EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Attn: Rabbi Gottesman And The Rabbinical Leaders Of Torah Umesorah And Agudath Israel!

The following e-mail was sent to the leadership of Torah Umesorah and Agudath Israel.
I have deleted the names of the yeshivas and predators for now. If the predators are not dismissed from their positions in ten days, I will go public with the information.

Sat, 24 Jun 2006
From: "Unorthodox Jew"
Subject: Attn: Rabbi Gottesman And The Rabbinical Leaders Of Torah Umesorah And Agudath Israel!

To: umesorah@aol.com


I have retained a former NYPD detective and nationally renown private investigator. His job is to investigate all credible allegations of abuse that come across my desk.

I can verify based on the evidence and victims' testimony that sexual abuse is taking place at the following yeshivas:

Yeshiva ...........-predator ...........
Yeshiva ...........-predator ...........

The menahalim of these yeshivas are aware of the problem and as of yet not have terminated their employment.
I would like to give you notice of these vile people, and am asking you to get involved and have them removed/terminated at once.

I trust that you understand that if in fact they are not removed immediately, I will do whatever it takes to publicize these peoples' behavior, the ongoing cover-up by the yeshivas, and I will arrange for legal help to the victims.

I sincerely hope that this can be avoided by your immediate involvement.



Anonymous said...

A grioseh Yasher Koach UOJ!!!

People should kiss the ground upon which you tread!!

Anonymous said...

I went to these yeshivot!

Anonymous said...

Who is Rabbi Gottesman?

Anonymous said...

Some reasons frum people give to cover up for a molester:

1) It will cause a Chillul Hashem.

2) He's done Tshuvah.

3) It will cause a community scandal and hurt the shul/yehsiva/etc.

4) Exposing the molester destroys his family and ultimatley his life.

5) It is Mesirah to call the police.

Well it seems to me that
1) Covering up causes a bigger Chillul Hashem. See the Newsday article from a couple years ago about the Mondrowitz cover up which asserted that there are 2 distinct legal systems in Brooklyn, one for the Jews and one for everyone else. Guess which one cares more for the molester than for the victims? I seriously can't even imagine a greater chillul Hashem.

2) When was the last time you heard a molester apologizing to his victims and begging mechilla? Kolko? Leizerovitz? Colmer? Get real. Everyone knows that for Bein Adam Lchaveiro aveiros, you need mchilla.

3)How badly would YTT have really been hurt if they had had the balls to publicly acknowledge they had a problem and dealt with it? Even now they could help the situation, but refuse to do so, because in THEIR judaism, it is assur to admit that any frum jew ever does anything wrong.

4) Aside from the fact that he is a Rodeif and it is mutar lhatzilo bnafsho, why not see the great chesed YTT would have done not only to the victims but even to Kolko himself? Quietly he could have been confronted, with no public scandal, and finally forced to acknowledge his horrible problem which, I'm sure causes him tremendous anguish and suffering too. He would finally, be able to get help and to try to put his life together in health.

5) Many Poskim hold that when someone is being "Mtzaer the Rabbim" one is allowed to hand him over to the authorities. Besides, the laws of Mesira are taling about an evil antisemitic government that will harm jews. They hardly apply to democratic methods that will put the criminal in a prison with cholov yisroel, daf yomi shiurs and minyonim 3 times a day.

In short, all of these excuses, and MANY others, are completely bogus smokescreens. In reality, let's face it, it is just extremely uncomfortable and awkward to confront such an ugly and embarrassing problem. But isn't that what leaders are paid to do? Isn't that what we are all supposed to do as Jews? Or can we sleep well knowing that we have been "moser nefesh" to get cholov yisroel pizza, bug free lettuce in our fancy restaurant salads, non-Indian multi-thousand dollar human hair sheitlach, frum looking borsalino hats. Is this what will bring Mashiach? Or will it take people waking up and doing what is right to care about injustice and to care about the survivors who have suffered immeasurably, and are afraid of talking about their pain, because they think nobody wants to hear?

Anonymous said...


I have to disagree with your approach.

If you have credible evidence and victims ready to testify, then
you should launch a pre-emptive strike and publicize the names of these pedophiles and the names of their yeshivas.

Having the yeshivas do this on the QT allows these pedophiles to turn up and gain employment at other mosdos.

The Agudah and TU have clearly demonstrated they will do whatever is necessary to protect these lowlifes.

Nuke 'em and go public. Show the parents what they're up against within their yeshivas and the "leadership" organizations that they have put their trust.

Anonymous said...

All day in Yeshiva, Kolko did this and Kolko did that. I go to daven at the Agudah and all I hear is Colmer did this and Colmer did that. I swear, I am a freak magnet. There is something really wrong with me. Honestly, I'm afraid to take a leak wherever I go because who knows who could grab my chevrah? What ever happened to the good old days when all a yeshiva guy did for kicks was stare at the Macy's bra catalog and choke the chicken?

Anonymous said...

I think it would be extremely helpful if we started giving positive reinforcement to those rabbis who have spoken out for or otherwise helped victims.

As for as I know there's Rabbi Blau who spoke out in the Jewish Week about Margolis.
Rabbi Mitnick has been mentioned here. What exactly has he done?
Maybe if we could get some victims together and offer some kind of Kavod to these people, others will follow. If we could get some financial backers, we could make them a dinner. Start an organization of concerned parents and survivors of sex abuse who are demanding change. It's also time for us to make it OK for a victim to come forward and not be ashamed and afraid of being somehow ostracized or humiliated by the community. They have to see that many of us care about them and want to emotionally support and protect them. Obviously, UOJ has started to do this, but we need FOLLOW UP!

Anonymous said...

UOJ, Can you help spread the word about this site?


As we all hope to end suffering among our brethren in Klal Yisroel, allow me to wish you continued success in all your endeavors.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Chaver Boog,

The excuse that the "gedolim" were giving was that Margulies is a shaygetz and they have/had no control over him.

So I'm going to smoke them out one at a time. The three yeshivas were warned by me as well.

This will be their last chance to get it right. Let's see if these "gedolim" have farshtupte kep or they learned something from the Margulies fiasco.

Klal Yisroel will throw them out on their behinds if they mess this up!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The Awareness Center has been working to help Jewish survivors of sexual abuse for several years now.

If you ever gone to their web page to gather information, how about sending them a donation. They have their (non-profit) 501c3 status. I know they can use the financial support.

The Awareness Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 65273
Baltimore, MD 21209

you can find them on guidestar.com

Anonymous said...

uoj, what a guy.

He's giving the awareness center money, too, we hope, to help vicki and the kids, the victims.

But, this obsession with sexual abuse bespeaks more than a passion for truth. Vicki came to the awareness center because of her experiences. She's made a career out of those who must be unmasked.

She, however, is a public figure, working in the open. UOJ is clandestine, a nistar.

If you're so righteous, why is this your only issue? Sex?

What happened to truth, justice and the American way?

From the left and "centrist" group, Klal Yisroel doesn't expect much, but from an insider, one with his own Private Investigator, we'd like to see a little fraud revealed.

Or is sex your weakness too?

Anonymous said...

I really have to hand it to you UOJ.

WHile I am and was always quite leary of the motives and how you went about it...I really am in the end of the day truly impressed and very proud of the work you've done. The bottom line is you are singlhandedly tackling a hell of a problem, and I commend you.

Hatzlocho Raba

Anonymous said...


I think you are taking the moral high ground here by giving them another chance to do the right thing.

However, Boog makes two particularly important points about community awareness.

1. While if it is possible to preserve the predator's privacy and get him fired AND into psychological treatment, this will not usually be adequate to protect the community from his being at risk of finding other ways to reoffend.

2. The community MUST know which yeshivas really care about these issues, which are stupid enough to ignore UOJ, and which acted morally, but only under threat of scandal as opposed to out of genuine concern for the children's safety. If we go with a need to know basis...the public needs to know.

UOJ, please respond.

Anonymous said...

The Awareness Center should start accepting online donations.

Anonymous said...

"Many Poskim hold that when someone is being "Mtzaer the Rabbim" one is allowed to hand him over to the authorities ... the laws of Mesira are about an antisemitic government that will harm jews. They hardly apply to democratic methods that will put the criminal in a prison with cholov yisroel, daf yomi shiurs and minyonim."

That's Why R' Shlomo Zalman held there is generally no pidyon shvuyim applicable in America. Furthermore, R' Zelig Epstein says it is a good thing that the Frankel's shul crowd etc gets locked up. The rosh yeshiva explains that these are ganovim who would continue hurting their own people if they remained free and that now they are under lock & key, they might also learn a word because there's nothing else to do.

exposemolesters said...

I am in the process of ordering custom made toilet paper. The toilet paper roll will have pictures of all the molesters and those who cover up for them. Making its debut shortly, will be the Kolko and Margulis toilet paper, formulated to clean you in a most delightful manner. I am not joking, although it is a laughable matter. I'm not trying to be disgusting, but this is the least we can do to show our displeasure and disgust to Lippy Boy and his sidekick Yudel kolko, and any other sick bastards who prey on our children, or coverup for the abusers.

The smoking out has begun and will continue. Any Yeshiva that dares to protect its abusers will pay the consenquences. Enough is enough. No more softball, this is the big leagues. The torah way of dealing with this issue has eroded and expired. YTT, YOB, AGUDAH etc, this is a two way street. You keep the Torah, and we shall respond back in a toradica fashion. Continue to look the other way and cover up the abuse, and we will deal with you like like any other common thug or criminal should be dealt with! The hammer has fallen half way down. When it makes its full decsent, it will shatter the enemy to oblivion!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Ailu V'ailu and Boog,

You indeed make very valid points.

I'm struggling with the very issues you rightfully raise. On the one hand I am sick to my stomach literally, I lost 40 pounds and am under doctors care. The food does not stay down. My instintcs are to rip their heads off.

On the other hand I feel that I need a group of rabbonim to stand up and scream chai v'kayim; if it's not the present leadership, let the younger guys take over.

If I get too trigger happy too quick, I may scare anyone from stepping up. I want to see what we're made up of.

My intentions are NOT to destroy everything our ancestors died for; I want to see an honorable group of rabbis be rabbis, not con-artists ripping us off for every stupid thing they can dream up.


Anonymous said...

Is what reb shlomo zalmen held relevant? Is what any Rosh Yeshiva says relevant?

Who cares what the "gedoilim" say?

People who choose not to testify are sparing themselves public humiliation and pain, not rejecting mesirah. Those who sympathize with the Aleph Society, who bring these deadbeats kosher meals, aren't thinking pidyoin sh'vuyim. They're humanitarians who feel for the victims as well as the abusers, do gooders.

They are motivated by emotion, not Toireh.

A rodef is a murdererer without "holding by" "mtzaer the rabbim." Are they "bei you?" A predator is a rodef, a rodent.

But, what the gedoilim say about chulent recipes, now that is important information to be recorded for the generations.

Anonymous said...

Anorexia nervosa?

Dieter's delite?

Fear of heaven?

Excitement from all the media coverage?

Doctors on retainer too, with the P.I.?

You are struggling because you know that you are causing a chillul Hashem and have been so advised. This is true. If YTT stays the same, you have unmasked an alleged, old problem and urged public support for the awareness center. I would think you could die happy.

Anonymous said...

To our 'esteemed' gedolei yisroel,

please understand that UOJ is very serious.

i know that you might not watch movies. but in the 1980's there was a movie called Rambo. This man who was a vietnam veteran took on the police force of a small town that did not treat him well.

Well, UOJ is today's Rambo !! He is not taking hostages.

You all saw how within one year Yeshiva Torah Temimah went from the jewel crown of the torah world to almost total oblivion.

This cannot be resolved this shtill-aheit. This cannnot be resolved by public relations, op-ed pieces or by schmearing a politician.

I predict that you won't do a thing. I think that's great because people are now seeing your true colors. Oh,and by the way,this time don't expect the frum oilam to prop you up or support you . but i guess you already knew that.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear that your health has begun to suffer, but I can't say I'm surprised. I too am suffering emotionally and phsyically from the horror of what our community is up against. I myself was molested by a rebby in a main stream yeshiva 20 years ago.

What you are doing is amazing. Your schar will be amazing.
This is the most healing event I've ever experienced, and I'm sure many other survivors feel the same.

Look, if the rabbis do get it right this time, you can still write a book some day exposing it all for the community to really wake up.

Paul Mendlowitz said...


Ouch...that kills me. At least there is some healing. I can't imagine your pain.

Yamim yagidu....

Anonymous said...

marbeh nechosim, marbeh daiga.

Marbeh publicity, marbeh kavod.

Marbeh sensationalism, marbeh validation.

And your motivations are so very pure.

Anonymous said...

Real healing for our community would be when all the rabbis will get together and sign statements in the frum media denouncing child abuse as retzicha in clear terms. They could also reach out to victims encouraging them to come forward to hear words of bakashas mechilla from the whole kehilla for having ignored them and made them suffer in silence for so long.
Real healing would start when ONE rabbi calls the police on ONE molester. Real helaing will begin wheen rosh yeshivas will humble themselves to accept help from professionals in developing a system in which all chlldren in our community will be safe.
Real healing will be when the day will come when other communities will look at ours and say "How open they are about addressing their issues. THEY really care about the truth." I just hope we don't have to wait for mashiach for real healing to begin.

Anonymous said...

We are such a dor hafuchos, that so many people can't see the great accompishments of UOJ and instead denounce and attack him stupidly.

It's good that you post these stupid comments so we can see what we are up against.

Anonymous said...

Vat ?!! Vitch Gedolim said I am a sheygetz ?!! Applegrad vill find out who dey are so I can sit on them and suffocate them !!

Anonymous said...

This UOJ character is really putting a crimp in my style. I've had to attend more meetings since he started his flame the molesters binge, than I have in 20 years.

Shafran had better get started on the next op-ed piece. Denial aint just a river in Egypt you know.

Anonymous said...

You're not kidding Zweibel. But I'm laughing all the way to the bank. I retired just in time before UOJ went full throttle. It's you suckers that are going to take the heavy artillery. And remember that subpoenas don't mean a thing when "Ah don't recall."

Yikes !!! I'm outta here ! General UOJ just called another airstrike.

Anonymous said...

Is UOJ going to convene a Nuremburg style tribunal for the top brass at YTT ? Me and Willy Wiesner should contact the Vatican about escaping to South America while there's still time.

exposemolesters said...

Boog and Aylu,

Very valid points you both make. I think your method of approach makes a lot of sense. The good guy that UOJ is, I'm sure that his approach is also a well thought out one. Let's pray that in whatever way the perp(s) is relived of his duties, that there be a legal aspect involved in the proceedings, where a list of prohibitions will be drawn up. Failure to comply with the signed document and its ingredients, will lead to criminal charges.

The document should contain the following DO NOT list for the Molester.

1) DO NOT ever work with children again in any capacity or form
2) DO NOT place yourself in any situation where you are likely to be near children
3) DO NOT communicate with children under any circumstances
4) DO NOT skip any required therapy sessions (which will be drawn up in the document)
5) DO NOT cause ANOTHER great Chilul Hashem to transpire by re-offending (even if the next child victim lives outside the United States)

How about some DO'S?

1) DO Tshuva
2) DO apologize to the victim(s) in public
3) DO ask forgiveness from Hashem
4) DO go to therapy for your illness

As far as Agudah, Tora umesora, YTT, YOB, and others, pay heed to the terrible suffering you have inflicted upon Klal Yisroel. Not only did you knowingly harbor accused child molesters for several years, but you spilled salt on the open wounds of these victims. You are so responsible for robbing children of their life and innocence. You had many opportunities to put a stop to the abuse, yet you chose to do nothing about it. You chose to ignore this painful admission that you have a "Rebbe" that is a child molester. You were hoping the issue would just go away, hoping it disappears in the wind. We'll you were stupid to think we would just let you get away with killing our children. It is not going to happen. We refuse to be an accomplice in your wicked ways. We will remain silent no longer. All you Roshei Yeshiva's and Rabbi's that still have any sanity left in you, begin the healing process now by ridding yourself of the scum you employ. Start fresh. Bring in new faces and new leadership that everybody can look up to and admire.

Be leaders not followers. Sometimes to be a leader you have to make righteous and courageous decisions. A leader is not bothered what others may think of him, as long as he knows he is doing the right thing.

Moshe Rabainu, the CALM Moshe Rabainu, threw the Luchos to the ground breaking it. The sin of the Golden Calf was so great to him. Moshe Rabainu only acted out with such a display of force because he was defending Hashem, who the Jews did not believe in anymore. Moshe Rabainu did what came naturally to him, and that was to break the Luchos in disgust. A leader needs to come out with a bang at times, just like Moshe Rabainu did.

Consequently, Aron Hakoen was punished by Hashem for not displaying proper leadership through the crisis of the Golden Calf. We may ask ourselves, what did Aron do to deserve any punishment? Did Aron not try to delay the sin of the golden calf by collecting all the jewellery from the women? What more could we have expected him to have done? They had killed CHUR, because he had spoken out against the Jews who were worshipping other Gods. Aron had good reason to fear rebuking his fellow Jews, for they would probably want to harm him too. So again we ask, why did Aron get punished?

The answer is, that as much as Aron did do in trying to stop Klal Yisroel from performing the sin of the Agel Azaav, it was still not enough. Aaron was punished because he should have stuck up for Hashem no matter how much he feared the Jews. He should have responded like Moshe Rabainu did, or at least in a show of force, which is necessary for a leader to do at times in order to gain some respect and validity. Delaying the sin wasn't good enough of an effort. Aaron should have done something much more drastic to gain the attention and respect of the Jews. May we be Zoche to see the true and righteous leadership klal Yisroel is in desperate need for!

Anonymous said...


Very sorry to hear that this has affected your health.

Ailu; I hope you have made some recovery from your experience and are functioning well.

To anon on the one-issue of sex: You are correct, we have lots of problems in our community, rip-off and con artists, ganovim, shady dealings and deals. But our Kids come first and are top-priority. I have every confidence that sooner than you think our Yeshivas will have in-place a self-policing system whereby the misfits, sex sickos etc. will not be able to gain employment and will be listed on a registry that will bar their entry as employees into any one of our Mosdos. Once we get a few Mosdos on the bandwagon, the rest will follow.

One step at a time; the ganovim, shady wheeler-dealers, fraudsters, scammers are on the radar screen.

All of you reading this UOJ Blog should wake up, know and realize that The Agudah, Torah Umesorah, Ohel, our "Chosuve" Rabbonim have let us, the Klal down, big time, pretending to have our interests in mind and heart but doing everything in their power to protect pedophiles and putting our children at enormous risk.

Know Ye, that your Day of Reckoning is Coming.

Anonymous said...


I appreciate the chances that you are giving to the Yeshivas. However, i think you need to realize that you thought that you had a deal with Ger and look what happened. I would imagine that Ger is one of the big 3 in your letter.

The Yeshivas may react out of fear, but will they really do the right thing?

Anonymous said...

I fear UOJ might have to enlarge his staff with all the unfortunate stories out there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lakewood, NJ - Head Of Shomrim Arrested On Bribery Charges
Lakewood, NJ - Chaim Burech Rubin head and founder of Lakewood Shomrim, was charged with two counts of bribery, and posted $20,000 bail.

Rubin, 25, the township man behind the new Lakewood Shomrim Patrol - one police officials have yet to endorse because of concerns over how well it would work with law enforcement - has been charged with two counts of attempting to bribe a police officer, - predate his forming of Shomrim - He was trying to bribe Officer Erik Menck to help resolve a traffic summonses involving Rubin's wife, each count is carrying a potential jail term of five to 10 years if he's convicted.

According to his arrest warrant: Rubin's wife, Raizel, was stopped last fall by Lakewood Officer Michael Ruiz. Rubin showed up at Menck's father's house and asked to speak to Menck, and he told Ruiz that he and Menck were friends.
When Menck and Rubin were finished talking, Rubin handed him an envelope and stated "I appreciate you talking to the other officer."
Rubin left, and when Menck opened the envelope, he found four $100 bills.
Menck talked with Ruiz to confirm Rubin's account and then reported the incident to his superiors in the Police Department.

Rubin and Menck met again Sept. 30. Rubin handed Menck $200 and "discussed that the money would go to Patrolman Ruiz." Rubin said another $100 could be paid, if needed. Later Menck called Rubin to meet again. When they did, Rubin gave him $100.

Rubin would not say what effect his arrest would have on Shomrim.
It is a wonder why the Lakewood police look Down at us HOLY people?

Anonymous said...

fantastic your doing other yeshivas now
kolko left t.t. thats what i care about as long as kolko is not there i dont give a damn about margoulis kolko is the molster not margoulis and their other molsters in t.t. example
eli titelbaum.

good job uoj
samuel ralph


Anonymous said...

UOJ - Wishing you a speedy refuah Sheleima - Hashem will surely heal you as you have taken such a heavy burden on your shoulders and the care for every yiddishe child. May you be blessed.

Concerning Rabbi Blau from YU - he may be speaking out now, but what did he do for 20 years while principal George Finkelstein at MTA was molesting kids. Ask ANY kid who went to MTA and everyone knew about the open secret. Even Dr. Lamm was notified by students and staff.The answer is NOTHING!!!! George went on to other schools after YU - who is responsible for that?

Anonymous said...

Molesters rarely act once. They tend to be serial molesters. Evidence that a person has molested once is evidence that he will do so again.

These people are rodfim.

Since kana'im pogim bo is out of the question, just call the cops. Not only to punish them for what they've already done, but also to prevent them from doing it again.

And the ones who protect them, who shield them, who enable them - call the cops on them too. If someone who is goreim cheit is not chayav bi'day adam, he's certainly chayav bi'day shamayim.

Pinchas didn't wait for Moshe Rabbeinu to act first. Instead he picked up his spear. UOJ, if you have credible evidence, don't wait. Pick up your phone. These people are rodfim. Stop them.


VISIT www.toughjews.blogspot.com

Ronnie Schreiber said...

It's interesting that UOJ's motivations are questioned.

Whoever said your motivations have to be 100% pure to do good work?

Whatever happened to lo lishma bo lishma?

The lesson of all of those flawed personalities in the Tanach, from Avraham (and Adam and Noach) to Nechemia is that you don't have to be a saint to choose good over evil - and that you don't have to be a complete rasha to choose to do evil things at times. The greatest tzadikim have the greatest yetzer hara, if I recall that ma'amar correctly.

Questioning the motivation of OrthoCritics (tm) is SOP for frummies. I had volumteered working as a countermissionary activist almost full time for years. Later when I complained to a rav that all of my volunteering apparently counted for nothing with the frum community now that I needed some succor, his reply was that I had volunteered for my own selfish needs, not for the community.

The ironic thing was that I had always acknowledged that the work let me work off some yetzer hara in a way that helped others. I love it when frummies think that they know my flaws better than I do.

NP:Everybody Slides - Various Artists

Anonymous said...

We always thought Kolko and Margo were a shidduch.

Question. Because of the lawsuit, does that mean that these two idiots are unable to sell their house and other assets until it's resolved?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the lawsuits. When are the other victims moving forward with their own civil and criminal actions? It's been quiet for a while.

Anonymous said...

Speaking for the stupid comments, what precisely are the great accomplishments of uoj?

an article in new york magazine?


a fire at camp agudah?

a private p.i.?

promotion of the awareness center?

the outing of alan stadtmauer?

the outing of abusive perverts.

this is his legacy for the generations, three kessarim, malchus, kahunah, torah.

the great kahuna.

Anonymous said...

Refuah Shlayma to UOJ.

Anonymous said...

Regarding R' Zelig Epstein Shlita, he once got angry at some people who were collecting "pidyon shvuyim" funds for some crook from Frankel's or wherever. That's when he said that gem of a vort that these lowlives should be in jail.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to have UOJ follow in my Rambo footsteps.

Anonymous said...

Lakewood, NJ - Head Of Shomrim Arrested On Bribery Charges
Lakewood, NJ - Chaim Burech Rubin head and founder of Lakewood Shomrim, was charged with two counts of bribery, and posted $20,000 bail.

Rubin, 25, the township man behind the new Lakewood Shomrim Patrol - one police officials have yet to endorse because of concerns over how well it would work with law enforcement - has been charged with two counts of attempting to bribe a police officer, - predate his forming of Shomrim - He was trying to bribe Officer Erik Menck to help resolve a traffic summonses involving Rubin's wife, each count is carrying a potential jail term of five to 10 years if he's convicted.

According to his arrest warrant: Rubin's wife, Raizel, was stopped last fall by Lakewood Officer Michael Ruiz. Rubin showed up at Menck's father's house and asked to speak to Menck, and he told Ruiz that he and Menck were friends.
When Menck and Rubin were finished talking, Rubin handed him an envelope and stated "I appreciate you talking to the other officer."
Rubin left, and when Menck opened the envelope, he found four $100 bills.
Menck talked with Ruiz to confirm Rubin's account and then reported the incident to his superiors in the Police Department.

Rubin and Menck met again Sept. 30. Rubin handed Menck $200 and "discussed that the money would go to Patrolman Ruiz." Rubin said another $100 could be paid, if needed. Later Menck called Rubin to meet again. When they did, Rubin gave him $100.

Rubin would not say what effect his arrest would have on Shomrim.

Anonymous said...

Damn ithchy Rubin trying to husho the limelight away from me. Immy dribbo, this igay is a poser compared to all the floos I hushoed, what a dibbe, haazit. What an ickday.

Anonymous said...

Who says UOJ had anything to do with outing Alan Stadtmauer?

We wonder if the faig is still looking for fresh meat in Bangkok, Thailand, an area well known as a gay hangout and meat market for little kiddies. Put a picture of Kolko up in the airport there.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The deal with Ger was imperfect; my goal was getting rid of him, and that was accomplished.

I can't prevent the Gerrorists for throwing a party for this sick bastard Leizerowitz at Ateres Chaya Hall on July 11th.

I can publicize and chase after the bad guys and make their lives miserable. I can get the secular media involved. I can get legal help for the victims of abuse...women that were abused by the system and their husbands included. (another time)

It's up to the community to get involved; punishing the abusers and their enablers by ostracizing them. Pull your kids out of their schools. Don't give these bastards any money. Don't let them in shul.

Step up Jewish people; we were a great nation and can return to our golden heritage of Torah values.

We ALL need to do our share. EVERY PERSON MUST GET INVOLVED!!

Anonymous said...


13 File Racketeering Suit Against Philly Archdiocese

PHILADELPHIA -- Thirteen people who say they were abused by Roman Catholic priests filed a federal racketeering lawsuit against the archdiocese Thursday after failing to get redress in state court because of time limits.

The plaintiffs say Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, the former archbishop of Philadelphia, and his predecessors are to blame because they allegedly covered up the abuse.

"The archdiocese committed acts that are just as severe as those of the priests themselves," attorney Stewart J. Eisenberg said. "It's never too late to redress a wrong -- particularly against children."

The plaintiffs hope the class will include all victims of priest-abuse in the archdiocese since 1940.

Eisenberg hopes to circumvent legal time limits by arguing that the cover-up continues today, even if the individual abuse does not. The suit places responsibility for the abuse on the top officials, namely Cardinal Justin Rigali, Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua and the late Cardinal John Krol.

Archdiocese spokeswoman Donna Farrell said that people who think they were abused should call the church's hotline for help.

One expert questioned whether the new strategy will be any more successful than lawsuits filed in state court.

Marci A. Hamilton, a law professor at the Cardozo Law School at Yeshiva University, said other lawyers have failed to prove violations of federal racketeering and conspiracy laws.

"I think there is a fighting chance, but it's a long shot," Hamilton said.

Anonymous said...


Keep up the good work our holy brother.

Anonymous said...

Anything new with Simcha Klohr?

Anonymous said...


Tens of thousands of raucous parade-goers braved a steady downpour and lined Fifth Avenue on Sunday for the annual gay pride parade

The New York parade attracted diverse segments of the gay community. One contingent was a group of former and current yeshiva students who held up signs saying, "Jewish? Orthodox? Gay? You are not alone."

Anonymous said...

UOJ is being inducted into the league of Superheroes.

Anonymous said...


The Agudah's Troubling Silence
By: Editorial Board
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Anonymous said...

Lawmakers OK Background Checks
New fingerprinting law giving private schools ability to weed out known sex offenders awaits governor’s signature.

Jennifer Friedlin - Special to The Jewish Week
Jewish Week (NY) - June 28, 2006


Anonymous said...

uoj is just one person.

In the Arab world, when one avenging angel grows weak, another bomber dives and takes his place.

Boog, chevrah, holy brothers and sisters, we must clean, our importance attested to by the Jewish Press.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hungarian Magyars are even connected to the Dwek scandal?


Magyar Bank, the principal subsidiary of Magyar Bancorp, is releasing the following statement to clarify information regarding loans made by the Bank to Solomon Dwek, and properties controlled by companies owned by him.

Anonymous said...

Elliot Pasik, an Orthodox attorney from Long Beach who first approached state Sen. Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Center) with the idea for a background check bill, said he was thrilled with the bill’s passage. He noted, however, that it was now up to parents to ensure that schools perform the checks.

“Parents are the teeth” of this bill, Pasik said. “We must collectively insist that our yeshivas fingerprint, even to the point of withdrawing our children from those schools which do not fingerprint.

“Fingerprinting must be done, and if it isn’t, parents should return to the legislature in time for next year’s session, and ask for a mandatory fingerprinting law,” Pasik said.

Anonymous said...


1) I applaud your campaign to expose molestation as a problem in our community.

2) I think that you have accomplished something during the past few weeks and hope that you will continue to accomplish on behalf of klal yisroel

3) I hate the way you go about it, though. Specifically, I despise and detest the way that you hurl personal insults and denigrate Rabbonim and community leaders. Yes, some may be lacking when it comes to this issue and should be taken to task, but to use such language (and allow others to) on people who have given decades of their life to klal yisroel and have accomplished in other areas is unwarranted. Their is a way to go about it and get things done with the appropriate respect and reverence.
I do not speak aobut it those who are power hungry individuals. I speak about sincere people who I know personally such as R' Chaim Dovid Zweibel and Moron Harav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg.

Anonymous said...


I like it. Es klingt!

William Safire, take note.

Anonymous said...

The Neversink, Delaware and other rivers have overflowed putting much of the Catskills under water. Gov. Pataki has declared a state of emergency and called in Guard troops. It would be interesting if Regency and Silver Lake suffer any damage for protecting Kolko. Remember the record flooding when Clinton implemented the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy for homos in the Military ?

Anonymous said...

How the mafia handles child molesters....they take this gigantic zucchini and.........

Anonymous said...


Are there any mental health professoinals who are guiding you re: this issue?

Anonymous said...

tuchis of'n tisch....Is this a menu item at kolko's new restaurant?

Anonymous said...

Simcha, I'm telling you right now, if General Colmer of the Little Itty Bitty Titty Brigade is not history by the time I get back from the boongalow, then Reb Lazer is going on my shit list. This is insane. We've all seen this perv way too touchy with the little ones and it's high time we staple his balls to a burning barn and watch what happens.

What really makes me sick is that I know Colmer downs a magnum of Malaga every time he wants to be mesachik with the little kubyas. Maybe I'll have to have David H. or one of the boys add something to the mix that will chemically castrate him. Now that would be a royal wine!

Anonymous said...

tuchis of'n tisch sounds like a rebbe of a certain chasidus on Friday night.

Anonymous said...

It's more like Kolko was busy putting little tushies on the table in Margo's office.

Anonymous said...

Shlomo up there has some good points.

Anonymous said...

Does Collmer get a bungalow in Regency too?

Anonymous said...

Have Kolko and Margo been doing that Hungarian tax schtick of listing their house as a shul as if anyone davens there?

Anonymous said...

3) I hate the way you go about it, though. Specifically, I despise and detest the way that you hurl personal insults and denigrate Rabbonim and community leaders. Yes, some may be lacking when it comes to this issue and should be taken to task, but to use such language (and allow others to) on people who have given decades of their life to klal yisroel and have accomplished in other areas is unwarranted. Their is a way to go about it and get things done with the appropriate respect and reverence.
I do not speak aobut it those who are power hungry individuals. I speak about sincere people who I know personally such as R' Chaim Dovid Zweibel and Moron Harav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg.
So basically because YOU know them personally we should refrain from insulting them.
Thats a bit selfish dont you think?
BTW the Arev Rav were Also very big people who knew very well how to learn.
Should we not insult them either?
Just for the record Rabbi p shinberg is very much power hungry as well as money hungry.
How do i know ?
well ,lets just say I know more about torah ohr then i should know.

Anonymous said...


After this, you think maybe you could do something about the Hamas problem in Israel?

Seriously, people with your kind of integrity, strength and Mesiras Nefesh, are needed everywhere in the world. We are so lucky to have you in our community.

You should keep going M'chail L'chail!

Anonymous said...

I hear from professionals that work with "frum" molesters that they often use cognitive distortions like "It doesn't say anywhere in Halacha that you can't."

So why do the Gedolim take out public service anouncements banning television and internet, but can't get around to doing something for Klal Yisroel by publicly assuring "unwanted touch"?

Furthermore, if the Aguda's defense is that the New York magazine had no real statistics on the prevalence of abuse in our community, then why doesn't the Aguda hire independent professional researchers to find out what we are dealing with?

Unless, of course they are too afraid of the outcome of the research... Why so afraid of the truth? Don't they think that once we know we could actually do something about it?

Iwonder if this also proves that Frum is a Mental Disorder?

By the way, Where did Orthorev go, I miss him, badly.

Anonymous said...

Does the Private Investigator have any connections in Israel to go after Torah Ohr, and others etc.?
are we gonna take this fight international?

Maybe Rav Elyahshiv could give a haskama to UOJ?

Anonymous said...

I never understood why he said that before he became frum he hated Talmidei Chachamim. I wonder what approach they took to child abuse in those days? If he was alive today, do you think he would love our current leaders?

Anonymous said...

"Respect and reverence", anon?

You have to be kidding. To respect and revere the enablers and accessories to child molestation, Retzicha, and pedophilia?

"Respect and revere" Dovid Zwiebel and The Agudah for doing everything in their power to prevent sex sickos coming near children both in Yeshivas and camps? Read the letter from Zwiebel to Guiliani where he urges the Mayor NOT to sic Child Welfare Services and the NYPD onto the Yeshivas because the yeshiva Principals are fully capable of weeding out and handling problems in a discreet and effective manner.

Most definitely do I agree with Zwiebel and The Agudah.

As Exhibit A , I present to you Principal and Rosh haYeshiva, Rabbi Lipa Margulies. Kolko is a mirage, of course, set upon and J'Accuse by David Framowitz, a troubled individual and pathetic liar.

As Exhibit B, I present to you; Rabbi and principal Harav Shlomo Mandel of Yeshiva of Brooklyn.

As Exhibit C, I present to you rabbi and Mehahel of the Gerrer mesifta, Rabbi leizerowitz, who did such an outstanding and effective job that the Gerrorist hanhala saw the need to take the unprecented step of shutting down the Mesifta dormitory.

Yes, we should add that respect and reverence should be meted out to Torah Umesorah, Ohel and Mr. Mandel and of course "Das Toirah" who have done such a wonderful and effective jobin the Mondrowitz case, shackling DA Hynes, etc.

No problem giving respect and reverence. You earn it by showing the courage to do the right thing.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I am cooperating with the secular media on the Mondrowitz case. I kindly am urging victims and all people with information to contact me at once.

The D.A. is taking another look at this as well.

I need help...please come forward.
e-mail: a_unorthodoxjew@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Shlomo has a good point.

It's one thing to mock those
Rabbis accused of wrongdoing, but
its out of place mocking someone
like Rabbi Brudny who has no connection to any wrongdoing or
the Alter Bachur who probably
feels bad enough without being
insulted further here.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but what the hey?

UOJ's critics use an interesting moral/religious calculus where the most important thing is "who is committing a bigger aveirah?". So "speaking loshon hara" about a yeshiva that protects a predatory pedophile will get UOJ and his friends time in gehennim, and lesbian sex in girls' schools is less problematic halachically than teenage boys and girls meeting for pizza. Bugs in water and in salads are more serious aveirahs, it seems, than predators in our schools and pulpits.

So I have a question to all you frum guys and gals who think that UOJ is worse than what he is fighting, what aveirahs, d'oraytah and d'rabanan would be involved in having sex with a non-Jewish woman married (by secular society's standards) to a non-Jewish man? Is it aishet ish? She wouldn't be cheating or anything since her husband is cool with it (to say the least). Of course there are ancillary issues like bittul zera, but is playing around with a goyishe married woman one of the big three yaharog v'al ya'avor sins?

BTW, this is a halacha lemaaseh question, not hypothetical. She's 30, very cute, really gets off on pleasing men, and weighs about 120, which seems to be 1/2 to 1/3 the currently fashionable weight for frum women. I'm not married.

Anonymous said...

Anon with the sexual urge,

Wether you're posing a serious question or not, you're completely pathetic for posing it here. But because there are so many ignoramouses even among yeshiva grads who are dooming themselves to destruction, I will give you the skinny on your shiksa fetish.

There is definitely a chiyuv of yehurag veal yaavor and you can be killed midin kanoim pogim bo.

You will be chayev karess anyway and the Torah creates from nowhere an issur nidda that didn't exist just to nail you, the Rishonim explain.

You will have a din of kofer beikkur.

The Zohar points out that you will be forever attached to her like a dog who gets stuck while mating, which the entire Klal will see Leasid Lavo. Sifrei Kabbalah add that an unbelievable tumah will rest on you.

The Geonim learn that a shiksa is worse than eishis ish because she is never mutter as is, while an eishis ish could get divorced.

Anonymous said...

"...So I have a question to all you frum guys and gals who think that UOJ is worse than what he is fighting, what aveirahs, d'oraytah and d'rabanan would be involved in having sex with a non-Jewish woman married (by secular society's standards) to a non-Jewish man? Is it aishet ish? She wouldn't be cheating or anything since her husband is cool with it (to say the least). Of course there are ancillary issues like bittul zera, but is playing around with a goyishe married woman one of the big three yaharog v'al ya'avor sins?"

It is not eshes ish (see Tambam), the punishment is malkos while the punishment for Nida is kares.

Anonymous said...

I'm known as the nobody frum jew who surfs from time to time and annoying posts in people's blogs.
I don't know what the heck your talking about these Rebbeim doing these things, but unfortunately, I do recognize that these problems do exist in the Orthodox circles.
I'm curious what your going to accomplish by doing this. I mean, really, if you achieve your desired result your assuming a whole bunch of things.
1) The schools have done nothing about it themselves. In other words you know for a fact the other Rebbeim involved have kept their mouths shut or perhaps have made attempts to speak to these individuals involved.
2) Go to the Beis Din - get Halacha involved before the secular courts. Yes yes - unfortunately their is corruption in a B"D from time to time but make the efforts. If that falls on deaf ears go to your local "gadol". Make an appointment to see him. That is what I would do; and in fact I've done it and I was told it was taken care of already. Gedolim don't like about these things if it's a legitimate concern for a community at large.
3) Go to the victims. Perhaps the victims don't want this information to go public.
4) Make sure your not doing this for your own personal vendetta against these people. Then for sure you will be over on about 20 issurei d'oraisa including the many issurim related to Lashon Hora. Make sure it's your place to do this.

Anonymous said...

bambam, tambam and Tam Tam are acharoinim?

Your findings, Mr. Eshes Ish, are not new.

Find a penuya, take her to mikveh and Avraham Avinu won't chase you away with his sword.

You've got the situation under control. Get married and be holy.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are getting your bambam limudim mixed up? The way I remember the Chazal, it says Avrohom Avinu stands there to prevent his children from the fires of Hell. It's not his derech to hold a sword. It's the derech of Esav and his Sar, deheinu the Sitra Achara, hu hu the yetzer hara, hu hu the Mashchis, hu hu the malach of you know what.

Anonymous said...

uoj ur a shame and embarasment to frum judiasm.. u think ur hot stuff now, until kolko ur blog got no hits... ull take any1 down, ull do anything to get attention that u need, ur ruined ur family, now ur a sick lost individual who is depressed and starved of love and friends..u take ppl down, u took ur wife down..we all know who you are and many are looking forward to your coming downfall... it will happen without question...whatever goes up goes down...ull be down, god wont let u talk about gedolim and chashuv ppl the way you do, u r enjoying the high now, but either in this world or next god will make u pay for the way u acted, u embarrased ppl in public and lost ur share in olam haba, i dont know how u can even begin to ask mechila to all the ppl u hurt, and the instutions u hurt in name and financially..regardless if ur right re the molestation issue, u had to much collateral damage...
as i mentioned in earlier posts, if u wanted to have legitimacy u should have got haskamot, now ur just a yenta stupidity page...a lashon hara page...
you should prob start by mailing out letters to the whole community... u already have the addresses...
and post all over the internet and ask mechila...
good luck...
if i was u id be terrified...id be scared of what god was going to do to me in the world to come, id be terrified what hashem has in store for some1 who took being mevayish brabim to a whole new level.. u won, ur the king... u were mevayash the way no one else every was...i wonder how god is creating a special hell for u and what it will be like in there....

Anonymous said...

uoj main reason in doing this is that every1 knows uoj...
if he wanted to do this right it would be done with rabonim...now its just nonsense...
uoj...molestation is something serious..and needs to be addresses...
but do it with rabonim and ull be respected..this way ur a clown...
do it right and u could do good..this way is just stupidity

Anonymous said...


Is this Gottesman Shlomo Gottesman from the Upper West Side?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Yes...Gottesman from from the upper
West Side.

Anonymous said...

What's with Rabbi Mitnick?

Anonymous said...

Hey what about all the girls that get molested by yeshiva guys? I was raped by one of the "great" men you mentioned on this site's brother but his mother was killed in a car accident and his niece is divorced because her husband raped her so I can't hold a grudge. I guess abuse has a patern.

Thank you for publishing this blog I thing the important thing to do is not to focus on the abuse but what can be done to help people become stronger and healthier people. Maybe we should send them back to kindergarten and make them watch Barney videos they can do what they want with a barney blow up doll but leave holy pure Jewish souls alone. They are the reason I am afraid to have children and stay single for that reason even though I have been proposed to over 11 times.