EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nearly two dozen ultra-Orthodox Jews were arrested and charged after police uncovered a pedophile ring that targeted ultra-Orthodox Jewish children in Jerusalem

Court convicts leader of Jerusalem ultra-Orthodox Jewish pedophile ring

Nearly two dozen ultra-Orthodox Jews were arrested and charged after police uncovered a pedophile ring that targeted ultra-Orthodox Jewish children in Jerusalem.

Now, the Jerusalem District Court convicted the first man to stand trial among several defendants accused of sexually abusing children in the Nahlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem, a case police initially called the largest case of pedophilia in the state's history.

The court sentenced **, who was the first of the 18 men who were arrested in the case that came to light two years ago. Two other men are now on trial and 15 others were released in the case that sent shock waves through the neighborhood where many ultra-Orthodox Jews live.

The judges found the man guilty, but canceled his confession to police after they determined that it had been obtained through unfair psychological pressure. The man was acquitted of one of the counts in the indictment.

The three judges of the District Court determined that the man, whom they described as having an irregular personality with childhood issues, invited neighborhood children to his house and played with them that involved inappropriate touching and indecent acts. He also sodomized children with an object. He was also convicted of threatening children, telling them he was going to burn down their house if they told anyone about his actions.



Navon said...

Rabbi Moshe Rothberg a Posek for Htzalah and Noted social worker in Lakewood NJ Has Recieved numerous Complaints from Students and Teachers Concerning a Girls High School Principal In Lakewood Who Touches His Female Students and Makes Personal Inapropriate comments about Their bodies

Wake Up and Do Something About It Now!!! said...

"Navon said...Rabbi Moshe Rothberg a Posek for Htzalah and Noted social worker in Lakewood NJ Has Recieved numerous Complaints from Students and Teachers Concerning a Girls High School Principal In Lakewood Who Touches His Female Students and Makes Personal Inapropriate comments about Their bodies"

Where are the FATHERS of these meidlach??? If ANYONE's daughter came home from school with such allegations, the first thing the fathers should do is pick up baseball bats (okay in Lakewood they can pick up their broomsticks) and walk right over to this pervert principals house and... turn him into mashed meat...just what is everyone waiting for exactly??? to get Matisyahu Pickwick Solomon to put down his favorite Dickens book from ye merry old London and speak up against molesters... it jsut ain't gonna happen...for this there is a heter toi go to police because the monster is a rodef...do you want him to rape girl if left alone 'cause that's what will happen next!!! Wake up Klal Yisroel, the age of innocence has ended!!!

Anonymous said...

People are afraid To Start up with this Principal His Uncle Heads A Beis Din in Lakewood and is a well Known Bully.

Boruch said...

A dichotomy refers to two sides of an issue. One side, child molestation, the other side, the blatant refusal to accept girls into schools because they don't fit a mold. What happens if these heroic fathers do slap the silly out of the prinicpal, their daughters would be blacklisted. Uncle Mutt would wring his hands and get quoted in LipShitz newspaper about the horrific issue facing the girls who can't be placed in Lakewood schools. Perhaps, in Philly, they'd make a statement because Philly is not as close to Lakewood as Flatbush is to Boro Park. HaMelech (sic) would back his favorite uncle and of course the principal would continue on. Enough of this BullSH*T already. These girls don't stand a chance alone and their parents were born (as impossible as it may seem) without gonads. We've returned to the ghetto, not the impoverished, languishing kind, the kind where the thugs roam the streets and catch unsuspecting children off the streets, turn them into jackasses and enslave them ala Pinocchio. Is there a cure with or without the government having to step in, with or without subjecting the children to more grief, with or without a korban to willfully slay themselves in a courtroom and have family threatened and friends abandon them? 103 years scares people off from testifying or coming forward but continuous abusive behavior is tolerable? The real abusers here aren't in the school but in the homes and they're called Totty and Mommy. As my father A'H said, the worst thing you can do to a child is parents. It must be some kind of hellish circle, first you're abused, your parents think your a lying slut, they send you to "the rapist" who either by fiat of the school or a wearing down of the parents counsels you. The abuser remains above it all in a respectable position and the child is screwed over (figuratively if not literally) for life. There are no adults in the room, how can there be a sensible answer or even a route of escape. You can't go to the Ashcans, their prestige is incumbent on who's behind they're kissing at the moment. Maybe it's time to create undercover cops in yeshivahs as they have in schools and instead of busting dope, bust the dopes.