EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Saturday, May 20, 2006

344 People Downloaded The Complaint Form Against Yudi Kolko - The Greatest Single Tragedy To Smite The Jews Since W.W. Two

The Awareness Center reports the following statistics:

FYI: This is from our stats page. So far, since the filing of the lawsuit against Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Yudi Kolko and Camp Agudah, 344 people downloaded the complaint file on Kolko from our web page.

/complaint_kolko.pdf 344

/Kolko_Yehuda.html 1263
/Kolko_Yudi.html 265

1528 visits to the Kolko web page so far.




The institution currently known as Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah (“TT”) was founded by Lipa Margulies (“Margulies”) as Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush. As an employee of the authentic Yeshiva Torah Vodaath (“YTV”), one of the oldest and most prestigious Torah institutions in America, Margulies had access to YTV’s proprietary donor information which he absconded with when he departed to start his own school.

Margulies commenced his fraud by misrepresenting himself to donors as an agent of YTV, and donations slated for YTV began fattening TT’s bank account. By the time YTV realized the extent of the brazen fraud being committed by Margulies, millions of dollars had been stolen from them by Margulies. It took several years for YTV to get Margulies into a bais din for a din Torah. The bais din forced Margulies to change his business name. He was ordered to return the stolen money, but never did. He began operating under the name Yeshiva Torah Temimah, F/K/A/ Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush.


Margulies hired Yehuda Kolko (“Kolko”) as a rebbe in his new yeshiva. Margulies was immediately made aware of Kolko’s dangerous sexual deviance. Fearful of the potential impact the double whammy an ongoing financial scandal coupled with a child abuse scandal would have on his budding business, Margulies cynically chose to cover up the fact that he had hired a known pedophile and focused instead on building his business.

Kolko in turn focused on grooming and molesting his victims.


As TT grew both in size and prestige, the pedophile issue kept raising its ugly head. Parents and students, with frightening regularity, approached Margulies with complaints against Kolko. Margulies responded by discrediting any victims bold enough to go public and threatening their families with retaliation if they did not stop their victimized children from complaining.

In the mid 1980’s, when a few of the victims managed to convene a bais din to address the horrific accusations against Kolko, Margulies reacted by retaining Rabbi Chaim Pinchus Scheinberg, rosh hayeshiva of Torah Ohr (“Scheinberg”) to interfere with the bais din. Simcha Kaufman (“Kaufman”), is a former student of Scheinberg and currently an employee of both Margulies/TT and Camp Agudah where Kolko worked and abused children for a decade. As a high level employee of Camp Agudah, Kaufman was informed of Kolko’s molestation of young campers as early as the late 1960’s, and together with others, chose to cover up the accusations. Kaufman contacted victims and their supporters to insist they cease and desist from their attempts to rid TT and their community of a dangerous pedophile.

Specifically, Scheinberg called the organizers of the bais din and insisted they stop the din Torah proceedings. He falsely stated that under halacha two witnesses are required for the testimony to be halachically valid, and as there were not two witnesses for any single act of abuse perpetrated by Kolko, all of the accusations must be disregarded.

Scheinberg also contacted victims and asked them to tell him what had been done to them by Kolko. Upon hearing the details of Kolko’s acts of molestation, Scheinberg falsely informed the victims that under halacha, absent penetration or proof of ejaculation, Kolko’s actions against them were not punishable, and that they were obligated to cease and desist in their pursuit of justice.

In doing what he did, Scheinberg knowingly violated clear halacha to the contrary of his stated position, and allowed Margulies and Kolko to continue their perversity. Due to Scheinberg’s gross distortion of halacha, to this day, there are victims of Kolko who believe that the horrific acts of abuse Kolko perpetrated upon them are not actionable under halacha.

Not one to leave anything to chance, Margulies also enlisted the aid of Yehoshua (Shia) Fishman (“Fishman”) (Fishman is the Executive Director of Torah U’Mesorah, the National Society of Hebrew Day Schools in America.) Fishman used his position as representative of Torah U’Mesorah to have one-on-one conversations with victims of Kolko. Introducing himself as the head of Torah U’Mesorah, an organization held in great esteem by yeshiva students, he promised to keep anything told him in the strictest confidence. Reassured, the young victims poured their broken hearts out to Fishman who promised to help them. Fishman promptly reported all stories and victim's names to Margulies and Kaufman. Margulies and Kaufman proceeded to publicly name and discredit each and every victim, one by one. The astonished victims react to this day with fury at Fishman’s betrayal of their confidences. To his credit, Fishman now acknowledges that a horrible injustice was perpetrated upon Margulies and Kolko’s victims, and pleads old age, ill health, and his imminent retirement as the reason for his inaction at this time.

It is of note that Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt"l, instructed the organizers of the bais din to ignore Scheinberg’s perversion of halacha and to persist in their quest. Nonetheless, for over twenty years after Scheinberg’s maniacal interference, Kolko continued molesting young boys.

Having survived the most serious assault against his yeshiva, Margulies assumed he had put the matter behind him and focused on building his businesses. Margulies expanded Kolko’s responsibilities to include administrative duties, one-on-one “tutoring” of select students in TT, and the running of TT’s summer camp in the Catskill Mountains, known as Camp Silver Lake.

Needless to say Kolko’s child molesting continued, resulting in newly shattered lives every year.

Ir Hanidachas:

According to most interpretations, Ir Hanidachas is in reality a practical impossibility and as such is taught as a lesson on how to deal with irredeemable evil. The purpose of this post is not to seriously suggest that TT must be burned down to the ground together with all its inhabitants. To the contrary, many of the rabbeim and students of TT are innocent victims of Margulies. These rabbeim and students will have to spend the rest of their lives distancing themselves from Margulies and TT, and clearing themselves of the horrible stigma of association with TT. This is more punishment than most of them deserve and we wish them no further pain.

However, as with the concept of Ir Hanidachas, Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah is infused with an evil beyond most of our comprehension. While boy after boy was being sexually assaulted by Kolko in his private office and in the basement of the yeshiva building; at the very same time and in the very same building, the rabbeim and students sat in their classrooms and bais midrash learning, while turning a blind eye to the horrors being committed. When a few of the victims summoned the courage to accuse Kolko, the rest of TT went along quietly with Margulies, and allowed their classmates and talmidim to be villified.

Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah cries out for treatment as an Ir Hanidachas. The Rambam’s requirement that the inhabitants of an Ir Hanidachas be warned has been met. The TT community have been on notice of the midas S'dom being perpetrated by Margulies and Kolko for decades, and were warned publicly and repeatedly of the consequences its continued inaction and refusal to repent would result in.

According to the Ra’avad, the occupants of an Ir Hanidachas are so beyond the pale that even true repentance does not allow for a reprieve. A Tosefta Sanhedrin postulates that in the case of Ir Hanidachas the property of the righteous inhabitants are burned along with everyone else’s. Allow me to expand upon that thought and suggest that the guilt of the “righteous” lies in their silence while they allowed the horrific behavior to continue under the roof they shared with the purveyors of evil. Their silence is interpreted as acquiescence.

What did someone such as Rabbi S.F. Shustal, by many accounts a very special man, do to deserve this indelible blemish on his reputation? Simply stated, he was and remains to this day, silent about the horrors perpetrated by Kolko and Margulies.

While Margulies countenanced and supported Kolko’s murder of our children’s innocent souls, Shustal and his co-workers sat, and continue to sit, silently. They did, and continue to do, nothing to stop Margulies and Kolko.

In response to the argument of “what about the zechusim of the tremendous amount of Torah emanating from the many thousand graduates of TT?”, I refer to the Rambam who in Yesodei Ha’Torah states that a Sefer Torah written by an apikoros must be burned. The Rambam called for the burning of a Sefer Torah written by an apikoros because of the lack of proper intention to be m’kadaish shaim Shomayim as the Sefer Torah was written. Thus, such a Sefer Torah, although on the surface identical with a kosher Sefer Torah, lacks kedusha and as the living embodiment of tumah and sheker its very existence stands in contradiction to everything the Torah represents.

Accordingly, Torah Temimah must be dismantled, Lipa Margulies must be removed immediately, and a board of rosh yeshivas and ehrliche askonim must take over the leadership until a new rosh yeshiva is hired.

It takes no great leap of logic to apply the above to Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah, an institution built by a vile kofer on a foundation of sheker, theft, deception and the blood and souls of innocent children. While Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah might appear at first glance to be a yeshiva similar to other yeshivas, it is in fact the yeshiva equivalent of a Sefer Torah written by a min (non-believer.)

Being a community of sorts, the atrocities committed within the four walls of Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah render it an Ir Hanidachas. As such it is an institution whose eradication from our midst will result in a true kiddush Hashem and will hasten the geulah, may it be G-d’s will.


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Anonymous said...

thanks for all the information.
i attended Rabbi Jacob Joseph (RJJ) on the lower east side(henry street).
my rabbi Sol Soloff felt the cute boys up by petting them.and once actually humiliated a fellow student by asking him to marry him.
There was also plenty of abuse by the janitors (one named victor ) who seduced me, felt me up, laid on top of me,kissed me,and i watched him masturbate.wow.
i was in the 5th-6th grade. The years were 65-67.
I also found out i wasn't the only one.
So i guess this is really wide spread.
I am now gay and have have a great relationship with a wonderful guy for over 17 years.
that's it.
take care and keep on exposing the bad so the children can be saved.

Anonymous said...

This situation is overwheming.

Anonymous said...

i wonder of te janitors get away with this kind of shit in the girls schools too

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog (after its mention in the New York mag article). As I browsed through it, I was pretty impressed both with your articulate expressiveness and the subject matter. That is, until I read your letter to Mordechai Tendler. Frankly, I couldn't care less about the topic of that post, but your mention of Shmiel Fried in a positive light had me ready to puke. Sorry, but anyone who has one positive thing to say about the rasha and menuvel, Shmiel Fried, immediately loses credibility in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I live in Flatbush. this is ALL people have been talking about all week especially Shabbos. A lot of "I told you so"s from the parents who refused to send their kids to Torah Temimah. But with Ruach Chaim in disarray it will be hard for Torah Temimah parents to find places in other yeshivas for their boys.

Anonymous said...

You notice that neither the Jewish Press, Hamodia, or Yated had an iota about this koko scandal in this weeks editions. You would think they would have some mention so that parents be made aware of pedophiles in our midst. Not a word.

Thet did have articles addressing the recent spate of incidents in Lakewood, Boro Park, and Flatbush of loonies trying to lure kids into their cars and advocated kids wearing whistles to sound alerts if they feel threathened.

Good idea to wear to class.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon;

Chaim Berlin and Torah Vodass are filling up rapidly and are prepared to set up extra classes.

Torah Vodass hired Rabbi Sabo, a very good move.

Give them a call.

Anonymous said...

I too have logged on here after reading New York magazine. I totally credit you with the balls you have to take this problem on.
I have no words nor would anything said credit you enough and substantially in making this horror public. You've saved many!
Hashem should give you a lot of strength and chizuk.

Anonymous said...

uoj promises to support any new enterprise after ytt has been nuked, an ir hanidachas, ps a zaken mamre.

Another day, another plaque, another school.

Anonymous said...

I've decided with our families this Shabbos to cease purchasing the Jewish Press as we've religously been doing for 25 years.

After noting not an IOTA of concern or contempt for the victims in any manner we no longer can read anything at all in this paper.

In its place we've decided the Jewish Week will be the one. To think how back a few years we were concerned with Lanner affair v/s Jewish Week. How wrong we were. Kudos and thank you for filling a tremendously needed void.

As for this blogger hats off to you!

Anonymous said...


Very Well said. Kudos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hit the nail on the head UOJ.
Thanks for exposing this guy.

Anonymous said...

David Singer should not sit at the same table with Sruli Singer.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that the emerging chillul-hashem will surpass anything in our modern history, and that Lipa Margulies bears more responsibility than any other individual. However if the drek Chaim Pinchus Sheinberg is not, at-least in the public domain, held to account, this will happen again. How many pairs of tzitzis will it take to make some of these kids feel warm again... Which 'godol' here can say 'yadeinu lo shafchu...v'eineinu...?!'

Anonymous said...

The Torah Temimah, Margulies/Kolko story is reminiscent of the famous Kitty Genovese murder in the spring of 1964.

While Kolko molested students in the basement life upstairs went on as if there was nothing wrong.

Shame on the Rabbeim.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone picking on me? I just quote the Halacha, like a puppet and there is nothing else to discuss. Don’t you realize how much pain I’m in? It takes me two hours every time I have to take a leak. Just to find myself under all those Tzitzis is so much work.
Well enough about me. Why is no one paying attention to that monkey face Moshe Scheineman? He is the one who started the whole investigation 22 years ago while still a Rebbe in Mir. He is the one who told Simcha Kaufman about Kolko, he is the one who told Lippy Margolass about Kolko, and he is the one who told Mr. Forgetful Shea Fishman about Kolko. Then he spends one summer in Sheldrake Dorms, and some Luxor guys wasted on crack say hey open a Shul and be a Rabbi. So he decides to grow a beard, put on a long coat, and becomes this arrogant prick. (Please excuse my “Loshones” I’m very upset) Then he gets that famous warning. Drop the case or there goes your Shul, and so he did.
Can’t you see how bad he is? All I got from Margo was a pair of Tzitsis, and this prick gets a Shul. Hey New York Magazine write an article on that.
Pichus Sheinberg

Anonymous said...


The Agudah just sat down for an emergency meeting after reading your posts about the whistles. They are issuing a directive tomorrow that all yeshivos make it ossur to bring a whistle into the building.

Anonymous said...

no kidding. wouldn't be surprised if zwiebel is writing it right now.

Anonymous said...

We have seen a lot of posts about Geldwirth (YTT hotshot). What are his skeletons?

Anonymous said...

As I recall, the Rambam was one of us in his day. He was rejected by you guys back then.

He's ours.

Anonymous said...

who is geldwirth?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about Margo's son?
The fat guy with those weird looking payos??

Anonymous said...

His skeletons are in Camp Na Vu in the closet of his old hut, and in Margo's pants.

Anonymous said...

His son walks around in the Mikvah on erev shabbos with a 'woody'.

Gives ya sumtin to hang ya hat on!

Anonymous said...

Hey while I'm still in New York I invite everyone to visit me, stick your hand in my pants, and fondle me. But please no penetration.

Anonymous said...

His skeletons are in Camp Na Vu in the closet of his old hut, and in Margo's pants.


WHAT the heck are you talking about?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...


Could you please not post comments from enduoj@hotmail.com? His posts are too long and not very entertaining.


Anonymous said...

End UOJ:

Why not call Kolker and speak with him. With a mere 2 million readers, I'm sure he has time to speak with you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I'm sure there's an all night pharmacy in your area where you can go right now and have your Meds re-filled.

Anonymous said...

To enduoj@hotmail.com
I guess now that your finished molesting your own children to help then fall asleep you have time to read the "toilet." Why don't you just go to your Mommy and have her breastfeed you, you sick psyco SOB.

Anonymous said...


If you dislike seeing the Rambam claimed by UOJ, don't read the Blog. If you disagree with UOJ that TT is an Ir Hanidachas, come up with a better Dvar Torah. His conclusion makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...


Your point is well taken. From what I can see, UOJ tries hard to limit the bad language. The color is sometimes off, but this is a Blog afterall.

Anonymous said...

What is obvious, endo, is that you have been sitting on a sharp point for so long that it has turned your brain cells to mush.

Children have been sexually molested and their lives seriously messed up and all you can babble about on and on is some vulgar language that periodically shows up on this blog??!!

Are you for real, Man?! If you are, then you are one sickola dude and in serious need of psychiatric intervention.

Fact is that if not for UOJ, it would be business as usual over at Ir Hanidachas City.

Anonymous said...

lakewood guy;

Don't interrupt your counting of your WIC, food stamps, and section 8 stamps to participate on this blog.

It's bitul Zman.

Anonymous said...

Lakewood Guy

Firstly, Kolker is a married jew with children. Secondly, if he ever slept with other women at least it was eith WOMEN you sick Lakewood Homophopic Malkiel puppet asshole.

Anonymous said...

I was bored tonight and decided to google my name and I found this blog. I can't believe all these horrible things I see that people have written about me. I am trying my hardest to run Ruach Chaim as a quality business, I mean yeshiva and evryone is saying all these terrible things about me. Also Ruach Chaim parents are not allowed to use the internet, we are going to find out who has been posting on this blog from my yeshiva and your kids will be thrown out, if you didn't already take them out yourself.

Anonymous said...


I am a real gentleman in real life. Thank you. My Boog persona is a camoflague.

Sometimes, the ends justify the means. This situation is one of those times.

By the way, "Cut it out" was Jack Benny's catch phrase. Your comments would actually be funny if not for the very serious nature of this sex abuse situation.

Anonymous said...

Kolker is a irreligious Jew.

Anonymous said...

Mr.boog, I think you don't get it. I heard once that a baal taavah is a rasha, so if kolker slept with 100 women and kolko molested 50 boys kolker is worse.

Anonymous said...

Definitely in this case. All other means were tried and failed.

Anonymous said...

Enduoj, Kol, Peratim, etc:

You've come a long way.

Are you finally acknowledging that Kolko is a chronic pedophile and that Margulies has been protecting him for decades? Come out and say it, teshuva is good for the soul.

Are you retracting all the vile and nasty things you said about the people who helped oust Kolko and Margulies? Come out and say that you’re sorry; we’ll forgive and forget, we are brethren after all.

Anonymous said...


Please answer the following question: Do you believe Kolko is guilty of molesting boys?

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Is Simcha Kaufman originally from Detroit?

Anonymous said...

big bad ben

Anonymous said...

enduoj, i think u gotta take i teasy. why do u keep on responding every 10 seconds to another one liner? if you really hava legitimitate agenda then just make your point and finished. dont get me wrong - im not taking sides but this petty banter back and forth is a little much...
Oh and LAKEWOOD GUY ur not serious r u? wats the difference between sleeping with boys or women...? huh? please say it aint so.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Kolko is a child molestor and belongs in jail/hell together with the rasha Margo (and all his rabbinical co-con$pirators - is hardly up for discussion at this point. Regardless of whether or not UOJ allowed "vulgar language" on the blog is less than irrelevant. EndUOJ give it up or soon you'll be the only one cheering a naked emperor.

Anonymous said...


As empty as they are, don't underestimate the repercussions of your implied threats.

Anonymous said...


Bad language is verboten but thinly veiled threats to families and children are acceptable? Margo choose well.

What planet are you from?

Anonymous said...


You're barking up the wrong tree my friend. UOJ is larger than you think.

Anonymous said...

So enduoj seems to agree that Kolko is guilty of molesting boys and Margulies is guilty of protecting Kolko.

Progress indeed.

Anonymous said...


Please do not respond to the completely pathetic and irrelevant characters like "lakewood guy" & end uoj. If no one pays attention to them they will go away. Just for your info, lakewood guy is probably the feeble brained blogger known as lakewood yid who hangs out 24 hours a day on modern orthodox blogs to argue with everyone. Even other yeshivishe guys have asked him to stop posting his low IQ nonsense that makes all of lakewood look dumb.

Anonymous said...

My information has it that rabbonim who are talmidim of Chaim Berlin have very interesting things to say lately. They go from one week saying they don't believe the "stories" about Kolko to suddenly letting the molester and his enabler Margo have it with very strong language.

It seems to me that R' Aron Schechter and R' Hillel David who these guys turn to for aitzos have jumped on the anti-Kolko and Margo bandwagon.

Better late than never.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you bash the rambam a while back? Seems a bit two faced of you?

Anonymous said...

enduoj, i thought you were gone and not coming back. shooo

Anonymous said...

Rav Elyashiv and many other contemporary poskim hold that mesira is both permissible and required when it comes to a child molester because they hav a din rodef. Going to the press and the civil courts, far less of a prohibition then mesira, is certainly permitted as a means of stopping a child molester. The problem with you mr. stopuoj is that you are an am haaretz, ignorant of real halacha, only fluent in the knee jerk froomak talk, loshen hurah, chillul hashem blah blah, without any knowledge of the halachos pertaining to these issues. The poskim involved in this campaign behind the scenes have basically said run don't walk. The good news is that there is going to be a massive shakeout from this scandal. This is the moment of truth for all of those mealy mouthed candy coated phonies trying to out frum each other. no more sitting on the fence. where were you when jewish children were being destroyed by this monster? where were your leaders? where were your newspapers? without a good answer your going to have to step aside.

Anonymous said...

This is a message for the real EndUOJ...

Thank you for making my life easier. I used to worry that people would follow your lead so I created fake posts and a fake blog to make you look like a moron.

(An interesting aside is that it was MY phony blog, not your pathetic effort, that was mentioned in the article. Evidently, if there were to be a contest for 'biggest loser,' you'd still come in second.)

But lately, I'm pleased to see that you're more than doing all the work. Please keep it up. you're doing a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

who is jack benny?

a rebbi?

Anonymous said...

Referenced in the outrage against Ben Brafman.

From the Houghton Mifflin compendium of idioms.

read the riot act

Warn or reprimand forcefully or severely, as in When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act. This term alludes to an actual British law, the Riot Act of 1714, which required reading a proclamation so as to disperse a crowd; those who did not obey within an hour were guilty of a felony. [First half of 1800s]

And referenced in outrage by all decent people everywhere.


A loathsome and wicked Hungarian egomaniac best known for starting a fraudulent clone of Yeshiva Tora Vodaath that harbors pedophiles. (People Magazine)

Derives from Margulies in the Satu Mare region of Romania.

[Probably from Hebrew Margoliyos, borrowed by ancient Khazar nomads as a replacement for the ancient Ughuric word Magyar, from the ancient Turkic word Magyartheef, an obsolete term used to describe the Devil's minions.]

Boog, William Safire tells me he can't figure any other root for the evil of Margo

Anonymous said...


A loathsome and wicked Hungarian egomaniac best known for starting a fraudulent clone of Yeshiva Tora Vodaath that harbors pedophiles. (People Magazine)

Derives from Margulies in the Satu Mare region of Romania.

[Probably from Hebrew Margoliyos, borrowed by ancient Khazar nomads as a replacement for the ancient Ughuric word Magyar, from the ancient Turkic word Magyartheef, an obsolete term used to describe the Devil's minions.]


This deserves an op ed in the times!

Anonymous said...

If R' Aron and R' Hillel are calling for the heads of Yudi and Lipa, you can bet that came from higher up. Someone must have gone to the wise old sage R' Zelig Epstein with all the information. R' Zelig must have called this one and said off with Kolko's and Margo's heads. Even the Agudah has no choice but to listen to R' Zelig which would explain why they are at least not defending the criminals.

Anonymous said...

Scoop on Chaim Berlin said...
If R' Aron and R' Hillel are calling for the heads of Yudi and Lipa, you can bet that came from higher up.


Fruchthandler threw his 2 cents in as well. Reb Avrom says that Margo is a moron who let his own pride destroy himself.

Anonymous said...

Simcha Klor bought Sheldrake Dorms? Ma nishtana habungalow colony hazeh? That's right across the street from the Modern Orthodox hotties in Vacation Village.

Anonymous said...

dear "uoj" i have just one thing to say. this whole situation true or not i horrible, and it is perhaps up for debate as for how to deal with it. However to make fun of R'schienberg is an outrage, and i believe the things being quoted from him are NOT TRUE, and even if they were he is a true adam gadol- one of the greatesttorah scholars alive today. wanna make fun of other people fine by me BUT ONE WHO MOCKS R'SCHIENBERG IS MOCKING TORAH ITSELF, and all claims by such a person are worthless in my boook

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
dear "uoj" i have just one thing to say. this whole situation true or not i horrible, and it is perhaps up for debate as for how to deal with it. However to make fun of R'schienberg is an outrage, and i believe the things being quoted from him are NOT TRUE, and even if they were he is a true adam gadol- one of the greatesttorah scholars alive today. wanna make fun of other people fine by me BUT ONE WHO MOCKS R'SCHIENBERG IS MOCKING TORAH ITSELF, and all claims by such a person are worthless in my boook ======================

The mere fact that it is ok for uoj to mock other people as long as it is noy r shienberg just goes to show how kosher you are in general.
I can personally vouch that the man is a pure phoney as i was in his yeshiva to prove it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
dear "uoj" i have just one thing to say. this whole situation true or not i horrible, and it is perhaps up for debate as for how to deal with it. However to make fun of R'schienberg is an outrage, and i believe the things being quoted from him are NOT TRUE, and even if they were he is a true adam gadol- one of the greatesttorah scholars alive today. wanna make fun of other people fine by me BUT ONE WHO MOCKS R'SCHIENBERG IS MOCKING TORAH ITSELF, and all claims by such a person are worthless in my book.
Mr. Anon
You are not understanding uoj.
UOJ is not mocking R shienberg, margo nor is he mocking tt or kokko
Uoj is stating pure facts and he can back it up too, unlike you who is just blowing hot air trying to stick up for someone who deserves to be exposed . this is NOT A MOCKERY.

Anonymous said...

"After all the rumoured stories that go on in camp, how could the camp be willing to cut off the communication?"

You mean like the camp where Rav Scheinberg's nephew was molesting little boys ?

Anonymous said...

From the previous thread:

Honorable mentions of Heshy Nussbaum and then,

"Noch a Torontonian said...
More Toronto abuse cases.

Tosh cheder is closed for years now but they used to beat the living daylights out of the kids.

A previous menahel at Ner Yisroel mesivta has fits of rage and sometimes threw bochurim down the stairs. When the roshe yeshiva R' Gavriel came he pushed out the menahel who then became menahel of even younger kids at Eitz Chaim. This guy has Frankel's shul mechutonnim too and I think Pinter's eydim from Toronto is also working for Artscroll."

No one mentioned that the hothead menahel Rabbi Aaron Levine is mishpoche with Heshy Nussbaum. Like Pinter, Aaron Levine also has a cozy little arrangement to get his books published. That would be through his brother's company Israel Book Shop of Lakewood and Brookline Mass.

Anonymous said...

Who are Leib & Shmelke Pinter's machutonim?

Anonymous said...

Leib Pinter's shiduchim are better known than Shmelka's. The first three are Kranz from Silver Springs, who UOJ has all the dirt on in previous entries, Tress from Monsey and Taub from Toronto.

Anonymous said...

"Oh what a tangled web we weave...to deceive."

No question William Shakespeare was a Jewish Home Boy!

Anonymous said...

Way back, someone suggested that dishonorable rich men should not be honored at Yeshiva dinners. You've go to be kidding!
Who are they going to honor? Some poor shmuck living in Kensington driving a beat up 1986 Pontiac Grand Safari who listened to to his Rosh Yeshiva and devoted his whole life to Torah. The rich guys need the dinner just like the robber barons of old. The Rockefellers, Morgans, Carnegies became philanthropists to change public perception of them.
Our own robber barons want everyone to have sympathy for them after they get indicted. "Poor, Chaim Yidel he gave so much tzedakah, what a shame that the reshaim are going after him"
The yeshivas don't give a hoot as long as the dough rolls in.

Anonymous said...

The show should also feature the Pinter scandal. Does anyone know what happened with the Pinters about 8 years ago? I understand there was a couch and pillows provided to rosh yeshiva types at a jail who were providing round the clock emergency counseling.

Anonymous said...

Nosson Scherman has a mechutan Moshe Mendel Glustein of Montreal. Glustein has a mechutan Pinter. Is this one of our famous Pinters?
By the way he is also my sister's machutan.

Anonymous said...

>Just for your info, lakewood guy is probably the feeble brained blogger known as lakewood yid who hangs out 24 hours a day on modern orthodox blogs to argue with everyone.

Just for your info, I have never posted on this site.

Its simply not worth my time to argue with such stubborn foul mouthed fools.

Lakewood yid.

Anonymous said...

"By the way he is also my sister's machutan."

Who's your sister?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Pinter-Scherman. No wonder Pinter has carte blanche at Artsroll.

Anonymous said...

My sister is Shulman

Anonymous said...

Leib and Shmelka Pinter also have a third brother from Boro Park who's more low profile. Anyone know if he was involved in the Olympia Ponzi scheme?

Anonymous said...

After all is said and done, there is still one thing I don't get, and UOJ hasn't explained: what was in it for Margolies? Why would he have jeopardised his whole franchise to protect a pedophile?

Anonymous said...

Who were the partners in Camp B'nai Torah/Horim?

Anonymous said...

The Pinter story eight years ago is so horrible that you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy so I'm not going to say exactly what it was. The etzem zach might not have been their fault and in the end the jury had pity and let them off the hook. One aspect I will mention is that Leib was said to be huddling with his inner circle including Donner and Bochner to come up with a false cover story. I don't know why the cheat wasn't at least charged with obstruction of justice for lying to investigators.

Anonymous said...

Margo should be charged under the RICO Act. The Racketeering statute is broad enough to seemingly include his alleged gangster threats.

Anonymous said...

So there are three stories on Pinter?

[1] Lunch programs
[2] Eight years ago-unmentionable
[3] Olympia Mortgage

Anonymous said...

"No one mentioned that the hothead menahel Rabbi Aaron Levine is mishpoche with Heshy Nussbaum."

I personally know people that Levine threw down a flight of stairs. He should be charged with assault and endangering the welfare of a child. Talk about interconnected scandals. He did a shidduch with Czermak from Frankel's Shul. Me thinks one of the Czermaks was jailed. One of the Czermak boys is the exec at Bobov here in Toronto and was when the abuse cover up was in progress.

Anonymous said...


There is a lot of info on the Pinters over here.

A tolda of the lunch program was innocent people who went to jail because of him.

There was also the fishy gold "robbery" in the 1980s.

Pinter operates through front men and companies so let's see if any new scandals pop up with him.

Pinter today commits a open crime by stinking up the Mirrer Yeshiva and Artscroll.

Leib and Shmelka are louses. Leib especially is one of the worst people you could ever know.

Anonymous said...

One kid that Levine threw down the stairs became not frum. What do you expect from a kid who is abused by rabbi?

I never understood Ner Israel yeshiva. They treated the modern ortho kids there like unwanted dogs, but the joke was on them because the real yeshivish crowd mockingly referred to them as the Fincher yeshiva and sent their boys out of town by the hundreds to Philadelphia and Telz. That Levine was a real success I tell you.

High Power Rocketry said...

WWII was a bit worse I think.


Anonymous said...


We should seriously report all the illegal activity dancona does supposedly for the tushy rebbe. That'll give them something to shuckle about.

Anonymous said...

Was Avromie D'Ancona calling the shots then or his father? They also stopped paying the kollel yungerman father of the kid who almost was murdered in the parking lot and he had to leave.

The kid came a long way with extensive rehabilitation. He's a baal kishron who ended up in Brisk.

Anonymous said...



You probably have to work 24/6 and get a staff to bring public all of these krumer $htick being done by our frum "Black Hat" Shevet Levi Yidden.

New York

BTW, where is "Holier Than Thou" Pinchus Lipshutz, Editor of the Yated?
on this koko/margo scandal? Not even a peep. Just a lot of gedolim pictures.

Any Rebbe sex abuse pedophilia going on in the lakewood yeshivas that is known to Lipshutz and is being covered up?

Could it possibly be that the frum girl
Nebach kidnapped from the parking lot of the Lakewood Gym and then raped in the Van was a Midah K'Neged Midah against current rebbe sex pedophilia that is being covered up by the Kotler Mafioso?

Anonymous said...

Three years ago Dancona came over to me in a parking lot while I was holding bags. I thought he was offering to help me. But then he told me if I toivel in the mikveh in his house then it is okay by halacha for me to have sex with him. And then he took a bag from me and squeezed one of my breasts while he took it. I told him I would scream and he told me no one would believe me because he runs a company worth millions and he supervises hundreds of people.

Now that I see he hurt other people too, I know I am not his only victim. I hope he gets what he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that Reb Shia would stand for garbage at Bobov. Can he get fired at whim by D'Ancona? Who else has a say in Bobov?

Anonymous said...

"BTW, where is "Holier Than Thou" Pinchus Lipshutz, Editor of the Yated?"

We called him down to the Agudah. We're all lined up and bent over so Pinny can bury his head in our posteriors along with any story there might be to report.

Anonymous said...


I asked on another blog if the 'Hazmonos' were valid, being that it was on the lawyer's letterhead etc.. and how come it wasn't on the Mechon's letterhead etc..

The response was that such an Hazmona is valid according to "some" poskim.

Is that is correct, here is my question. According to you that Margo is a lying cheat, didn't you think he'll reject a Hazmona which is only good to "some" poskim?

If your motive is truly sincere, how come you didn't make sure to send him a Hazmona which is good according to "all" poskim so he shouldn't have any excuse?

If I'm missing something, please clarify.

Anonymous said...

"anonymous" asking about validity of hazmonos is the blogger "Lakewood Yid" who just got finished saying that he never posts here. He posted that same crap on DovBear and some guy that learned in Lakewood gave him a good answer and then ripped lakewood yid apart over his other stupidities.

Lakewood yid is just a narrow minded nudnick who doesn't have the faculties to cmprehend things.

Anonymous said...

My mother recently told me about a big secret in the family that one of my cousins was molested in Bobover cheder. Was it only the rebbe in on this or are you guys claiming that D'Ancona had first pickings?

Anonymous said...

Shreck. There must be hundreds from Toronto here after all the Margulies publicity. A bunch of rebbes in Eitz Chaim slapped the boys around, but two including Rabbi Azagury really got violent.

Anonymous said...

Now you know why Dancona built a mikveh in his house.

Anonymous said...

>Friends of DovBear said..

Correct. It was me LY, and for some reason, my browser didn't put my name on.

Thank you for proving my above mentioned point about the commentators of this blog.

I ask a straight question about the Hazmonos. No name calling, no hocking, just a fair question.

Why do you have to spin around and attack? Is your case so weak that your only resort is to hock and humiliate anyone who disagree's with you?

Lakewood Yid

Anonymous said...

D'Ancona's father always had a mikva in his house so it's no big news if Avromie does.

Anonymous said...

UOJ, Does Jeff Herman know any lawyers in this field that have a Canadian license? You should post the contact information here so victims in Toronto and Winnepeg (of Bryks) can get help.

Soon you'll be an international hero.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. Bryks, the Mofo killer.

Remember Daniel Levin.

topshadchan said...

"Could it possibly be that the frum girl
Nebach kidnapped from the parking lot of the Lakewood Gym and then raped in the Van was a Midah K'Neged Midah against current rebbe sex pedophilia that is being covered up by the Kotler Mafioso?"

That is low.
Please dont drag an innocent girl into your issue here.
How would you like it if it was your daughter or wife that this story happened to.
There has to be some line in the sand that you wont cross, is there?

topshadchan said...

lakewood yid
please stop being a detective.
YOu tried to insinsuate that angrysoul.blogspot.com is lying as well.

He didnt even name anyone, and you have this need to prove him false.

When it comes out you will need to seek him out and personally ask him mechilla.
if your sons rebbi broke your kids arm you would tell your son, would you tell him he had it coming?

Anonymous said...


Just speculating and articulating what many are thinking in view of recent developments at YTT.

Anonymous said...


I did not accuse angrysoul of lying. I simply asked if its likely that there was a 'ferari' on a camp ground.

If indeed there never was one, can it be that perhaps some other details are exaggerated as well?

Blogs have become a place where people feel comfortable venting to their hearts delight.


As someone said, take everything you see on blogs with a truckload of salt.


Anonymous said...

>Just speculating and articulating what many are thinking in view of recent developments at YTT.


You didn't answer Happy's question. The Girl wasn't a Kotler. She was an innocent girl not connected to any politics. Why the need to so unjustly speculate?

Lakewood Yid

Anonymous said...

BTW, Happy, I fail to understand what you mean about my crossing or not crossing a line in the sand.

What, already...I occassionaly
use strong language, have strong views, don't mince words, am direct. Nu? What's a problem with that? This is what has your panties in a snit? Vey, Vey.

The garbage going on around us, the sickening attitudes voiced and displayed on this blog by knuckleheads who don't have a clue, this doesn't bother you, but my occassional use of 4-letter words, does?!

If so, all the more reason to despair of our community ever extricating ourselves from this Chilul Hashem.

Anonymous said...


The Hazmana was valid according to the Bais Din named in it. It wasn't our job to cover Margulies, Kolko and TT's asses. We gave him every chance to do the right thing, he followed his heart and it led him where it always does; down a crooked path. The man owes his demise to himself. No one else.

Anonymous said...


You also suffer from reading mis-comprehension? Sad commentary on our Yeshiva English systems, indeed.
Or did you enter Kollel straight from Birth?

I never said that this nebach Victim was a "Kotler" Mishpocho, you putz.

I said that there is speculation that perhaps this was a Midah K'Neged Midah for the Kotler mafioso who run Lakewood with an Iron Fist knowing of Sex abuse cases by Lakewood rebbeim and covering it up.

Anonymous said...

Boog, I think his problem is that your posts indicate that you are a shallow bulvan who sees the world in black and white where everyone but you and a few people are black.

Its not that you dont mince words, its that you dont mince thoughts. Your childish attitude towards commenters who use the assumed names of famous people indicate that you lack the maturity with which issues of life and death such as this require.

You're like the fat bigoted sheriff leading the lynch mob in missisipi burning - dont confuse me with the facts, I just wanna lynch me some rabbi!

But that's ok, since the way you do it HAS to be right, and no one else is entitled to an opinion or the truth, right?
I bet that makes you one helluva popular guy at YI of Ave K, right?

topshadchan said...

youre still playing detective and it will bite you on your tuches.

Youre repeating a comment that was on that blog.

Maybe it wasnt a ferari and he remembers it that way, maybe the counsler told him it was a ferari and lied, maybe it was a a USED ferari, maybe he LEASED it? Not recalling the make and model of a car is much different than remembering being tied up and thrown in a trunk and forcibly sodomized.
Your attempt to sow doubt for no good reason is outrageous. I could understand if he named names. But he was a mentch and you have shown you are not.

Your simple questions are not so simple, they are passive agressive questions that expose you.
Even people who dont believe the Kolko issue have said that the Counsler has ADMITTED his acts.

The problem is your mind wont accept that a ehrliche yid could do such acts.
Youve been trained to believe Dovid didnt abuse his power by sleeping with batsheva. And while im on the topic of David, I bet you believe david at 70 and sick, had sex with his maiden 17 times in a row. The gemera says so, so it must be lierally true. Im surprised that he did it, since we all know the Rambam paskened you should try to limit how many times you have sex. DOnt tell me that dovid didnt know of the rambam psak!

YOu need to wake up.

Anonymous said...

Hey brother bob;

Nice to see ya here. Was that you I accidentally spilled the scotch on at yesterday's Kiddush?

Anonymous said...

No david. I was actually out at the time investigating that shady real estate deal you went in on.

topshadchan said...

Im just questioning the idea of punishing the victims for the sins of others.
I hate it when they call asifa to t
ell women to make their hemlines longer because some woman got killed when on her to visit her husband in jail.
They dont make an asifa for the genovim in our community.
So i was surprised to see you of all people having the same attitude.

Thast all.

Anonymous said...

Please understand, me and my twin were both crushed at a young age and we are both non functioning cell matter, we look like 2 raisins. Why all the commotion? We aren't jewish anyway. That's why we are just typical shyster pimps masquerading as a human. Luz up, already,

topshadchan said...

"The garbage going on around us, the sickening attitudes voiced and displayed on this blog by knuckleheads who don't have a clue, this doesn't bother you, but my occassional use of 4-letter words, does?!"

you misunderstand me. Im not compalining about UOJ and his methods.
Im not even complaining about your tone, language or attaking people who have put themselves in the public arena.

I just dont buy dragging this poor girl into this arena by saying she is a victim of some other ganiv problem.
Lets keep the punishment to those who actually deserve it and not compound some poor girls issues and hang it on her.

I dont think what im saying is unreasonable, and you dont have to be disagreeable to simply be disagreeable.

Anonymous said...


Do you have any particulars about Malkiel Kotler covering up abuse. If so, let's hear it. If not, shut your slanderous trap.

Anonymous said...

Winnipeg, Toronto. What about Montreal? No molesters in Montreal? We are are the number 1 city in Canada, maybe the world. We had Expo 67,the Olympics, the Metro, the first baseball team in Canada. Oh , yeah their gone.
How could Toronto have more molesters than us? Even Winnipeg has more than us?
We have more Satmar chassidim than Toronto. We have a real rebbe-the Tosher Rebbe all you fancy shmancy shvitzers have to come to Montreal to see a real rebbe. Ok, he's not actually in Montreal but he's closer to Montreal than to Toronto.
We tried to get Bryks to come here but someone found the goods on him and stopped him from coming.
We can't let Toronto best us on this as well.

Anonymous said...

Boog is from Ralbag's shul? I thought he's a certain Madison guy who is known to hate Scheinerman's guts. If he davens by Ralbag it's funny he wouldn't take a look around and notice his surroundings before he attacks every other rov.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone bother asking Reb Shmuel Birenbaum what he has to say about this Kolko story?

DK said...


I have not been here too frequently lately, but don't think I haven't been watching attentively to developments, which you will know if you have been reading Jewschool.

Anyway, I just wanted to express something from someone not as frum as most on this blog, including its owner.

For me, the personal challenge of UOJ's amazing achievement--and it is an amazing achievement--is not just what he accomplished in his community, but how he dealt with his own dissatisfaction with the state of his community. Most of us who were dissatisfied with our experience and the reality of Ultra-Orthodox communal life (and its corruption) either grin and bear it, or like me, walk away to some extent.

UOJ did something very different. And many communities will, over the long term, be strengthened, not weakened because of it.

I am saddened that even now, many in your community choose to complain that UOJ saw fit to fix something that has been horribly broken for decades. Saddened, but not surprised. Quite frankly, certain "black hat" communities are developing quite a reputation outside their enclaves. Because of their action, because of their inaction.

And that is tragic for all of Jewry.

I don't claim to have the same faith or as intensive an Orthodox education as guys like UOJ or Boog, or quite frankly, most of you on this blog...but shouldn't the Jewish communal response be, "What can we learn from this? What can we do better in the future?"

Or do I just "not get" what Judaism is all about?

Anonymous said...

Call me! I'll tell you what he said.

Anonymous said...

>Your attempt to sow doubt for no good reason is outrageous. I could understand if he named names. But he was a mentch and you have shown you are not.


What's the reaction of people who read Angrysoul?

What is their atitude towards UO when they finish reading?

Positive or negative?

Believe me, if I wished, I could equaly put up an anonymous site and write such a sad story you would cry.

As long as Angrysoul is anonymous and feels justified to spread bad implications on UO, I am equaly entitled to question them.

Just like people have written that some of my comments turn them off from being frum, is angrysoul any different? True he may have suffered tremendously. But does that justify creating bad implications? If you have a case, go to Mr. Herman and present it.

(And if it ever comes to bite me in tuches, I won't come crying to you).


Anonymous said...


I understand you all too well. You criticise, have issues with my approach and the way I express my opinions on this blog. That's fine, you're entitled. Don't back away now because I'm standing up to you. It's well documented on this Blog that the touchy-feely approach just doesn't work.

I'm not calling asifa's, railing that the Internet be banned, or looking up women's skirts to see if they're the proper length. (Although maybe you can explain to me how it is that I see many women with skirts down to the other side of the world but their snoods stop at the the midpoint of their heads with the entire front part of their hair showing???)Is this the new definition of Tzinus?

Anonymous said...

It's Berenbaum not Birnbaum and a "Shlita" would be appropiate.
Also it's Eckstein not Extein.

You picking with the wrong crew buddy.

Anonymous said...

Uncle sammy?

nuch a shmuck!

Anonymous said...

To all the Angrysoul readers:

This victims story is cleverly cloaked in hyperbole and a generous dose of poetic license. Case in point; Ferrari.

His liberal use of musical references are informative and heartbreaking.

To all those with a classic yeshiva education, be advised that not everything is to be taken literally. Much of the stuff you learn is meant to be understood figuratively. It's the message that counts.

Anonymous said...

Ask me! I am Reb Shmuel's right hand man!
Josh Mehlman and I.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what peons in the Mirrer high school like Eckstein say about Margo. Let's get the word from the big guns like R' Elya Brudny.

Anonymous said...

Tosher Rebbe may be a sick retarded SOB but he's not a thief. He is a clueless senile old fool. Not a bright light. On the other hand his henchman are the biggest thieves in the world and know how to get their hands in every needy billionaire's pockets. They know how to line their own pockets and terrorize the community.
If the Rebbe has Ruach Hakoidesh how come he doesn't know about the corruption that's under his nose. His radar is not working too well.
It's embarressing that they named a street after me but then again , I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. So I guess it is fitting.

Anonymous said...

Get the hell out of the Mirrer yeshiva Pinter and stop conning everyone that you're R' Shmuel's man. I can't guarantee how many pieces you'll be in if I have to come down and take of things.

Anonymous said...

Boog davens by Ralbag? Show me. I'll jump off the roof and squash both of those insects.

Anonymous said...

David Kelsey is my nephew, a Partzover eynikel.

Anonymous said...

Is D'Ancona a mechutan with a molester who was run out of a certain city and is now plying his "trade" in Israel?

Anonymous said...

I'm the real Partziver. Anyone have a good book for me to plagiarize ?

Anonymous said...

If you ever need a mohel who tells great stories,call me.I don't do metzitzah b'peh. I can call my brother-in-law, Ephraim Bryks he'll gladly do it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, nephew. My Ruach Hakodesh has not been working lately. Regards, to your mom.

Anonymous said...

To those who doubt Angry Soul:

He suffered tremendously and the blog doesn't tell the complete story. There is a lot more. Everything he writes is true. As far as the Ferrari is concerned, I believe it was a Mustang or something similar but it is irrelevant and for all I know the boys thought it was a Ferrari. This guy suffered like no other and his choice not to provide names was a directive of those counseling him.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what peons in the Mirrer high school like Eckstein say about Margo.

I think all someone wanted to find out was, what did Reb Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita have to say about this entire situation.

Anonymous said...

Leib Pinter is a NOTHING in the Mirrer Yeshiva. Get your facts straight.
Brudny is a big gun?
Call Rabbi Fishman and give him some yummy oranges to eat. He hoards loads of yummy fresh orange peels in his yummy locker. He loves to eat yummy oranges all the time. His yummy hands always have yummy orange peel sticking out from his fingernails.

Anonymous said...


In a statement to his followers this week, Gafni took blame for his actions and said he was "infinitely saddened and profoundly sorry" for the pain he had caused. He acknowledged that he was "sick," and said he planned to enter a treatment center and leave his "rabbinic teaching capacities."

Anonymous said...


Ner-David and Avraham Leader, another co-founder of Bayit Hadash, wrote in a letter to its board members that in the present situation, "we should recommend to the Bayit Hadash steering committee that Mordechai Gafni's tenure in Bayit Hadash be ended immediately, or alternatively, we would collectively resign."

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Margo's going NUTS!!!
He thought he was a hot shot by ignoring this story! Now he's up shi*s creek without a kolko!!

Anonymous said...


There will be winners at the end of this painful episode. There will be losers at the end of this episode.

The losers will be those Rabbis who think the yeshiva community will sit by and allow themselves to continue being mislead by Rabbis who are concerned with their power base and pocketbook.

The winners will be those Rabbis who come out and condemn the cover ups and loudly encourage a complete investigation and ouster of every pedophile in every yeshiva.

Which group do you want to be with?

Anonymous said...

do these rabbis on the public dole think the gravy train will continue after this? dont they see the wtriting on the wall. we are fed up. enough stupidity. you want to be a leader? be at least as smart and honest as the people you want following and supporting you. cant hack that? get an honest job!

Anonymous said...


Just make sure that the "losers" don't claim they were 'misunderstood' and were really advocating with the winners all the time.

Fingerprint all of them or take retina samples.

We ID them right now before the vote.

Anonymous said...

>I never said that this nebach Victim was a "Kotler" Mishpocho, you putz.


Just look at how "gross" answered my question about angrysoul. Clean, fine language like a mentch.

Why the need to answer so rudely?

Lakewood Yid

Anonymous said...

What can I say?

Gross is a Madreigah I aspire to. I'm working on it.

Gross, you should post more often. I mean that sincerely.

Anonymous said...


We all know who they are. Are they too foolish to see where we are headed? Do they think this is over? It's just the beginning.

Will they wake up when they see their holy protected pedophile rabbeim taken away in handcuffs? Will they wake up when they have to shutter their businesses because of multi million dollar judgments? Will they wake up when no insurance company will write them coverage? Perhaps they'll wake up when they are taken away in handcuffs for obstruction and child endangerment?

Maybe they'll never wake up. All I know is that it's up to us to finish what we started.

Anonymous said...

The tendlers could take over ytt. And project cope can create new projects.

Anonymous said...

Tress, Pinter's son-in-law is a cousin of Sherer. The plot thickens.
By the way wasn't Shimshi Sherer learning director in Camp Agudah-Toronto, when I was Head Counselor in the 70's?

Anonymous said...

Boog's comment might have been uncalled for but it ironically serves to give the Charedi whackos (not all are whackos) a taste of their own medicine. What he said was literally following their own BS format. Blaming unrelated tragedies to issues they are overly concerned with. Tznius, lashon hara, etc...

Anonymous said...



You make a good point in defense of the poor girl but go way too far. Whose life is more damaged is not something anyone can measure.

Heterosexual rape, a natural act done in violence. Horrible beyond words.

Pedophilia, man on boy sexual abuse. An unnatural act of violence by an authority figure. Horrible beyond words.

Your casting doubt as to whether Kolko molested these boys. Horrible beyond words.

Anonymous said...


Seems you're the only one to get the irony of my comment. A literal turn of the table; except this time the turned table faces them with a shmutz within their own daled amos that they can't acknowledge nor handle.

Anonymous said...


Come on. Say you're sorry. You were wrong.

Anonymous said...

Seems you're the only one to get the irony of my comment. A literal turn of the table; except this time the turned table faces them with a shmutz within their own daled amos that they can't acknowledge nor handle.


This is not some abstract debate. A real girl with a real family is in agony. They don't deserve this.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "UOJ BLOG THREATENED BY HACKER":

I was molested by a rebby in Ner Yisroel in Baltimore over 20 years ago. He was the mashgiach of the beis medrash at the time. Does anyone know how I can find other people who had this experience so we can get together to do something about it? He is still a rebby there now.

topshadchan said...

Im not backing down, Ive said my piece.
As far as women and their tichels, I couldnt give two craps what they wear.
Not sure why you think its your business.

Its not the women who make the rules, and its the men who use the issue of tznius to shut people up and control them. If they were really worried about our community they would focus on stealing, gambling, alchololism, drugs (taken in bungalow colonies) and other crimes that the MEN in our community are busy with.

So to distract everyone attention, they hold asifa about issues that will protect themselves. If for every ten bans they would have the nerve to ban yeshivas from taking stolen money, maybe i would believe they have community interests at heart.

Thank you. Ive tried to get ly to understand that the point was its a sports car, and not what make. You made the point better than i did.

Please stop being the protector now of all orthodox jews, you have now engaged in scope creep. Your mandate was CHAREDI LAKEWOOD type gedolim. STick to that.

Anonymous said...

Allegations are easy to create, proof counts for more.

UOJ knows his hero, Rabbi Neuberger, who didn't take acting lessons but who pushed everyone he knew around, would never tolerate a mashgiach molesting boys.

What is your claim? Did the "rebby" (sic) beat you, rape or fondle you? Call the police and let's watch UOJ press your case.

Anonymous said...

Dear Boog,

Maharam Al Ashkar permits frontal hair nudity. It's inspiring to know that you care.

Anonymous said...

Boog's comment might have been uncalled for but it ironically serves to give the Charedi whackos (not all are whackos) a taste of their own medicine. What he said was literally following their own BS format. Blaming unrelated tragedies to issues they are overly concerned with. Tznius, lashon hara, etc...
This is the prob. here. "boogs comments might have been uncalled for- BUT." WHY must we mix in irrelevant things?? if comments are uncalled for, agree on that and finished. why the BUT ?? did you miss the whole point?
the point is let's not drag down an unrelated story (especially a tragic one)into this discussion. what do you say? you're right BUTT- leave the butts out we're trying to move away from the molestation here

Anonymous said...

Speaking up on this issue

Anonymous said...

Your casting doubt as to whether Kolko molested these boys. Horrible beyond words.
i disagree.
i think doubts MUST be cast.
we mus'nt just accept accusations from people as fact.
we MUST invetigate the matter to discover if there indeed was abuse, but to accept without a doubt untill there is CONCRETE proof - no way

Anonymous said...

I was molested by a rebby in Ner Yisroel in Baltimore over 20 years ago. He was the mashgiach of the beis medrash at the time. Does anyone know how I can find other people who had this experience so we can get together to do something about it? He is still a rebby there now.
Which rebbe / mashgiach are we discussing?

Anonymous said...

DovBear said...
I agree with JPT. My wrath is reserved for Margolis. His school should be torn to the ground, and salt spread on the earth so that nothing can ever grow there again.

Anonymous said...

Dear victim,

"The Awareness Center" has info about other victims of Ner Israel rabbis and cases that actually happened in the Dorm in the Clergy Abuse section.

Click on my link

Anonymous said...

Near Tosh is also that commune with Helbrans and his pervert Chasidish polygamists. Have the Mounties raid that place and rescue the abused.

Anonymous said...

>What can I say?

>Gross is a Madreigah I aspire to. I'm working on it.


You will earn a lot more respect if you keep your comments clean & mentchlich.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone is entitled to disagree with each other.

But let's do it in a way that 'passig' for yidden.

Lakewood Yid

Anonymous said...

Helbrans married off his 14 year old daughter off to a 40 year old guy who left his wife.

Anonymous said...

One major scandal that I don't think has been posted here was in the 1970s connected to the lunch program fraud, where Pinter was actually machshil the rabim to eat sandwiches (not frum kids in non-yeshiva settings) that were a taaruvas basar becholov. That story was reported in a major newspaper at the time, I think the NY Times. Someone sent me an email about it not long ago.

City investigators received a complaint about meat and cheese sandwiches being passed off as kosher so they called Leib and asked him for an explanation. The shmuck said if it's kosher cheese and kosher meat, then it's a kosher sandwich.

Do you have any idea how SICK Pinter is?

Anonymous said...

"The Pinter story eight years ago is so horrible that you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy so I'm not going to say exactly what it was."

If only they had the same compassion. Some of the Pinters get enjoyment out of other people's tragedies. They laugh when horrible things happen to others.

Anonymous said...

Schenki from lakewood, what r u doing ont he internet? didnt you hear about the issur? I am hereby reporting you to the inquisition i mean the Lakewood Vaad.

Anonymous said...


Can you please start a NEW post dedicated to a different type of abuse in the Ortho yeshivas?

My husband went to a Yeshiva in BP where kids were literally beaten until they bled.

The principle used to hit the children daily with a (plastic) bat.

The rabbeim used to slap the kids around with rulers, belts & their hands until they bled.

My husband knows many of his classmates that are now “UOJs” (not frum), due to the abuse.

My husband was once slapped so hard that FIVE TEETH fell out, and this was on the FIRST DAY of school!

I would name names, but will wait until others confirm these stories.

Anonymous said...


You will earn a lot more respect if you keep your comments clean & mentchlich."

At least I have all my teeth, LY; see the immediately above posts.

Please try to focus on what's really important.

Anonymous said...


I have all my teeth too.

Henceforth, my request for a mentchliche comment thread.

BTW, you really believe that the Rebbe's slap knocked out 5 teeth?!?

Anonymous said...

a little while back some people made comments about harav hagaon
R' scheinberg shlita, it is an outrage and disgrace everyone on this blogg for anyone to sit by as little people sit and spew dirt against one of the few torah giants we still have living today.
may the mouths of all who speak evil be stifled, and let all sinners repent.
perhaps we all need to keep in mind that while on the blog we can all remain anonymous,and he who has the sharpest comeback wins.
however on the ultimate day of rekoning everything will be brought forth and only those who are true and good in g-ds eyes will prevail.
btw, even the 'heilige' zev brenner reported last night (i think some rabbi called in) that some of the quotes, and things being said b'shem R' scheinberg shlita are not true.

Anonymous said...

do you believe it?

If you're makpid on mentchlich, go over to Martha Stewarts' Blog or Ann Landers.

Anonymous said...

Who is this D'ancona guy > is he from toronto or Montreal?

What is he an italian jew?

Anonymous said...

if am correct, all "menchlichkeit" means is acting like a civil human being, why are you haveing so much difficulty with that

Anonymous said...

Yes anon above is right.

the horrible physical abuse in chasidish yeshivas in brooklyn is simply untenable. I attended one of these yeshivas and I amcurrently seeking to initiate legal action against a menahel who was particularly sadistic. I am a former chasidisher who is no longer frum.

Anonymous said...

Hey, there were 30+ witnesses!
Yeshiva: Stolin
Grade: 5
Year: (+/- 5 years) from 1980.

It was for a "good reason" the boy was chewing gum like a "behaima".

Anonymous said...


Please be my guest and be as mentchlich as you like.

Have a very nice and pleasant afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Above Anon is not making this up.
I personally saw a techer (NOT EVEN A REBBE) putting a child in a canvas mail sack & telling him that he will be mailed to "China". Is THAT believable?

Anonymous said...

i am a former chasidisher who is no longer frum.
my rebbe beat me up when i was youger -AND I STILL AM FRUM. get off it, if your rebbe hit you hit him back. if your not frum you dont have neemanus

Anonymous said...

D'Ancona is Toronto.

Anonymous said...

--if your not frum you dont have neemanus--

what the hell kind of arrogant bs statement is that.

Did i say i am no longer frum because my rebbe hit me? no, i happen not to be frum for many reasons one of which is the hypocricy and dysfunctionality that I saw growing up in boro park.

Anonymous said...

however on the ultimate day of rekoning everything will be brought forth and only those who are true and good in g-ds eyes will prevail:

Ergo, Scheinberg is going straight to hell for all eternity. The souls of the victims Kolko stole will make sure of that.

Scheinberg is the worst kind of menuvel. He cloaks himself in the banner of Torah while taking money to defile the Torah.

His tzitzis will not save him from a Din V'cheshban.

Anonymous said...


I don't believe that Rebbe knocked any teeth out.

Again, your cause will be considered much more sincerely, if its presented in a civil human way. (aka mentchlich)

Prove yourself to us, we'll respect you more.

Lakewood Yid

Anonymous said...

Yeshiva: Stolin
Grade: 5

What's the rebbes name?

Anonymous said...

lakewood yid, you are a moronic noodnick. go do something productive, i hear the vaad found some chairs in a pizza shop and are calling an asifa to be denounce this great travesty. help them make the announcement.

Anonymous said...


Reb Aharon is spinning in his grave. The diseased cult you guys have turned his dream into has him wishing he didn't survive Europe.

Anonymous said...

yeshiva: Krasna
where: summer camp
name of menahel: Nachum Klein

Anonymous said...

--if your not frum you dont have neemanus--


Which Bas Kol announced that Lakewood style yiddishkeit is the true version? The evidence suggests they have left the fold along with their arch enemies the Lubabitchers.

Keep it up Mr. Cheeloni. Your suffering will get you into a special place while these Lakewood Koyfrim will get the shock of their death.

Anonymous said...

Ergo, Scheinberg is going straight to hell for all eternity. The souls of the victims Kolko stole will make sure of that.

Scheinberg is the worst kind of menuvel. He cloaks himself in the banner of Torah while taking money to defile the Torah.

His tzitzis will not save him from a Din V'cheshban.

The next news article will focus on the many people this wacko Scheinberg spoke with. There is no escaping. He jumped into bed with Margulies, tzitzis and all, time to pay the piper. Thank G-d for his arichas yamim. It would have been tragic if he had died before he was exposed to the world for the rasha he is.

What a walking chillul hashem.

Anonymous said...

Lippy Gelworthless used to spank us also.

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