I am posting Rabbi Dov's essay after the ceasefire "deal" has been announced. As a parent and a human, of course, I am conflicted. Having said that, Dov's essay has very much merit in my eyes.PM
To save 33 tragically kidnaped hostages (and they won't all be alive), Israel will be consigning thousands of Jews to their future deaths. This is not "maybe." This is guaranteed. It happens every time.
- 2 minutes

They are talking about inking a deal between Netanyahu and Hamas. As I write, the deal is not yet done. In the Talmud, Masekhet (Tractate) Brakhot, King Chizkiyah (Hezekiah) actually lectures the Prophet Yishaya (Isaiah), who had been sent to him by G-d to tell him that his life soon would be over.
The King, upon learning the sin for which he was being punished, declared his repentance. The Prophet said it was too late; the decree had been issued. The King responded with a fundamental Jewish concept: even when a Jew has a murderer’s knife pressed on his throat, it still is not too late to pray. Accordingly, until such a Netanyahu-Hamas deal is done, it is not too late to pray. Even if — G-d forbid — such a deal is inked, it will not be too late to pray.
Or to act.
media reports say Israel will be agreeing to a three-phase deal. Phase
One would include (i) an immediate six-week ceasefire, (ii) the Arab
release of 33 (but not all) of their kidnaped hostages, some alive and
some dead, and (iii) Israel releasing hundreds of convicted Arab
murderers. But, in Netanyahu’s show of great "fortitude", he will not
release the corpse of Yahya Sinwar under any circumstances. Only living
Arab murderers with documented blood on their hands, just waiting to get
back in the game.
Much of Israel will be celebrating wildly. Dancing in the streets. Champagne, though not from Milchin, will be flowing. Cigars, though not from Milchin, will be puffing. Channels 11, 12, and 13 will be leading the celebrations. Front pages will cheer at least from Haaretz to Maariv to Yediot and maybe Makor Rishon.
Those who would cheer are fools.
They cheered after Sharon’s 2005 Disengagement, and they lived to weep while burying their children who died for the moment of joy 18 years earlier.
It is a HORRIBLE, TRAGIC deal. One Hundred of Israel’s leading rabbinic authorities have publicly declared what almost every Torah scholar who supports IDF service knows: The Halakha (Judaic law) forbids endangering the nation even for the precious mitzvah of redeeming the captives. Tractate Gittin sets forth laws and limits on Pidyon Shvuyim (Redeeming Captives). One does not — may not — pay just any price. The Shulchan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law), at 252:4, declares: “Captives are not to be ransomed at an unreasonable cost, for the safety of society.” Read the letter of the 100 Torah Sages here and see the [Hebrew] letter of organizations such as the Heroism Forum, Hope Forum, Reservists Forum and more.
mainstream left-wing media in Israel, who brainwash half the
population, are thrilled with the agreement. Much of the Likud
government coalition love it, too, because Likud Members of Knesset
(MKs) follow Netanyahu like lemmings. He dispenses their crumbs,
committee assignments, ministries — even who gets to be a consul or
ambassador in a country although he barely speaks their language, who
gets a free trip to America at government expense, who gets to be on the
next election list in a safe spot so as to build up a millionaire’s
lifetime pension. So they will vote like lemmings as others did for
The Haredi parties in the government coalition will support the deal not because the halakha demands Pidyon Shvuyim “at any cost” — it does not and they know it — but because, as the IDF soldiers come back from Gaza, it will reduce pressure on Haredim to shoulder their proper responsibility in the defense of the nation, beyond their incredibly holy and blessedly critical Torah learning, as do Yeshivat Hesder boys. Israel cannot survive without their Torah learning, their yeshivot and kollelim. Absolutely. But they don't want even the haredi young men who are not learning, of which there are many, to join the army. But the return of the soldiers will relieve their shoulders.
Gideon Sa'ar's four votes will support it, too, so Sa'ar can remain
Foreign Minister and take a shot at Bibi’s seat some day.
That leaves the two on the right, Smotrich's Religious Zionist Party (RZP) and Ben-Gvir's Otzmah. One does not bring down a right-wing-oriented Israeli government over a budget cut. However, one does do so over a perfidy to the nation and to future generations. Smotrich and Ben-Gvir surely will denounce the deal and will have their 14 MKs vote against it. However, it is not clear whether they will quit the Coalition. If they do, great. But what will that achieve? Will it risk losing momentum on further building in Judea and Samaria? Does that matter enough?
Smotrich and Ben-Gvir remain in the Coalition but simply vote against
this deal, the deal would pass easily anyway. The leftist opposition all
will vote for it -- especially the two Arab parties. Lapid, who
promised a safety net for the vote, may even offer to hand over some
natural gas properties to Hamas. So, if Netanyahu proposes it, it will
pass smoothly with more than 100 votes of the 120. Think back to the
Gaza Disengagement. To all the retreats.
deal would free 300 or more Hamas murderers right away, some held in
prison for more than a decade. Some sentenced to 20 and more life
sentences without parole. (What a joke!) So, to save 33 tragically
kidnaped hostages (and they won't all be alive), Israel will be
consigning thousands of Jews to their future deaths. This is not
"maybe." This is guaranteed. It happens every time.
save one precious Jewish life who previously was taken hostage by Arabs
(not his fault at all, but his father and the willing media's fault,
and I feel bad for him that his name always is mentioned in this regard,
so I won’t), Israel ultimately released a lop-sided thousand of these
same types of Arab cutthroats. One was a guy named Yahya Sinwar. A whole
bunch of Arab psychopaths like him. That led to Intifada in Judea and
Samaria, to building of Hamas, to several deadly wars, and now to the
over 2,000 who have died since October 7, 2023 (1,200 that day and over
800 Israeli soldiers since).

It is a terrible
deal. It leaves Hamas alive to govern Gaza and to fight again in five
years, with all their old pals back in the fray. Hamas will dance in the
streets, a scene we see after every “ceasefire” that they regard as an
Israeli “capitulation and surrender.” It eliminates the restored specter
of Israeli invincibility and deterrence. It shows that Israel is afraid
to win. It emboldens other Arabs. So the question is "Why"? Netanyahu
always declared he would not leave without "Nitzachon Mushlam" ("Complete Victory"). My best guess:
Biden is irrelevant. He is out in less than a week. He cannot do anything. An embargo? Trump can overrule it his first day. A UN vote for a "Two State"? No UN vote matters, just as Obama's and Kerry's Security Council Resolution 2334 of December 2016 never ended up mattering, even though it was the Security Council, not just the General Assembly, declaring that Israel is barred from the eastern part of Jerusalem, even the Kotel. It meant nothing. Soon after, America was moving its embassy into Jerusalem and declaring that Israeli communities anywhere in Judea and Samaria are totally legal as long as Israel’s Supreme Court does not say otherwise.
So Biden and Blinken do not matter. Therefore, again, one asks: “Why the Netanyahu perfidy this time?”
I have only one guess that I can process. Nothing else is remotely conceivable to me. My guess. It is only a hunch:
forced Netanyahu to do the deal in order for Trump to brag that it
happened because of his threat that "all Hell would break loose" if a
deal was not done by January 20. (Biden will brag, too, but that was
like Jimmy Carter, of accursed memory, y'rakvu atzmotav, bragging that he freed the Iran hostages as Reagan was being sworn in.)
Netanyahu to agree to such a terrible thing -- and he knows how
disastrous this is -- I can only guess that, in return, Trump promised
Netanyahu that, if Israel does the deal to make Trump look good, then
Trump will assist Netanyahu in wiping out Iran's nuclear sites and maybe
even in assassinating Khameini and maybe even in taking down the whole
Iranian regime. (Trump would not send American troops because he is
committed to avoiding all future ruinous wars that other presidents
before him have entered. But he could send bunker-busting bombs and
aerial support and all kinds of stuff, and twist NATO arms including
Turkey, as when he assassinated Qassen Soleimani and Abu Bakr
Thus, maybe Netanyahu
did an analysis: “If I let the 300 bestial Arab murderers out, that will
lead to, say, the murder of 3,000-5,000 Jews over the next 10 years. On
the other hand, if Iran's nuclear system is knocked out and Khameini is
assassinated and the Khameini regime taken down, that will save more
than multiples of 5,000 Jews who could get killed by Iranian nukes. It
also could strangle all the Iranian proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis,
and Abbas in the AEJS, the Arab Entity in Judea and Samaria,)
my best guess. It offers the only rationale I can grasp. Netanyahu’s
heart is in the right place, but Bibi likes to over-think himself into a
cleverness that means well and that makes him proud that he is the
smartest guy in the neighborhood — but is not. Like letting Qatar send
Hamas a billion shekels a year so that Gaza and the AEJS each would be
led by a competing murderous government that never would be able to
unite as a pretextual “Palestine.” Or clever ceasefires that always kept
the Arabs divided, with Hamas alive to threaten Abu Mazen (Mahmoud
Abbas). Clever. But it didn't work, did it?
further wistful thought: And maybe Trump would agree to recognize
Israeli annexation of Judea and Samaria? That would help make some sense
of all this, but I don't think so. Ambassador Mike Huckabee would push
for it. Secretary of State Marco Rubio would back it. So would Defense
Secretary Pete Hegseth. Vivek Ramaswamy supports it, too. Musk could be
persuaded. But I don’t think that’s in this deal’s background. Nor would
even that justify this catastrophic deal.
prayer is that Hamas somehow insanely will turn down and sabotage the
proposed deal at the last moment. A similar hopeless moment came when
Clinton forced an all-too-willing treacherous Ehud Barak to give Arafat
97% of the land he demanded for a country to be called "Palestine,"
including the eastern part of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, plus land
within interior Israel in the primarily Arab-populated Galilee Triangle
comprising territory equal in size to the 3% of Judea and Samaria Barak
could not cede. Clinton and Barak offered Arafat -- on a silver platter
-- a nightmare of a deal.
And, by
G-d's miracle, He hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and Arafat turned down
the deal. That made no sense then and is one of the greatest Divine
Miracles I have seen in my lifetime, that Arafat turned down everything
he asked for.
That's my hope. But we do not rely on miracles. And lightning does sometimes strike twice. Especially when Israeli prime ministers get the insane idea that they will be advancing Israeli security by giving Arabs territory that belongs to Israel and that Jewish, Druze, and even some Arab boys and girls died for on Israel’s behalf.
Subscribe to Rav Fischer’s YouTube channel here at bit.ly/3REFTbk and follow him on X (Twitter) at @DovFischerRabbi to find his latest classes, interviews, speeches, and observations.
To be attend any of his three weekly Zoom classes — Sundays on the past week’s events impacting Israel and world Jewry, and Tuesdays and Thursdays on the Tanakh (Bible) and Jewish law — send a request to rabbi@yioc.org
Someone who may be the Toms River scammer from a recent Pesach program who didn't refund the money when there was no program - he shreys against "Lushen Hureh" to prevent his own being exposed - may be the lowlife pitching to the heimishe crowd for various getaways throughout the year at a NJ hotel that are available with or without food. He warns that because electric hotplate-blech combos are a fire hazard prohibited by the hotel & the Fire Dept who impose fines, guests who plan on feifing on that "should make sure not to get caught". What kind of a reckless moron would advise that verbally let alone write it??? Someone trying to hide the active appliance creates an even bigger fire hazard that could chalila burn the whole place down with all the guests!
Didn’t Netanyahu swear up and down forever that he was going to completely destroy Hamas, and that there was no way he would ever allow them to govern Gaza again? Well what exactly is going on with this agreement? It was only a few days ago that Hamas showed that it still had the capability to fire rockets at Israel. So much for being “destroyed”. I see this as a clear win for the terrorists.
I don't like it either!
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