EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Netanyahu: Bnei Brak wedding was bloodshed --- Government convenes to discuss extending lockdown due to high morbidity rates.


The government convened Tuesday afternoon to vote on extending the current lockdown beyond Friday in light of the rising number of coronavirus patients diagnosed in Israel.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in his opening remarks at the start of the meeting: "We must decide immediately on extending the lockdown. Many European countries are extending their lockdowns until March, even until April. If we open up now, it will cost us human lives."

Netanyahu condemned the large wedding which took place in Bnei Brak yesterday and said: "The wedding that took place yesterday is true bloodshed. The instructions must be obeyed."

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said at the Cabinet meeting that "entry and exit from the country should be restricted immediately."

Earlier, the Blue and White party agreed to back a seven-to-ten day extension of the tightened lockdown, on condition that the government also vote to approve a number of policy changes demanded by the party.

The demands include vaccinations for high school students, mandatory coronavirus checks for everyone arriving in Israel, and expanded lockdown enforcement in areas with high infection rates.

According to Ganz, "Subject to all of these, and in accordance with the recommendations of the professionals, Blue and White will support the extension of the lockdown for a week to ten days."

The head of the National Security Council, Meir Ben-Shabbat, said at the Cabinet meeting that "the morbidity is high and widespread, mainly because of the mutations. The extent of the disease challenges the hospitals and we still do not see the effect of the restrictions on the disease."

Coronavirus Czar Prof. Nachman Ash said in closed discussions ahead of the Cabinet meeting: "We will not insist on two more weeks, this week plus a weekend is also acceptable." Regarding the vaccines, Ash said: "The effectiveness of the first dose is lower than we thought and what Pfizer presented."

A total of 10,021 new cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed across Israel Monday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Tuesday morning.

There are now 81,059 active cases of the virus identified in Israel, with 77,524 being treated at home, 1,588 being treated at coronavirus hotels, and 1,947 hospitalized patients.

Of those hospitalized patients, 1,114 are in serious or critical condition, with 277 on assisted breathing.




Chuchem said...


Bobover Bimbo said...


Professor Ryesky said...

These pashkavilim are proliferating in Israel; I saw 2 of them today, each posted withing a few meters of a synagogue entrance:


Fakers! said...


Brisker said...

Professor, the pashkevil is fake. The anti-vaxxers are misrepresenting former anti-vaxxers & anyone who once had a hava amina maybe the anti-vaxx are correct or was klerring out loud before settling bhachlota on pro-vaxx.

Philly gets Results said...

Violent clashes broke out yesterday in Jerusalem & Bnei Brak during a police crackdown on Haredi violations of lockdown, with 20 detained in the capital for resisting enforcement.

In Jerusalem, dozens barricaded themselves in a yeshiva open vs regulations until police broke in. One arrestee was armed with a knife & pepper spray, Police said.

Those in the building, located in the Sanhedria neighborhood, blocked the entrance with tables & chairs, media reported.

The police moves vs Haredi violators came as criticism intensified over discrimination in enforcement of lockdown, with authorities handing significantly fewer fines to Haredim, with whom the outbreak's been disproportionately intense & with whom there's widespread flouting of measures.

As part of enforcement, police checked “institutes, yeshivas, shuls & other places for compliance with lockdown, police said.

Police said, as was the case in previous days, they were met with resistance as protesters pelted police with stones, blocked roads & insulted officers.

Dozens of citations were written for violating lockdown, requiring face masks in public, limit indoor gatherings to 5 people, outdoor to 10 & that shut the education system. In addition, 20 were arrested for disturbing public order, refusal to ID themselves & stone-throwing, police said.

There were further clashes in Bnei Brak between cops & students at a yeshiva open in violation of lockdown.

Police said officers who entered the yeshiva found dozens gathered there.

“After cops ordered they disperse, those present rioted & entrenched themselves, threw stones at officers + a police cruiser & blocked a road. Police are still operating to disperse them.”

Continued high infection rates, despite 3 weeks of lockdown, prompted a cabinet meeting yesterday to extend closure by at least another week. Blue + White stressed they'd only agree to extend lockdown on condition, among other terms, that enforcement be stepped up in infection hotspots — Haredi areas in other words.

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu asked Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a major Haredi leader, to keep schools shut if lockdown's extended, according to media reports.

Haredim have seen the highest levels of infection since the start of the pandemic, with leading rabbis initially pushing back vs govt-ordered restrictions, later discouraging yeshiva students to get virus tests & opening yeshivas even when the country’s entire education system was ordered closed. There's also initial hesitation to back mass vaccination, though on the eve of its launch key leaders declared they support the drive.

Professor Ryesky said...


If indeed the pashkavilim are fake (and even if they are not), then the shuls next to the bulletin boards where the paskavilim are placed need to remove the pashkavilim, and they needed to do it yesterday!