EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Saturday, June 17, 2006


In response to everything that has been exposed to the public in the past few months, Lipa Margulies has placed Yudi Kolko on administrative leave. There are those who say this is more than one can expect from someone such as Lipa Margulies and as such we should leave well enough alone.

Others realize that the problem never was Yudi Kolko. It remains an unfortunate fact that pedophiles will attempt to build lives around their prey. That Kolko chose to spend his life around children is no surprise. That Kolko was protected by Margulies should also come as little surprise to anyone who knows him. That Margulies and Kolko were allowed to continue their heinous acts for decades after complaints were made to Torah Temimah, Agudath Israel, Torah U’Mesorah and many others is symptomatic of the core problem.

The problem is with our self anointed rabbinical and lay leadership. In the coming weeks the world will learn of the unimaginably cynical and cruel acts committed by Lipa Margulies with the knowledge and assistance of Shia Fishman (executive director of Torah U’Mesorah,) Pinchus Scheinberg, Yaakov Perlow (Novominsker Rebbe and Agudath Israel’s president and chairman of Agudath Israel’s Council of Torah Sages,) Simcha Kaufman (rebbe in Torah Temimah, employee of Camp Agudah and talmid of Pinchus Scheinberg,) and Elya Svei (former Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia, former chairman of the rabbinic administrative board of Torah U’mesorah and former member of Agudath Israel’s Council of Torah Sages.)

Our message is simple.

When your child is running a fever you head straight to the pediatrician. When you have a toothache you go to your dentist. When you have a tax question you meet with your accountant. When you want an insurance policy you go to your insurance agent. When you have a legal question you ask your lawyer. When you find a leak in your home you call your plumber. When you need an extension to your home to house your growing family you hire an architect and a builder. You get the point.

When you or your children are molested or otherwise abused you go to the police to protect yourself and your neighbors and to a mental health professional to deal with the fallout of the abuse. Simple. There is no place for rabbis or lay leaders in this equation. This is not only our opinion. If you won’t rely on your own sense of decency, self preservation and logic, Rav Elyashiv, Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Rabbi Dovid Cohen and countless others from all walks of life declare that it is your obligation to do so.

The problem is more complex.

As a community we have been misled by our rabbonim. For several decades they have taught the dogma of thinly disguised papal infallibility wrapped in a cloak of kappotes and beckeshes. The complexity of this situation lies in the need to deprogram so many of us from this perverse distortion of our holy torah.

Our prescription is crude but effective. Shock treatment.

In a mere few months we have gone from a community deep in a dogma induced stupor to one engaged in a lively debate over the qualifications of our rabbonim and lay leaders possess to deal with our day to day issues.

Parents, students and rabbeim of Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah, our solution has two more stages left. The next stage will impact upon you directly.

We mean you no harm. The vast majority of you are unsuspecting victims who just went along with the flow. Your friends sent their children to Torah Temimah so you did the same. We feel for the disruption in your lives. Please feel for the agonizing pain in the lives of Margulies and Kolko’s many victims. We ask that you feel their pain so that you will not take what will be happening personally.

Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah and Lipa Margulies will be destroyed.

While many may mourn the good that will be destroyed along with the evil most of us understand that the good inherent in our holy Torah can not exist in the presence of Margulies and the institution he built on the blood and souls of our children.

Torah Temimah must be destroyed as a clear message to all that as a community steeped in the values of the Torah we can not tolerate such pure uninhibited evil.

We have fired our opening salvo. The barrage will continue and by September you will not recognize Torah Temimah.

Rabbeim, we understand the pressure you are under. Margulies pays you well and on time. You are comfortable. We suggest you think of the stigma of working alongside Kolko and for a man such as Margulies. We suggest you think about being unemployed without notice. Now is the time for you to either group together and start another yeshiva or find employment elsewhere.

Parents and students, now is the time to protect yourselves and your families and make alternate arrangements for the next school year. Neither you nor your children deserve to be a part of the punishment dealt Margulies for his murder of innocent children. Being a part of Torah Temimah has turned into an unimaginable stigma which will only get worse as more becomes public.

Enroll your children elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Sources tell me that enrollment at YTT for next year is way, way down.

Anonymous said...

Yes enrollment is down and it should be. That school is going to close one way or the other. Nobody should have to put up with the fear of having their young child molested in school by a trusted rebbi! I'm glad you brought this whole YTT issue to the publics eye, OUJ, I can't thank you enough. I hope YOB is next. Maybe then yeshivos will learn that hiding a pedophile will cost them in the end and any other school that harbors a pedophile will be quaking in their shoes.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that if the Rabbeyim reach out to you, you will help them open another Yeshiva.

Anonymous said...

i dont know what you are talking about. they told us that they are already too full for any more interviews... i am very curious to see if this will really happen.

Anonymous said...

What amazes me is that there are no defenders of Margo. All the parents and people who know him say that the guy's a creep. Let's see if the Syrians leave YTT....

Anonymous said...

i guess this also means that Artscroll and Feldheim will have to scrape any future fairy tale biographical sketches of Lipa Margulies, Yakov Perlow, Elya Svei and Pinchus Scheinberg.

Anonymous said...

Listen to UOJ if your childrens' security means anything to you.

Anonymous said...

My information has it that Reb Elya Svei was trying at one point to get information from Kolko victims but that no one was contacting him. What info does UOJ have that connects him to the cover up?

Anonymous said...

In any case, I don't think Reb Elya is in any condition now to comment on the allegations.

Anonymous said...

Why is Dovid Cohen on the good guy list? True he said to nail Kolko, but I'm told he's partially backtracked and is now protecting Margo.

Anonymous said...

leave good enough alone. one thing judaism stands for is that the ends do NOT justify the means - that's what the Man Upstairs takes care of the ends when otherwise the means to do so are osur. it's wrong for uoj do continue his crusade if he is uprooting and disturbing so many lives, and his hollow apologies do not justify his continued aveiros.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone has an answer for one question that keeps coming up.

Margo is widely disliked, even among the Rosh yeshiva crowd. So why was the establishment covering for his fat tuchess?

Anonymous said...

What does that guy mean about Artscroll? Margo now has the ultimate resume to join their illustrious authors alongside Leib Pinter.

Anonymous said...

Who is that anonymous idiot who says you just sit back and let kids be murdered by molesting monsters? He obviously didn't learn very much in yeshiva. Maybe he was in one of those Torah Ohr branches for the learning-impaired.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this is all true. I was at Camp Agudah and Mirer Yeshiva when Kolko was gym teacher. He violated me numerous times but i was chilcken to speak up as I was afraid it would impact on me negatively.

Anonymous said...

Who's picking on my brother Aaron?

Anonymous said...

Hey, What's with all the St. Louis references?

Anonymous said...

UOJ has boldly gone where no man has gone before. It didn't take a Captain Kirk, just a man with conviction to help abuse victims.

Anonymous said...

Torah Temimah should not be "the final frontier". Root out corruption in all yeshivas.

Anonymous said...

Captain UOJ undoubtably knows that the behavior of Margo and Twerski is rather illogical.

Anonymous said...

Aye, UOJ should set a course at warp 9 to make sure Margo never harms another child.

Anonymous said...

Did R' Mottel Weinberg try to do anything about Kolko? Maybe that's one of the reasons the Agudah blacklisted him and wouldn't let him speak at the conventions anymore.

Anonymous said...

Besides R' Mottel Weinberg, who else has the Agudah tried to blacklist and silence? R' Mottel got under their skin at the last convention they ever let him speak at when he criticized them for being a gathering of Hungarians indulging in food and taaruvos of the sexes while preaching morals.

Anonymous said...

The Agudah lynch mob tried to get me kicked out of my Passaic shul. They don't like that I give a shiur in YU so they tried to find a silly pretext. When the Agudah's own beis din poskened against the fanatic baal habatish jerks, they wouldn't listen to their own rabbonim and still tried to get rid of me.

Anonymous said...

The Agudah was recently caught offguard by two choshuve Monsey rabbonim, Rabbis Orbach and Rottenberg who dared to publicly criticize them. Let's see if the Agudah tries to discredit them now too.

Anonymous said...

I only hope that your predictions of TT's demise are more accurate than all the false predictions of mashiach. On the other hand, if we indeed begin to see yehshivas like TT fall, I think I speak for many that we will be strengthened in our faith in mankind, the Jewish people and ultimatley the belief that mashiach will come soon.

Anonymous said...

So it sounds like the Agudah is a bunch of out of control baal batim who use the Moetzes as figureheads while doing whatever the hell they feel like. No wonder they let Margo get away with murder.

Anonymous said...

Can't you tell us more, UOJ, about all of these rabbis' roles in the covering up abuse of victims? The suspense is killing me!

Anonymous said...

There are and have always been some rosh yeshivos and Rebbes who don't go running to participate in the Agudah and their events. It's for good reason.

Anonymous said...

The one question is:

What did Lipa Margulies, Shia Fishman, Pinchus Scheinberg, Yaakov Perlow, Simcha Kaufman and Elya Svei know and when did they know it?

Anonymous said...

Try the Freedom of Information Act. There may be some files floating around about this conspiratorial manipulation of the Moetzes by a bunch of ferd baal habatim.

Anonymous said...

its obvious that the emesse moschiach can only be uoj! only he has stood up to the other m'scheechei sheker and was m'natzai'ach mammmosh!!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Kolko ran off to Eretz Yisroel? Where is he now?

Anonymous said...

who annointed u to do this?
who annointed u to hurt and potentially destroy a great yeshiva
who annointed u to destroy hundreds of ppls parnasas?

get haskamas on ur actions and u will be taken seriously

in shul we were talking about u yday

every1 had same feeling, u hada gripe or isssue with kolko u got him out, (98% of ppl believe hes innocent)
and now ur riding an ego trip causing alot more harm than good
time for u to retire

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to join the circus. I am starting my own blogsight for children called "your body is an amusement park at blogspot.com. Please allow your children access to this so that they will learn how wonderful the human body is.
Thank you and I can't wait. I hope to add video cam as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

what about all of the rebeim to whom this is their parnasa, what right do you have to do this to them? They can not easily go and find jobs? Are yoo willing to take responsibility for them?

Anonymous said...

Sources tell me that someone applied to YTT, showed up sans hat and jacket (which in the past was an automatic NOT ACCEPTED), and a couple of days later YTT called him (also unheard of in the past) asking him, nu? nu? Is your son coming? How do you like that?

Anonymous said...

I would really like to know if anything can be done to find out which rabbis have put pressure on Chuck Hynes to "lose" the extradition papers on Mondrowitz? He is in Israel, and is presumably sexually active, putting Jewish children at grave risk. As Brooklyn Jews, we really shouldn't be shipping our problems out to other communities. Let's at least publicize which rabbis had the bright idea of letting him go to Israel in the first place. And then why can't we demand better from our community's leaders? Come on, a Newsday expose saying that there are 2 legal systems in brooklyn, one for the Jews and one for everyone else? Talk about Chillul Hashem! If we were pushing our political weight around inappropriately, but for good reasons, that would be one thing, but to protect the predators who feed on our children? Is orthorev right? Is frum really in fact a mental disorder????

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain to me how stupid YTT parents can be? Don't they realize the enormity of the betrayal that institution has perpetrated on them? Are they gluttons for punishment? Or do they not care about their kids, and the messages they give them?
I've heard some talk about the hanhalla doing Tshuva. Don't they know what every Jewish 5 year old is taught, that Tshuva for hurting people requires begging forgiveness from the offended. YTT hanhalla has not even admitted to having hurt anyone! Please people, wake up and get a life!

Anonymous said...

Enough with all this accusing. Now it's Reb Elya, the Novominsker, Shia Fishman. What exactly did they do or not do????Why the veiled accusations??

Anonymous said...

From the NY Post

May 13, 2006 — EXCLUSIVE

THREE decades ago, Kathleen Ham was raped and shamed into silence.

Now, she is nail-spittingly furious at a man she says will do anything
to help violent attackers get away with it.

“Sheldon Silver is the rapist’s best friend!” Ham said to me

“He’s still living in this ’60s mode,” Ham said of Silver, the
powerful state Assembly speaker.

“He thinks the rapist is the victim! It makes me so angry.”

Ham, 59, traveled to Albany this week with Manhattan District Attorney
Robert Morgenthau for a press conference that - the participants
thought - would announce Silver’s support for ending the statute of
limitations in rape cases.

Rapists are now free unless prosecuted within five years of the crime,
10 in certain cases. This bill would let law enforcement prosecute
them forever.

But Silver has a funny way of getting tough on crime. Without
Morgenthau’s knowledge, say people involved, Silver slipped a “poison
pill” into the bill - which makes it impossible to pass.

Silver added a proposal to the criminal bill that also removes the
statute of limitations on civil suits in cases of rape - a gift to his
friends the trial lawyers.

He darn well knew this measure could never pass the GOP-led Senate,
said Ham. It was a sneaky way to kill the whole thing.

“I’m an attorney, and I wouldn’t pass a bill like that,” said Ham,
palpably angry.

Silver spokeswoman Sisa Moyo yesterday said “there is no poison pill.”
“There are victims who want the bill like this,” she said, adding that
“Morgenthau absolutely knew.”

Ham tells a different story. She now lives in California, where the
lawyer is a tireless advocate for rape victims. She told me how Silver
- whom she calls “Slither” - summoned her and the top New York
prosecutors to Albany for a friendly meeting. She’d never before heard
of the Democratic leader. Now she won’t forget him.

The session, she said, soon deteriorated into a shouting match. At one
point, the gentlemanly 84-year-old Morgenthau uncharacteristically
yelled, “Bull[bleep]!” in Silver’s face.

“He’s my new hero,” Ham told me.

Ham said the tenor of the meeting went downhill, as Silver grew
condescending. “I could not believe this man could just stand there -
he stood, we all sat - and lie to me, with the most benign look on his
face!” Ham said. “He said he thought this would actually help rape
victims. He’s a master manipulator.”

But Ham and others stood their ground.

“He said to me, ‘What if a billionaire rapes somebody and you couldn’t
get him in a criminal trial. Wouldn’t you like to get him in a civil
matter?’ ” Ham said.

“I got mad! I said, ‘Excuse me, sir, I was a civil litigator; you’re
not going to find an attorney who’d take a case like that.’

“It was just a ruse. He does not want this bill to be passed.”

At one particularly testy point in the meeting, Ham said she stopped
herself from cursing out loud. She didn’t have to.

Out of the blue, Morgenthau took the word right out of her mouth.

“Bull[bleep]!” the DA shouted, pointing his arm at Silver.

People in the room - which included prosecutors Martha Bashford, Lisa
Friel and Kristine Hamann, plus a rape victim- were stunned by the
outburst. And pleased.

In 1973, Ham was a gorgeous 26-year-old. Then Fletcher Anderson
Worrell broke into her Chelsea apartment and raped her at knifepoint.
At Worrell’s 1974 trial, Ham was painted as a whore, and the jury
deadlocked. Worrell then ran from justice. Years later, DNA was
discovered, and it led authorities back to Worrell. His case was not
dead, though - the statute of limitations didn’t apply, because
charges still stood from the 1974 mistrial.

Last year, Ham broke more than 30 years of silence and guilt, and she
testified against him in Manhattan Supreme Court. He was convicted and
sentenced to at least 15 years in prison.

She was terrified at first. “But it felt good to talk,” she said with
a chuckle. “And I’m going to keep talking. Women urged me to come back
here and speak for those who will never get justice.”

Now she will speak out against Silver, who has her fuming.

At two points in the meeting, Ham said, Silver tipped his hand and
revealed his pro-criminal bias. She said Silver bemoaned the fact that
charges could “follow around” a rapist for 25 years.

Right now, New York rapists go free if they’re not charged within five
years of a crime. This grows to 10 years if the rapist’s identity or
whereabouts are unknown.

“I was raped 33 years ago, and it still affects me,” Ham said. “There
is no statute of limitations on the pain and suffering a rape victim

For years, she slept but little. But one thing has changed since the
victorious day last November when Ham faced her rapist. And won.

For the first time in years, Ham’s getting sleep.


This entry was posted on Saturday, May 13th, 2006 at 11:45 am and is filed under Sheldon Silver. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Anonymous said...

June 18, 2006
New York's Crime Against Women

IN the fall of 1992, a woman was in her apartment on West 16th Street in New York City when her boyfriend walked in with a gun pointed at him. The gunman had pistol-whipped him in the vestibule and taken his keys.

Once in the apartment, he forced the woman to go around collecting money and jewelry. Forcing her boyfriend to watch, the gunman then raped her twice.

Today the Manhattan district attorney's office knows the attacker's identity. After the Manhattan assault, he raped a woman in Queens and was convicted of a felony. Because of that, his DNA was entered in the databank and a match was made to the Chelsea attack.

But the rapist is now out on the streets, having already served his jail time for the Queens conviction. He will never spend a day in prison for the brutal Chelsea attack.

Why? Because in New York, there is a statute of limitations on rape. If a rapist is not indicted within five years, he cannot be prosecuted, no matter how overwhelming the proof of guilt.

If you're surprised to hear this, you're not alone. Many people have no idea that there is a statute of limitations on rape in our state. New York's time-limitation on rape prosecution is one of the shortest in the nation; only Florida, North Dakota and Utah have shorter time limits. Almost half of all states have eliminated any statute of limitations for rape in the first degree, or forcible rape or sex with a child 12 years old or younger or a person who is physically helpless. Nearly a dozen of these states have no statute of limitations for any rape.

The good news is that both the State Assembly and the Senate have passed legislation that would eliminate the five-year limit. The bad news is that now the details of the two bills need to be hashed out in conference.

Sheldon Silver, the Assembly speaker, wants to include a provision in the bill that would revoke not just the five-year limit on prosecution, but also the time restraint for civil lawsuits. The Senate, which tends to be averse to any extension of statute for tort claims, is unlikely to agree to that provision. And with Albany scheduled to recess this week, little time remains for them to act.

New Yorkers should be outraged by this inability to compromise. This is a calamity for the victims of the 350 rapists who have been identified by DNA but cannot be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations.

There's no question that New York is lagging when it comes to recognizing the need for stronger rape laws. According to the United States Department of Justice, a woman is raped in the United States every 2.5 minutes. Changing this outdated law is a matter of public safety.

In New York State, rape is one of the few categories of crime that have not seen a significant drop. From 1994 to 2004, murder declined 56 percent and robbery dropped 61 percent, but rape decreased only 23 percent. And in some areas, rape is on the rise. For instance, the precinct covering the Lower East Side of Manhattan has seen a 40 percent increase in rapes from 2001 to 2005, according to the New York Police Department.

In New York, murder, first-degree arson, first-degree kidnapping and first- and second-degree drug sale and possession have no statute of limitations, so why does first-degree rape? Rape is certainly as serious a crime as arson and kidnapping and arguably more serious than selling or possessing drugs. Indeed, it is a crime that can permanently devastate the life of the victim.

Before the Senate and the Assembly adjourn on Thursday, they need to set aside their differences and come to an agreement. While being able to sue can help some rape survivors, civil lawsuits do not keep rapists off the streets.

The fight over civil lawsuits is not worth risking the death of this bill, which will make New York a safer place for women rather than the best place in the Northeast for sexual predators to call home. The idea of someone getting away with rape — out there finding more victims — is simply not acceptable.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

"aaron.d.twerski" aaron.d.twerski@hofstra.edu

Tell the shmuck what you think of him!

Anonymous said...


Dear Prof. Twerski:

First of all, I thank you for responding to my private e-mail note.

At the time of our phone conversation I had not yet read an account of Monday night's meeting at YTT at which you spoke. Having now read the Jewish Week account of the meeting, I feel compelled to make one further point.

If I have any problem at all with the meeting - after our conversation in which you so eloquently argued that the purpose of your presentation was to look forward and save children from possible sexual abuse in the future - it is with your statement, " I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of great honor."

As we are both men of law, we recognize that that statement may be technically parsed so that it (1) does not preclude the fact that he MAY have done something wrong that you are not aware of, (2) nor is it a endorsement of any of his past acts. That said, it leaves the impression with your audience that you are vouching for his character AND, more importantly, it acts as a tool to dissuade honest and forthright investigation into his past acts.

You can be sure that the Rabbi will be using your 'haskamah' both outside and inside the courtroom to his advantage.

While the analogy has it flaws, your statement reminds me of Rabbi Willig's endorsement of Lanner, Rabbi Berman's endorsement of Gafni, etc. all of which had to be recanted and apologized for.

I fear you will face the same fate.

The one difference - I HOPE - is that their haskamos allowed those people of whom they spoke to continue their egregious acts for DECADES afterwards. I hope that Rabbi Margulies - if in fact he is guilty of cover-up and intimidation tactics - is not going to continue doing that now with your 'blessing.'

I hope - for your sake - you do not have to eat those words I quoted above.


Anonymous said...

Twerski wouldn't be the first lawyer to defend a gangster like Margo. He joins the club with me and Ben Brafman.

Why be an "officer of the court" when you can be an immoral jester?

Anonymous said...

Can someone please enlighten me
as to what Rabbi Orbach and
Rabbi Rottenberg said about the

Anonymous said...

I don't know all the details with the Monsey rabbonim taking on the Agudah. What I do know is that it had something to do with bris mila. They basically told off the Agudah in public for being a bunch of self-righteous baal habotim who do whatever suits them politically. The Agudah was pretty pissed that anyone would dare question them and issued a pretty smug letter that implied just that. Rabbi Orbach wrote them back in an open letter that made shmattas out of them.

Not everyone may agree with these rabbonim on the fine points of bris mila, but it was pretty refreshing that someone finally called the Agudah on their general, out-of-control attitude.

Anonymous said...

What Twerski and Mandel did was to stick a knife in the back of all victims of sexual molestation.

Once again the victims were victimized all over again and this time by two so-called important and respected authority figures.

However, instead of someone, anyone, apologizing to the victims, for their years of suffering, torment, anguish, etc., not one word was uttered.

Lehefech, Margulies was praised for being such a wonderful man and this within the institution that served as the place of most of Kolko's sexual attacks. A makom Torah everyone says - but in reality it was and is a makom z'va'a.

And where are or were all of the other co-conspirators of the Kolko cover-up?

Instead of demanding that an investigation be started, that a committee be set up to look into all of the allegations, etc., silence.

The Jewish leadership pats each other on the back while the victims of Yudi Kolko and others burn in (their own mental and emotional) hell.

And of course, this was a closed meeting, no press allowed in. Only invited guests.

What were they afraid of? The real questions that would have been asked?

The cover-up continues, and now Twerski and Mandel can be proud of the fact that they were used by Margulies, and that they are now themselves part of the ongoing cover-up.

Shame on the two of you.

And shame on all of you that attended last weeks farce.

Anonymous said...

But Dovid Zweibel said that the Aguda is in control. In the interview with the New york Post, he stated categorically that there is no need for mandated reporting for rabbis because our community has the molesting situation "under control." Something tells me he was not referring to UOJ, especially because this was before UOJ existed. What the hell WAS he talking about? Could he have meant that the Aguda is controlling all the molestation of children in our community? Has sexual abuse become an instituional communal experience, part of the rite of passage of attending yeshivas?

Anonymous said...

As a victim of abuse in a yeshiva, I feel that it is not just the event last week. It is the deafening silence of our leaders and rabbis, who show no concern for the victims. Ohel once had an evening for victims. It was called "Let's talk about what didn't happen, but it really did." They couldn't even say it was about abuse. One woman wrote an anonymous question saying that she had been molested 30 years ago and had not told even her husband. One of the speakers, a rosh yeshiva who should not have been speaking since he knew nothing about the subject, advised her that she should definitely not tell her husband of many years. Then all the speakers said the victims shouldn't feel ashamed. How should we feel when the community tries to silence us in our pain?

Anonymous said...

“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it.”
- Voltaire


Go ahead, kill each other, fools.

Anonymous said...

Yeshiva tumei temimah must be closed and the building fumigated from building to roof.

Anonymous said...

Mandel should be driving a Taxi.

He's a Hack through and through.

Twersky showed his true colors (Yellow) by attending and praisng YASSER (margo) KOACH.

Zwiebel is another Hack and mouthpiece for the Agudah. The only thing Agudah "controls" is the ability to prevent these abuse cases from going public. Instead of working with Law Enforcement agencies as Court mandated reporters to out abuse, he writes a lengthy letter to Guiliani assuring that our Yeshiva Principals have the matter under "control', that they are fully capable of 'policing' their own schools, and that any introduction of law-enforcement or gov't oversight in the yeshiva system would be more detrimental than helpful. That's all she wrote, and Hynes and Morgenthau won't hunt.

Well, my friends, the results of Zwiebel and Aguda's advocacy on behalf of our children lies before us. A total abject failure. YTT, Gerrer Mesifta, Yeshiva of Brooklyn, South Fallsburg to name the tip of the iceberg.
Sleep-away camps, pick a name, any name. Our Mosdos are being run by the three blind mice. Hear, See, and Tell no Evil. Who are the crazy, irrational people in this picture? Us, the parents?

Parents, are you comfortable sending your kids to sleep-away camp this summer? Think again. The counselor hand you put your tip money into may be the same hand that is going down your son's pants. It's 2 AM, do you know where your son's counselors hand(s) is?

Mandel has the Chutzpah to tell parents last monday night at the YTT meeting that it is their responsibility to alert their children in the signs of sex abuse and attempts by authority figures in their Yeshivas and sleep-away camps to cop a feel? Are you serious, Mandel, you tinaf shmuck? You and your f--k-- cronies have been telling us for years that there is no such problem.

The sex perverts are running amuck and we are told everything is A-OK.

Mandel; you should be run out town on a rail, ASAP!

UOJ; bomb this whole sorry bunch, and obliterate this Ihr Hanidachas, once and for all. Agudah, Torah Umesorah, Ohel, for starters. Enough of the lies, enough of the cover-ups, enough of the blinders.

One or two examples and maybe we will have the ability to right this sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

Yeshiva tumei temimah must be closed and the building fumigated from building to roof.
Before or after Margulies is carted off to prison by the Feds?

Anonymous said...

"And of course, this was a closed meeting, no press allowed in. Only invited guests.

What were they afraid of?"

That's easy. Margo and his Politburo need to make sure it's a completely controlled and staged event. No hecklers. No questions from left field. And of course the need for plenty of planted stooges to make it appear to the press and onlookers that everything is just peachy.

Anonymous said...

"gross said...
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it.”
- Voltaire


Go ahead, kill each other, fools."

Laugh if you will, but being the real fake EndUOJ has its benefits. I can set off fits of mental acrobatics by merely reappearing.

Who am I and who do I really stand for? Those who know, those who pay attention know the truth. And those who claim to be stopuoj or any other pathetic incarnation of the fake real EndUOJ or EndOUJ should watch their step and close their mouths. I'm always watching.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I have a novel idea. It might be that I've been influenced by the goyishe velt or I'm too modern, but I think that this radically progressive idea might have merits for our Torah community. Here it is: A zero tolerance attitude towards sexual abuse. I'm not naive, and I understand that we might not be able to stop it completely, but at least inside the Daled Koselei Hayeshiva. At least by rebbeim. After all, mishkav zachar is a more chamur aveira than chalav yisrael, no? Isn't gilui arayos one of the ten commandments and punishable by Kareys? And aren't the yeshivas the place to hand down the Mesorah to the next generation? Do we want to hand down a Mesorah of corruption, abuse, cruelty and trauma? Why? Why? Why not Darchei Noam? Why not?

Anonymous said...

aye aye captain boog.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone wroking on a registry??????????????
UOJ, somebody's gotta do it.

Anonymous said...

Now everything becomes clear -- after reading those two stories posted above about Sheldon Silver.

The yeshiva world just LOVES this guy. They talk about how wonderful he is, how he funnels state grant money to the yeshivas, and how he works "tirelessly" for other legislation on behalf of the frum community -- the "get" law, laws that put kashrus under state consumer protection laws, etc. A guy I know who is a prominent former executive director of a well-known "black hat" yeshiva says, jokingly, that he must be an important fellow -- "because Sheldon Silver knows my name."

But whatever good Silver may have done for the Jewish community -- and the "get" law IS an important accomplishment that keeps these idiot frum men (who think the world exists only for THEIR benefit and everyone else, including their wives, be damned) from being able to abuse their wives by not giving them a get and extorting money and child custody out of them to gain their freedom (the law says all parties to a civil divorce -- needed for these mamzers to remarry -- must remove any obstacle to the other party's re-marriage) -- the fact is that when it comes to protecting New Yorkers against criminals, Silver is a 60s- style bleeding heart liberal. He was against capital punishment, was against abolition of parole for violent offenders, was against trying teenagers who committed violent crimes as adults, and had to be dragged, practically kicking and screaming, into approving Megan's law -- and he resisted efforts to toughen it up, prompting Laura Ahearn, founder of the national group Parents for Megan's Law, to tell the New York Daily News last year, "It's just outrageous that Sheldon Silver is protecting sex offenders when he should be protecting the children and families of this state."

Silver, as the Post article posted above points out, is also against abolishing the statute of limitations on rape cases and is against a bill that would mandate that DNA be collected for possible future evidentiary use from every person convicted of a felony and stored in a database like fingerprints. He opposes the former because he wants his trial lawyer pals to get on the gravy train by also dropping the statute of limitations on civil lawsuits in rape cases (besides his Assembly job, he also gets paid in the six figures as a partner and "rainmaker" at Weitz & Luxemburg, the state's biggest ambulance-chasing tort law firm -- can anyone say CONFLICT OF INTEREST?), and he opposes the latter because he is afraid such a data base ofcriminal DNA would violate the felons' "civil liberties".

Is it therefore any wonder that the yeshiva world -- many of whose leaders SURELY heard about, knew about, and REMAINED SILENT about what kind of a banana republic Margo was running at YTT to protect his pervert pal Yudi Kolko and to protect YTT's reputation and keep those big tuition bucks and the big kovod rolling in, and some of whom may even have had (or may even STILL HAVE) similar situations going on right in their own back yards -- JUST LOVE Shelly Silver and honor him at their dinners and otherwise suck up to him, in hopes of getting more state grant money.

And Shelly will soon return the favor. Don't look for any kind of meaningful legislative help from Albany on this yeshiva pervert mess, like, say, a state law establishing a sex offender registry for teachers (Silver is also in the pocket of the UFT, the teachers union in NYC) or one criminalizing sexual conduct between teachers and underage students -- because when it comes to laws that protect innocent people from criminals, Silver has shown whose side he is on -- and IT AIN'T OUR SIDE!

"He who shows mercy to the cruel will end up being cruel to the innocent and the merciful"-- the Talmud.

Anonymous said...

Will the real EndUOJ please...shut up?!

Anonymous said...


What kind of abuse are you referring to in South Fallsburgh?

Anonymous said...

Margo has long gotten away with committing acts for the Dark Side by claiming he is a "Rosh Yeshiva". It's amazing that the idiots at the Agudah and elsewhere just bend down to kiss his posterior and parrot the undeserved title.

Anonymous said...

The Jedi have long fought to have either Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal or Margo's tutor Rav Marcus, recognized as the true rosh yeshiva. Margo's farce began long ago, in a place far away called Hungary-Rumania.

Anonymous said...

It's a chutzpa that I'm frequently confused with Margo, though I can't ignore our strong resemblance.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from Twerski and the Agudah? They're just simply Margo's "Amen Corner".

The Yankee Despiser said...

Agudah is very worried that defending the lawsuits will cost them a lot of gelt.

Anonymous said...


Two Democratic state senators, Jeffrey D. Klein of the Bronx and Westchester County and Diane J. Savino of Staten Island and Brooklyn, joined Sonia Ossorio, president of the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women, at a news conference yesterday to urge the state to repeal the five-year statute of limitations for criminal prosecutions in rape cases. They said that New York was one of only five states with a deadline of five years or less, that DNA technology had made it possible to positively identify suspects in long-dormant cases, and that the limit provided little incentive for the authorities to devote resources to old rape cases. The Senate passed the repeal on Feb. 14 and the Assembly on May 15. However, the Assembly version also includes a repeal of the statute of limitations in civil liability cases — a provision that the senators said was intended as a "poison pill" to prevent the broader legislation from moving forward. The senators called for a conference committee to come up with a consensus bill.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the Brooklyn Robbonim on this issue?
The Honest Rabbis are afraid to tangle with the Gangster Rabbis.

We must encourage our Honest Rabbis to speak up and attack the evil of the Gangster Rabbis by reassuring them that we will stand by them and support them as they engage in Milchemes Mitzvah.

Anonymous said...

"After all, mishkav zachar is a more chamur aveira than chalav yisrael, no?"

Who cares about some innocent little yingel with Yudi Kolko's fingers or other appendages in his pants ? I have my bank account and my own rear end to consider. That's the only mishkav zachar I give a damn about.

Thanks for pooping on our party, UOJ.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Anon inquiring about a sex registry,

We are putting a board together slowly but surely. We need to get this right so it will take a bit of time.

For now, I'm pleased to report that THREE other yeshivas are investigating claims about rebbes in their employ. We are monitoring this very closely.

I and my associates informed them very simply ; clean house or we will do it for you!

For now we are the yeshiva sex registry!

Anonymous said...

"Honest rabbis" Could be an oxymoron. I'm sure they exist, they're just AFRAID to come forward.

Anon on Shelly (I don't go to Cop's Funerals) Silver. Put him on the same rail with Mandel outta town. Someone get Shelly some anti-hemmorhoid pills to wipe that constant pained expression off his face.

anon on S. Fallsburg Homo Hanky-Panky: Been highlighted on this blog by ex S. Fallsburgers. Really feel bad for the Bochurim up there. There ain't a decent looking Nekaiva within miles of the joint. It's takeh a pelah there aren't more Homos up there. Hashem Yeracheim.

Anonymous said...


If these yeshivas cooperate and get these perverts out of the shiur rooms and dormitories, what mechanism is there to make sure they don't get near kids again, wether here or in another country?

Anonymous said...

"what mechanism is there to make sure they don't get near kids again"

Why not publicize their names? Chap-a-Nosh did that even when it came to slimy customers bouncing checks on them. They put up a sign that they no longer accept checks from the following people...

Anonymous said...

Tell Osama to stop being jealous of UOJ's success!

Also, let's mention some of the yeshivas where they have not had any problems with molesters. Give credit where credit is due!

Anonymous said...

Please don't confuse us with the facts.


If a rapist is not indicted within five years, he cannot be prosecuted, no matter how overwhelming the proof of guilt.

If you're surprised to hear this, you're not alone. Many people have no idea that there is a statute of limitations on rape in our state. New York's time-limitation on rape prosecution is one of the shortest in the nation; only Florida, North Dakota and Utah have shorter time limits. Almost half of all states have eliminated any statute of limitations for rape in the first degree, or forcible rape or sex with a child 12 years old or younger or a person who is physically helpless. Nearly a dozen of these states have no statute of limitations for any rape.

The good news is that both the State Assembly and the Senate have passed legislation that would eliminate the five-year limit. The bad news is that now the details of the two bills need to be hashed out in conference.

Sheldon Silver, the Assembly speaker, wants to include a provision in the bill that would revoke not just the five-year limit on prosecution, but also the time restraint for civil lawsuits. The Senate, which tends to be averse to any extension of statute for tort claims, is unlikely to agree to that provision. And with Albany scheduled to recess this week, little time remains for them to act.

New Yorkers should be outraged by this inability to compromise. This is a calamity for the victims of the 350 rapists who have been identified by DNA but cannot be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations.

There's no question that New York is lagging when it comes to recognizing the need for stronger rape laws. According to the United States Department of Justice, a woman is raped in the United States every 2.5 minutes. Changing this outdated law is a matter of public safety.

In New York State, rape is one of the few categories of crime that have not seen a significant drop. From 1994 to 2004, murder declined 56 percent and robbery dropped 61 percent, but rape decreased only 23 percent. And in some areas, rape is on the rise. For instance, the precinct covering the Lower East Side of Manhattan has seen a 40 percent increase in rapes from 2001 to 2005, according to the New York Police Department.

In New York, murder, first-degree arson, first-degree kidnapping and first- and second-degree drug sale and possession have no statute of limitations, so why does first-degree rape? Rape is certainly as serious a crime as arson and kidnapping and arguably more serious than selling or possessing drugs. Indeed, it is a crime that can permanently devastate the life of the victim.

Before the Senate and the Assembly adjourn on Thursday, they need to set aside their differences and come to an agreement. While being able to sue can help some rape survivors, civil lawsuits do not keep rapists off the streets.

The fight over civil lawsuits is not worth risking the death of this bill, which will make New York a safer place for women rather than the best place in the Northeast for sexual predators to call home. The idea of someone getting away with rape — out there finding more victims — is simply not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I went to YOB before YU. I wonder what Shloyma Mandel is up to as far as cooperating with UOJ.

Anonymous said...

There's an Israeli legal device called tzavaat ikuv whereby someone with claims (even monetary) against them can be detained by the authorities. That's something for UOJ and you guys to look into regarding pedophiles that have escaped here from America.

Anonymous said...


June 18, 2006
The City
Last Chance in Albany
For New York voters who want to make informed decisions in November, this is an important week. The state legislative session is scheduled to end on Thursday, and there is an enormous agenda of unfinished business.

As usual in Albany, everything is a tangled mess, with critical legislation lying boxed up in committee, or sitting in two completely different versions in the Assembly and Senate. A handful of powerful leaders, however, have the power to unwind just about anything if they care to do so.

Unless you are lucky enough to live on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the home district of the Democratic Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, or upstate in Rensselaer County, where the leader of the Republican Senate majority, Joseph Bruno, hangs his hat, your influence on them is probably limited. But your own legislators have plenty of opportunity to nag, plead and press for the things they want most. They should not be simply sitting in their seats, voting like automatons.

When they come around asking for your support this fall, demand to know where they stood on the following proposals to improve life and politics in New York State.

First, the Cleaning

• Ban gifts. Legislators get $150 a day for room and food, plus transportation and salary; they should not be accepting gifts or free meals from people with an interest in legislation. Find out what your representatives did to enact a strict gift ban.

• Limit the use of campaign funds. Campaign funds should be spent on politics, not personal items like country club dues. A politician's campaign fund should be shut down shortly after the candidate leaves the job. An estimated 30 states have stricter laws on the use of campaign money than New York. There is legislation in Albany to tighten the rules, but no guarantee that it will succeed.

• End the pay-to-play system in Albany. If they chose to do so, the Assembly and Senate could make history and end the nightly fund-raisers held as close as possible to the State Capitol throughout the session. These events are not meant to rally constituent support. They're intended to bring out lobbyists who contribute to campaigns and who then reappear the next day outside the legislative chambers with their hands out.

• Slam the revolving door. Right now the best way to get rich in Albany is to work for a while for a top leader, then slide easily into the world of lobbyists and lobbying. Patricia Lynch, former top aide to Speaker Silver, is a prime example. She is now one of Albany's most powerful lobbyists, primarily because of her access to Mr. Silver. It is time for Albany's reformers to come up with a decent interval instead of indecent rewards after time served in the public sector.

Crime and Punishment

• Expand DNA collection. There is broad agreement that New York has taken far too long to expand its central DNA database by collecting samples of everyone convicted of felonies and misdemeanors. Gov. George Pataki and the Assembly should be able to agree on this crucial crime-fighting measure. Of course, there should be safeguards for samples taken from those not convicted.

• Lift the statute of limitations on rape. Ideally, the measure should also include a tightly written provision to lift the statute of limitations on using DNA in rape and sexual assault cases as well.

• Crack down on sex trafficking. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, a Democrat from the Bronx, created an excellent bill to increase penalties for sex and labor trafficking in New York State. But the Assembly's Codes Committee attempted to gut the bill, making it a trafficking bill in name only. The federal law should take care of the huge gangs dealing in sex trafficking, but they do not have the time or resources to prosecute in cases of a small-time pimp or a single victim. New York City has many of these victims. The state needs better laws to go after the traffickers who so abuse them.

Medical Matters

• Create an inspector general and a whistle-blower law to attack (Hungarian) medicaid fraud. The governor and the legislature have been at odds on how to deal with this important issue. Time's up. New York needs a Medicaid inspector general amd a whistle-blower or false claims act to help find those who misuse public money.

Anonymous said...

"Crack down on sex trafficking."

That's good enough reason to make Margo a prime target after what he oversaw at YTT. He'd better start quivering in his jackboots.

Anonymous said...

The Wiesenthal Center should look into designating the figures in the YTT cover up as criminals for crimes against humanity.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how Orthorev has not been heard from ever since his identity has been exposed. Also, his takingbackjudaism.com site is down. Wonder if he got hacked or simply embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hier;

I hear that your new 250 mil center in Jerusalem will have a full length statue of you in the Main Hall.

Nice work. And nice to see a Lower east side RJJ boy get his hands on the gelt.

How many times do we have to prostrate ourselves in front of your getchka when we come into the center hall?

Anonymous said...


A.M. Leizerowitz of Gerrer Mesivta fame is back in the US to pack his bags (and a few kids he hadn't taken earlier)and high tail out of Boro Park. Those bastards runing Ger think this will put an end to the egg they have been getting on the face lately. WRONG WRONG WRONG! You dumped AML cause of the pressure from UOJ and the other bad publicity you were threatened with. Until the public apologies go out to all the boys u defamed publicly for complaining about the molestation and sodomy And until u provide for the counseling and therapy of the many victims AND until u clean out the rest of the molesters, you are damned if u do react to pressure and damned even more if u don't. No amount of Rabbinical wealth and power or politics will silence the victims and those organizing to avenge the hurt and suffering. Don't believe me! Try Us if u dare! Were going for the jugular while the schools and mechanchim go for the private parts. U filthy slime balls, with gods help we will get u in this world and Hashem will get u when u rot away in hell.

A greiving parent of a victim of sexual molestation.

P.S. U should of stopped this stuff when "outsiders" approached u about Mondrowitz. Pay day is a cometh!

Anonymous said...

Leizerowitz's victims should go to the police and D.A. immediately. They will prevent him from leaving the country if an arrest warrant is issued.

Anonymous said...

"Amazing how Orthorev has not been heard from ever since his identity has been exposed. Also, his takingbackjudaism.com site is down. Wonder if he got hacked or simply embarrassed."

I agree Orthorev has been conspiciously quit lately (aside from the usual burps of UOJ ass kissing which we've come to expect).

Anonymous said...


If your "takingbackjudiasim.com" site was hacked, the hackers must be sympathetic to your cause since they posted a link to your "frumisamentaldisorder.com" site.


Also, I'd like to propose a new equation: Orhtorev = Frum...therefore...Frum = Mental Disorder.

Anonymous said...

If there's a chick shortage up
in Fallsburg- I can provide.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone has info on
any of the rabbis from Ohr Somayach of Monsey related to meddling in people's family affairs and destroying families?
Please post it or e-mail UOJ.
Thanks, I need help.

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line, Ortho Rev is that you suddenly went from being a flaming maniac to a sedate, calm individual.


No one feels for you because you brought it on yourself.

UOJ is a different story. Though we may disagree with his tactics, he is saving lives!!!!!

You are loud mouthed moron and if you have been exposed (which I have no way of knowing) nobody would care.

Anonymous said...

Good going Orthorev -- you've managed to marginalize yourself even amongst the already marginalized "frum" online community.

Well done.


I would suggest that you stop posting Orthorev's comments, as allowing him to post strains your credibility, and, I believe, will ultimately prevent you from accomplishing your goal(s).

Orthorev falls into one of two categories, both of which warrant that he be banished from this blog; (1) he is a heretic and a kofer, or (2) he craves attention so much, such that he is at the very least indifferent to what he says or does to get that attention.

Think about it.

All those that agree that Orthorev should no longer be allowed to post, kindly include the words "BANISH ORTHOREV" in your message.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Support OrthoRev!

Does your self-esteem reach the very lowest levels that you need to have someone 'banished' from a 'blog' because he is a threat to your security?

Get a life!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FYI, great song on Ortho's website- check it out!


Anonymous said...


Banishing someone from an anti-establisment web-site revealing an institutional cover-up??? you are proving his 'mental disorder' point.

Anonymous said...


Please do not banish Orthorev. Reason:

"He is a heretic and a kofer."

Rodefemes said...


Banish Orthorev for 3 days.

He never has anything nice to say.

Anonymous said...

We love you Orthorev! Banish all the "banishers"! All right, let them stay. But could they think of something more helpful to add to the dialogue?

Anonymous said...

Can we PLEASE get some info on what's happening at YOB, Fallsburg, Ger, etc.? ...This is getting boring. We need some action.

Anonymous said...


You really f***g hilarious and pretty brilliant.

Are you starting the radio show?


Anonymous said...


He diminishes the credibility of UOJ which suits us just fine.

Anonymous said...


He should be in the same league as all the inane and idiotic commenters that UOJ nixes and never allows to see the light of day on this blog. He is also about as interesting and intellectual as that idiot posting about Rabbi Fishman the "yummy orange peel eater" that UOJ erased even when comment moderation was turned off.

Anonymous said...

"Leizerowitz's victims should go to the police and D.A. immediately. They will prevent him from leaving the country if an arrest warrant is issued. "


Anonymous said...

Any relation ?

There's also that Richard Kolko who pops up all over the news as the official FBI spokesman.


Jewish Home of Rochester has elected the following officers to its board of directors: Mark Kolko, president of Power Equipment Co., treasurer.


Power Equipment Co.
P.O. Box 20534
Rochester, NY 14602-0534
Toll Free: 888.666.7771

Anonymous said...

Don't banish OrthoRev!!

He is funny, and his "warped" view of the frum community is refreshing!!

Anonymous said...


Published: June 20, 2006
A bill requiring the Administration for Children's Services to regularly report to the City Council on key indicators was among three pieces of legislation signed into law yesterday by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the Molesters on the Margo Show tonight

It's time for Kolko to put on make up
It's time to dress up right
It's time to raise the curtain on the Margo Show tonight

To introduce this whitewash
That's what I'm here to do
So it really makes me, Aron Twerski, happy
To introduce to you

The first, original, genuine, no money back guarantee
Margo Show Cast Album!

It''s time to put on make up
It's time to dress up right
It's time to get things started on the most sensational
Inspirational, celebrational, YTT farce-ational
This is what we call the Margo Show!

Anonymous said...

When my son J.J. was in Fallsburg, R' Abba once rolled down to the local car rental outlet and demanded to see the blotter so he could nail bochurim renting cars. The employees told him to take a hike.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing. R' Abba (Bob) once tormented some poor guy who didn't do anything. Someone borrowed his driver's license to rent a boat at Morningside Park. R' Abba then saw his name when he spied over the shiksa's shoulder. With girls around in the summer you weren't allowed to do anything more than walk around the triangle. The bochurim once fixed the yeshiva though after Yehuda Pollak introduced the curfew. They cut the power to the entire Yagdil housing complex.

Anonymous said...

Margo must really despise UOJ now. With all the unwanted publicity, he seems to have been inserted into every sitcom and prime time TV show. Forget about Orthorev's radio concept. Let's get Reality TV on nailing Margo's merry band of molesters.

Anonymous said...

fallsburg a great place but I think they are straight people no

fags or perves

But a great demand for girls thats it if anyone knows

of abuse in a sexual way there please contact meat email helpyeshivaboys@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

anyone abused in fallsburg in a sexual way please email


Anonymous said...

Anyone that R' Abba sat on in Fallsburg, please contact your nearest kosher pancake house.

Cyrk Gourmet Desert, Monsey Restaurant
382 Route 59
Monsey, NY

Anonymous said...

Thank you amazing blog, do you have twitter, facebook or something similar where i can follow your blog

Sandro Heckler