Baltimore Jewish Times -
By Anonymous Insider
April 18, 2007
Up until the last minute, the Baltimore rabbis were hoping
we would cancel the story, and they would therefore find
no need to send out their letter.
We were urged not to go to press, but Neil decided to push
forward. The final straw was UOJ's (blogger - Unorthodox
Jew) publishing of the abridged version of the article. They
knew they were in trouble and mailed out the letter right
after yom-tov.
UOJ is indeed correct, the rabbis were coerced in to the
mailing, they would never have mailed it out if not for the
story being published.
Rabbi Heinemann's conduct exemplifies the worst of the
rabbinate by posting the shameful note in his shul. He
should be severely chastised for his double-speak.
We will continue to publish and publicize these crimes and
will not be intimidated.
April 15, 2007
Rabbinic Abuse in Our Community
There is no subject more painful for me to discuss than the issue of Rabbinic abuse within our communities. Yet at this point I believe it is the subject most necessary to address. I must acknowledge that this horrible form of Rabbinic abuse and corruption exists ” and has existed for generations ” in all Jewish communities as well.
This issue of rabbinic abuse, coverups and vile corruption by so many rabbis and Jewish organizations must be confronted directly and I believe that this discussion can be a first step towards the necessary and achievable goal of ridding our communities of this horrible scourge...................
As long as Moshe Eisemann is living on the Ner Israel campus surrounded by hundreds of children, and Eliezer Eisgrau is principal of Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, your words mean as much to me as those of your fellow "clergymen", albeit of a different faith, the "Most Reverend" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson!
Brave rabbis....Admitting sexual abuse "exists" in the Jewish community with a figurative gun at their heads, knowing that scores of Jewish sexual abuse victims nationwide are talking to journalists, attorneys, the various D.A.s, and the police.
This is one Jew you can't jive!
1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»http://jewishsurvivors.blogspot.com/2007/04/baltimores-shalom-usa-talks-about.html
Interview with Baltimore survivors.
Who is this that won a judgement of 600 grand against Toras Emes Kaminetz? The yeshiva was represented by the OU VP Steve Mostofsky.
You have to wonder why the Vaad decided at this time to come out with this letter?
The good thing about it is that if there are survivors out there willing to file civil suits there is a possibility that they could use the letter as evidence witness tampering and of rabbis covering up very serious criminal behavior. I wonder if they could be considered to have been harboring fugitives. What other criminal actions could be brought up against those who stonewall law enforcement officials?
They think they can get off with just a letter like this?
This is just part of a PR campaign.
Does anyone know the details of this bloody fight in the YU dorm?
Can anyone now access marvin schicks idiot piece that claims there is no widespread sexual abuse in the frum community ?
I got fed up with Milton Balkany and stopped representing him. Steve Mostofsky also used to represent Uncle Milty.
The state has recently expanded the online database for Supreme Court cases.
There is no document scanned for this one but it looks intruiging:
Year - 1978
Whose yeshiva was this that was apparently sued by all it's rebbeim?
[VOS IZ NEIAS] Brooklyn, NY - Shame On You Councilman Al Vann.
Your Voice on VIN: by Pinchas Milech.
Brooklyn, NY - Councilman Al Vann, SHAME ON YOU!! you'r a disgraced
Mr Vann Introduced A bill that would have renamed a Brooklyn street after
racist and urban terrorist Sonny Carson.
Since his death in 2002, many New Yorkers may have forgotten just who Sonny
Carson was. In 1990, Carson personally led the campaign of boycott and
physical intimidation against Korean-owned delis in Brooklyn's black
neighborhoods, marching with signs that read, "Don't Shop With People Who
Don't Look Like Us."
In 1991 he hailed the Crown Heights lynch mob that killed Hasidic scholar
Yankel Rosenbaum, saying he was "very proud" of what had happened.
He was arrested for murder in 1974 and served 15 months in prison. Carson
also was convicted of kidnapping.
Accused of anti-Semitism, he replied: "I'm anti-white - don't limit my
anti's to one group of people."
Interestingly to note, According to his Profile at the Council member web
site: http://www.nyccouncil.info/constituent/member_details.cfm?con_id=64
Mr Vann received his Master's in Education from Yeshiva University.
His Contact Information.
Council Member- District: 36
Albert Vann- Democrat
District Office Address:
613-619 Throop Ave.
Brooklyn, New York 11216
District Office Phone No.: (718) 919-0740
Agudath Israel has not dealt with the issue of rabbinical sexual abuse directly at a convention and is less inclined to institute any kind of centralized body to deal with the problem, according to spokesman Rabbi Avi Shafran. Complainants would be encouraged to "go to the rebbe or community rabbi" on an individual basis, he said. (Rabbi Kaminetsky, one of the three rabbis on the Rabbi Weinberg bet din, is a member of the Council of Torah Sages of Agudah, and Rabbi Cohen, also serving on the ad hoc bet din, is a member of Agudah as well.)
Torah Umesorah, the national network of yeshivas and Hebrew day schools, is holding its annual convention next week and for the first time will distribute formal guidelines for dealing with abuse, according to executive vice president Rabbi Joshua Fishman. He noted that the organization has dealt with the problem for a number of years and will include a closed-door session this year.
Dr. Aviva Weisbord, a psychologist in Baltimore and sister of Rabbi Weinberg, said she and other members of her family are working toward establishing a two-tiered mechanism to deal with sexual abuse in the Orthodox community. Allegations would be addressed to a group of distinguished rabbis, she said, who then would appoint trained professionals to investigate and make recommendations, which the rabbinic body would then act on.
As a form of "checks and balances," Weisbord said, " it would be understood that if people were not satisfied with the results, they could go to the civil courts or the press."
Weisbord acknowledged that there was "ingrained resistance" from some of the rabbis who have been approached. "They recognize the need but have been reluctant to sign on," she noted. "It will have to be done one by one."
The Monsey Tzadik has left a new comment on your post "Rabbi, Teacher, Molester - Ephraim Shapiro's mark ...":
When I first read the letter from the vaad my heart felt "worm" because I could see that finally action is being taken. But then I was thinking what those clowns did for many years.
Nothing, It was not until UOJ and to lesser extent JWB put them on notice. I have the feeling this letter is merely a damage control to Jacobs article
The Monsey Tzadik has left a new comment on your post "Rabbi, Teacher, Molester - Ephraim Shapiro's mark ...":
When I first read the letter from the vaad my heart felt "worm" because I could see that finally action is being taken. But then I was thinking what those clowns did for many years.
My heart felt "WORM" as well
You never know where the long arm of UOJ reaches.
After he skipped town last month, convicted molester Joseph Schwartz found an unusual place to hide: the Grand Canyon.
The Parkville man pleaded no-contest to accusations that he molested a girl in 2000 and was found guilty last month in Douglas County. He was out on bond until his sentencing in late March, but he failed to surrender to authorities.
UOJ, the Steve Weiss groupies posted today that R' Hershel Schechter did a shidduch with the Kuhls and that they are therefore "sure" that Rabbi Schechter no longer supports you after what you've been saying about Julius & George.
Which Schechter kid married a Kuhl or is this another lie?
Gornish was forced to join the KIC announcement in the Pesach Yated that he will no longer take restaurants thrown out by another hashgocho. How will he make a living now that he's giving up his bread & butter?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Boarish and double-dealing rabbi villains - are selling you their Torah Tapes
RABBI YISROEL P. GORNISH, the big-shot Kashrus Maven, discusses "RESTAURANTS AND CATERING HALLS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW AND WHY". I Wonder if GORNISH talks about that treifa Shwarma place on Ave M that he allowed to exist; and how easy bribery can be in the "Kashrus" market.
(718) 252-5274
UOJ, I dedicated my blog to you:
If you are really honest about the subject as you say you are, you should at least acknowledge how far the Vaad went in their letter that no other Rabbi did before. They are basically telling people to skip bais din or rabbis, and go straight to the police.
UOJ, what chutzpah!!!! I know the schechter family very well and I know for the fact that there is no schechter child married to a kuhl. They only marry klei kodesh. These canonists are proven liars again! What an outrage.
UOJ, what chutzpah!!!! I know the schechter family very well and I know for the fact that there is no schechter child married to a kuhl. They only marry klei kodesh. These canonists are proven liars again! What an outrage.
Shut Up Everyone and for g-d's sake and the sake of us victims let me have a word!
Gil Student seems to be strugling about this loshon horah thing and I'm here to set the record with a vengeance. Gil got this right but would do better refuting those who use the chofetz chaim to protect molesters with that which I have to say here.
You are looking at 2 chilul hashems on either side of this. The chilul hashem of a pervert in the guise of a talmid chuchom (and see Moed Koton Dafs 17 & 18 with the notes provided by artscroll) who the aderes as well as todays poskim consider a rodeph and the rabbi/enablers who if the rodeph is still a threat qualifies the enablers as rodfim as well (see r' benzion wozner's famous teshuva and I was given this as a verbal psak from others last summer re: a mashgiach/molester in boro park). And on the other hand is the chilul hashem of countless youngsters going off the derech and/or no longer believing in the existince of g-d coupled with proven studies testifying to the fact that a frightining amount of victims will turn to abuse others. The result is a snowballing effect leading to far greater chillul hashem. Given that thanx to our incompetent leaders we now are sure of the fact that "leka darcha achrine" (no other viable option exists to deal with this) we are obligated OUT OF CONCERN FOR AVOIDING FAR GREATER CHILUL HASHEM to publicize such tragic manipulations of children.
As for the lame arguments and hand wringing a la false accusations, that is utter rubbish. The halacha is clear, and I am amazed at how most rabonim today qualify as professional amei ha'aretz and dont know a thing about the parameter of KOOLA D"LO POSAK and l'meichish meboia.
I as a layman and victim of 2 notorius molesters researched the halachos for half a year then proceeded in runing my molester out of the country and encouraging others to initiatew a law suit. While even the rabbis I consulted and advised me were too timid to take a public stand.
The real chilul hashem is the so called rabonim and rabbinic organizations of our times. More proficient in theft than serving god and his people.
When I refer to impotent rabbis I clearly exclude rabbis Dratch Shachter Blau (and i am a chossid) Tzadikim JWB UOJand isha hatzidaikus Vikki Blau who although not religious has saved countless jewish souls from spiritual emotional and physical devastation.
That is all!
boog said...
Monsey Tzadik;
You say your heart felt "worm" [sic]after reading the Vaads whitewash letter.
What a correct and truly appropriate visceral reaction/response and how timingly fitting to yesterdays Parsha of Shemini which discusses "Sherotzim" in detail.
You are truly a Tzadik. Pleased to meet your acquaintence.
Chazak Ve'Emotz.
2:50 PM, April 15, 2007
Besmirching R' Hershel Schacter's Name, SIW?
You've really hit rock bottom, ya little weasel.
a schecter boy is married to g.kuhl's daughter.
Steven I Weiss and his band of aliases / defenders are desperate. They will seemingly do anything to back up their preposterous position. Some yeshivishe readers tried having a civilized discussion with him last year about the problem in our circles of getting smeared by the establishment if we speak up on the record. He just shot everyone down and cut off the conversation. The baal gayva insists that just like journalists, we have to be willing to take whatever heat the Belskys and Margos of this world throw at us or else we have no right to speak up. Whenever you say something he doesn't agree with, he says it's "absurd" and starts calling you names. Very professional of him. Maybe that's why he was fired by the Forward and has a hard time getting married. Of course the jerk only follows journalism rules when it suits him. Just look at how he's covering for his nunte yedid Sruly Singer.
If Tort Putz Twerski is in such bad shape, why is he still commuting to L.I.?
The dean of Hofstra University's law school has announced he plans to resign July 31 for health reasons, an unexpected development that means the university must conduct another search for a dean after having just ended one two years ago.
"It is with intense sadness that I inform you of my intention to resign as dean on July 31, 2007," Aaron D. Twerski wrote in a Feb. 1 e-mail to colleagues.
They didn't teach in pharmacy school that you need Xanax when UOJ makes you a target.
Margo told me to ignore Boog & UOJ.
ichud molestas gur just made it a bit easier for themselfs, in the gerer yeshiva gevoha on old new utrict and 52nd st over the bein hazmanim of pesach the bathroom doors were cut on top and the bottom so they are now only semi private, and all plugs/outlets had been removed all bathroom doors had been full doors , that meens a closed private room, well they claim that buchrm are charging their cell phones and wathcing dvds in there (nu feh chasidesher buchrim ah dvd), i tell you r'boog that the reason they did this was for the molesting enablers of ger to get a better peek,
if anyone has a shady story on ichud molestas gur please post we gotta know what these pricks are up to
The Ner Yisroel Toronto yeshiva had a rule that you weren't allowed to lock dorm rooms. Levine wanted to be able to run into any room at whim to scream or snoop around. When bochurim brought knives from the dining room to jam the doors shut, he made a takkana against that too and would punish anyone he caught trying to get a little privacy. I bet there are laws against preventing boys locking doors in dorm rooms. They came up with another brainstorm takkana that no other yeshiva thought of, not even Long Beach or Philly. No more than 5 bochurim were allowed to be in a room at a time. Levine would come charging in screaming: why are so many bochurim in here and chase them out. They actually said the reason is to prevent loshon hora. No wonder these shmucks never had a successful yeshiva.
I hear that the Ichud Molestas Gur hired Moshe Kahn of HASC to be their main fundraiser. For his efforts in hitting up rich farts to make major contribution$ to the Molestas, he's getting paid a quarter mil!
Not bad at all. And he gets to keep his day job.
BTW, didn't good ol' Moshe have some major run-ins with the Feds and New York State authorities for misapprproiation of Government Funds to HASC? Is this gonna be Sruly Singer Redux? Do the Gerrers know who they've hired? Do they care? They may need some Bronfman before this is over.
And the beat goes on. la-de-da-de da. Gerrer Neegeenim Toof Shin Samech Zoyin.
Has anyone seen Colmer around lately? (or whatever he's going by these days)
Has anyone brought formal charges against him yet?
My abuse started when I was 4 at the mikvah. I don't know who my first offender was. It happened in NY. I moved to Baltimore at 13. I was abused again in Baltimore. This time my perpetrator was a woman, and then again by someone else (Shmuel Juraval).
Murray stated, there are people much, much younger then him going public. He had to fulfil his obligation of also coming forward. It's not just to address the issue of clergy sexual abuse, but every pedophile. It's our parents who have been effective, brothers effective. Murray said that he never told his family until a month ago. Murray is now 64 years-old.
Murray stated his fear, embarrassment and shame were what kept him quiet. These are the same issues that keep other survivors quiet. He said he was not sure what to do when he was 11 or 12 years old. He then went on to talked about the statement put out by the rabbinical council of greater Baltimore. "The first sentence there is no subject more painful then the issue of sexual abuse."
Murray went on to say that the Rabbinical council only coming out now because there is shame on their side.
Now we need to move past this and we need rehabilitation of survivors and the offenders.
We went to rabbis to get things fixed. I myself personally did not go to all the rabbis, others also went and were met denial.
Most of the rabbis stated it's not molestation, the perpetrators are going to get married, he's going to yeshiva -- he's going to be fine, he won't molest again.
No one who went directly to the rabbis, felt they were being taken seriously.
Thousands of white-collar criminals across the country are no longer being prosecuted in federal court -- and, in many cases, not at all -- leaving frustrated victims and potentially billions of dollars in fraud and theft losses.
About 5 1/2 years after the Bush administration restructured the FBI following the 9 /11 attacks, the White House and the Justice Department have failed to replace at least 2,400 agents transferred to counterterrorism squads.
Two attorneys general have rejected the FBI's pleas for reinforcements.
Larry Cohen said, Should these rabbis and community leaders who refused to act still be in leadership roles today?
Moshe said my wife has been abusing our children for years.
The rabbis of Baltimore, Child Protective Services, therapist and family courts have failed to protect my children.
Last time my wife abused the children was on yom tov. She took a knife and cut his daughter. He's gotten no help from rabbis.
Numerous cases of the abuse reported. The courts and the rabbis have been impotent.
What am I supposed to do?
I think the community of Baltimore should hire The Awareness Center to clean up their act.
I don't think anyone should be sending their children to any of the yeshivas there until it's got the JSAFE and TAC seal of approval.
If someone is afraid of chilul Hashem when the media reports on a molester, the chilul Hashem is much greater if the media later goes to town about a cover up.
In mid-February, I sent,on behalf of my new group-in-formation, the NYS Yeshiva Parents Association, a letter to selected state legislative leaders asking for new laws protecting nonpublic school children:
1. Mandatory fingerprinting and FBI background checks (Last year we won a new law permitting this - now we want it required);
2. Mandatory reporting of all sex abuse and violent incidents to government authorities;
3. Mandatory abuse-prevention and safety plans;
4. Mandatory registration with the State Education Department of all nonpublic school employees, and mandatory disciplinary hearings for claims of sex abuse or violence.
I have asked the Rabbinical Council of America, the Orthodox Union, and Agudath Israel for their support of this legislative package. I have heard nothing yet. The RCA is having their annual convention on April 29 through May 1 at the Jewish Heritage Museum in Lower Manhattan. I have asked the RCA for a Resolution supporting these proposed new laws, similar to their May 2005 Resolution when they supported background checks. I suggest that all blog readers have a role to play, and that they lobby both our Jewish organizations, and our state legislative leaders, for the passage of these proposed new laws which will bring parity between the public and nonpublic schools in terms of health and safety. For more information, please feel free to contact me at efpasik@aol.com.
Elliot B. Pasik, Esq. | 04.15.07 - 7:21 pm
whats up with that lawyer that jumped from the 69th floor of the empire state building on friday, his levaya was today at the shomer hadas chapels in boro park , anybody know the story there?
That was Margo's lawyer that jumped.
I'm completely freaked out because I know who this is. He did work for some big profile lawyers in the city. One attorney was looking for him a month ago but all of his phone / cell / fax numbers were not working. The attorney was dumbstruck how Kanovsky just fell off the face of the Earth.
He was not Margo's lawyer but may have been subcontracted work from one of them.
Man jumps from 69th floor
NEW YORK, April 14, 2007 (UPI) -- Onlookers were horrified when a man's leg hit the ground after he jumped out of a 69th floor window at New York's Empire State Building.
The man was identified at 31-year-old lawyer Moshe Kanovsky, 31, The New York Daily News reported Saturday.
The rest of the man's body was found on a 30th floor landing, but the leg surprised and horrified tourists on the street.
"I cried and got sick to my stomach," said Theresa Colon, 46, a tourist from Virginia who was with her 11-year-old daughter and 16-year-old niece. "I pray he knew who God was."
Investigators questioned employees at the two law firms that share the 69th floor, but it was not clear why Kanovsky jumped.
"He was interviewing a client," said a man who works in the suite. "He just got up, opened the window and jumped."
Lawyer Moshe Kanovsky.
Moshe Kanovsky was doing work for us when he suddenly lost it.
And the beat goes on. la-de-da-de da. Gerrer Neegeenim Toof Shin Samech Zoyin.
seems as if boog forgot the gerer niggun that broke first place on all radio stations for 15 weeks in a row............
Boog was right about Psachya Wolfowitz.
Police sources said the man eased his way out of the window so slowly that those around him didn't realize what was going on until it was too late.
The man, described as being in his 30s, was not employed by Levine & Blit, said a worker who answered the office's phone yesterday afternoon. Other sources said the man was a lawyer who worked with a firm that leased office space from Levine & Blit.
"Everyone was passing out once they'd looked at it. It is hard to describe," the employee said.
The jumper fell to the 30th-floor parapet, but the impact severed his leg, which then fell to the street.
"I was sweeping. I had my head down, and the leg fell right in front of me," said Jamie Brown, 32, a maintenance worker.
"I was outside, smoking a cigarette," said Chris McCormack, 34, who works on the building's 34th floor. "Something flew right next to me, and I heard a large bang, like an M80 exploding."
"I'm just disheartened," said Lisa Hill, 48, who works at a cosmetics company across the street from the iconic, 1,454-foot office building.
"How could somebody just give up like that?" Hill asked. "It's awful."
The building remained open as police investigated the scene, and the line for elevator rides to the observation decks was two hours long.
I didn't know NY Magazine had such a morbid "sense of humor"
Apparently more than 30 people have jumped to their deaths from the 76-year-old tower. The AP does not report how many dismembered themselves in the process.
The "Something Stinks" guy over at Canonist is really giving SIW a hard time. SIW can't just laugh him off like his other pro-UOJ opponents because Stinks is too articulate and convincing. What's really funny is that no one could get SIW until now to admit that people like Rav Blau are in favor of the UOJ method. Stinks finally forced it out of the putz, so SIW pretends like he's an equal who is entitled to be cholek on him.
There's a Nachman Moshe Kanovsky who is a big builder all over the Catskills. He's been involved in a bunch of lawsuits and is usually represented by Yaakov Kanovsky from 53rd St in Boro Park or represents himself. Is this the same mishpoche?
Sorry for the typo @ 6:23PM. It was supposed to read "Vicki Polin". My apologies to this Isha Tzidkonis (rightuous woman)
One of the 7 mitzvos for bnei noach is to set up a court system. If they fail, the punishment is Hariga al yiday Sayif and there is no Hasraah. Al achas kama v'kama, Bnay Yisroel are held accountable. Tzadikim, afilu k'chut hasaarah. Oy lanu l'yom hadin. And on a matter of (abizrayahu shel) Giluy Arayos, nuch der tzu!!
Look what happened to Cham for what he did to Noach. What do we deserve for our current actions - an ice cream cone?
Let's all line up behind Mr. Pasik, and let's make a Kiddush HaShem.
Does anyone know if some of the fraudsters and embezzlers in the community have a gambling addiction? Between all the heimishe guys who run to Atlantic City and Foxwoods there is bound to be some percentage. I just read an article this week that after casinos opened in the Niagara Falls areas, white collar crime shot up dramatically because people need money to fuel their addiction.
SAFE does some work with gambling addicts but how can you trust a group that employs Bungalow Putz Neuhoff?
I can understand your cynicism in light of the transparent hypocrisy by these rabbis from Baltimore. However, you must admit that this letter is a major accomplishment in that we finally have in writing an admission from these Establishment rabbis that there has been a massive coverup of sexual abuse. The acknowledgements that a molester has the status of a "rodef", that the rabbis are ill equipped in dealing with these issues, that victims should go to the police and that it is okay to publicize the names of perpetrators, show that we've come a long way in this battle. This is a major step forward from "sweeping under the carpet" and "no penetration means no violation". This letter needs to be appended to include the four points that Elliot Pasik posted here:
1. Mandatory fingerprinting and FBI background checks
2. Mandatory reporting of all sex abuse and violent incidents to government authorities;
3. Mandatory abuse-prevention and safety plans;
4. Mandatory registration with the State Education Department of all nonpublic school employees, and mandatory disciplinary hearings for claims of sex abuse or violence.
Once they'e appended the letter with these crucial points, then they need to get this letter signed by all the roshei yeshivot in New York and all other major cities.
Regarding Eiseman, I think his days are numbered at NIRC now that Sheftel Neuberger has been forced to sign on to this letter. UOJ, you need to convince at least one of Eiseman's victims to contact the police or to file a lawsuit against him and NIRC. Regarding Eisgrau, I'm sure there will be a Murray Levin or David Framowitz that will come out and expose him, considering all the publicity that is being generated. UOJ, you can see that your hard work is starting to pay dividends. This letter surely falls short of addressing what needs to be done going forward. However, it is certainly a major step in the right direction.
Wadaya know! 19 rabbis in Balimore just farted in the wind.
To quote UOJ:
"As long as Moshe Eisemann is living on the Ner Israel campus surrounded by hundreds of children, and Eliezer Eisgrau is principal of Torah Academy of Baltimore, your words mean as much to me as those of your fellow "clergymen", albeit of a different faith, the "Most Reverend" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson!
Brave rabbis....Admitting sexual abuse "exists" in the Jewish community with a figurative gun at their heads, knowing that scores of Jewish sexual abuse victims nationwide are talking to journalists, attorneys, the various D.A.s, and the police.
This is one Jew you can't jive!"
Believe it or not, there are a few guys camped out on Gilligan's blog who are upset and criticizing the Baltimore rabbonim for "giving in to the lynch mob" and "allowing loshon hora". One of these losers tries to present a scholarly like menu of poskim who supposedly forbid publicizing the identity of molesters. Either these guys are mentally ill or they are molesters who know that UOJ is comng to get them.
The danger of the "UOJ method", i.e. anonymous accusation of child molestation, is that one person is prosecutor, judge and jury. and that an innocent person can be railroaded. On the other hand, the danger of the method heretofore used by the rabbinic leadership, let's call it the "sweeping it under the rug method", is that pedophiles go on molesting.
Okay, so the Baltimore rabbinate was forced to do something by Phil Jacobs' story. And yes it is undoubtedly damage control. Regardless of their motives, there is now a document to hold them to, and the letter hits most of the right notes. I think the following is a key acknowledgment, that the sweep it under the rug method is a failure:
Can we produce the same result — safety for the community — without going public? We do not know if we can. We do know that we as rabbis are not qualified to manage the behavior of such a person such that we can confidently say that he poses no threat to his community.
What I find so very interesting is that the polls I put up, reflect an accurate snapshot of what concerned Jews across the globe feel.
The e-mails I get from some very prominent rosh yeshivas and rabbonim across the spectrum are urging me on.
The fact is the vast majority of Jews, while pleased with the letter from the vaad, are certain that it would never have happened if "us the people" didn't "riot in the streets".
The rioting will continue...........Just a few months ago R' Salomon said there was a "few isolated incidents-and they were dealing with it in a "Torahdig" way".
"And ONE slipped through their fingers"...and one of the "Gedolim" said Kolko must have done teshuva because he had not heard any complaints RECENTLY!
The Bloggers must be "Maskilim" and "they should have their teeth knocked out"........
And Dovid and Reuvain Feinstein died NOT want to "get involved with Margulies" although they KNEW a member of their own family got molested by Kolko twenty long years ago..............
Incredible to consider how much evil, destruction of tyreh yiddeshe neshomas, and ruined family lives has been perpretrated and resulted by and from the twisted invocation of "Loshon Horah" to intimidate, coerce, and threathen victims from coming forward.
This generations lineup of "Rabbis" have besmirched and disgraced their calling and will have much to answer for.
You go guy!
As Rav Blau said: covering up a Chilul Hashem creates even bigger Chilul Hashem.
No one at the Agudah was smart enough to figure that out? I don't think so. What other reason do they have for covering for Margo?
Keep going UOJ your at ure best
My nephew graduated YU last year
and told me about huge amount of gambling among the students there
both online and in dorm rooms!
Is Rabbi Simcha Shafran (one of the signers) avi's father ??
I'm gonna get a drink...be back:-)
UOJ! UOJ!...............................................................................................................
I'm getting tired...Boog take over!
UOJ must be exhausted after a long day. How could you have roll call without royal mention of Leib Pinter & co.?
Those guys mentioned before who financially support the Spanish Moroccan Rabbi Assayag and were arrested for fraud were running online gambling sites. How many YU guys lost their money with them?
Call Rabbi Assayag and ask him if running an online gambling site has the same tokef as mesachek bakuvye that makes a psul eidus.
The Agudah sounds like my kind of organization.
Some of you have voiced the opinion that the families are innocent. To some extent, particularly in the case of the individual who is now deceased that is true.
However, in some of the instances that have blown open during the past decade and a half the parents knew the allegations floating around their offspring and did the avleh to both their respective children and the wider community of shipping them off to prey on the innocent children of another environment.
You may ask how we could expect a parent to confront such a thing head on. The responsible parent understands that it may be necessary to exhibit tough love and have their child committed to some facility to deal with the issue rather to expose their child to further temptation and the innocents they victimize to peril.
I have had personal experience in dealing with people in the frum community who have been victims of abuse. I can tell you that our present leadership has shown itself to be clueless in regard to many of these and other issues concerning mental health. The insensitivity and arrogance from the boomer generation of Rabbonim does not bode well for our generation. We should cherish the few Zekainim we have left while we have them.
Posted by: Shaindelle at April 16, 2007 08:36 PM
How does UOJ have time if he also goes after all the ganovim out there?
Who are these guys Belsky and Mendel Epstein who submitted a bill for services?
Here's a nice puffy newspaper story about a couple from Teaneck making aliyah to Israel.
Here's the background. The husband was jailed in Passaic which must have changed their outlook about hanging around NJ.
If you receive stolen property you're not in gantzin a ganav. That's how Leib Pinter learns.
It's a good thing for the small time crooks that you guys are busy bashing the Pinters most of the time.
The case of Rabbi Gershon Friedlin
County of conviction Middlesex
DOB 1937-03-04 Year of conviction 1997
Age at sentence 60 Indictment number 96-02-00282-I
Age today 70 Type of charge Indictment
Statute description SEX ASSAULT 4 YR>VICTIM
Sentence date Monday, 03/31/1997 Fine $1,500
Jail time* 00 years 00 months 000 days Lab fee $0
Parole ineligibility 00 years 00 months 000 days DEDR $0
Probation 03 years 00 months Restitution $0
Penalty $50
Published: June 12, 1994
Patti Joy Levine and Cabot Jeffrey Marks, lawyers in New York, are to be married this evening at Shadowbrook, a restaurant in Shrewsbury, N.J. Rabbi Gershon Friedlin is to officiate.
Don't people know to stay away from a shutfess of a crooked Hungarian mit a crooked SY?
Freehold, N.J.— The New Jersey attorney general and its Division of Consumer Affairs is suing bankrupt retailer Sofa Showcase and its principals, charging they violated consumer protection laws by selling defective merchandise, failing to deliver items ordered, improperly billing consumers and improperly denying refunds, among other things.
A Monmouth County Superior Court judge has imposed temporary restraints on the retailer, barring it from disposing of any assets that may ultimately be used for consumer restitution, and from colleting payments from consumers.
The six-store Sofa Showcase filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in July, listing assets of $100,000 to $500,000 and debs of $1 million to $10 million. It has closed all but its Freehold store, where a liquidation sale is in progress.
The suit names as defendants Sofa Showcase, Chief Executive Officer Joseph Dweck and Shaya Waldman. Dweck is not the same Joseph Dweck who is a partner in Newark, N.J.-based Furniture King, nor is he a relative.
Waldman is named in the suit as chief operating officer, but attorneys representing Dweck and Sofa Showcase say Waldman is not a principal or officer in the company. It is believed that Waldman is leading a group of former Sofa Showcase employees that reopened some closed locations under the name Carolina Furniture Direct, said Peter Broege, an attorney representing Sofa Showcase in the bankruptcy proceedings.
In a press release, Consumer Affairs said it has received more than 250 complaints against Sofa Showcase since 2001, most of them in recent months.
"Through what we allege to be a pattern of deception and misrepresentation, the defendants took consumers' money and misled them into believing the furniture they ordered would be delivered by a certain date," said N.J. Attorney General David Samson. "In fact, in some instances the furniture never arrived or, when it did, it was defective or not what the consumer ordered."
The state is seeking a court order permanently barring the defendants from violating the Consumer Fraud Act, appointing a receiver, freezing assets and requiring the company to pay restitution.
Putz Waldman was later criminally charged.
The case of Joseph Schick
County of conviction Bergen
DOB 1984-06-10 Year of conviction 2004
Age at sentence 20 Indictment number 03-09-01807-I
Age today 22 Type of charge Indictment
Statute description AGG SEX ASSLT-<13 YRS.
Sentence date Friday, 06/04/2004 Fine $800
Jail time* 08 years 06 months 000 days Lab fee $0
Parole ineligibility 07 years 07 months 000 days DEDR $0
Probation 00 years 00 months Restitution $0
Penalty $100
Been reading your comments on SIW. Great job, keep at it.
The UOJ results speak for themselves. New dawn breaking.
Lawyer: Church ignored signs of abuse
April 16, 2007, 10:20 PM EDT
A young woman who was molested by her Catholic church youth minister when she was a teenager choked back tears Monday morning as her lawyer told a jury that church leaders saw signs of abuse everywhere and did nothing about it.
The woman and a young man, both of whom were raped repeatedly over several years by Matthew Maiello beginning in 1999, are suing Maiello, the East Meadow church where he worked, the priest who supervised him and the Diocese of Rockville Centre for $150 million.
Newsday is withholding the names of the plaintiffs because they are victims of sexual abuse.
It is the first time the diocese has come face to face with its accusers in a sexual abuse case in court. Most cases have been settled or they have fallen outside the statute of limitations.
Maiello, who pleaded guilty to rape and sodomy of the two plaintiffs and two others in 2003, served more than 2 years in prison for his crimes. He was not in court Monday.
"The question for us today is, who let this beast loose to run free among the flock ... picking his victims at will?" asked Michael Dowd of Manhattan in his opening statement Monday before Justice Bruce Cozzens in State Supreme Court in Mineola.
Brian Davey, a lawyer for the diocese, said the Rev. Thomas Haggerty, the pastor at St. Raphael's Roman Catholic Church, fell victim to Maiello's lies, just as others did. He noted that the family of Maiello's female victim knew Maiello well -- even vacationed with him -- yet never suspected he was harming their then-15-year-old daughter.
Davey also said both the plaintiffs are functioning well in their daily lives, questioning their assertion that they still live in fear.
"Father Tom is not responsible for the crimes of Matthew Maiello," Davey said.
But Dowd said Haggerty failed to do even a basic background check on Maiello. He said Molloy College in Rockville Centre could have told Haggerty that Maiello failed his Bible class, but got an A in the Psychology of Women.
Haggerty, whom Dowd called as his first witness yesterday, admitted that he would not have hired Maiello if he had known he had poor grades. Haggerty's testimony is expected to continue Tuesday.
Dowd said that once Maiello was hired, he was allowed to take students unsupervised into his office in the convent basement. There, Dowd said Maiello forced the two plaintiffs to have sex with each other and with him on videotape while Billy Joel music blared in the background.
Dowd said parents and other parishioners began to notice the inappropriate relationship between Maiello and the female plaintiff, and even held a meeting about it at the church.
"These defendants chose in a real way not to protect the children who were entrusted to them," Dowd said.
(IsraelNN.com) The Rabbinical Council of Greater Baltimore, an organization of Baltimore’s Orthodox Rabbis, issued a letter to their community warning about the dangers of sexual abuse, encouraging parents to talk to their children about recognizing abuse, and instructing the community that the local authorities can be contacted in such an event.
They also acknowledged their own inexperience and lack of training in dealing with issues of sexual abuse, and expressed a willingness to publicize names of potentially dangerous offenders. The letter was the most far-reaching of its kind in recent memory, and comes in reaction to a spate of recent reports of abuse throughout the Jewish world.
uoj..KEEP IT UP,
Slowly but surely the cowards are cracking one inch at a time, more and more victims are crawling out from under the agudah's rug, and victims are becoming predetor to their abusers, now thats what i call "ONE HECK OF A JOB"
"They (the Baltimore rabbis) also acknowledged their own inexperience and lack of training in dealing with issues of sexual abuse, and expressed a willingness to publicize names of potentially dangerous offenders."
*************NEW POLL***********
Q. Given the fact that some of the Baltimore molesters are still active in positions around minors are we going to see a list of molesters posted by the Baltimore rabbis soon?
Possible Answers:
1. Not very likely.
2. Not a prayer of a chance.
3. Positively not.
4. Only if UOJ, JWB and V. Polin keep these rabbis in the self clean cycle of the oven for a bit longer.
lvf (leizerowitz fukthim forever),
dream on
not until the press and courts in ny gets to these bastards will aguda do a blasted thing
sorry to deflate your hopes
As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 75-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday's shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 32 dead and over two dozen wounded.
Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter, who had attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, "but all the students lived - because of him," Virginia Tech student Asael Arad - also an Israeli - told Army Radio.
Several of Librescu's other students sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman's way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe.
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
The following handwritten letter was posted in the Agudah of Baltimore yesterday afternoon:
"Based on last week's vicious article in the Baltimore Jewish(?) Times and other articles of the past, it is my opinion that it is totally inappropriate for this publication to be found in any Jewish home.
וְלֹא-תָבִיא תוֹעֵבָה אֶל-בֵּיתֶךָ, וְהָיִיתָ חֵרֶם כָּמֹהוּ; שַׁקֵּץ תְּשַׁקְּצֶנּוּ וְתַעֵב תְּתַעֲבֶנּוּ, כִּי-חֵרֶם הוּא. "
Rabbi Heineman's signature and seal appear on the paper
Child abuse case in the Morristown, NJ area.
Who's this guy Dr Chaim Haber who's whining on the blogs that it's wrong to publicize the names of abusers?
Gilligan must be all bent out of shape over the Baltimore article. He's been busy the last couple days deleting and editing all kinds of posts on his blog if someone talks about UOJ or names any criminal including Kolko and Margulies.
Then after SIW criticized Gilligan for going soft about UOJ, Gilligan wandered over to tell him like a little sycophant that it's an unfair characterization because he has "mixed feelings" about UOJ.
In Marlborough, the Kedem Winery was flooded.
which blogs? There is only one UOJ
Who started that rumor that Boog is really me?
Any news on this?
Shlomo Mandel was indeed warned by UOJ that he would reveal his 'glory days' of Telz if nothing changed with Nussbaum - and nothing has changed, Nussbaum is still tutoring boys at yob.
Baltimore Jewish Times Editor Neil Rubin knew his paper’s Friday article detailing sexual abuse allegations against a deceased rabbi would be controversial. But running the article, he says, was the right thing to do.
In the April 13 article “Rabbi’s Abuse Victims Suffer Years Later,” investigative editor Phil Jacobs recounted the stories of three people who say they were abused by Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, the former principal of Talmudical Academy. Shapiro died in 1989.
According to some estimates, Shapiro molested hundreds, the article states.
“He was never charged with anything,” Rubin says of Shapiro. “To the best of our knowledge, he was never publicly accused of anything before this. We talked to many people on the record, many people who were not in the story. Many people knew about this. It was one of those unspoken things in the community.”
Since the article ran, the Jewish Times has received some backlash, Rubin said.
“We can’t say definitively whether they’re true or not true,” Rubin says of the allegations. “We anguished over it. I had relatives who grew up under this guy’s tutelage. My mother said to me, ‘You broke my heart. I understand why you did it, but you broke my heart.’ ”
Jacobs first started reporting the article some seven years ago, but ramped up efforts within the past nine months, Rubin said.
“Meeting with family members, Phil felt very strongly that one of things that’s not written about is the impact on the victims,” Rubin said. “And he’s given them a voice.”
The Jewish Times included in its story a rebuttal to expected criticism, under the headline: “Rabbi Shapiro Is Deceased. Why Print This?”
“There are estimates of hundreds of molestation victims who weren’t able to ‘defend’ themselves while the rabbi was alive,” the Jewish Times wrote. “There are young men whose lives were changed forever because of his acts. Some of these men are more figuratively ‘dead’ than Rabbi Shapiro will ever be.”
Rubin said he knew the story would upset some people.
“We have some very angry people now,” he said. “We have some people who are quietly saying, ‘Way to go, me too.’ People were coming up to me and asking me about this story. People are saying, ‘How dare you.’ Nobody’s saying it’s wrong. ”
Despite the criticism, Rubin says his paper is undeterred.
“We’re going to be doing follow-ups,” he said.
“This was not a hit-and-run. We’re having the conversation that we need to have,” Rubin said.
Shlomo Mandel was indeed warned by UOJ that he would reveal his 'glory days' of Telz if nothing changed with Nussbaum - and nothing has changed, Nussbaum is still tutoring boys at yob.
One thing let me say about UOJ, he always delivers. He will release information as he sees it fit, when he and if he deems it necessary to do so. That's my take on it.
Halachah condones prisoner exchanges
Anonymous said...
UOJ recently had information posted about molester scandals at the Moroccan synagogues in Toronto. Rabbi Benayon was the rabbi of the French speaking one where someone was molesting boys in the bathroom. Part of the reason nothing happened is because even the parents of the victims helped to cover it up.
So when will UOJ tell us about Shlomo Mandel's "Glory Days"?
The Munkatcher Rebbe was the shortstop on the Telzer baseball team back in high school
He could throw that speedball by you, make you look like a fool boy
Saw him the other night at this roadside mikva, I was walking in, he was walking out
We went back inside sat down had a few drinks, but all he kept talking about was
Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of an eye
Glory days, glory days
Well there's a Telzer shmuck Herzl Kranz that lives down in Maryland
He's Leib Pinter's mechutan
Sometimes on a friday i'll stop by
and have a few drinks after he puts his latest scandals to bed
He and his bankroller Jack Abramoff, well they split up, I guess it's two years gone by now
We just sit around talking about the old times
He says when she feels like crying
He starts laughing thinking about
Chorus: Glory days well they'll pass you by Glory days in the wink of an eye Glory days, glory days
Now i think i'm going down to the well tonight and i'm going to drink till i get my fill
And i hope when i get old i don't sit around thinking about it
But i probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture, a little of the glory of, well time slips away
And leaves you with nothing mister UOJ but, boring stories of glory days
Chorus (repeat twice)
Lacking expertise other than tangential acquaintance with two characters from the AwarenessCenter's roster of infamy, I have little to share other than a disquieting feeling that the nameless victim and Eglah Arufa procedures of the Sages might be a befitting analogy to the current discussions.
Bo | 04.17.07 - 11:57 am
Well said, and I've shared the thought on more than one occasion. After World War II, one American rav said he could participate in the mitzvah of eglah arufa becauase he had been involved in Vaad Hatzolah activities. This brings to mind Gil's quoting a Gemara in his Queens speech a few months ago, saying, If there's something wrong with a generation, look at the rabbis.
Elliot Pasik, Esq. | 04.17.07 - 12:48 pm
Our "Rabbis" should give up their 'day jobs'.
Boog, how will the rabbonim make a living then? We have enough people in the community who steal to make ends meet.
UOJ, I just noticed that you reposted a copy of the Belsky hazmana this month.
This post here by an "R. Roberts" who is very strongly rising to Belsky's defense, sounds like Dr. Rich Roberts, a BT who gives me the creeps. He used to live in Yardley PA and is currently living in Lakewood. He owns a generic pharmaceutical outfit in the Philly area, doing 2-3 billion in annual sales that is constantly getting in trouble with the FDA for knocking off other manufacturers. People have also been asking how he is given a heter to operate on Shabbos when it is his private company.
"Boog, how will the rabbonim make a living then?"
For starters, in order to instill proper indoctrination and respect, we will make them write 5000 times on lined paper, single side only in neat legible script:
'Work is good, work is happiness, to work is to fulfill Torah Min Hashamayim."
This 4-letter word now properly osmosized into their very being, they will be placed in a 9-5 job by the Agudah Commission on Job Placement.
Just prior to their first day on the job, they will be given an orientation lecture by "Rabbi" 'Dr.' Sruly Singer.
A former rebbe at TA told me that the boys would often get even with old man Shapiro by crazy gluing his office lock. Shapiro and Skaist then got in the habit of filling and shooting a squirt gun filled with solvent to dissolve the glue. Evidently the YTT bochurim were smarter by using toothpicks that are more cost efficient and harder to remove.
I wonder what R' Shlomo Miller from Toronto thinks about Shapiro. He went to TA as a young boy. R' Shlomo is one of the good guys. He wrote that letter blasting Mendel Epstein, Peretz Steinberg & Belsky, while throwing in a dig at Mordechai Tendler.
Please try to avoid traveling in the Northeast until Friday. Rivers are still rising and causing life threatening floods - even in urban areas.
The Chabad community worldwide was shocked to hear of the tragic death of a young Shlucha Mrs. Shterna Sarah Rosen A"H, wife of Harav David Rosen, Rosh Yeshiva in Baltimore, Md. and daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Levkivker, one of the Roshei Yeshiva in Yeshivas Chabad Tzfas.
Mrs. Rosen died in a car accident yesterday evening at about 6 PM while returning to Baltimore with her husband and children from Montreal. Apparently, the accident occurred due to the extreme weather. The rest of the family miraculously survived.
Please say Tehilim for the infant Malka Freida bas Shterna Sarah.
Kevin Poulsen of Wired.com, which reports on technology trends, wrote in October that he performed an automated search of MySpace that found 744 profiles of people listed on the federal sex offender registry -- including 497 who had victimized children.
Parry Aftab, a New York attorney and author on cyber-crime issues, said finding a potential victim on the Internet is like "shooting fish in a barrel."
"You can find the kids who are more vulnerable, and therefore more likely to engage in these high-risk activities by reading what they're posting on their profiles," she said.
"A young woman who was molested by her Catholic church youth minister when she was a teenager choked back tears Monday morning as her lawyer told a jury that church leaders saw signs of abuse everywhere and did nothing about it."
What's the difference between heimishe Hungarianism and Catholicism?
Apr 15 2007
By Ken Oxley, The Sunday Sun
Megan's Law was a stupid idea from the outset... one that only gung-ho, gun- toting, hang `em and flog `em Yanks would be dumb enough to introduce.
Had the Home Office gone the whole hog, a British-style Megan's Law would have allowed the names and addresses of known paedophiles to be published.
That would have resulted in one of two outcomes, neither of which is desirable in a civilised society.
Either they would have been maimed - or possibly killed - by vigilantes or they would have been hounded out of their homes, forcing them underground. There are about 30,000 registered sex offenders in the UK, with nearly 1300 of them classed as a severe risk to the public. It is very likely that there is one or more living near you already. But do you really need to know who they are and where they live?
Even a proposed half-way house - which would have allowed people to check if a paedophile was living near them - would have been disastrous. What good would it do anyone to know a sex offender is living nearby, but not know their identity?
It would have created a climate of paranoia where every unmarried man, quiet widower or confirmed bachelor would be regarded as a potential child molester by his neighbours. Is that the sort of community you want to live in?
Of course much of this information is graciously provided by UOJ.
Shocking that Curtis Sliwa is protecting a molester.
Curtis Sliwa’s attempt at damage control only confirmed what a shameless fraud and hustler he is.
Whale Seen In Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal
WNBC, NY - 13 hours ago
NEW YORK -- Authorities were trying to rescue a whale that had wandered into Brooklyn's Gowanus canal on Tuesday. The whale was reportedly in distress
I heard a rumor that there is a sign posted in Baltimore's Agudath Israel Synagogue telling congregants not to purchase the Baltimore Jewish Times. The the ban was implemented as a response to the story published exposing the case of rabbi Ephraim Shapiro.
I guess rabbi Moshe Heinemann better warn his congregants to also ban the Baltimore Examiner, because they also published a story on the alleged serial child molester. According to both articles Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro is believed to have raped hundreds of children during his rein of alleged terror. Why should rabbi Heinemann care if one of his buddies allegedly committed more crimes against humanity then most? The issue rav Heinemann has against the Baltimore Jewish Times is that "Hamon" (oops I mean rabbi Shapiro) died back in 1989. He doesn't feel one should publish a story against a dead man. What more harm can he do. It's obvious that rabbi Heinemann just doesn't get it. He's refuses to be educated on the long term ramifications that child molestation plays on it's victims.
If anyone has the opportunity to go into Agudath Israel and take a picture of the sign, please send it to me?
I guess rabbi Heinemann does not believe in the constitution of the United States that provides first amendment right in which there is freedom of the press. I also guess he doesn't believe his congregants should be educated consumers. Why should they be allowed to know what is really happening in their community?
I'm wondering if Moshe Heinemann also against the idea of allowing his congregation having the right to think for themselves?
One has to start to wonder what Moshe Heinemann is also trying to hide from his followers?
Is rabbi Heinemann really afraid for his congregants to learn the truth? Could this be why he frowns upon his shul's membership using the internet and also going on blogs (like they do in Lakewood, NJ)?
Last week the letter from the Vaad Harabbonim came out in which Rabbi Moshe Heinemann signed. Why would Heinemann sign the letter if he wasn't going to comply with it?
I wonder what HaRav Heinemann is going to do when it comes out that rabbi Shapiro's son, Rabbi Yisroel Shapiro is also an alleged child molester? I wonder what part he had in covering up this case too?
Kavod Acharon For Professor Librescu
Shortly after the devastating news broke of the massacre at Virginia Tech, the family of Professor Liviu Librescu was notified of his death. As reported HERE on YW, the 75-year-old Holocaust survivor sacrificed his life to save his students.
The family immediately contacted the ZAKA Organization in Eretz Yisroel to help expedite the release of the niftar, who in turn advised the family to contact Rabbi Isaac Lieder in Monsey, NY.
Rabbi Lieder quickly contacted the medical examiner’s office in Roanoke, Virginia, and explained that the professor was Jewish and Jewish law prohibits performing an autopsy on a deceased person. They guaranteed Rabbi Lieder that even though they were dealing with the largest investigation of a shooting on US soil, there would in fact be no autopsy, just a minimally invasive procedure to remove the bullets, followed by a few x-rays.
Rabbi Lieder contacted Rabbi Yossi Kranz, who is the Chabad shliach in Virginia to go to the medical examiner’s office and act as a shomer for the niftar, while explaining to them that an autopsy is forbidden according to Jewish law.
Rabbi Lieder was scheduled to fly by private jet with Mr. Eli Rowe of Queens Hatzolah to pick up the niftar. Unfortunately, due to inclement weather, they were unable to fly. Rabbi Lieder drove in a private vehicle to the medical examiner’s office in Roanoke to take the niftar to New York City.
Rabbi Lieder, who spoke with Yeshivaworld, told of the amazing cooperation of state police in states along the way, which provided him with police escorts the entire way. He specifically mentioned the cooperation of the governor of Virginia’s office, various Virginia congressmen, and other public officials.
The niftar will be brought to Shomrei Hachomos Chapels in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Wednesday, where a taharah will be preformed by the Chesed Shel Emes Organization under the leadership of the esteemed askan, Rabbi Mendy Rosenberg.
A levaya is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. at Shomrei Hachomos, after which the niftar will be flown to Eretz Yisroel for another levaya and kevurah.
It's interesting how so many things are interconnected. One of the signatures on Belsky's fraud bittul kiddushin was some obscure rabbi no one heard of with the first name Gimpel. I asked around and it turns out he's from Shaarei Torah in Suffern (founded by Berel Wein). The Agudah doesn't seem to like Wein and that yeshiva but not enough so that they will publicly criticize. As far as I know, there was only one bochur from Shaarei that ever made it to Lakewood. Incredibly the guy didn't know that you're not allowed to be mashchis payos and was getting haircuts with his sideburns buzzed off bare above the ears. Yitzy Miller from Fallsburg (R' Shlomo's son) walked by and did a double & triple take. Er iz mamash mishtomem geven.
read more about the letter
I'm not defending Rabbi Heineman, but I will say this: If you call him, either he'll answer the phone or he'll call you back. He's very accessible. Then you can ask him why he banned the Baltimore Jewish Times.
I guess rabbi Heinemann does not believe in the constitution of the United States that provides first amendment right in which there is freedom of the press.
It's the First Amendment that codifies his right to criticize the Baltimore Jewish Times and urge people to boycott it. The Constitution controls behavior of the government, not private individuals.
You have the right to publish. That doesn't mean people are obligated to read what you write. Freedom of speech works both ways.
UOJ should get someone to take a picture of Heinemann's letter before it gets taken down.
The father of Binyomin Jolkovsky, editor and publisher of JewishWorldReview.com, is in critical condition in a Brooklyn hospital. Binyomin writes:
Prayers are priceless. Thousands -- literally -- have written me to
say that you have/are/and continue to beseech the One Who grants
life on behalf of my father, Yehuda ben Rivka. I'm
As to my father's condition, the doctors tell me that the next 48
hours will be crucial.
** It hurts me to write this (and I hope my father never sees it!)
but several letters exhorted me to just give up. My father is in his
80s, and most men don't live that long. Now's his time to go, they
Well, not only did my father give me life, he strongly influenced
it. I'm CERTAIN that it's my sonly duty -- and, more importantly,
responsibility -- to influence others to help give him back the
ability to live.
In addition to praying on his behalf, I'm requesting that you do
something else: Perform an extra act of kindness that will make our
world a better place. IMAGINE HOW MERITORIOUS IT WILL BE for my
Juda Englemeyer is a big mouth from the Lower East Side. He has gotten into arguments with people about the Manhattan "eruv", for which he is a leading advocate, on the Canonist blog and was not very respectful of R' Moishe's shita. It's very fitting that he is a gun for hire for the French shkutzim.
April 16, 2007 -- He was European rockin' royalty until he saw the light of the rebbe.
Now Isaac Bitton's former bosses at Le Marais, a French kosher steakhouse in Manhattan, may use his fast-living past against him in their $10 million lawsuit denouncing allegations they failed to maintain a kosher kitchen.
In his youth, Bitton was famous as Jacky Bitton, the drummer for Les Variations, a hard-rock band that topped France's music charts and played on bills with 1970s supergroups Aerosmith, Kiss and Bachman-Turner Overdrive.
More recently, Bitton was a mashgiach, or kosher supervisor, at Le Marais. After he quit the job last month, he posted a blog accusing the restaurant's chef of allowing bugs in the salad and permitting non-kosher margarine and shellfish in the kitchen.
Bitton also said the chef was a "Jew hater," and he urged Jews to boycott the eatery.
A spokesman for Le Marais suggested that Bitton's regret over his former lifestyle made him too strict in applying Jewish laws at the Midtown eatery and too quick to accuse co-workers of breaking the rules.
"He saw the other side and the extremes that a rock-and-roll life can lead to," said the spokesman, Juda Engelmayer. "He applies his own standards . . . he loses touch with the essence of what Jewish law is about."
Bitton, under a judge's gag order, declined to be interviewed. A hearing in the lawsuit is set for next week in Brooklyn Supreme Court.
"I'm sure Jacky is right," said Marc Tobaly, who was one of Bitton's bandmates. "Jacky is a great guy, very talented, very generous, but maybe too hard-headed when he thinks he's right."
Bitton, 59, grew up in Morocco's Jewish community. He moved to Paris at age 18 and formed Les Variations with Tobaly and other Moroccan Jews.
"We were the biggest rock band in France in the era of The Who and Jimi Hendrix," Tobaly said in a phone interview from Paris.
Les Variations usually sang in English and was known for the Arab influence in its music. The band's best-known U.S. album was called "Moroccan Roll."
On one of its U.S. tours, Les Variations was to open two shows for the Rolling Stones when a band member took ill, leading to the group's breakup.
Influenced by Chabad's famed spiritual leader, the Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, Bitton traded his rock-and-roll lifestyle for the observant ways of the ultra-Orthodox.
He married, settled in Brooklyn and fathered a big family.
Music remains a major part of Bitton's life. He put out an album of religious rock in 1980, and another in 1984. Some of his music is on a MySpace page, and he is planning to hold a concert next month.
In the 1991 Crown Heights riots, Bitton and one of his young sons were attacked by an angry black mob as police stood nearby in riot gear; Bitton said the cops did nothing to help him. The city settled Bitton's lawsuit over the incident for $200,000.
Find your new neighbors
Oui, oui! Steven I Weiss told us to hire his friend and neighbor from the LES, Juda Engelmayer because he does not like that Bitton saved people from treif by violating journalism rules about blogging.
Le Marais — Paris’ oldest district, known for its trendy gay nightlife and a falafel restaurant “recommended by Leni Kravitz.”
The rabbi who accused haute kosher restaurant Le Marais of not hewing to dietary law is being sued by the place’s owners, who are calling out his youthful indiscretions.
The sign by Rabbi Heinemann has been removed as of today, Wednesday, April 18, 2007.
Tough Dude,
I keep saying that the rabbis do not need to be policed, and UOJ keeps refuting me. That's not kavod hatorah.
Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me):
Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
Dr. Carol Tavris
Why do people dodge responsibility when things fall apart? Why the parade of public figures unable to own up when they screw up? Are we all liars? Or do we really believe the stories we tell? Renowned social psychologist Dr. Carol Tavris takes a compelling look into how the brain is wired for self-justification. When we make mistakes, we must calm the cognitive dissonance that jars our feelings of self-worth. And so we create fictions that absolve us of responsibility, restoring our belief that we are smart, moral, and right — a belief that often keeps us on a course that is dumb, immoral, and wrong.
Dr. Tavris is a social psychologist
The more the rabbis try to hide, the bigger the klop they are going to receive.
Think about your own survival !!
You will lose. There is no doubt about it. It might take 1, 2 or 3 years (if not sooner). Make amends, do tshuva and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to salvage some respect.
Truth be told:
Up until the last minute, the Baltimore rabbis were hoping we would cancel the story, and they would therefore find no need to send out their letter.
We were urged not to go to press, but Neil decided to push forward. The final straw was UOJ's publishing of the abridged version of the article. They knew they were in trouble and mailed out the letter right after yom-tov.
UOJ is indeed correct, the rabbis were coerced in to the mailing, they would never have mailed it out if not for the story being published.
Rabbi Heinemann's conduct exemplifies the worst of the rabbinate by posting the shameful note in his shul. He should be severely chastised for his double-speak.
We will continue to publish and publicize these crimes and will not be intimidated.
Wait a second. Go back and Rabbi Heinemann's note.
He didn't ban the BJT. He didn't say don't read it. Just don't bring it into your home. Its not a takana, its advice, to follow or not follow.
What did he mean by writing what he wrote? That the BJT, like every newpspaper, Jewish or non Jewish, needs to be screened before you bring it into the home. There may be material in its that is unfit for children. The truth is, the Shapiro article is unfit for children. This particular issue should not be brought into the home, and if it is, certainly kept hidden from the children. Let the parents explain to the children the difference between good touch and bad touch, and the need to stay away from bad people. This type of article shoudl not substitute for parents.
I agree that the article should have been printed. I agree with Rabbi Heinemann too, although perhaps he could have written in a different style, with some elaboration.
Anon 6:48,
The letter posted by Heinemann was clearly intended to undermine the publication for printing it. Stop with the pollyana pilpulim! It's sickening!
moishe’s soul is gone
hearts are broken
and heads are fogged.
i hope his hurt will go away
this kind of hurt that lingers
like this dreary day.
and every soul does feel it
but we dont know how to say…
just words.
feeling words.
the kind that set you free.
there used to be a place for them,
a rebbe, perhaps?
with a big strong heart-
with a patient ear…
but they’re lost.
i think they’re broken
does anyone have some glue?
to know sadness like this
might fix them
but how do you know
and still be safe to feel?
i hope it’s nice
when moshiach comes.
and we can ask moishe
to tell us how he feels…
Anonymous said...
Dr. Haim Haber, You must have a doctorate in denial, because you don't know anything about tramau survivors. Or you are maybe a hired hand to discredit the righteous.
How about a little sympathy for the victims! JUST A DROP!
What's really going on is that Heineman is all talk.
But the rest of us are mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. People like you and Heineman do not help Bnei Israel when you do. But some of the rest of us try to make sure ALL our actions are Shem Shemayim. And you can't stop us.
It took me a while to take back my psak on e-commerce transactions, but when I heard UOJ was revving up about my handwritten sign attacking the BJT newspaper, I broke Olympic records running to the Agudah shul to rip it down.
I understand that R' Heinemann and R' Sheftel are upset because the letter that they signed was not the letter that was sent to the community....
Heinemann couldn't even write the letter that he's too chicken to leave up without snidely calling the paper "Baltimore Jewish (?) Times" mit a groise bitmiya.
Maybe this Rav Hamachshir (???) should first worry about putting his hashgocho (???) on bags of lettuce that are full of bugs.
[According to Mishpacha Magazine] Wealthy Satmar Chasidim spent a quarter of a million dollars for the Seder of the Satmar Rebbe R' Zalman Leib. The new Rebbe could not use his father's (the previous Rebbe's) things because of the dispute [over leadership] between him and his brother [Zalman]. Therefore his Chasidim bought all new stuff. Here is a partial list of what was bought:
Kos Shel Eliyahu - $80,000. The cup weighs 70kg (154 lb) and holds 26 liters (6.8 gallons).…
Kiddush Cup - $30,000
A bed for leaning - $25,000, made out of gold, silver, and silk
Matzah Cover - $6000
Kapotah - a few thousand dollars, made from white silk and pure gold
All in all $250,000.
According to the US Census, the medium family income in Kiryas Joel is $15,372 and 62 percent of the village lives below the poverty level. Wonder how their seder table looked.
Shmarya adds: Of course, the US Census only counts declared income, not the gray and black dollars made by cheating the government and other frauds.
Funny story today with Yitzy Miller. He's a geshmakke guy and quite a kanoi. A reliable eyewitness told me he was at Samuel's restaurant on 16th Ave. Two chassidishe am haaratzim started making fun of Rav Schach within earshot of Yitzy. Yitzy made a machoa, they shouted at him, and before you knew it, the situation escalated out of control. The restaurant threw everyone out who got involved in the heated conversation.
I don't think he was going to come anyway, but after all that talk about R' Shlomo Miller becoming the rov of Westgate on the Lakewood-Jackson border, Shmelka Pinter built a shul & weasled his son into the rabbonus.
Can you imagine a shul with the filthiest ganovim in history on the mizrach vant when the fetter and tatteh visit? I wonder what kind of hypocritical droshos are given there, along the lines of the two faced garbage in Leib's seforim.
UOJ hasn't been attacking me lately. I wonder if he's lulling me into a false sense of security before a huge onslaught?
Isn't TA in Baltimore a branch of Chofetz Chaim?
R' Shlomo Miller was on his way to beoming a gadol there. He sat at the back learning Gemora during limudei chol. The teachers allowed it as long as he did well on tests.
UOJ, if you don't mind answering, we all know your opinion of Avi Shafran, but what do you think of his father Rabbi Simcha?
"Why do people dodge responsibility when things fall apart?"
Excellent point as usual by UOJ.
In the yeridas hadoros, many rabbonim are more interested in protecting their bank accounts and more generally their read ends than doing what is right.
Isn't there a Gemora that lavishes praise on Dovid hamelech for admitting his mistakes?
I don't mind answering at all. R' Simcha Shafran is the father of the biggest dunce and mentally handicapped body at 42 Broadway. That's what you get when Ephraim Shapiro is the mesader kiddushin...you father an "Avi".
I hope that answers your question. A good question deserves an honest answer.
4/18/2007 (11:30 pm) -- I was told by a reliable source that the sign posted was taken down this afternoon. I was also told that the ban against the Baltimore Jewish Times is still implemented.
I'm suggesting that everyone buy two copies of the Baltimore Jewish Times this week. It's one very loud and clear message to Rabbi Heinemann that this type of behavior is not going to work to silence survivors from speaking out. It's time to double the sales of the Baltimore Jewish Times.
New Jersey Attorney General Stuart Rabner says he has reached a settlement with Motorola worth $190 million.
New Jersey is the lead plaintiff in a class action securities fraud lawsuit filed against the company in January of 2003. The plaintiffs allege Motorola misled shareholders about the nature of its business dealings with the Turkish telecommunications company Telsim.
I heard that Vicki Polin from The Awareness Center met with Rabbi Heinemann today regarding the letter that was posted against the Jewish Times.
If Shmarya is calling for a boycott of Star K, what about the Manhattan restaurant Buddha Bodai that he stuffed his face in the other day?
Buddha is the name of an Eastern religion idol.
It's probably still under the same fake, phoney, fraud, Rabbi Israel Steinberg who advertises on his garbage teuda that he's a musmach of Yeshiva Tora Vodaas. His restaurants can be open on Shabbos and the "kashrus" is a complete joke. His neighbors from Boro Park say the charlatan won't eat the food he himself certifies because he knows better than anyone that his supervision is a scam.
And Tammuz is the name of a Babylonian deity. I'm sure you'll still keep calling the month by that name.
And what, pray tell, does this have to do with anything?
Shouldn't the proper grammar be "based on other articles in the past" or "based on other articles from the past"?
His grammar sits about as well with me as his edict.
It's an issur d'Oraysa to mention the name of an avoda zara. The poskim say there are specific exceptions. I believe that Tammuz is one but I don't remember the reason. They say that Mercury is mutter because Merkolis in the old Greek is actually making fun of the deity.
In any case, at a time when there is so much shmad among our brothers with Eastern religions, it's not very fitting that a "rabbi" embarasses his alma mater Torah Vodaath by affixing their name to this garbage.
Tougher Dude said...
It's an issur d'Oraysa to mention the name of an avoda zara.
Where does it say this?
At the end of the day, the child sex abuse problem is not an academic exercise. Its about children committing suicide, children abusing drugs, children abusing alcohol, children abandoning Judaism. Its about depression, pills, dropping out of school, eating disorders,anorexia nervosa. Its about parents shlepping children to therapist appointments, and writing out checks, over and over and over again, for weeks, months, and years.
Some of us need to establish our priorities.
Elliot Pasik, Esq.
UOJ do you know whether Israeli authorities are aware of Colmer, and are keeping him in their sites?
Has word about him been spread by word of mouth, or been publicized in any way by any media in ? Has his reputation and picture been spread within the frum communities or yeshivas where he may look for new prey?
I'm concerned for their welfare.
There are most definatly "bad rabbis" out there... the fact that you keep going after rabbi yudi kolko is WRONG. I believe the allegations against him are exactly that, i do NOT have a reason as to why they are alleged, however i know rabbi kolko as a rebbe from when i was a child, a mentor in my teenage years, and as a rabbi and collegue as an adult. I do NOT believe he is capable of the alleged crimes, i do not know the supposed victims, i do NOT know if their is any conspiracy between them, i do not know if they are ppl looking for a dollar..and the funny thing is NONE OF us know this forsure... I think though, the fact that this man dedicated his life to his talmidim and gave his life to his campers and students gives him the same right that the worst criminals have which is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....Why cant we give the man that? why continually shmutz his name? he is a man with kids and grandkids? would u want ur zaidy farshmutzed like that, even if ur zaidy WAS guilty? lets give rabbi kolko the benenfit of doubt that anyone else would get and some sort of respect....
I hope to god he is innocent, and pray that he is.....but let him have his fair day in court and let justice be served..and at the end, 120, hashem will have the final word..UOJ and others that bad mouth rabonim should be very careful, as hashem looks out for his soldiers...our rabbonim are human and its possible for a rav to make a mistake and support and innocent person, but more likely for us laymen to attack an innocent person, as often we talk on hearsay and not on facts...
WIshing u all a good shabbos and some thoughts to think about....
be Dan Lkav Zchus and we will all be happier people...
anon 6:47 PM.
You're right. It's all a vast right- conspiracy led by Rush Limbaugh (Lay off the Vicodin, Rush!) to discredit Orthodox Judaism.
Why stop with Kolko?
There are enough Hall of Shame candidates to fill every day of Sefirah, and then some.
And the fact that none of our wonderful rabbonim are talking about this problem means that it isn't one.
I could tell the minute that I read David Framowitz' account in NY Magazine that he was a brazen liar just out for the gelt. Yup, shifty-eyed, sweaty little Jew boy. It's always been about the money with us, Anon. Right?
"be Dan Lkav Zchus"
- can somebody please translate, word by word?
"be Dan Lkav Zchus"
- can somebody please translate, word by word?
This dan lkav zchus moron (or as UOJ so eloquently put it - "raging lunatic") doesn't know that halacha is behind those that have railed against Kolko Leizerowitz & Bryks for all these years. The halacha is clear with regard to a supposed rabbi or talmid chochom that a "kol" or rumor has been dodging him for a long time. At best L'Meichish Miboia due to Sunee Shimanei as is obvious from the gemarah in Moed Katan 17 and 18 and all the Rishonim and Poskim from all generations.
It's an issur d'Oraysa to mention the name of an avoda zara.
"Where does it say this?"
Elohim acherim lo sazkiru. Lo yishoma al picha.
"be Dan Lkav Zchus"
I guess the Kool-Ade has a good hechsher. Maybe the Star-K?
To Dan Lkav Zchus,
I pray your child never gets abused, first of all there are to many victims for me to cry over another one, secondly were would your "Dan Lkav Zchus" go to heaven forbid if your child was raped/molested by a sick individual dressed in rebbi garb,
or would you just be like the many parents that in order not to besmirch the family name will not do s**t about it, huh! which one are you ? would you have the balls like david framovitz(by the way you owe him an apology) to come forward and take on the cowards that silenced fathers and mothers for 40 years with threats, would you lbe able to look the many that have come forward about their rebbi/teacher/councler in the eye and tell them what you just wrote ? were you in kolko's car whenever he was driving it, or were you in the boilerroom whenever he went to turn the "Heat" up ? NO YOU WERE NOT..
were you with him 24/7/365 that you can say he did not do it ?
WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT THESE PERVERTS LOOK LIKE ANIMALS, knock it into your head they do not, they look like freindly nice people, they will give you a smile , even offer you his lap to sit on ,oh! while he is at it why not a hug/kiss/or just a little touch , these guys might look normal but they are sick twisted animals.
the way you write it seems that you have no knowledge whatsoever on child molestation and sick perverts, so SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!
I think though, the fact that this man dedicated his life to his talmidim and gave his life to his campers and students gives him the same right that the worst criminals have which is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....Why cant we give the man that?
What would convince you of his guilt? Please be specific.
Dan Lkav Zchus Said.
UOJ and others that bad mouth rabonim should be very careful, as hashem looks out for his soldiers...our rabbonim are human and its possible for a rav to make a mistake.
yeah, 40+ years the same mistake,
how stupid can you be.
as to "hashem looks out for his soldiers", the rabonim and people like you should be extra special careful, for hashems true soldiers, the young innocent neshomos that were abused and violated, are the ones that he looks after, as it says "Tzakas hadal Takshiv Vesoishia"
Anonymous said...
I think though, the fact that this man dedicated his life to his talmidim and gave his life to his campers and students gives him the same right that the worst criminals have which is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....Why cant we give the man that?
What would convince you of his guilt? Please be specific.
what would convince you of his innocence. Since you're the one making accusations, YOU be specific.
The Real Issue
Whether or not "Rabbi, Teacher, Molester" should have been published or not is an issue that must not distract us from the on-going crisis we have been ignoring for much too long. Several points that must be understood to address this scourge.
First, individuals do not become child molesters because they are rabbis, priests, choir leaders, camp counselors, or youth workers.
People who are child molesters chose to enter these and similar professions for the same reason that Willie Sutton chose to be a bank robber –– to gain access to the object of his desire. As long as some professions provide increased access to children in relatively private environments, child molesters will be disproportionately represented in those professions.
Second, the fact that child molesters are disproportionately represented in some professions is not a reason to make our children suspicious of people who enter these professions. The vast majority of people in each of these professions are not child molesters and child molesters are well represented in every profession.
Third, our children must be taught that no one — not a father and not even a mother — has the right to touch private parts except under very limited circumstances. Our children must be taught at a very young age what those limited circumstances are and what to do if someone touches any of those private parts other than under those limited circumstances. Three years of age is not too early to begin this discussion.
Fourth, as a behavioral health professional and executive I am exquisitely aware of the need to have sympathy and empathy for people with exceptional challenges. Yet, there can be no doubt that sympathy and empathy have absolutely no role in dealing with child molesters unless and until there is absolutely no risk whatsoever to any child.
Fifth, the first and primary rule when dealing with the possibility of child molestation is to report this to the appropriate authorities. Only professionally trained investigators are qualified to determine that a report of child molestation is credible or not. Just because a report does not sound credible to you does not mean it did not happen.
Sixth, there is no one –– NO ONE –– who absolutely can not possibly be a child molester. Child molesters cultivate reputations as model citizens specifically to deflect suspicion away from them.
Seventh, while a high proportion of child molesters have histories of being molested as children, the vast majority of children who were molested do not become child molesters. As more people display the extraordinary courage to publicly share their status, it is important for us to know that they deserve our admiration and support. The percentage of people molested as children is dramatically higher than most people suspect. If you are one of them and you are a molester, GET HELP NOW! If you are not a molester, stop worrying! Most of us would never consider inflicting the pain we suffered as children on anyone else.
Dr. Paul Volosov
Salisbury Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.
angry man said...
Anonymous said...
I think though, the fact that this man dedicated his life to his talmidim and gave his life to his campers and students gives him the same right that the worst criminals have which is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....Why cant we give the man that?
What would convince you of his guilt? Please be specific.
what would convince you of his innocence. Since you're the one making accusations, YOU be specific.
Multiple accusations from unrelated individuals. Now, your turn, what would convince you that he's guilty. I am certain you will not answer this question with specific examples.
It's true that "Rabbi" Israel Mayer Steinberg is a con artist. One company keeps getting in trouble with the NYS Agriculture Dept because they write on the label that it's under his "Orthodox" supervision. This is a line of perishable stuff sold at Whole Foods. State agents have gone in to take evidence from time to time. It's against State law to say that because his "standards" are NOT Orthodox. The only thing that's under his Orthodox supervision is what goes into his own fat boych. The morons at Failed Messiah who are defending Steinberg say a vegetarian restaurant doesn't need hashgocho. That's not true and plus Steinberg has fleishig restaurants all over suburban NY & NJ. Shmarya is a huge hypocrite. He usually rails against the Steinbergs out there but he's now conspicuously silent after stuffing his face and enjoying the food. He even had a post about his big fress outing there this week.
I darshan that Elohim acherim = UOJ
and the suffering of victims lo yishoma al picha
angry man said...
Anonymous said...
I think though, the fact that this man dedicated his life to his talmidim and gave his life to his campers and students gives him the same right that the worst criminals have which is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....Why cant we give the man that?
What would convince you of his guilt? Please be specific.
what would convince you of his innocence. Since you're the one making accusations, YOU be specific.
If every accuser would recant, then I'd be convinced of his innocense. Now your turn, what would convince you of his guilt. I won't hold my breath waiting for your specific response.
The halachos of kol do not put the onus on us to find reasons why he's innocent. If Kolko's innocent, HE has to prove it.
Elohim acherim = Internet
and anything outside Boro Park lo yishoma al picha.
Elohim acherim = rabbonim fun a freerdikke dor, und lo yishoma al picha vos me hert nisht by der Agudas Yisroel fresser convention.
What's else is being done to put Margo, that out of control mobster, out of commission?
The Daily News interviewed Steinberg a few months ago at one of his mistomma treif restaurants in Downtown Brooklyn. The buffoon went on about his high, uncompromising standards (in the same article the owner admits he's open on Shabbos). You'd think he was trying to impersonate Gornish.
It would be an outrage if the OU money grubbers take them on after this.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
MEZONOS MAVEN- uncovered, finaly
Update: The Owner says he's getting the Volover & the OU. WOW!
Mezonos Maven lost the Hashgochas of the OK & Hishachdus.
We brought this problem to the attention of the kosher certifiers about a year ago.
The Hashgochas decided to attempt some band-aid remedies which didn't work.
Was it good till now?, NO.
I admit I made a mistake thinking that it was an acceptable bakery after we caught them working on Shabbos.
The Nirbarter & some Kehila establishments among some others refused to use their products
posted by Yehuda Shain at 1:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Yudel Shain did it AGAIN.
Why is everyone in Kashrus so slow in picking up what "the rabble rouser" picks up?
4/19/2007 1:36 PM
Chaim said...
It is spelled finally.
Why do you always claim after a problem is established that you found it beforehand?
Why don't you spell out, in a comprehensive list, all the institutions, restaurants, establishments, etc. that have certification but are no good in your opinion.
Then if something happens, you'll have credibility if it was on your list beforehand. Instead of always claiming credit after hand.
4/19/2007 5:37 PM
Yehuda Shain said...
It was well known who set-up the sting operation to catch them working on Shabbos-you were sleeping.
Ask Hisahdus
Does Margulies order the yeshiva's bread from Mezonos Maven? I'll have to send a hazmana to Yudel Shain for motzee shem ra.
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