EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Sunday, December 30, 2012

How Can We Protect Our Children?



Expatriate Owl said...

Hey, Agudath Israel -- Nice words, but let's see you shtell der toochas offn tish!

How about background checks for faculty before hiring (or before allowing them to continue teaching)?

Are you ready to insist upon this? Or are there too many people in your ranks who would be made to feel too uncomfortable?

s(b.) said...

Background checks and fingerprinting should be mandatory for all school employees/anyone who works with kids.

Anonymous said...

So, has the Agudah then dropped its requirement of parents/teachers/therapists going to a rav to ask permission, first, before reporting abuse to the police? If not, their words are meaningless.

Anonymous said...

This is a hoax. Someone took the letterhead of the Agudah Convention program, whited it out and printed this phony letter.

Rav's Daughter said...

REFLECTIONS ON AGUDAH CONVENTION 2012 Agudah chairman Rabbi Zweibel ushered in the weekend with the introduction to the theme which was “Shomrei acheinu anachnu” – “We are our brothers’ keepers!”. He asked what our responsibility is to our brothers in their time of need. While he enumerated many philosophical reasons why we as Jews should help each other, I found myself searching for a “quantifiable” expectation. I was reminded of a dvar torah I had once heard on what was the zchus of the Jews of Mitzrayim that tipped the scale to their redemption. The Torah says that Bnei Yisroel went out “Chamushim” which is translated as armed. Rashi however says that it can also mean one fifth. He elaborates to say that four fifths of Bnei Yisroel were not meritorious of redemption and they died during the plague of darkness. What if each family took on four people to take under their wing and give of their time and/or resources? If you are a lawyer, have four pro-bono cases running at any given time. When one completes find a new one. If you are a doctor, have four patients that you treat for free or at least with accepting their insurance as full payment. If you are not in a position to help financially with ma’aser, give 10% of your time, listening, helping with paperwork, taking them out for coffee once a week or inviting them over for a meal. Every person has something to give to someone less fortunate than themselves. It would also shift the focus from our own issues and maybe bring about a change in our priorities and what really matters in life.
The next speaker was Rabbi Reich who we were told was being whisked off to Lakewood immediately after his speech, to deliver a shiur. What I got from Rabbi Reich was that it was his belief that the reason New York City is having an issue with bris milah, is directly related to our alleged complacency regarding the legalization of gay marriage. I beg to differ. In my opinion, if he is looking for a “below the belt” transgression, I would sooner think our message is about rebbeim molesting yeshiva boys and violating THEIR bris Hashem. While we cannot control an Irish gay in Greenwich Village, we can control the Kolko’s of our chadarim. Hashem would sooner hold our nation accountable for nevalus that goes on with our Tinokos shel bais Raban, than a goy defiling himself in a pub in New York City. Let’s keep the focus on US and not project outwards!
Next came Rabbi Bender who was very effective in firing the crowd up with his “ma’asalach” about Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Pam. When Rav Hutner zatzal was being greeted at JFK following his rescue from captivity later known as “Rescue at Entebbe” Rav Moshe did not allow the band to play. He argued that so long as other Jews were still awaiting release it was not appropriate to go all out with a band. The story about Rav Pam involved a child finding a $5 bill and wanting to buy a game with the money. Rav Pam had the child wait a week, until the loser was no longer as distressed over his lost money. This way he taught the child not to be happy while another suffers. Rabbi Bender then presented modern day violation of feeling along with another’s sorrow with how Flatbush was selling sushi while Sea Gate wallowed in post hurricane destruction. He then hoped for the leap to be made that Far Rockaway was still suffering to recover from Sandy while the rest of the Jewish community went on. Rabbi Bender has a point to expect Jewish brethren to expand beyond their boundaries and perhaps after managing “aniyei ircha” to contribute towards Far Rockaway. However, in the pre-hurricane years, Rabbi Bender had his gevirim beholden to him and his causes, excluding Brooklyn and neighboring communities from sharing in their generosity. Further, Rabbi Bender is known for separating classes by “Lawrence” and “Far Rockaway” and giving the “Lawrence” class the better rebbe. He is also known for holding back on his commitment to talmidim who don’t pay full tuition.

Anonymous said...

Rav Hutner was held hostage in Jordan in 1970. Rescue at Entebbe was in Uganda in 1976.