Holocaust film reveals long-hushed child sex abuse
Airing on eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, documentary shines light on a topic historians have largely avoided
A documentary film
Wednesday evening on Israeli television sheds light on a dark corner of
what is already the blackest of historical events. “Screaming Silence,”
which will be broadcast on the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance
Day, is about a topic which few, even World War II scholars, have dared
to broach in public before: sexual abuse of children during the
the first time, Holocaust survivors who were raped or sexually abused
as children and teens in the ghettos and concentration and labor camps
speak on camera about what happened to them and how this sexual violence
has scarred their lives over the 70 years since the war ended.
These individuals kept the sexual abuse they
experienced a secret from everyone, including their spouses, children
and grandchildren—who will learn for the first time about what happened
to their loved ones from this film.
Ronnie Sarnat devoted six years to producing
“Screaming Silence.” She was determined to deal with a difficult subject
that others have refused to research and speak about.
“The Holocaust research establishment doesn’t
think that the Holocaust and sex go together,” she asserts. “But who
decides what is permitted and what is not?”
Professor Gideon Greif, chief historian at Shem Olam: The Holocaust & Faith Institute for Education and Research
and an expert on Auschwitz, concurs that indeed, there has been a
tendency among Holocaust scholars not to touch upon the subject of
sexual abuse of children.
‘There has been a lack of information about this topic because of a desire among those who study the Holocaust not to hurt the dignity of the victims’
“There has been a lack of information about
this topic because of a desire among those who study the Holocaust not
to hurt the dignity of the victims,” says Greif, who was a consultant to
the film.
“Yad Vashem, for instance, has many
testimonies that include accounts of rape and sexual abuse, but
historians have been reluctant to deal with this. This film is really
the first time that the subject is being dealt with so openly,” he says.
It took Sarnat a significant amount of time to
locate survivors who were raped or sexually abused as children or
teenagers. Once she found them, they had to decide they were ready to
reveal publicly secrets they had buried so deeply and for so long out of
shame and a paralyzing fear of being rejected by their children if the
truth were known.
One elderly man in the film talks about how
his son was such a “macho Israeli” that he felt he could never reveal to
him what had happened.
“How could I let him think of his father as a ‘one of those Jews who went to the slaughter like sheep’?” he says.
child who was sexually abused or raped during the Holocaust. From
‘Screaming Silence’ documentary film. (photo credit: courtesy)
Sarnat and her creative team decided to make
the film using only the first-person testimonies of the survivors. There
is no third-person narration and there are no talking heads providing
historical context or psychological analysis.
“The witnesses wrote their own script, so to
speak, and determined the limits of what they would or would not say on
camera,” the producer says.
She believes this technique elevates the film
beyond a horrific retelling of events to a more complex work in which
the issue of rape is not necessarily more important than the question of
whether a person should or should not tell a deeply held dark secret
before he or she dies.
These survivors—both men and women—describe having been sexually abused, raped, gang raped or witnesses to prostitution at a young age
Watching and listening as these survivors—both
men and women—describe having been sexually abused, raped, gang raped
or witnesses to prostitution at a young age is difficult. Even more gut
wrenching is hearing how these acts of violence damaged the rest of
their lives and their images of themselves.
For instance, one man, who was raped by a
German soldier as a 13-year-old boy in Tunisia, has struggled his whole
life with his sexual identity. How could he be a man who goes out with
women if he was in the position of being one, he asks.
One of the women speaks of how she never feels
at ease and is always looking over her shoulder. She says she has never
been able to have a sexual relationship. All she says about the fact
that she has children and grandchildren is that “their father was a very
cruel man.”
The man who was afraid of telling his “macho”
son about his experiences in Auschwitz recounts what happened to him as a
According to Sarnat, no one is sure what the
origin of the term is, but everyone in the camps knew what one was: A
piepel was a pre-adolescent or young adolescent boy who was forced to
serve one of the kapos (prisoner functionaries, who were Jewish or
non-Jewish) in a concentration or labor camp. The boy was used to
service all the kapo’s needs—including sexual ones. (Elie Wiesel
included a scene with a piepel in his seminal Holocaust memoir “Night,”
and the controversial Israeli Holocaust survivor writer Yehiel Dinur,
also known by the pen name Ka-Tsetnik, wrote a novel titled “They Called
Me Piepel” in 1961.)
German soldier’s bordello card from the Ravensbruck concentration camp.
From ‘Screaming Silence’ documentary film. (photo credit: courtesy)
The man who was a piepel tells about how, as a
boy in Auschwitz, he was raped by an especially cruel kapo who forced
bread into his mouth to shut him up during the rape. The man recalls how
he was starving and readily ate the bread, and then says that he isn’t
completely comfortable calling what happened to him rape because he
willingly ate the bread.
“Child victims of rape are not like adult
victims of rape,” says Sarnat. “They think it must be a punishment for
what they have done.”
The man’s reaction is understandable from a
psychological perspective, but Greif warns that it is imperative to
always remember that the perpetrators, the Germans and their
accomplices—and not the Jewish victims—were to blame.
…there is no way to really know how extensive this phenomenon was for the simple reason that the victims…never spoke about what had happened to them
According to Greif, sexual abuse and rape of
Jews, including children, was a limited phenomenon because of the Nazi
racial laws that prohibited Germans from having sexual relations with
“The sexual abuse that did occur was part of
the Nazis’ drive to humiliate Jews, but there was no systematic approach
to this,” he says.
Indeed, there is no way to really know how
extensive this phenomenon was for the simple reason that the
victims—like the ones in the film—never spoke about what had happened to
But Sarnat believes that if others go beyond
the Holocaust research establishment as she has and do their own
digging, they will find out more and more about this subject.
“Yad Vashem and the Germans both say that
there were no Jewish girls used as prostitutes to service the Nazis. But
I have testimonies that Jewish girls did work in bordellos in the
camps,” she says.
“They must have changed their names so the Germans
wouldn’t know they were Jewish.”
Otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to avoid the gas chambers and crematoria by being sex slaves.
The writer has been asked not to use the
names of the people in the film or to identify them in the photos out of
respect for the fact that they have not yet revealed their secret to
their families.