Allies knew of Holocaust in 1942, 2 years before previously assumed, UN documents prove!
UK, US, Russia were aware of millions killed by Nazis, new book says, shedding damning light on refusal to take in refugees or try to halt slaughter
May 1944 'selection' of Hungarian Jews on the ramp at Birkenau, where
one-million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust
Recently released documents show
that the Allied forces were aware of the scale of the Holocaust some
two years earlier than previously assumed. They did little to stop the
deaths or rescue the victims.
unsealed United Nations files show that the US, UK and Russia knew as
early as December 1942 that two million Jews had been massacred and
millions more were at risk of being killed, Britain’s Independent newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Despite that knowledge, the Allies did not accept refugees or take action to prevent the slaughter.
“The major powers commented [on the mass
murder of Jews] two-and-a-half years before it is generally assumed,”
Dan Plesch, author of the new book “Human Rights After Hitler,” told the
Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy
at SOAS, University of London, author of “Human Rights After Hitler,”
August 2012
In December 1942, UK Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told the British parliament,
in a statement on behalf of the UK, the US and the Soviet governments,
that the Nazis were in the process of exterminating the Jews. Eden said
that a similar statement was also being read out in Moscow and
Washington at the same time.
“The German authorities, not content with
denying to persons of Jewish race in all the territories over which
their barbarous rule extends, the most elementary human rights, are now
carrying into effect Hitler’s oft-repeated intention to exterminate the
Jewish people,” Eden said in the statement.
Plesch, a University of London researcher,
said the Allies presumably learned of Nazi Germany’s actions “when they
discovered the concentration camps, but they made this public comment in
December 1942.”
This document shows that in 1944 the United Nations War Crimes Commission
sought to indict Nazis (UNWCC)
Plesch reiterated the charge that the Allied powers did very little to save the Jews.
In March 1943, based on reports from Europe,
the Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple, head of the Church of
England, pleaded with the British government to accept Jewish refugees
who were in danger of being massacred.
“In view of the massacres and starvation of Jews and others in enemy and enemy-occupied countries,” Temple wrote to the House of Lords,
the government should offer its “fullest support for immediate
measures, on the largest and most generous scale… for providing help and
temporary asylum to persons in danger of massacre who are able to leave
enemy and enemy-occupied countries.”
Yet Viscount Cranborne, a minister in prime
minister Winston Churchill’s war cabinet, said that Britain was not in a
position to accept large numbers of refugees, and that while the
government sympathized with the situation, it had to take care of its
own citizens first.
Plesch’s book is based on an archive from the
now-defunct United Nations War Crimes Commission, which was sealed for
70 years. He said that it was through the intervention of Samantha
Powers, former US ambassador to the UN, that he was able to access the
There are other proofs that the Allies knew
the extent of the Holocaust already in 1942. For example, the Yad Vashem
Holocaust memorial states in a report to the UN
that “During 1942, reports of a Nazi plan to murder all the Jews –
including details on methods, numbers, and locations – reached Allied
and neutral leaders from many sources.”
However, Plesch said that the new research provides a “cartload of nails to hammer into the coffins” of Holocaust deniers.