EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

$haul Alter Does $htreimel!




Gerrorist said...

OCT 7 2021BORO PARKBREAKINGBAIS YAAKOV GER GIRLS SCHOOL DISMISSES TEACHER & STUDENTS OF FAMILIES SUSPECTED OF ADMIRING RABBI SAUL ALTERBy Shira MichoelsonIn a move shocking & surprising, the administration of Bais Yaakov D’Ger, 1975 51st, fired a longtime teacher due to her husband's affiliation with Rabbi Saul Alter. Students report that at 11 AM, Rabbis Gelbart, Segal, Monheit & 2 unidentified men entered Rebbitzen Schorr's 11th grade class & in view of her students, fired & promptly escorted her out of the building. Reb. Schorr, an acclaimed teacher at Ger for 30+ years, was told her husband attending Rabbi Saul Alter's lecture constituted a breach of agreement with employees & grounds for dismissal. Reb. Schorr could not be reached for comment. It's uncertain if she's considering legal action. Reb. Schorr is wife of well known Rabbi Abraham Schorr. His 1554 Coney Island Ave synagogue where he teaches Talmud is well attended.In a further development, several parents of Bais Yaakov Ger received calls earlier from Rabbi Abraham Monheit notifying them their daughters are suspended indefinitely & should not return to school. Here too the reason given, was fathers attending discourses by Rabbi Saul Alter. Monheit, declined to answer who the “administration” is & if dismissal would be followed by an official letter. The girls suspended today range from lower grades thru High school. The school exacting revenge on young children due to parent’s actions was met with great consternation by the vast majority of the Boro Park community. One parent, Mrs R, responded saying she'd contact an attorney. Mrs N, the mother of a high school student was astonished when she too received a call. “This is sheer cruelty. My daughter's sensitive & is traumatized at not being allowed to continue in her school & forcibly distanced from her friends”. Other parents expressed similar concerns including the long term effect on their children’s emotional well-being & contemplate involving child services.Sources who wish to remain anonymous, claim however that trouble's been brewing at Ger for quite some time & the latest incidents come as no surprise. They believe the school's now controlled by Ger HQ in Jerusalem & instead of focusing on education they decided to weaponize the school against their rival, Rabbi Saul Alter. Frequent instructions from Ger HQ dictate that staff & students express total allegiance to Rabbi Yaakov Alter & publicly negate even the slightest appreciation to Rabbi Saul. Mrs M who tutors at Bais Yaakov Ger said tension was felt since the split between the current grand rabbi Yaakov Alter, 81, & his younger cousin Rabbi Saul Alter, 63. The parent body's divided with many aligning themselves with Rabbi Saul's new faction. Friction compelled children belonging to Rabbi Saul's community to complain of harassment by peers, followers of Rabbi Yaakov Alter. This summer prior to school, 55 children opted out of Bais Yaakov Ger, their parents registering them in other schools. Matters have become exacerbated now with Rabbi Saul's current highly publicized & successful US visit in which he draws record crowds from the entire orthodox spectrum. Miriam, a therapist at the school claims Ger HQ Jerusalem headed by the senior Rabbi Alter are “petrified” by migrating Ger Hasidim to the court of young, appealing Rabbi Saul & will stop at nothing to discourage defectors, including kicking their little children out of school. It’s such a shame, laments Miriam. One of the best schools, around for 40 years, is being destroyed for petty reasons. Saddest of it all is with hard feelings so palpable in class, it's the children who're suffering & negatively affected. With a constant stream of students leaving & others kicked out, Miriam sees a dwindling school & is not optimistic of its future.Repeated attempts to contact Bais Yaakov Ger administration for comment have failed.

Shea Fishman said...

Can someone explain to me why every time there is a crisis, the leadership under fire all want to join me in hiding under my bed? Don't tell me it shtams from the choizek against me way back when on UOJ? You shvantzes just wanna get under my skin & make my bedroom stuffy.

At least this time I caught somewhat of a break with Sol Werdiger being pint size.

Oh man! When some of those Fat Fressers from the Agudah Convention shmorg were here, I thought I was gonna suffocate!

Avrohom Mondrowitz said...


You're not so bakant with us Gerrorists yet. You might be able to breathe now, but wait until after Shabbos when the chulent starts fermenting in Sol's boich!

Leizerovitz said...

The mikva reid is that Fishman told Shaul's chevra he will help them but then he handed all the names over to Gerrorist Headqvarters.

Moish Fogel said...

"wait until after Shabbos when the chulent starts fermenting in Sol's boich"

What "after Shabbos"? It's zerizin makdimin for toiem taam Shabbos already on Thurs night.

Menachem Lubinsky said...


No wonder why the 18th Ave restaurant owned by our Gerrorist homeboy Goldberg is nicknamed "Glatt a la Farte"!

Leopold Margulies said...

"but then he handed all the names over to Gerrorist Headqvarters"


Abe Biederman said...


Is there any room left under your bed?


I'd love to know if Werdiger holds a candle to ol' Yudi Kolko!