one of her children who had been having problems.)

Dr. Weisbord should never have taken me on as a client due to her obvious conflict of interest. She allowed me to come to her house during the course of therapy and sleep over. She violated confidentiality by meeting with my parents against my wishes. She violated confidentiality by telling people that I had been a client of hers and that in her "professional" opinion my father had not abused me.

During the course of my treatment with Dr. Weisbord she and I both realized that I had been sexually abused. She kept asking me about my uncle, Goldberger, whom I had contact with as a young child. I did not remember any specific instances of him abusing me. I did not tell her about my father. She was very willing to believe that my uncle, a convicted offender, abused me. But I knew she would not believe me about my father. She made it clear that she trusted and respected him. At some point she realized that I was hiding something. She told me that there were serious boundary issues in my family. That there were things that I wasn't sharing with her, and that she did not want to hear. She told me that she was ending our relationship and sending me to someone else.

My next therapist would not speak with my parents at all, and when my father found out that I was talking about the abuse he told me that I had to stop seeing her. He threatened to take her to a bais din for "convincing me of things that never happened." He told me that I was heading down a dangerous path. That reading books on the subject of abuse was putting ideas into my head. He told me that he was the only one who really loved that and me if I wasn't paying my therapist she would throw me out onto the street. That was the day I left my parents home.

I had nowhere to go. In desperation, I called a woman whom I had met only once, Hinda Goliger, and she invited me to come live with her. Many people including my parents, tried to pressure the Goligers to throw me out so I would be forced to go back home. The Goligers refused to bow to pressure. They promised me that their home would always be a safe place for me and it was. They were truly there for me when no one else was. They believed in me, and I will always be grateful.

The abuse by my father and others left me with many issues. But even worse than the actual and abuse was the revictimization that I encountered from my family, and community, when I tried to reach out for help.

No one would believe me that my father or my grandfather had done these things. My siblings were very angry with me and treated me like I had some horrible disease. My mother told me that she knew that nothing happened to me and that basically I was saying these things to get attention. One of my uncles told me that saying that my grandfather abused me meant that I d the Torah. Another Rabbi who I spoke with, after asking me for my grandfathers name, told me that it was my imagination that I had been sexually abused and that I should just forget about it and get married and everything would be fine. Once again I was being given the message that I was not real. My memories were not real. My feelings and experiences were not real.

During this time one of my brothers, then in his teens, forced a six-year-old in the neighborhood to expose herself to him. He threatened to hurt her if she didn't comply. The child's mother told me about the incident. She told my mother about it too. My mother's response was that she needed to talk to my brother about staying away from s, and that my father needed to learn with him more often.

I told my therapist about the incident. She informed me that what my brother had done was considered sexual abuse and that she was mandated to report it. I begged her not to. I knew that my family, who were already very upset with me for saying that my father abused me, would think that I had reported it. She finally agreed to ask her Rabbi, R' Menachem Goldberger, what to do. Rabbi Goldberger. told her to make the report which she did.

Another Rabbi who I turned to for help was Rabbi Moshe Heinemann. I did not know how to approach him. I decided to ask him a halachic question that had been bothering me for a while. It was a question that one of my aunts had asked me when I told her what my father had done to me. I asked him if I was allowed to marry a kohen if my father abused me. I was hoping that he would hear the inherent pain in my question and offer to help me. He asked if it happened before or after age three. I said after. He then told me that if I decided to say that it never happened then I could marry a kohen but if I said that it did happen then I couldn't. End of conversation. That was the only time that I spoke with Rabbi Heinemann about this, or anything else. Some years later parents of a child in the Torah Institute went to ask Rabbi Heinemann about the allegations against my father. He told them to disregard what I said as I was, "crazy and not frum."

I went to other Rabbi's for help and I was told, "we know sexual abusers exists in our community but we know that your father is not one of them."

I already felt inherently damaged, and traumatized, as a result of the sexual abuse but the way my family and the rabbi's were treating me made the pain unbearable. Like all survivors of trauma I needed to talk about what happened to me in order to process it and heal. I needed (and still need) my truth to be heard. My family did not understand this and accused me of trying to hurt them by telling people about it.

I thought that because no one believed me I must be crazy. I wanted to believe that my family was right and I was sick or evil but deep down I knew that I wasn't and that I was remembering these things because they had happened to me.

I was in a tremendous amount of psychological pain. I often begged God to remove me from this world. I wanted to die to find out the truth. And I wanted to escape the pain. I attempted and was hospitalized. During my hospitalization I was diagnosed with a dissociative disorder (that I have since recovered from) whose only known cause is severe and repeated trauma in early childhood. I was also diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder.)

While all this was going on I was teaching preschool at the Torah Institute. The preschool director was shocked when I told her that I was quitting because I was suicidal and needed to be hospitalized. She simply couldn't believe it. She said that I was doing a great job teaching and that she thought I was the most `together' of all my sisters. I told her that my family specialized in seeming `normal' and `together' and that I was good at it, but I was tired of pretending to be ok. I needed help.

At first the director said that she believed me that my father had sexually abused me. She told me that she knew more than one rebbe at the Torah Institute with sexual issues. She wanted to be supportive but at the same time she begged me to consider the damage that speaking about my experience would cause my siblings. She told me I could ruin my sister's chances of getting a shidduch if I didn't keep quiet.

She offered to let me stay with her for a couple of weeks while I waited for a bed to open up on the dissociative disorders unit. During this stay she changed her mind and told me that although it was obvious to her that my parents had caused me severe emotional damage, she just couldn't believe that my father had physically molested me.

During one of my many hospitalizations Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer came to visit me. I told him about the memories that I had of my father molesting me. I told him that I hoped my family and everyone else was right about me and that somehow my mind was playing cruel tricks on me. It was easier for me to believe that I was crazy then to believe that my father did these things to me. I wanted my family back.

Eventually, I rented my own apartment and applied for another job in a new preschool that was opening up in the community. I was hired as a teacher for the three-year-old class. A few weeks before the start of the school year the director informed me that some people in the community threatened not to send their children to her school if I was going to be teaching there. They told her that there must be something wrong with me because I had moved out of my parents home. This woman, not knowing that there was a connection between us, asked Dr. Aviva Weisbord for advice. Dr. Aviva Weisbord told her not to let me teach but to give me a job in a back office so that no one would know I was there.

I became completely disillusioned with yidishkeit because of the way I was being treated by the community and my family. People who should have been helping me were calling me crazy and evil. I wanted nothing to do with any of it anymore. I stopped keeping shabbos and kosher. I had to find a new way to relate to God. I also had to find a new God. One who had not allowed me to be abused in a yeshiva and by people who were supposed to be frum and uphold the Torah. A God who was all knowing and all loving and believed in me and wanted me to heal. I had to leave yidishkeit to find this.

I explored other religions. I spoke to priests, ministers. I came back to Judaism, mostly because I missed shabbos. I had to come to the realization that my parents and the Rabbi's who hurt me did not own God or Judaism and that their behavior had nothing to do with Torah. Although I am now shomer mitzvoth, to this day I can never completely trust a rabbi. And I doubt I will never feel completely safe or comfortable in the frum world.

About eight years after my conversation with Rabbi Hopfer my father became the principal of the Torah Institute. I had received excellent help in the trauma disorders day hospital at Sheppard Pratt and had with much effort pulled my shattered life back together. The chronic depression and psychological pain that I had carried around with me for as long as I could remember slowly dissipated as I worked through the traumatic memories. I was in school. I was working. I met and married a wonderful man. I gave birth to a baby. I was very happy. Every day felt like a miracle.

I was very concerned when I heard that a former student had accused my father of child abuse. I had thought/hoped that his abuse had stopped with me. It suddenly occurred to me that maybe the reason the abuse stopped when we moved to Baltimore was because my father had access to other children.

I told a parent of a child in the school that I was concerned that my father was not safe around children. It got back to my siblings and they went to Rabbi Hopfer for advice. Rabbi Hopfer told my siblings to give me an ultimatum. I was to promise never to talk about what my father did to me, or they would cut me out of the family. I told them there was no way I could ethically promise that.

I wrote Rabbi Hopfer a letter asking him why he had not contacted me before he gave my family this advice. He did not respond. Some months later I called him up several times, and finally he called back. I asked him why he had not contacted me before telling my family to cut me off. He became very defensive and angrily asked me why I believed that my fathers other accuser was credible? Why had I not bothered to check it out?

I told Rabbi Hopfer that I had checked it out and that although I was not in the room and could never know what really happened to this student, that based on my own experiences with my father I believed that it was possible that he had abused again.

I told Rabbi Hopfer that I wished that he and my family would also admit that they were not in the room when my father was abusing me and could never be completely sure what my father had done to me.

I asked him again why he had not contacted me. He said he had already spoken to me eight years earlier when he had visited me in the hospital.

Me: I am a different person now, in a totally different place then I was eight years ago. I was going through a serious crisis then. A lot has changed. I think you should have realized that and called me. Do you remember our conversation in the hospital?

Hopfer: No.

Me: So you made the decision to break up a family based on a conversation you had eight years ago that you don't remember?

Hopfer: I made my decision then that you were not credible and I stuck with it.

Me: I think you should have contacted me. Why don't you believe me about my father? Do you think I am crazy or evil?

Hopfer: No, but your siblings say that your story is inconsistent. First you said your uncle abused you, then your grandfather, then your father.

Me: When I first started dealing with this, I did not want to believe that my father abused me. Like you, I would rather have believed just about anything else. My therapist at the time wanted me to think it was my uncle.

Hopfer: Your own therapist doesn't believe you.

Me: The only therapist I worked with who is unethical enough to break confidentiality and speak to you about what she believes and doesn't believe about me, is Dr. Weisbord and she is also a friend of my father.

I'm trying to understand why you would advise my family to do such a terrible thing? What good could this possibly accomplish?

Hopfer: They have too choose between you and your father. They can't be loyal to both of you. They can't stand seeing the pain you are causing him.

Me: I wonder why you and my family are so focused on my fathers pain, which I didn't cause, yet no one seems to worry about my pain. I have lost my entire family because of this. And you have ruined any chances of my family taking any responsibility in dealing with this. Any chance of healing our relationship. If they want to cut me out let them at least own their own decision. Don't you realize that they take your advise as a psak, as da'as torah?

Hopfer: Yes. I realized that.

Me: would you consider changing your ruling.

Hopfer: No, I still think they have to choose.

Me: Is it because you don't believe me, that my father sexually abused me?

Hopfer: Yes, I don't believe that he did that.

Me: How can you be objective about this considering that you trust my father so much? He has taken over your shiurim for you when you are out of town. He has taught your children. Don't you think it would have been more responsible to send my family to someone else for advice about this? Someone who is not so close to the situation?

Hopfer: I believe that I made the correct decision.

In the end my father is still the principal of an elementary school. If the Rabbi's in Baltimore care at all about the safety of the children in their community they would insist that my father be evaluated by a professional who is trained to evaluate potential offenders. If they continue to try to "protect" him and demonize, discredit, and isolate me, they are continuing to perpetuate a tremendous evil for themselves and their community. They share some of the responsibility for the horrors I went through and they will be responsible for any new victims of abuse by my father.

I am still treated like I do not exist by my family. I don't know which of my siblings are married, and I have not been told of any births or simchas that have occurred.

I am still looking for a rabbi who is willing to stand up for me and challenge Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer to take a second look at what he is doing to me and to my family. Whatever the outcome, it would help me heal my relationship with Judaism to know that there is someone representing Torah who is willing to stand up for what is right.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


From left to right, top row: Rebecca Boicelli, former teacher in Redwood City, Calif.; Donald Coots, who taught in Ohio; Mary Kay LeTourneau, ex-teacher in the Seattle area; Aaron Brevik, who worked in Warren, Mich. Middle row: Jason Ream, once a teacher in Elyria, Ohio; Carrie McCandless, who taught in Fort Collins, Colo.; Kevin Collins, a former band director in Ohio; Troy Mansfield, of Pennsylvania. Bottom row: Debra Lafave, of Florida; Gerald S. Huddleston, of Illinois; Jeffrey Sears of Ohio; Laurie J. Augustine, of Illinois.

From The AP Wire Services:

The effort began in March, when Associated Press reporters in every state and the District of Columbia asked state education officials for records of disciplinary actions taken against teacher licenses from 2001 through 2005. To obtain the records, most of the reporters had to file formal requests, some repeatedly.

Cooperation from state agencies varied widely though, in the end, all but one provided most of the requested information.

Maine has a law that keeps offending teachers' names secret, making it the only state that refused to disclose cases of sexual misconduct to the AP. The three cases the AP found in Maine were made public in widely circulated news reports.

Once AP reporters collected all the disciplinary records, they began to get as much detail as possible on cases of alleged sexual misconduct. Their secondary sources included court, police and prison records and state sex offender registries, as well as various news accounts on the cases, including the AP's.

The reporters were then asked to input their findings into a database.

If the state took an action against an educator following an accusation of sexual misconduct, then that person was included in the AP's count.

All the educators were disciplined for doing something sexual, inappropriate and unprofessional. Many were charged criminally and 1,390 cases resulted in a conviction.

A very small minority of cases, including a couple of dozen involving prostitution, had no direct connection to either schools or to children. But they did involve sexual misbehavior and since education officials punished the teachers for those actions, they made it into the AP count.

In some cases, the allegations didn't result in criminal prosecution. But the states typically through their education departments took action, most often in the form of revocation, suspension or denial of a state teaching license. Sometimes states accepted the surrender of a teacher's license after an accusation surfaced, or as part of a plea deal.

Once reporters entered the teachers in the database, reporters and their editors in each state double-checked the information.

Finally, a team of editors went through the database case-by-case, eliminating several dozen cases in which it was possible to view the alleged misbehavior as non-sexual.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"It's a shame it took so long. People committed suicide over him!"

Abuse victims hope healing begins with rabbi's arrest!


Wednesday, October 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

For too long, an alleged Brooklyn pedophile rabbi's victims have waited for their silencing to end. Now, they hope his prosecution will push their closed community to out child molesters.

Twenty-three years after Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz fled to Jerusalem to evade charges of molesting four boys, Israel's ministry of justice now has an extradition request from Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, his spokesman said.

"It's a shame it took so long. People committed suicide over him," said a 44-year-old man who says the popular rabbi abused him and his friends in the 1970s.

"If they did this a lot earlier, there would have been a lot more people saved because other child molesters would get the message. This will send the message."

In the hush-hush Orthodox Jewish community, victims say Mondrowitz left a trail of destroyed lives during his tenure as a rabbi/psychologist and headmaster in Brooklyn during the 1970s and early 1980s.

Former District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman tried to get him extradited in the 1980s, but a U.S. Justice Department official said the extradition treaty with Israel made it hard - until changes last January - to forward the request to Jerusalem.

Hynes, who took office in 1989, had been slammed for failing to go after Mondrowitz. Critics charged he feared losing the powerful Orthodox Jewish vote. But his spokesman denied the allegations, saying Hynes moved swiftly once a treaty change allowed Israel to recognize the 1985 sodomy counts.

An Israeli Justice official declined comment, as did Mondrowitz, contacted at his Jerusalem home.

One alleged victim was only 11 when he described Mondrowitz, who headed his alternative Jewish boys' school, as befriending him, giving him money and taking him to movies and his mountain cabin.

Soon, he began taking friends, he said.

"He used to talk us all up. He did a lot of things to entice kids," he said. "I used to bring kids to his house. He'd grab kids in front of me, in his office.

"It affected me a long time," he said. "I felt I was taken."

The victim, not named in the indictment, said he believed hundreds of boys were fondled by Mondrowitz, and saw dozens himself.

A 39-year-old rabbi filed a complaint last year, accusing Mondrowitz of abusing him when he was 11. He charged that pedophiles are still free to ruin lives in the closed Orthodox community, where leaders routinely silence victims to avoid scandal.

"There are probably more kids harmed in this community than any other because everything is placed under the rug," he said. "They throw a kid out of school if he complains. "This will send a message: You can run away and hide and you can think it is forgotten, but eventually it will hunt you down and get you. That is very important. It is a deterrent we never had."


Hynes Now Seeks Mondrowitz Extradition
by Staff Report - The Jewish Week
- October 19, 2007

A change in the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States has led to a request for custody of a Brooklyn rabbi accused of sexually abusing former students, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz has remained in Jerusalem for 23 years since leaving the country amid allegations that the former counselor and yeshiva principal molested four boys.

A spokesman for DA Charles J. Hynes on Wednesday said a request for the return for Rabbi Mondrowitz came in February, shortly after the State Department and Israel’s Ministry of Justice agreed to broaden the spectrum of crimes under which extradition from Israel will be allowed.

“As soon as the treaty was changed allowing extradition on the charges he faces, we moved to have him extradited,” said the spokesman, Jerry Schmetterer. The request was first reported last week in the New York Daily News.

The exact charges on which Rabbi Mondrowitz is suspected are contained in a sealed indictment, Schmetterer said.

Hynes has been under consistent pressure from victims’ advocates who speculated that he was afraid of losing support among Orthodox voters if he put Rabbi Mondrowitz on trial. But Schmetterer said, “We have always said over the years that we never lost sight of the case, but the treaty didn’t allow for extradition.” He said Israel’s Ministry of Justice was now “working hard” to fulfill the request.

An advocate for victims of abuse who has been closely monitoring the Mondrowitz case, Amy Neustein, said she felt “exhilarated” by the prospect of an extradition. “I hope this will be the beginning of healing for the Jewish community, and after 20 years of political agitation from advocates and victims, justice will finally prevail,” she said.

When reached by a Daily News reporter in Jerusalem, Rabbi Mondrowitz had no comment.

US wants extradition of prominent Ger hassid accused of sodomy

By MATTHEW WAGNER - The Jerusalem Post

The Brooklyn District Attorney's office has requested the extradition of Avrohom Mondrowitz, a resident of Jerusalem and a prominent member of the Ger Hassidic sect, on child molestation charges dating back over two decades involving four boys aged 11 to 16.

The extradition request was made in January, according to Brooklyn District Attorney's Office spokesman Jerry Schmetterer. "We know that the US Department of Justice and the State Department have begun the extradition process," said Schmetterer. "It is also our understanding that the Israeli Justice Ministry has been contacted as well."

The Justice Ministry declined to comment.

Mondrowitz, who was contacted by telephone by The Jerusalem Post, hung up as soon as the reporter identified himself.

However, a prominent member of the Ger community in Jerusalem defended Mondrowitz.

"There are people who are trying to disparage Mondrowitz's name," said the source.

"Mondrowitz is a very intelligent, talented man and so are all of his children. His father is highly respected in the community. I can't believe these stories are true.

The source said Mondrowitz was in the computer business.

Mondrowitz worked for a short period at the Jerusalem College of Technology as a fund-raiser and at the Jerusalem College of Engineering as a lecturer.

The Post has also learned that Dep.-Cmdr. Avi Aviv of the National Fraud Squad's Cyber Crimes Division is conducting an investigation against Mondrowitz.

Mondrowitz, who was born in Tel Aviv in 1947 and later moved with his family to Chicago, arrived in Brooklyn in the late 1970s and presented himself to Orthodox educational institutions as a rabbi and clinical psychologist.

He provided psychological treatment to children from the mixed Jewish-Italian Borough Park neighborhood where he lived. He also opened a yeshiva for children with behavioral problems.

Four children, all from Italian families and all neighbors of Mondrowitz, complained of sexual abuse perpetrated by Mondrowitz. Jewish victims also eventually testified against him, but only after the statute of limitations had expired.

In 1985, a New York State court charged Mondrowitz with eight counts of child abuse in the first degree, endangering the welfare of a child and five counts of sodomy in the first degree.

Mondrowitz and his family fled to Jerusalem after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

At the time of the indictment, sodomy of boys was not an extraditable crime, since it was not defined as rape under Israeli law. In 1988, the Knesset changed that law, apparently opening the way for Mondrowitz's extradition.

The Brooklyn DA's office said Mondrowitz could not be extradited until this year, when the Knesset approved a law removing the impediments to retroactively applying the 1988 law.

But Michael Lesher, an attorney representing six men who say they were molested by Mondrowitz in the early 1980s but who were not included in the original indictment, said the extradition was delayed due to officials, especially Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, dragging their feet.

Lesher claims that Hynes balked due to heavy pressure to drop the case from the Orthodox community in Brooklyn, which supported Mondrowitz despite the fact that Israel's Edah Haredit Rabbinic Court issued a ruling in 1988 in which unnamed "insidious acts" committed by Mondrowitz were mentioned, and warning him to stay away from children.

"Hynes was elected in 1989 with strong Orthodox support," Lesher said in an e-mailed message. "He appointed a virtually all-Orthodox Jewish Advisory Council after being elected, and he reversed the policy of his predecessor, Elizabeth Holtzman, and did not press for Mondrowitz's return to face trial.

In September 1993, Hynes instructed the federal government to close its file on Mondrowitz and said he would not pursue the case while Mondrowitz remained in Israel.

Lesher said he was "elated" to see the district attorney finally moving to extradite Mondrowitz. "All my clients hope that Mondrowitz will at last be brought to justice."

In response to Lesher's claims, Schmetterer said extradition was impossible until the Knesset acted this year.

But in past news reports on delays, Hynes's office was quoted as providing a different explanation. Sources were cited saying that despite the changes in Israeli law, the extradition request could not be made retroactively.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Yeshiva Parents - You have An Obligation To Check The Background Of Every Adult, Rebbe, Camp Counselor..That Interact With Your Child!

This survey was sent to me by a friend of mine battling sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. I believe that the numbers (percentages) are similar among male teachers in general and - rebbes in yeshivas - in particular! I have discovered that a percentage of child rapists choose to teach children, so that they have easy access to them. This belief has been confirmed by numerous mental health professionals.


"The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned a survey of Roman Catholic church records of abusive clergy, to be completed by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The survey is one component of the Dallas Charter, a plan developed by the bishops in 2002 to respond to allegations of widespread child abuse by priests, and of extensive cover-ups by the church. obtained a draft copy of the report and posted a summary on their web site on 2004-FEB-17. 1 The final version was released on 2004-FEB-27.

Some of the raw data contained in the report:

Years covered: 1950 to 2002.
Percentage of bishops who provided information: 97% 3
Total number of allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests: 11,000. Number substantiated: 6,700 (61%).
Number unsubstantiated: 1,000 (9.1%).
Number which were not investigated because the allegations were made after the priest's death: 3,300.

Number of priests who served during the interval: 110,000. Number of priests alleged to have abused children: 4,450.
Percentage of abusive priests: 4.0%

Number of priests who are currently serving: 44,000
Number of cases of abuse per priest: Most priests were accused of a single event
1,112 priests (25.0%) had two or three allegations
578 priests (13%) had four to nine allegations.
133 priests (2.9%) had ten or more allegations.

Age of the victims: Almost 6% were 7 years of age or younger.
16% were 8,9 or 10 years old.
78% were 11 to 17 years old.

Factors contributing to the abuse problem, as stated by the report:

Failure by the hierarchy to grasp the seriousness of the problem.
Overemphasis on the need to avoid a scandal.
Use of unqualified treatment centers.
Misguided willingness to forgive.
Insufficient accountability.

According to Paul McHugh, a member of the National Review Board, the epidemic of child abuse cases sprang up "...early in the 1960s and reached tidal-wave proportions in the 1970s and early 1980s." The report suffers from what public-health workers call "reporting bias." Some details of the 11,000 cases of alleged abuse are known. But there exists another "pool of victims of unknown size...outside of their accounting..." They might never come to light. By reaching back to the year 1950, the John Jay study showed that the 1950s were comparatively free of predators. It went relatively unrecognized during the 1970s and 1980s".

Thursday, October 11, 2007


New York Daily News:

Thursday, October 11th 2007, 4:00 AM

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes wants a rabbi who fled to Israel 23 years ago after allegedly molesting four boys, extradited back to New York.

Hynes' request to the U.S. Justice Department that Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz face justice has been forwarded to the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Mondrowitz, a onetime popular child psychologist in Brooklyn's Borough Park, was indicted in February 1985 on charges of sexually abusing four boys, months after he fled.

Former Brooklyn District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman tried for years to extradite Mondrowitz, but Hynes had resisted. Critics charged Hynes was afraid of offending the powerful Orthodox Jewish voting bloc and only changed his mind because of a change in the community's attitude toward pedophilia. His spokesman, Jerry Schmetterer, denied the allegation.

"That had no impact on our decision at all," he said, saying an amendment to the extradition treaty allowed Hynes to act.

Hynes' decision has brought some relief to the alleged victims, including a rabbi who told Hynes that Mondrowitz, a neighbor and father of his friends, had molested him at the age of 11 in the late 1970s.

Mondrowitz declined comment when reached by telephone in Israel.

Nancie L. Katz
Michael Lesher comments:

I greatly appreciate the plaudits my work has received on this blog. And I do cherish the belief that both the publicity and the legal activism I helped bring to this case have made a difference.

But I must stress that a share of any credit due rightfully belongs to everyone who has helped to make an issue of this case, whether with the D.A.'s office, the press or one's local Orthodox rabbi.

And the greatest honor must be reserved for victims who risked opprobrium, ridicule and emotional trauma to demand the justice that is every victim's right and each community's obligation -- an obligation that, alas, our communities have been slow to respect.

Finally, though I can't speak for everyone, my own goal is not so much to punish Mondrowitz -- though he deserves to be punished if anyone does -- as to vindicate the victims' right to know that what was done to them was a crime. . . not an unfortunate occurrence, not a personal tragedy, but a crime for which their attacker, not themselves, was to blame.

And I also want each victim to know that his fellow human beings utterly detest and reject any suggestion that the vindication of his violated humanity (which is what the criminal justice system is supposed to be about) mattered less than a community's public image. My work will not be over while any doubt on that question still lingers.

Michael Lesher

Wednesday, October 10, 2007




By / Source: Susan Rosenbluth

IsraPost has always looked out for Jews in any community. This story was presented to us in order for us to run it in its entirety. We have done no independent fact checking as to the accuracy of the claims found within the article.

However, we feel that to NOT tell this story might lead to others who might get hurt to keep it to themselves, and therefore, insofar as this might serve as a warning, we feel it prudent to put in print.

This is a story of a religious Yemenite family that lived in the town of Monroe, NY. Specifically in Kiryat Yoel, or, Satmar Town. There they were stripped of their identity, and even their heritage by the Satmar Chasidim. Yocheved Mauda is a Yemenite woman who lived among these Chasidim, and when she witnessed what was going on to her Yemenite people living in Kiryat Yoel, she took it upon herself to confront what she felt was an atrocity, often at her own peril.

Yocheved's daughter, Shlomit, was sexually assaulted. There was an indictment issued in this case, and it turns out that the accused is one of Kiryat Yoel's own Satmar Chasidim. The charges are pending, but the town of Kiryat Yoel has, until now, successfully blocked the investigation into this matter being conducted by the legal authorities for the state of New York. Yocheved feels that she is being targeted personally for her work on behalf of these Yemenite jews living in Kiryat Yoel. This is her story.

Mr. Levi Danzinger 35 year old hasidic men from kriyas joel is the alleged predator who sexually abused Mrs Mauda 15 year old daughter he is currently on $61,000 bail that was paid in cash by the satmar community who is supporting him.

The whole case started when Mrs Mauda got involved in helping yeminites families in Kriyas joel who had there kids taken away by the samtar community leaders, since she as taken upon her self to help those families in need the samtar leaders went full force against her to stop her every way possible they made sure the schools will not accept her kids also continuously reported her to child abuse CPS, ACS, DIFS, the child abuse charges where eventually dropped since no substantial evidence was found, when that didn't work they sent Mr Levi Danziger to abuse Mrs Mauda's 15 year old daughter by drugging her with LSD & sexually abusing her to make a case against her parents, after drugging her they reported to child abuse wanting the drugs to be found in her daughters system, luckily when DIFS came over to the house they saw a normal decent loving home and then dropped charges.

They threatened the girl that if she will talk about anything they will report her parents for child abuse and take her and her siblings away from home, for a month she hide the story from her parents out of fear but eventually she confided to a family member as to what is going on with her, that is when Mrs mauda reported the abuse to the authorities to put Mr danziger under arrest and charge him for the terrible crime he committed.

Not only did they try to brainwash the girl against her parents but also convincing her to get into a prostitution ring where they promised her that she will get paid $100's of dollars if she will sleep with other hasidic men, she was told there are men ready to start paying her for having intercourse with them, the girl is currently under going psychiatric care after all the trauma they caused her.

This case is still ongoing at the moment, lets hope that no such crimes should ever be kept uncovered, we should all keep speaking up and do the right thing for all those innocent victims out there who are being abused, I applaud Mrs Yocheved Mauda for going public even posting her picture in front of the whole world to see and hear the truth.. she is a brave strong woman for not letting this evil acts be covered up by the satmar community leaders.


Talk to your teenagers, male and female!

From Parent Solution LLC

Sexual abuse: An introduction to the reality!

Sexual abuse implies the forcing of unwanted sexual activity. With threats and coercion, one indulges in sexual abuse which very often becomes dangerous for the victim(s). Sexual abuse can be of several nature namely verbal, physical, emotional etc. Compared to any other age group, adolescent women are found to be more exposed to sexual abuse.

The teens, who are victims of sexual abuse often find it difficult to cope with the external environment and society at large. They usually face a storm of issues and questions, solution of which sometimes seems too difficult to trace. And due to increasing outward pressure, their lives get redundant and they cry out for aid. Here comes the need of help and care. Study shows troubled teens, who are the victims of sexual abuse need special care and supervision so that they can forget the past and become hopeful for the future.
What can be said as sexual abuse?

Everyone is born to live safe. No one has the right to intervene the privacy of any anyone else. Now if anyone is making/made you feel uncomfortable it could be sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse might involve any of the following or related activities.

Being asked to touch any part/parts of your own body.
Being asked to touch the parts of another’s body.
An attempt to trap anyone in sexual behavior emotionally.
Making sexual comments to you.
Being forced to watch/read sex exciting films/books.

Possible Symptoms of sexual abuse
Unexplained pregnancy (What's an "unexplained pregnancy?" - UOJ)
Exposed to STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
Regular urinary tract infections
Significant weight loss/gain
Attempts of suicide
Fear of darkness
Love to remain isolated, away from crowd
Fear of adult, teenagers
Fear of being caught in pictures/photo.
Fear of being undressed

The said signs may not necessarily exemplify that a teen is sexually abused. These could be some common features also which are found in teenagers.
What’s left for parents when they know their teens are sexually abused?
When a teen is sexually abused, remember he/she needs immediate care and counseling. Being a parent, you can start by talking freely, ask what really worrying them, let them disclose the whole matter. When exposed to reality, make them feel comfortable by assuring your help. If needed, go for expert’s help. With the development of civilization, getting a help for anything is just a click away. Numerous institutions/rehabilitation centers are available around you who are especially skilled in dealing with a sexually abused teenager.

Parent solution LLC can help victims of sexual abuse

Since inception till date we at Parent Solution LLC are successful in countering innumerable problems related with troubled teens. As one of our endeavors, we have been successful in selecting appropriate counseling centers for sexually abused teenagers. Moreover we have expertise to identify safe and sheltered boarding/rehabilitation centers for troubled teens. All our services are dedicated to teens, who need care and parents, for whom their teens are the most.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Why I Told My Darkest Secret

Editor's Note: This article was written by Teri Hatcher, a famous television actress, and appears in a recent issue of Newsweek. It is a terribly gut-wrenching revelation of the sexual abuse she suffered at age 7 and still suffers from today. Ms. Hatcher is a role model, not because of her occupation, but because it took great courage for her to speak out about the abuse she suffered, to put the abuser - her uncle - away, and to regret not having done so 30 years earlier. Her delay unintentionally led to the death (by suicide) of a 14-year-old victim of her uncle more than two decades after Ms. Hatcher's own abuse. Emphasis has been added to key sentences by bolding them.]

Teri Hatcher: Why I Told My Darkest Secret

By revealing the painful story of her sexual abuse as a child, actress Teri Hatcher hopes to help other victims.

By Teri Hatcher / Newsweek [Oct. 8, 2007 issue]

I'm 7. "Do you want to go with me?" asks my uncle. I wanted to go. I remember that. I remember feeling excitement and shame simultaneously. In that moment, all I knew was that for some reason I wanted to be alone ... with him. We'd be driving to pick up my cousin. We'd pull over in some abandoned parking lot. He'd turn off the engine and suddenly that space in the car with the seats that go all the way across would become the scary and haunting locale of the most defining and damaging event in my life.

I tell you this story with trepidation. But my fear is far outweighed by what I know is my obligation to help other victims of sexual abuse to not feel alone. To inspire other victims to realize that their lives do not have to be paralyzed by guilt and shame; they do not have to be defined by victimhood. And to convey to each and every damaged girl or woman that it is not her fault. Unfortunately, many, many girls are victims of sexual abuse. So even as we fight evil abroad, the evil of this abuse lives on in our neighborhoods.

Rarely does an adult get to revisit and bring justice to a crime that happened more than 30 years ago. But that is exactly what I was able to do. It began when my parents were getting set to move from the Bay Area to southern California. Of course, in my middle-class family this involved a garage sale. I was sitting on the lawn trying to negotiate a quarter for all my dad's old T shirts when my mom handed me a local newspaper she'd been saving. It seems that in January 2002, a 14-year-old girl named Sarah had wrapped her head in a towel and shot herself. Her suicide note implicated one Richard Stone.

My uncle. What?!, I thought. And then so many things rushed through my mind. You mean he's been doing this all these years? It wasn't just me? Oh my God, that poor girl. I know everything she was feeling. I sat there in tears on my parents' lawn, numb. Then I got angry—that my mother didn't show the paper to me earlier; that I didn't put my uncle away when I was 7 years old. But, of course, no one did back then. "Back then." It makes me sound like an old person. But seriously, just 30 years ago, no one did. No one talked about any of that, and by the time I was conscious enough to know how wronged I'd been and how damaged I was as a result, well, the statute of limitations had flown by and my healing was only as close as $150 an hour for years of sessions that luckily I could afford.

I went back to Los Angeles and spent a few restless nights dreaming of Sarah. And then I decided to call the D.A. in Santa Clara County who was working on the case. His name was Chuck Gillingham. I wasn't sure I even wanted to come forward with my story. I wasn't sure it would help or matter. But I called. When Chuck and I finally spoke, I didn't tell him who I was at first. I knew I had a lot to lose if this hit the tabloids: Teri Hatcher, screaming out for attention. It's pretty much ingrained in any victim of abuse that no one will believe them, and even if they do, you feel you'll still somehow get blamed. And thus the cycle of pain.

The D.A. and a police officer flew to Los Angeles to take my statement. I began to reveal the details I could never forget. I could picture the car and recall the feelings I had. I remember the clothes I was wearing, because he had me take them off. He touched me and asked if it felt good. I said no and he said, "well, someday it will." Who would ever think four simple words could do so much harm: "Well, someday it will." Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Maybe that's where all my adult guilt came from. Maybe that's why when I ate caramel coated with chocolate or had pleasurable sex or won an award or got a great job, just moments after the elation, I'd be slammed with an overwhelming urge to punish myself. Because at the core, I felt I was bad. I felt that I caused it. That it was my fault. Ah, Sarah, I knew that pain.

So that was it. They took my statement and they flew away. I had no idea what to expect next, but what I got was a phone call. I wouldn't have to appear in court. No one would ever hear my story because the judge and my uncle's lawyer had read my statement, and the corroborating evidence was enough to make him plead guilty in October 2002 (not to me, but to Sarah's case). He got 14 years. He's old. I hope it's his final resting place.

For me, this opportunity, this turning point, gave me a chance to face a very old but still raging fear. I can't say that a victim of abuse is ever completely healed. But this experience allowed me the space to feel validated, vindicated and, frankly, not crazy. It was not my fault. If this has happened to you, you may want to contact the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network at I wish you strength and love, and a journey that leads to your own realization that you are lovable, worthy and deserve good things.

If it hasn't happened to you, count your blessings and do something in your community to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone you know.


Sunday, October 07, 2007

...And Everyone Stood Around And Watched As Our Rabbis Murdered Thousands Of Innocent Jewish Children!

Statement in part from OHEL Jewish Family Services - New York:

...."Uncomfortable as it may be, we are now -"forced" - to be more open and confront this painful discussion; child molestation is a serious problem. Hundreds if not thousands of children, teens and adult survivors have been victimized"....

September 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007



Don't forget that Yudi Kolko is due to appear in criminal court tomorrow.

We hear that Tulman is trying to sneak him in through a back door.

Defendant Docket Number Summons Number Appearance Date County / Court / Part Judge
KOLKO, JOEL 00197-2007 October 02, 2007 KINGS / Supreme Court / 30 MULLEN,C
KOLKO, JOEL 09538-2006 October 02, 2007 KINGS / Supreme Court / 10 WALSH,JOHN P

The Clerk