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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

In Long Island, approximately 15 to 20 families were asked by one school to quarantine after they were found to have attended a wedding of about 200 people.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender - Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Dear Parents,

As many of you have already heard, there is a concern that the Yeshiva may have to close because of a proposal from the City of New York.

Let me assure you that we have been in daily and open communication with the Department of Health. We have made them aware of any cases within the Yeshiva – both confirmed and possible – and the precautions we are taking. These include sending home entire classes if there was a single case in the class and quarantining Beis Medrash bachurim in their on-campus residences. This is in addition to the months of preparation that we invested in opening school safely.

From mask procurement, to daily disinfection of our facilities, to daily temperature checks of students and staff, to social distancing and ‘cohort’ measures throughout the school, we have taken every possible precaution to keep our talmidim safe.

Some facts:

– Yeshiva Darchei Torah is in compliance with all published City, State and Federal government rules and regulations.

– Yeshiva Darchei Torah is in daily consultation with leading infectious disease specialists, and has accepted and implemented all of their recommendations and suggestions.

– Yeshiva Darchei Torah remains in contact with the Department of Health and we are confident that together we will come to a reasonable and amicable resolution that will keep the interests of the children at the forefront.

There is no replacement for in-person learning, which we have been conducting in a safe and efficient manner — in careful adherence to the instructions of world-class infectious disease specialists — since late August. However, our staff is hard at work preparing a plan to transition to virtual learning.
We are working feverishly to resolve any issues and will keep you updated.

This is a nisayon. Life is full of nisyonos, and our job in life is to overcome them–and grow in the process. Im Yirtzeh Hashem we will pass this nisayon with flying colors.

I close with the tefillah from Selichos that should be our focus during this nisayon, as we ask Hashem: “Asei limaan tinokos shel bais rabban shelo chat’u.”

Rabbi Yaakov Bender


‘This is what we expected’: COVID closures and quarantines already widespread at New York-area Jewish day schools

(JTA) – One New York City private Jewish high school shut down Monday after two students in 11th grade and two students in 12th grade tested positive. Several students in the younger grades exhibited symptoms.

In a boys’ yeshiva high school in New Jersey’s Bergen County, a suspected COVID case in an 11th grader sent the entire grade home for quarantine.

In Long Island, approximately 15 to 20 families were asked by one school to quarantine after they were found to have attended a wedding of about 200 people.

“We spent a lot of time, energy and resources getting school ready for a full reopening,” said Rabbi Jeffrey Kobrin, head of school at North Shore Hebrew Academy, the school that asked families to quarantine after the wedding. “Our concern had always been what would happen when the kids were not in school.

“If I sound exhausted, I am,” Kobrin added.

Just weeks into the beginning of the new school year in which schools have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Plexiglas shields, personal protective equipment, teacher training and reconfiguring classrooms, the Jewish day schools that hoped their smaller sizes and tight-knit school communities would keep them open through the pandemic are already beginning to close or quarantine students.

A number of schools have been forced to quarantine classrooms or grades after positive cases or exposures of students to positive cases. In Chicago, the Rochelle Zell Jewish High School switched to remote learning just three days after reopening when two faculty members tested positive. In the case of Ramaz Upper School, a high school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, the entire school was shut down for two days and transitioned to distance learning after four students tested positive and several others showed symptoms of COVID-19.

For many schools, there’s little that can be done to stem the new cases. That’s because the virus is likely being transmitted outside of school, where the strict protocol meant to keep students and teachers safe are not enforced. The cases are likely developing from the interactions outside of school buildings – weddings, parties, Shabbat meals and playdates – that school administrators are struggling to control.

In Bergen County, seven Orthodox day schools sent a joint letter Aug. 26 outlining expectations for the coming weeks: Families that fly anywhere or travel to a hot-spot state for the High Holidays would need to quarantine for 14 days before returning to school, the letter said, and all attendees at bar and bat mitzvahs would have to wear masks.

“The current threshold for school closing is a relatively low number of positive cases,” they wrote. “Only by our joint efforts can we individually and collectively do our part to enable our community schools to remain open, an effort that helps all of us, especially our children.”

By early September, at least five of those seven schools had notified parents about cases or exposures in the school. They included students who tested positive or were exposed to someone who tested positive and faculty who were exposed to someone who tested positive.

One school emailed parents begging for cooperation on social distancing guidelines outside of school after several families in the area gathered for a Shabbat meal and a parent at the meal tested positive.
To some, the cases in schools and the quarantines and classroom closures that follow are inevitable.

“Whenever they would have opened, it would have happened,” said Dr. Hylton Lightman, a pediatrician in Far Rockaway who tested hundreds of students at local Orthodox day schools before school started. Several Long Island schools required testing and kept those who tested positive out of school to quarantine. “Schools can control a certain amount … but the parents also need to show they’re mature enough to follow these guidelines.”

Lightman said he’s noticed a surge of anxiety over the recent upticks in cases in his community of Far Rockaway and other Orthodox communities in the New York area. In the last few weeks, his office has received as many as 40 to 50 calls a day from parents anxious about their children possibly exhibiting COVID symptoms.

“The anxiety level from the parents and the children has escalated astronomically,” he said.
At the Moriah School in Englewood, New Jersey, no classrooms have had to quarantine due to exposure, though one faculty member has. But “we’re just waiting for it,” Erik Kessler, the school’s executive director, said of the possibility that a positive case would cause a cohort of students to quarantine.

“I think this is what we expected,” Kessler said of the positive cases and exposures causing quarantines of classes in several local schools. “We were hoping that people would stay within their pods but we’re realistic, as well.”

The roller coaster at New York-area Jewish schools comes as Israel prepares to shutter its schools for several weeks, amid rising cases there. There, many classes and grades have been sent to quarantine since schools reopened Sept. 1, and during the upcoming closure, it is not clear whether children in all grades will receive instruction online. 

For the New York and New Jersey schools, learning is continuing from a distance even as schools close or quarantine individual students or classrooms. In addition to outfitting schools with Plexiglas barriers and new distanced desk arrangements, many schools have spent the summer installing cameras in classrooms for students to participate from home in case of quarantine. Some schools have spent time and money training teachers to improve the Zoom teaching experience, with the understanding that some closures or quarantines would be inevitable.

Daniel Rubin, a father in Queens whose three children returned to in-person schooling last week, said he still believes reopening schools is the right decision.

“I maintain that right now schools are practically the only place outside of homes that are actually enforcing some degree of distancing/masking, and so it’s not the schools I’m worried about,” Rubin said. “If a school needs to shut down, it’ll shut down.”

But with the High Holidays approaching, bringing extended family gatherings over Rosh Hashana and social meals shared by families and friends over Sukkot, and upticks in several heavily Jewish neighborhoods in New York City, several schools in New York and New Jersey are desperately trying to avoid letting the holidays further derail in-person schooling.

The Hannah Senesh Community Day School in Brooklyn asked families not to travel for the holidays, to only attend High Holiday services with 50 people or fewer if outdoors or at 33% capacity if indoors, to ensure indoor services take place in spaces with HVAC systems that have been vetted by experts, and to maintain a distance of 12 feet from other participants while singing.

“If you attend a communal prayer service that does not follow the above guidelines, you are asked to self-quarantine for 14 days,” the school wrote.

Solomon Schechter of Bergen County sent out a notice to their families, as well. “I implore everyone to make responsible choices during the Jewish holidays and for the duration of the pandemic,” wrote Steve Freedman, head of the school. 

In Long Island, approximately 15 to 20 families were asked by one school to quarantine after they were found to have attended a wedding of about 200 people.


Beyond Pathetic said...


Read here what actually happened with Darchei Torah.

What Bender wrote is so delusional that it could have only been dictated to him by Philly.

Better Late than Never? said...

Yankel Bender issued a 2nd letter later yesterday where he is clear the yeshiva is closed & bellyaches that it's a bitter pill to swallow. It seems to have gotten back to him that he was being ridiculed for his first letter. When Eckstein released the first letter the City had already long ordered them closed.

Speaking of that Fresser shlock shamass, Eckstein is excited this morning about the Grodno yeshiva in Beer Yaakov. The place has been incapacitated by the virus which Eckstein propagandizes with Fresser spin that it's "ONLY" 150 out of 400 bochurim.

Agudah Fresser Derangement Syndrome said...

New Heights in Fresser Chutzpah:

The central committee of Agudas Yisroel met in Bnei Brak on Tuesday night in order to review the past year’s activities. The main topic of discussion was the recent resignation of former Minister Yaakov Litzman from the government.

During the meeting, Litzman called upon the Chareidi public to go out and protest in the street across the country on Motzei Rosh Hashanah against the lockdown.

Litzman went further to say, “I’m in favor of a lockdown. That might surprise you. But I am. The problem is that Netanyahu didn’t do the lockdown when it was needed, when we were hitting 2,000 infected per day. Now he’s doing when we’re hitting 5,000? Who is taking responsibility for all the people that died in the last month?”

(This is even worse than when the Agudah started covered up for Kaminetzky's guilt in the Purim death toll by pretending he was at the forefront of "fighting" the virus since day one. At least at that point, the Fressers weren't yet borrowing from the radical Liberal playbook to blame someone else. Litzman has been openly & loudly babbling for 6 months to keep everything open. At least Kaminetzky figured out months ago he needs to be careful how much he publicly announces of his advocacy to break all the safety laws)

Stampede! said...


The walls of Ben-Gurion airport are witness to a sight not seen in months as Israelis fill the airport like the pre-coronavirus days of yore.

It seems as if tens of thousands of Israeli booked tickets out of the country as soon as they heard the announcement of another nationwide lockdown on Sunday evening. All travel agencies throughout Israel have reported a sudden and sharp rise in sales.

The majority of Israelis chose (out of the quite limited options of countries accepting Israeli tourists) to spend their quarantine in Greece and flights to Crete, Rhodes and Athens are departing Wednesday through Friday.

Some Israelis are traveling to Bulgaria and Croatia, which also accept Israeli tourists, although the Health Ministry stated on Monday that the two countries may soon have their green status revoked, forcing Israeli to quarantine upon their return home.

5 Towns said...

Isn't Hylton Lightman an Agudah Fresser? Shafran must be looking for him to give their boy a spankin', for admitting that they takka expected the yeshivos to be hotbeds of transmission.