Victims Press Brooklyn D.A. To Seek Abuse Suspect's Extradition From Israel
Nathaniel Popper | Fri. Jul 28, 2006-The Forward
In the wake of new revelations about sexual abuse in the Orthodox community, pressure is mounting on the Brooklyn district attorney to seek the extradition of a man who fled to Israel after being indicted for sex offenses.
Avrohom Mondrowitz was indicted in 1984 on four counts of sodomy and eight counts of sexual abuse in the first degree after years as a school counselor in the Brooklyn Orthodox community. Three of Mondrowitz's alleged victims, who had not been aware of the original investigation, recently approached an Orthodox lawyer who has passionately taken up the case. One of those men has since given his testimony to the Brooklyn district attorney's office, which would be responsible for requesting extradition. Another of the victims plans to go to the district attorney, Charles Hynes, in the next week.
The district attorney preceding Hynes had pushed for Mondrowitz's extradition from Israel in the 1980s, but Hynes dropped the effort after he was elected in 1989, according to recently released government documents. The new set of victims to come forward say they are pained by Mondrowitz's continuing freedom, and the lack of effort by Hynes and the Orthodox community in pursuing the suspected abuser.
Every time somebody gets let down as a victim, it's a further continuation of the abuse, said Mark Weiss, who says he was abused by Mondrowitz during a summer week with the counselor when he was 13. He's just sitting there, taunting us, saying ˜Hah, you're never going to catch me, I know the system too well.
Weiss, who is now 39, said that just a few weeks ago a friend in Israel says he saw Mondrowitz on the streets of Jerusalem, speaking with a group of children. Mondrowitz has been a teacher at the Jerusalem College of Engineering, posting his lectures and syllabi online.
A spokesman for Hynes, Jerry Schmetterer, said the Brooklyn district attorney's office is ready to arrest Mondrowitz if he ever returns to the United States. But Schmetterer says the D.A.'s office is hamstrung by Israeli law, which in the 1980s did not classify Mondrowitz's alleged crime ” sodomy ” as rape. For extradition to go forward, the crime generally must be punishable in both countries. In fact, the Israeli rape law was changed in 1988 to include sodomy, but Schmetterer said the extradition treaty cannot be used retroactively.
Our position is that he cannot be extradited; he could not be extradited then, and he cannot be now, Schmetterer said.
That line of legal reasoning was explicitly rejected by the American embassy in Tel Aviv, soon after the Israeli law was changed. In a cable to the State Department, the embassy said that they had talked with officials in the Israeli Justice Ministry and determined that because Mondrowitz could eventually be charged under American rather than Israeli law, the retroactivity should not be an issue. The new law presents us, we believe, with an opportunity to reopen the extradition case of Avrohom Mondrowitz, the embassy said.
The government documents were uncovered by Michael Lesher, the attorney who has gathered together the three new alleged victims to press the case. Other legal experts told the Forward that while there could be legal complications, the district attorney's office could pursue the extradition.
I don't think the D.A. is being aggressive enough, said Douglas McNabb, who specializes in international extradition at a Washington, D.C., law firm. If I were a victim I would be very upset that the D.A.'s office is not pursuing this matter.
The extradition was a clear priority for Hynes's predecessor, Elizabeth Holtzman. Her office pushed the State Department on the matter. At one point the Israeli government signed a deportation order, but the situation ended in a stand off, according to a State Department memo. When Hynes took office, and his assistants were asked if they wanted to pursue the case, one of those assistants informed the State Department that they would not be pursuing the case any further at this time, according to another memo.
Schmetterer said that the Brooklyn D.A.'s office dropped the issue after knowing for years that it could not pursue Mondrowitz.
Anti-abuse activists in the Orthodox community say Hynes's silence may have been due to pressure from the Orthodox community, which they claim has historically been reluctant to see alleged sex offenders prosecuted. The activists, including Lesher, point to a 14-person Jewish advisory council that Hynes assembled soon after he was elected, comprising members of the Orthodox leadership in Brooklyn. One woman who has been at odds with the leadership for years, Amy Neustein, said she was told by two members of Hynes's council that the community did not want to see Mondrowitz prosecuted.
The rabbis have no comprehension of the injury of sexual abuse, said Neustein, an anti-abuse activist. They have no comprehension of why the victims want justice.
One member of Hynes's Jewish council, Rabbi Herbert Momzer, er Bomzer, said he does not remember Mondrowitz's extradition being discussed by the council. Bomzer did say that he knew Mondrowitz when the younger man was a counselor at Yeshiva University's high school, and that Mondrowitz had been loved by the students.
When asked if he would now support extradition proceedings, Bomzer, president of the rabbinical board of Flatbush, said: If he has managed to get to Israel and is protected by the law there then leave it alone.
Weiss, the 39-year-old alleged victim of Mondrowitz, said that from the beginning it had been clear that many members of the Orthodox community wanted him to let the case go. He said he had been molested when his father sent him to spend a week with Mondrowitz at a difficult moment in Weiss's adolescence. During that week, Mondrowitz's family was in the Catskills and, Weiss claimed, each night he was coaxed into bed by Mondrowitz.
What's difficult to think about is that he was so smooth ” so manipulative, Weiss said. It was as if it was all my choice.
Weiss said that he blocked the experience out for years, but a run-in with Mondrowitz during high school conjured up the memories and led to a breakdown. He first told his parents, but they told him he must be mistaken. He's a frum man, Weiss remembers his parents saying, using a Yiddish word meaning religiously observant.
A few years later, a principal at the yeshiva that Mondrowitz had attended summond Weiss ” but after giving over the details, Weiss said, nothing happened.
The incident faded into the background for many years, but in 2001, Weiss was drawn out by what was billed as a night for healing at a New York school for Orthodox boys. Weiss showed up with high hopes, but he says that the event turned into a series of speeches by rabbis who spoke in allegorical terms, rather than dealing with the victims in the room.
Weiss decided to go outside the Orthodox community when he read an article in New York Magazine last month, detailing the case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a teacher at an Orthodox boys school in Flatbush who was sued by alleged former victims. Kolko has not yet filed opposition papers.
The second alleged Mondrowitz victim, who has already gone to Hynes and who wishes to remain anonymous also said it was the Kolko article that prompted him to step forward. For both, the hope is that Mondrowitz will be brought to justice and made an example of, in the words of the second accuser.
I want to show that abusers can't get away with it, that we as a community will no longer stand for the routine cover-ups of abuse, and to try to put some finality to that chapter of my life, he said.
It is likely that the new complaints would not be included in the counts, if Mondrowitz is arrested, due to the statute of limitations. But the men both say they hope their voices will increase the pressure on Hynes.
Recently (June 14, 2007) Stefan Colmer was arrested in Israel at the request of U.S. authorities, who are seeking his extradition to stand trial in Brooklyn on charges of severe child sexual abuse involving at least two victims (ages 13-14), both Orthodox Jewish boys.
Sadly, it will come as no surprise to those familiar with these issues that Colmer is far from being the only party responsible for these crimes. Colmer's history of child abuse goes back more than ten years, and it was no secret to several rabbis, none of whom ever reported Colmer's crimes to authorities. Instead, Colmer was shuffled from community to community -- without so much as a warning to each new neighborhood -- while rabbis falsely claimed to victims that Colmer was "under control" or "being watched," and in some cases actively discouraged them from contacting police.
This is bad enough. But if we don't act quickly, another inexcusable injustice along the same lines will be committed. Even as Stefan Colmer's extradition is being sought from Israel for his crimes against our children in Brooklyn -- and despite pleas from victims and their advocates -- the Brooklyn District Attorney has so far refused to add an extradition request for Avrohom Mondrowitz, who has already been indicted for child sex abuse even worse and more extensive than the charges against Colmer. Under the current extradition treaty, Mondrowitz is subject to extradition just as Colmer is, and legally the case against him is ready for trial. Unfortunately, D.A. Charles Hynes continues to believe that the Orthodox community is unwilling to see Mondrowitz prosecuted for his heinous crimes against children, and is therefore -- amazingly -- ignoring this outrageous case.
WE MUST CHANGE THIS. NOW -- while the extradition of one child molester is being formally sought from Israel to Brooklyn -- now is the time to show the D.A. that WE WANT MONDROWITZ BROUGHT BACK FOR TRIAL TOO. This is a man believed to have abused or sodomized as many as hundreds of our children, and who has been living openly in Jerusalem for years, thumbing his nose at his victims.
WE MUST DEMAND JUSTICE NOW. With the recent improvement in the U.S.-Israel extradition, nothing is lacking to have Mondrowitz brought to trial but the will of the Brooklyn D.A. to stand up against the rabbis' wall of silence and demand the prosecution that is his legal obligation. It would be an insult to Mondrowitz's many victims if justice is selectively pursued for one hareidi child abuser who took refuge in Israel -- but not Mondrowitz.
Steve---A great friend of the blog, furnished us with these e-mail addresses. Kindly e-mail them as well!
Dov Hikind:
Charles Schumer:
Go to the following website:
Hillary Clinton:
Go to the following website:
Elliot Spitzer:
Go to the following website:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
For The People That Want To Know What The Agudath Israel Does For Judaism!
1 - I'm really serious now, if anyone can introduce to me a bigger behaima, farshtuppte kup, shtik-ferd, and brainless putz in any Orthodox Jewish organization- than Avi Shafran, I'll pay big bucks to meet that individual.
2 - While you're on, be certain to check out the new and improved items at: All proceeds will go towards bribing--Jake the flake Perlow-- to dump Shafran out the window at 42 Broadway. BTW, If you know of any other person that is misbehaving, that seems to be a religious individual, please keep me posted.
Rabbi Avi Shafran: Name Abuse - June 22, 2007
There is tragically much chilul Hashem in our world. Whether murder and mayhem in the name of religion or misbehavior on the part of seemingly religious individuals, actions that push holiness away from a world that so direly needs it are considered by the Torah to constitute a singular sin.
Recently, though, a quite literal desecration of Hashem’s name unexpectedly came to my attention. A cataloger at a law school library, Mrs. Elisheva Schwartz, called with a disturbing discovery. She had come across an online vendor seeking to make a few dollars off the marketing of clothing and kitsch bearing the Sheim Hamefurosh.
An English dictionary will call the Sheim the Tetragrammaton, based on the Greek word tetra, meaning “four”; and grammat, meaning “letter.” If it is a good dictionary it might also include the fact that Jewish law considers the Sheim so holy that it is forbidden today to pronounce or ever to treat in anything but a deeply honorable manner. According to halacha, of course, a piece of parchment, paper, cloth or pottery bearing the Sheim must be carefully preserved or solemnly buried. When it occurs in krias haTorah or tefilla, it is not read as written but rather as the less holy Sheim Adnus.
The vendor in question, for reasons unknown, had decided to print the holy Hebrew letters on an assortment of tee shirts, mugs, buttons and other articles, including underclothing and dog sweaters.
We live in a free society, of course, and nothing prevents anyone from exercising his or her right to personal expression, even if it may be offensive to others. But nothing prevents anyone, either, from voicing pain born of such offense. And so I contacted Café Press – a sort of online flea-market that the vendor was using to sell his or her wares – to register Agudath Israel’s chagrin at the commercialization and degradation of Hashem’s name. Please consider making a decision, I wrote, that is “respectful of Jews and Judaism.”
Within hours, what seemed a stock reply arrived. Café Press, it informed, provides its services to “a rich and vibrant community of individuals across the globe who differ in their views about what is considered offensive.”
Well, I’m sure it does and they do. All the same, though, I’m also pretty sure that the site isn’t being used to peddle dog sweaters bearing, say, the Arabic word for Allah.
So I inquired about whether Café Press had any code of standards regarding offensiveness. Again, a reply arrived quickly, directing me to where I could find the company’s standards. To its credit, the code is a responsible and comprehensive document. And one category of prohibited content was: “Material that is generally offensive or in bad taste, as determined by”
And so I wrote again, reiterating that “from the perspective of all religious (and many less-than-religious) Jews, the placement of G-d’s holy Hebrew name on a piece of apparel, not to mention apparel like underwear or pet sweaters, is profoundly offensive.”
“Which leaves us,” I concluded,“with the ‘as determined by’ clause. “And so I ask: What is your determination?”
That was many days and two more inquiries ago. Thus far, no reply. Perhaps the administrators of the site are in the process of informing the vendor that his or her merchandise doesn’t meet their company’s standards. Or perhaps they are not.
Either way, though, should any readers of these words happen to have access to e-mail and share Mrs. Schwartz’s and my feeling of offense at the commercial debasing of something deeply holy to Judaism, please consider making an inquiry of your own to Café Press.
The address for such communications is . Needless to say, inquiries should be polite and reasoned. And if – as I hope – the company’s response is that the merchandise at issue has been removed from the site, then a sincere expression of hakoras hatov to the company is in order.
In that case, not only Café Press’ decision but our expressions of gratitude will constitute a kiddush Hashem.
[Rabbi Shafran is director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America.]
1 - I'm really serious now, if anyone can introduce to me a bigger behaima, farshtuppte kup, shtik-ferd, and brainless putz in any Orthodox Jewish organization- than Avi Shafran, I'll pay big bucks to meet that individual.
2 - While you're on, be certain to check out the new and improved items at: All proceeds will go towards bribing--Jake the flake Perlow-- to dump Shafran out the window at 42 Broadway. BTW, If you know of any other person that is misbehaving, that seems to be a religious individual, please keep me posted.
Rabbi Avi Shafran: Name Abuse - June 22, 2007
There is tragically much chilul Hashem in our world. Whether murder and mayhem in the name of religion or misbehavior on the part of seemingly religious individuals, actions that push holiness away from a world that so direly needs it are considered by the Torah to constitute a singular sin.
Recently, though, a quite literal desecration of Hashem’s name unexpectedly came to my attention. A cataloger at a law school library, Mrs. Elisheva Schwartz, called with a disturbing discovery. She had come across an online vendor seeking to make a few dollars off the marketing of clothing and kitsch bearing the Sheim Hamefurosh.
An English dictionary will call the Sheim the Tetragrammaton, based on the Greek word tetra, meaning “four”; and grammat, meaning “letter.” If it is a good dictionary it might also include the fact that Jewish law considers the Sheim so holy that it is forbidden today to pronounce or ever to treat in anything but a deeply honorable manner. According to halacha, of course, a piece of parchment, paper, cloth or pottery bearing the Sheim must be carefully preserved or solemnly buried. When it occurs in krias haTorah or tefilla, it is not read as written but rather as the less holy Sheim Adnus.
The vendor in question, for reasons unknown, had decided to print the holy Hebrew letters on an assortment of tee shirts, mugs, buttons and other articles, including underclothing and dog sweaters.
We live in a free society, of course, and nothing prevents anyone from exercising his or her right to personal expression, even if it may be offensive to others. But nothing prevents anyone, either, from voicing pain born of such offense. And so I contacted Café Press – a sort of online flea-market that the vendor was using to sell his or her wares – to register Agudath Israel’s chagrin at the commercialization and degradation of Hashem’s name. Please consider making a decision, I wrote, that is “respectful of Jews and Judaism.”
Within hours, what seemed a stock reply arrived. Café Press, it informed, provides its services to “a rich and vibrant community of individuals across the globe who differ in their views about what is considered offensive.”
Well, I’m sure it does and they do. All the same, though, I’m also pretty sure that the site isn’t being used to peddle dog sweaters bearing, say, the Arabic word for Allah.
So I inquired about whether Café Press had any code of standards regarding offensiveness. Again, a reply arrived quickly, directing me to where I could find the company’s standards. To its credit, the code is a responsible and comprehensive document. And one category of prohibited content was: “Material that is generally offensive or in bad taste, as determined by”
And so I wrote again, reiterating that “from the perspective of all religious (and many less-than-religious) Jews, the placement of G-d’s holy Hebrew name on a piece of apparel, not to mention apparel like underwear or pet sweaters, is profoundly offensive.”
“Which leaves us,” I concluded,“with the ‘as determined by’ clause. “And so I ask: What is your determination?”
That was many days and two more inquiries ago. Thus far, no reply. Perhaps the administrators of the site are in the process of informing the vendor that his or her merchandise doesn’t meet their company’s standards. Or perhaps they are not.
Either way, though, should any readers of these words happen to have access to e-mail and share Mrs. Schwartz’s and my feeling of offense at the commercial debasing of something deeply holy to Judaism, please consider making an inquiry of your own to Café Press.
The address for such communications is . Needless to say, inquiries should be polite and reasoned. And if – as I hope – the company’s response is that the merchandise at issue has been removed from the site, then a sincere expression of hakoras hatov to the company is in order.
In that case, not only Café Press’ decision but our expressions of gratitude will constitute a kiddush Hashem.
[Rabbi Shafran is director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America.]
Thursday, June 21, 2007
1- Agudath Israel Of America- These hoodlums had the time to issue two statements against the parade in Jerusalem, but did not find the time to chastise Rabbi Lazer Ginsburg, the Mirrer Yeshiva, and Osher Berenbaum and Co. for harboring and enabling indicted pedophile Stefan Colmer.
2- Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky - The rabbi that sent Moshe Eisemann off to Ner Israel because he did not want a sexual predator in his yeshiva, and URGED the parents of the victims of Stefan Colmer NOT to go to the police! Shame on you, you're a disgrace to your father's memory!!
3- The entire staff at the Mir Yeshiva who was aware of the danger that is Stefan Colmer, and did not even have the humanity to call any rabbi, not one, in Passaic - warning them as to why Colmer ran off to Passaic.
4-The entire Baltimore community including their gang of idiots "Vaad", who were prepared to welcome Aron Tendler into their community without a word of protest. Aron Tendler is dangerous as well as his brother Mordecai and their uncle Shalom from Los Angeles. These sub-humans have caused vast amounts of disgrace to Judaism and the Orthodox rabbinate, and all of them, all three should be banned from the rabbinate, they should not be near women and children, and publicly disgraced for their despicable inhumane and criminal behavior.
5-Sheftel Neuberger, for permitting Moshe Eisemann to continue to live on the Ner Israel Campus, and Aron Feldman for endorsing Moshe Eisemann's new book on nothing!
6-I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe that the New York State Legislature will pass the mandatory fingerprinting bill for sexual offenders in private schools. Sheldon Silver-- Your'e a disgrace to Judaism and humanity!
Readers...feel free to add your choices to the UOJ Hall Of Shame!
2- Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky - The rabbi that sent Moshe Eisemann off to Ner Israel because he did not want a sexual predator in his yeshiva, and URGED the parents of the victims of Stefan Colmer NOT to go to the police! Shame on you, you're a disgrace to your father's memory!!
3- The entire staff at the Mir Yeshiva who was aware of the danger that is Stefan Colmer, and did not even have the humanity to call any rabbi, not one, in Passaic - warning them as to why Colmer ran off to Passaic.
4-The entire Baltimore community including their gang of idiots "Vaad", who were prepared to welcome Aron Tendler into their community without a word of protest. Aron Tendler is dangerous as well as his brother Mordecai and their uncle Shalom from Los Angeles. These sub-humans have caused vast amounts of disgrace to Judaism and the Orthodox rabbinate, and all of them, all three should be banned from the rabbinate, they should not be near women and children, and publicly disgraced for their despicable inhumane and criminal behavior.
5-Sheftel Neuberger, for permitting Moshe Eisemann to continue to live on the Ner Israel Campus, and Aron Feldman for endorsing Moshe Eisemann's new book on nothing!
6-I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe that the New York State Legislature will pass the mandatory fingerprinting bill for sexual offenders in private schools. Sheldon Silver-- Your'e a disgrace to Judaism and humanity!
Readers...feel free to add your choices to the UOJ Hall Of Shame!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Jewish Ideals
Albert Einstein
"The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the desire for personal independence - These are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my lucky stars that I belong to it.
Those who are raging today against the ideals of reason and individual liberty, are trying to establish a spiritless state-slavery by brute force, rightly see in us their irreconcilable foes.
History has given us a difficult row to hoe; but so long as we remain devoted servants to truth, justice and liberty, we shall continue, not merely to survive as the oldest of living peoples, but by creative work to bring forth fruits which will bring enlightenment and the ennoblement of the human race".
"The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the desire for personal independence - These are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my lucky stars that I belong to it.
Those who are raging today against the ideals of reason and individual liberty, are trying to establish a spiritless state-slavery by brute force, rightly see in us their irreconcilable foes.
History has given us a difficult row to hoe; but so long as we remain devoted servants to truth, justice and liberty, we shall continue, not merely to survive as the oldest of living peoples, but by creative work to bring forth fruits which will bring enlightenment and the ennoblement of the human race".
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Stefan Colmer was arrested in Israel today (June 14) on a provisional arrest warrant. He is now in custody awaiting an official extradition request from the U.S. government seeking his return to Brooklyn to stand trial on child sex abuse charges, for which he has already been indicted.
Stefan Colmer

Rabbi Lazer Ginsberg
Rabbi Lazer Ginsberg is affiliated with:
Agudath Israel Of America
42 Broadway
New York, N.Y.
The latest news about the film Narrow Bridge including information about screenings is on the new website... Based on the true story of Rabbi Yudi Kolko and Yeshivah Torah Temimah - Brooklyn, New York - Lipa Margulies - schoolmaster!
A word from Israel Moskovits, director of the film:
Narrow Bridge is the first film of its kind in that it breaks the silence about the existence of sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. While the film focuses on the existence of the problem in that community, sexual abuse is a serious problem that is found in every religion, group, and community in the world. The scars run deep and affect victims, their families, and their communities for years. Sexual abusers rarely strike only once, they often know their victims and abuse many people over a long period of time.
There has been a long history of denial and inaction with regard to sexual abuse. When complaints are filed, accusers are often disbelieved or shunned, while the abusers are protected and often reassigned to other positions where they have the capacity to harm more victims. Meanwhile, the abused suffer in silence while the abusers do not get the help they need.
There is a prevalent myth among all religions that sexual abuse is not one of "their problems". The popularity of this notion allows the vicious cycle of harm to continue. As the facade of denial has begun to crumble, resources are now available for survivors and aggressors seeking treatment. If you or someone you know has been a victim of or witness to sexual abuse, do something about it.
While Narrow Bridge focuses on sexual abuse, it is also a film about abuse generally and its effects on survivors. The patterns of hurt and healing in sexual abuse, domestic abuse, incest, rape, or other forms of abuse are similar. It is my hope that every person who watches Narrow Bridge gets something different out of it. For those that are survivors of abuse, I hope the film empowers them with a message of hope. For those that are not survivors, I hope they will walk away with a greater understanding of the problem and a motivation to positively impact it. For religious viewers of all faiths, I hope they will see the similarities that infuse every religion, and come away with a renewed sense of faith and pride.
Narrow Bridge is a film about sexual abuse, but also about the tremendous power of faith, friendship and love. It is my hope that this film's message empowers its audience to use these forces to positively impact the problem of abuse, because if there is to be change, people need to work together.
Stefan Colmer was arrested in Israel today (June 14) on a provisional arrest warrant. He is now in custody awaiting an official extradition request from the U.S. government seeking his return to Brooklyn to stand trial on child sex abuse charges, for which he has already been indicted.
Stefan Colmer

Rabbi Lazer Ginsberg

Rabbi Lazer Ginsberg is affiliated with:
Agudath Israel Of America
42 Broadway
New York, N.Y.
The latest news about the film Narrow Bridge including information about screenings is on the new website... Based on the true story of Rabbi Yudi Kolko and Yeshivah Torah Temimah - Brooklyn, New York - Lipa Margulies - schoolmaster!
A word from Israel Moskovits, director of the film:
Narrow Bridge is the first film of its kind in that it breaks the silence about the existence of sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. While the film focuses on the existence of the problem in that community, sexual abuse is a serious problem that is found in every religion, group, and community in the world. The scars run deep and affect victims, their families, and their communities for years. Sexual abusers rarely strike only once, they often know their victims and abuse many people over a long period of time.
There has been a long history of denial and inaction with regard to sexual abuse. When complaints are filed, accusers are often disbelieved or shunned, while the abusers are protected and often reassigned to other positions where they have the capacity to harm more victims. Meanwhile, the abused suffer in silence while the abusers do not get the help they need.
There is a prevalent myth among all religions that sexual abuse is not one of "their problems". The popularity of this notion allows the vicious cycle of harm to continue. As the facade of denial has begun to crumble, resources are now available for survivors and aggressors seeking treatment. If you or someone you know has been a victim of or witness to sexual abuse, do something about it.
While Narrow Bridge focuses on sexual abuse, it is also a film about abuse generally and its effects on survivors. The patterns of hurt and healing in sexual abuse, domestic abuse, incest, rape, or other forms of abuse are similar. It is my hope that every person who watches Narrow Bridge gets something different out of it. For those that are survivors of abuse, I hope the film empowers them with a message of hope. For those that are not survivors, I hope they will walk away with a greater understanding of the problem and a motivation to positively impact it. For religious viewers of all faiths, I hope they will see the similarities that infuse every religion, and come away with a renewed sense of faith and pride.
Narrow Bridge is a film about sexual abuse, but also about the tremendous power of faith, friendship and love. It is my hope that this film's message empowers its audience to use these forces to positively impact the problem of abuse, because if there is to be change, people need to work together.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
An Open Letter to Phil Jacobs
From a reader - I do not necessarily agree or endorse the contents of this letter, I do feel there is much truth written here. I do not know the writer. I edited out certain passages... UOJ
Rabbi Moshe Eisemann has recently published his new book Music Made in Heaven(distributed by Feldheim Publishers). It's now on sale at Ner Israel and Hebrew bookstores in Baltimore. The book contains an endorsement letter by Ner Israel's present Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Aharon Feldman. (Rabbi Feldman has prohibited heretical books written by Rabbi Nosson Slifkin and endorsed Rabbi Eisemann's books.) The date on the letter (in Hebrew) is March 5, 2007.
Rabbi Eisemann started his book with a highly significant citation from Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's Prayer Book:..."even though, like the moon, he might occasionally even seem to disappear from sight, David, moon-like, shall live and endure for all time. Rabbi Eisemann was clearly referring to himself. He believes that he is eternal despite all attempts of his adversaries".
He is truly eternal, but not because he is David-like. It is because he is Devil-like. Now he hopes that his witchcraft, learned from the ancient secret manuscripts (Eisemann's family business back in Europe) will annihilate his enemies. It is no coincidence that Rabbi Eisemann called his new book.. Music Made in Heaven. Note two first M's of the title. That's a mystical weapon (Harba de-Moshe) as Rabbi Eisemann's real name is triple M: Mario Martin Moses. (By the way, compare this title with the names of his other books: Harp Strings & Heart Strings (HS-HS), Of Parents & Penguins(P-P), Shelter Amongst the Shadows(S-S), and Worlds Beneath the Words(W-W). M's are used here for the first time!)
Now consider these points:
1) Rabbi Eisemann still happily resides on campus across the hall (literally!) from his old buddy Rabbi Joseph Tendler, the head of the Ner Israel high school. (Does he supply Rabbi Eisemann with fresh kids? I heard from a reliable source that decades ago Rabbi Aharon Kotler explicitly told Rabbi Joseph Tendler never to teach children.)
2) Nobody on campus knows (at least officially) about Rabbi Eisemann's pedophilic activities. The yeshiva closely monitors students Internet connections and reading materials.
3) Rabbi Eisemann's new book has a address on it. He is still actively involved with the Russians. What was the fate of all the Russian boys and girls he brought to the US? (Some of them were not even Jewish (!) and the Ner Israel administration knew very well about that.) Why does Rabbi Eisemann have young Russian girls living in his apartment? (By the way, money made from the sale of his books goes to Rabbi Eisemann's offshore bank accounts (he is a British citizen) and to his large family in the US and Israel, not to the Kishiviev yeshiva as printed in the official mailing leaflet.)
4) Take a closer look at some Baltimore Rabbis:
a) Rabbi Zvi Berkowitz has proofread (as usual) Rabbi Eisemann's latest book. Rabbi Berkowitz has been aware of Rabbi Eisemann's pedophilic activities for decades. (Is that the reason he and his wife-matchmaker occupy two large apartments on campus?) Rabbi Berkowitz is the son-in-law of Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, who has covered up sexual offender Rabbi Yaakov Menken.
b) Almost a year ago, Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer made a decree that Rabbi Eisemann needed to leave Ner Israel. Rabbi Hopfer is a notorious hypocrite, a mouthpiece of Ner Israel, his children went there. Ner Israel has always dictated Rabbi Hopfer's Daa$ Torah.
c) Rabbi Moshe Heinemann (a former palm-reader) has issued a ban on the Baltimore Jewish Times for publishing a story about pedophilic Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. Rabbi Heinemann lived many years on Ner Israel's campus and even gave classes there.
All these Rabbis are lifelong friends of Rabbi Moshe Eisemann. What do you expect from them? To repent and be good again? They were never good to begin with. (What do you expect from unethical Rabbi Eisemann who sells his sixteen books on ethics (!) at Is that because he is a Levite, chosen by God to sing sweet songs in the holy Temple?) These Rabbis spent their lives learning the Torah.
They should know what is right and what is wrong. They should know it cold. I have no doubt that the multimillion-dollar business called the Ner Israel Rabbinical College will find an effective way to silence anyone who fights that yeshiva and its ideology of silence.
Remember that well.
From a reader - I do not necessarily agree or endorse the contents of this letter, I do feel there is much truth written here. I do not know the writer. I edited out certain passages... UOJ
Rabbi Moshe Eisemann has recently published his new book Music Made in Heaven(distributed by Feldheim Publishers). It's now on sale at Ner Israel and Hebrew bookstores in Baltimore. The book contains an endorsement letter by Ner Israel's present Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Aharon Feldman. (Rabbi Feldman has prohibited heretical books written by Rabbi Nosson Slifkin and endorsed Rabbi Eisemann's books.) The date on the letter (in Hebrew) is March 5, 2007.
Rabbi Eisemann started his book with a highly significant citation from Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's Prayer Book:..."even though, like the moon, he might occasionally even seem to disappear from sight, David, moon-like, shall live and endure for all time. Rabbi Eisemann was clearly referring to himself. He believes that he is eternal despite all attempts of his adversaries".
He is truly eternal, but not because he is David-like. It is because he is Devil-like. Now he hopes that his witchcraft, learned from the ancient secret manuscripts (Eisemann's family business back in Europe) will annihilate his enemies. It is no coincidence that Rabbi Eisemann called his new book.. Music Made in Heaven. Note two first M's of the title. That's a mystical weapon (Harba de-Moshe) as Rabbi Eisemann's real name is triple M: Mario Martin Moses. (By the way, compare this title with the names of his other books: Harp Strings & Heart Strings (HS-HS), Of Parents & Penguins(P-P), Shelter Amongst the Shadows(S-S), and Worlds Beneath the Words(W-W). M's are used here for the first time!)
Now consider these points:
1) Rabbi Eisemann still happily resides on campus across the hall (literally!) from his old buddy Rabbi Joseph Tendler, the head of the Ner Israel high school. (Does he supply Rabbi Eisemann with fresh kids? I heard from a reliable source that decades ago Rabbi Aharon Kotler explicitly told Rabbi Joseph Tendler never to teach children.)
2) Nobody on campus knows (at least officially) about Rabbi Eisemann's pedophilic activities. The yeshiva closely monitors students Internet connections and reading materials.
3) Rabbi Eisemann's new book has a address on it. He is still actively involved with the Russians. What was the fate of all the Russian boys and girls he brought to the US? (Some of them were not even Jewish (!) and the Ner Israel administration knew very well about that.) Why does Rabbi Eisemann have young Russian girls living in his apartment? (By the way, money made from the sale of his books goes to Rabbi Eisemann's offshore bank accounts (he is a British citizen) and to his large family in the US and Israel, not to the Kishiviev yeshiva as printed in the official mailing leaflet.)
4) Take a closer look at some Baltimore Rabbis:
a) Rabbi Zvi Berkowitz has proofread (as usual) Rabbi Eisemann's latest book. Rabbi Berkowitz has been aware of Rabbi Eisemann's pedophilic activities for decades. (Is that the reason he and his wife-matchmaker occupy two large apartments on campus?) Rabbi Berkowitz is the son-in-law of Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, who has covered up sexual offender Rabbi Yaakov Menken.
b) Almost a year ago, Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer made a decree that Rabbi Eisemann needed to leave Ner Israel. Rabbi Hopfer is a notorious hypocrite, a mouthpiece of Ner Israel, his children went there. Ner Israel has always dictated Rabbi Hopfer's Daa$ Torah.
c) Rabbi Moshe Heinemann (a former palm-reader) has issued a ban on the Baltimore Jewish Times for publishing a story about pedophilic Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. Rabbi Heinemann lived many years on Ner Israel's campus and even gave classes there.
All these Rabbis are lifelong friends of Rabbi Moshe Eisemann. What do you expect from them? To repent and be good again? They were never good to begin with. (What do you expect from unethical Rabbi Eisemann who sells his sixteen books on ethics (!) at Is that because he is a Levite, chosen by God to sing sweet songs in the holy Temple?) These Rabbis spent their lives learning the Torah.
They should know what is right and what is wrong. They should know it cold. I have no doubt that the multimillion-dollar business called the Ner Israel Rabbinical College will find an effective way to silence anyone who fights that yeshiva and its ideology of silence.
Remember that well.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Milton Friedman - The Economist That Impacted The World.
Paraphrased from " A Biography Of Milton Friedman"
..... "His childhood and youth revolved around family, school and faith. Milton remembers that he went through a fanatically religious phase. That he had an excessively religious phase as a young man is noteworthy, because it reflects the natural character of his mind - things must be consistent; they must be one way or the other.
He tends to go the whole way intellectually, or not at all, and seeks order and harmony in the universe. He was unable to achieve this through the logical observation of Orthodox Judaism. His genius was his philosophy of personal ideas, which extended to his economic theories of the "free-market". A natural and coherent economic system could be only achieved, based on the wants and needs of both the consumer,(demand),and manufacturer,(supply). Any forced set of rules and regulations (as in a Socialist-Marxist economic system)was doomed to failure. He is a naturalist and an empiricist.
He had a personality that of leadership and his ability to draw people to him. He had a remarkable exuberant personality. Among his extracurricular activities, he took violin lessons as a child. He was though non-musical, surprising, because musical ability is often linked to a high IQ, and a high mathematical ability"......
All great people are only one person.
..... "His childhood and youth revolved around family, school and faith. Milton remembers that he went through a fanatically religious phase. That he had an excessively religious phase as a young man is noteworthy, because it reflects the natural character of his mind - things must be consistent; they must be one way or the other.
He tends to go the whole way intellectually, or not at all, and seeks order and harmony in the universe. He was unable to achieve this through the logical observation of Orthodox Judaism. His genius was his philosophy of personal ideas, which extended to his economic theories of the "free-market". A natural and coherent economic system could be only achieved, based on the wants and needs of both the consumer,(demand),and manufacturer,(supply). Any forced set of rules and regulations (as in a Socialist-Marxist economic system)was doomed to failure. He is a naturalist and an empiricist.
He had a personality that of leadership and his ability to draw people to him. He had a remarkable exuberant personality. Among his extracurricular activities, he took violin lessons as a child. He was though non-musical, surprising, because musical ability is often linked to a high IQ, and a high mathematical ability"......
All great people are only one person.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
E-mail in
From a reliable source:
· He was a Rebbe in TA Baltimore in the early 80’s maybe late 70’s. He molested one of my friends and the sister of another of my friends.
· He then moved to California to YULA (I think – I’m still trying to get info)
· I spoke to a person who Young tried to molest in Camp Agudah-Toronto
· Rabbi Young is presently the principal of Machon Bais Yaakov see
From a reliable source:
· He was a Rebbe in TA Baltimore in the early 80’s maybe late 70’s. He molested one of my friends and the sister of another of my friends.
· He then moved to California to YULA (I think – I’m still trying to get info)
· I spoke to a person who Young tried to molest in Camp Agudah-Toronto
· Rabbi Young is presently the principal of Machon Bais Yaakov see
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