The more Haredi men enlist, the easier it is for others to join them

The Jewish nation is living through days of uncertainty, shock and pain that never seem to end. Every Jew in the world is watching daily events in Israel with nerves on edge. I lost many friends on October 7, and many of my friends lost loved ones. We are all traumatized by what happened, and we live in fear of what lies ahead.
The issues that divided us on October 6 dissolved overnight. All those arguments and hostile positions became meaningless when we confronted the monsters of Hamas. We all woke up facing a fight for our survival that no one wanted.
This war has united our nation, bringing our fragmented society closer together. We have encountered love and generosity at every level. Dormant organizations sprang into action to help and support the army. As part of my own IDF service, I encountered the best attributes of Israeli society, and I was moved to tears more than once by their generous spirit.
Learning Torah vs. national service
My brothers in the Haredi community, whom I love and appreciate, also feel the pressure on our nation, and they have turned out in droves to volunteer and play their part in the national effort. Some visit the injured in hospital, others pay shiva visits to the families of soldiers, or prepare food on IDF bases, and help families who have fled their homes. Their generosity comes from the heart, but to tell the truth, their generosity is also an attempt to compensate for their inability to help on the battlefield. It is an expression of their embarrassment.
I appreciate those who learn Torah and I support their institutions financially, because my faith is based on the living Torah. Last Friday, I sent flowers to a number of genuine talmidei chachamim (Torah sages) whom I admire, with notes saying: “You dedicate yourself to nurturing the soul of the Jewish people, and you deserve our thanks.” If the IDF is the body, then these sages are the soul of our nation. Both are critical to our existence.
However, when it comes to yeshiva students, many – and today I would even say a large proportion – are not really learning all day in the Beit Midrash. We need to admit this openly.
Now is the time to speak out loudly and clearly to these members of the Haredi community, and to request their assistance. Our country is burning, and this existential threat requires us to play an integral role in the national effort. This is the moment of truth, and if we deny this reality, we may be instrumental in inflicting a real crisis on ourselves.
We have to answer this question honestly, and not shy away from this crucial issue, as expressed by Moses when the tribes of Reuben and Gad asked to separate themselves from the nation and remain on the eastern side of the Jordan River: “Are your brothers going out to war while you sit here?”
Haredi army service
This week, Israel’s Supreme Court is discussing a petition from “Achim B’Neshek” (the “Brothers in Arms” organization) concerning IDF military service and Haredim pulling their weight. The government has put off dealing with this issue many times for various political reasons, leaving the status of the conscription law uncertain.
Since October 7, we have seen changes in attitudes in the Haredi community, with greater readiness to reconsider the issue of army service. Since October 9, I have been working with senior army representatives from their human resources department on the recruitment of 2,000 Haredi men to the IDF. Together, we have been working to find suitable jobs for Haredim in the army, and I am impressed by how invested they are in this project, despite the pressures of the war.
Over the past four months, 800 Haredi men have enlisted, mostly as what we call “Stage 2 Volunteers,” meaning that they are older than regular IDF recruits. Some people are calling for younger Haredim to sign up, but I think that this is the first stage – to normalize the idea of army service in the Haredi community. I believe that this will work better than making conscription compulsory, which will alienate the community.
The need of the hour
It’s time for the leaders of the IDF and the Haredi community to sit together and create new and suitable army frameworks that can contribute in real ways to the national defense forces, while upholding our uncompromising halachic standards. At the same time, we should be integrating Haredim into other national service units, such as ZAKA and the rescue organizations.
In recent days, I have witnessed the enthusiasm of many idealistic young Haredim who have approached me personally about enlisting in the IDF. I believe that we need to seize this opportunity, because there is a willingness among the younger generation to step up and share the burden of the nation’s defense. It’s time for the Haredi leadership to recognize the opportunity, to show their wisdom, and acknowledge the urgency to reach an agreement on this issue. Otherwise, I fear that the rest of Israeli society will never forgive us.
We have been invited to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our brothers, and it is crucial that we find a way to do so. If not, who will protect us from the coming crisis?