EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Enough Already With The Shnorrers in Lakewood - Here is someone from Israel you can really trust (Dennis Prager does)


  For the past 30 years these same yeshivas were bleeding Americans blind while receiving full funding -- Now they’re here yelling they need money again?
Now they’re here yelling they need money again? Now they’re here yelling they need money again?Again? Again? "Tateles gay shoin aheim"


טאטאל'ע קום שוין אהיים


Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war


Israeli mystifier and entertainer Uri Geller claims that aliens built monuments like Stonehenge and the biblical Temple in Jerusalem, and reaffirms the benevolent nature of these aliens.

UFO (illustrative). (photo credit: RAWPIXEL)
UFO (illustrative).

Aliens built the Beit Hamikdash, the ancient Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, from biblical times, and those same aliens may very well intervene on Israel's behalf in the event that the war against Hamas would worsen, Israeli-British mystifier and entertainer Uri Geller claimed.

Geller had been responding to an incident in the United Kingdom, where protesters from Just Stop Oil vandalized Stonehenge with orange corn flour, endangering the rare lichen that lives on the stones. 

Representatives from the English Heritage charity that manages sites like Stonehenge expressed their shock over the vandalization. Geller, however, warned in an interview with the Daily Star that the damage could incite extraterrestrials to come to Earth in response. 

Though the monument is shrouded in mystery, many people believe that Stonehenge was constructed by or with the help of aliens. While modern experts disagree with these claims, many people still believe them—including Geller.

"I believe Stonehenge was built by aliens or with the help of aliens, who used advanced technology to help us," the Israeli spoon-bender told The Jerusalem Post. He added his belief that Stonehenge's purpose was to create a model of the Solar System and serve as an alien landing pad. 

Uri Geller seen in front of an Iranian flag and a missile launch (illustrative) (credit: FLASH90, REUTERS)
Uri Geller seen in front of an Iranian flag and a missile launch (illustrative)

"I totally believe that the explanation is aliens. The site has cosmic and spiritual significance, no doubt about it," he said. 

But Stonehenge isn't the only historic landmark Geller claims was created by aliens. 

Later, in an interview with the Daily Star, the Israeli spoon-bender warned that this may upset some people.

"Many monuments, including Stonehenge, the Beit Hamikdash, and the pyramids were created by extraterrestrials, that's what I believe," Geller said. 

"There are certain cosmic focal points that have some subliminal powers. The Beit Hamikdash is a powerhouse of infinite kinds of energy."

Will aliens help Israel during war?

Geller has long claimed to have knowledge of aliens, and is firm in his belief that they are benevolent. 

In fact, Geller, who recently also claimed to have played a part in Israel's successful effort to thwart the Iranian drone and missile attack on the Jewish state back in April, believes that aliens can also play a geopolitical role in the Middle East.

Specifically, he said they might even take sides.

"I wouldn't be surprised if a bigger war breaks out, aliens might help Israel," Geller said. 

Others have claimed that aliens, should they really exist, play a bigger role on Earth than many realize. Haim Eshed, former head of the Israel Space Agency, made waves in 2020 by claiming that there exists a Galactic Federation that both Israel and the US have been dealing with for years. 

While Eshed has been largely silent on the subject since then - with Geller claiming that he "is scared, he's been instructed not to talk" - the Israeli mystifier has continued to elaborate his claims of aliens being here with peaceful intentions.

"For centuries, aliens have been trying to wake us up to our mission to save our planet and evolve as human beings, and look what's happening around the world. Do you know how many nuclear bombs we have waiting to be launched?" he asked. "I want to believe that extraterrestrials are waiting for us to lay down our arms and create a peaceful world. It's more important than ever to connect with these higher beings."
