Baltimore Jewish Times -
By Anonymous Insider
April 18, 2007
Up until the last minute, the Baltimore rabbis were hoping
we would cancel the story, and they would therefore find
no need to send out their letter.
We were urged not to go to press, but Neil decided to push
forward. The final straw was UOJ's (blogger - Unorthodox
Jew) publishing of the abridged version of the article. They
knew they were in trouble and mailed out the letter right
after yom-tov.
UOJ is indeed correct, the rabbis were coerced in to the
mailing, they would never have mailed it out if not for the
story being published.
Rabbi Heinemann's conduct exemplifies the worst of the
rabbinate by posting the shameful note in his shul. He
should be severely chastised for his double-speak.
We will continue to publish and publicize these crimes and
will not be intimidated.
April 15, 2007
Rabbinic Abuse in Our Community
There is no subject more painful for me to discuss than the issue of Rabbinic abuse within our communities. Yet at this point I believe it is the subject most necessary to address. I must acknowledge that this horrible form of Rabbinic abuse and corruption exists ” and has existed for generations ” in all Jewish communities as well.
This issue of rabbinic abuse, coverups and vile corruption by so many rabbis and Jewish organizations must be confronted directly and I believe that this discussion can be a first step towards the necessary and achievable goal of ridding our communities of this horrible scourge...................
As long as Moshe Eisemann is living on the Ner Israel campus surrounded by hundreds of children, and Eliezer Eisgrau is principal of Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, your words mean as much to me as those of your fellow "clergymen", albeit of a different faith, the "Most Reverend" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson!
Brave rabbis....Admitting sexual abuse "exists" in the Jewish community with a figurative gun at their heads, knowing that scores of Jewish sexual abuse victims nationwide are talking to journalists, attorneys, the various D.A.s, and the police.
This is one Jew you can't jive!